17 resultados para Cantor Manifold


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In this paper is Analyzed the local dynamical behavior of a slewing flexible structure considering nonlinear curvature. The dynamics of the original (nonlinear) governing equations of motion are reduced to the center manifold in the neighborhood of an equilibrium solution with the purpose of locally study the stability of the system. In this critical point, a Hopf bifurcation occurs. In this region, one can find values for the control parameter (structural damping coefficient) where the system is unstable and values where the system stability is assured (periodic motion). This local analysis of the system reduced to the center manifold assures the stable / unstable behavior of the original system around a known solution.


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Este artigo repassa, em Tristes trópicos, as observações de Lévi-Strauss sobre o tema da cidade, desde as primeiras impressões quando de sua chegada ao Brasil, passando pela "etnografia dos domingos" na capital paulistana, o surgimento das novas cidades no norte do Paraná, até, finalmente, as multidões em espaços urbanos da Índia, pólo que o leva a estabelecer comparações com as formas características do processo de urbanização no Novo Mundo. Tomando sua leitura como um exercício de análise, o artigo conclui refletindo sobre a oportunidade de contar com categorias que permitam captar, a partir da antropologia, a dinâmica urbana contemporânea.


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This article was written by a Swiss-German historical demographer after having visited different Brazilian Universities in 1984 as a guest-professor. It aims at promoting a real dialog between developed and developing countries, commencing the discussion with the question: Can we learn from each other? An affirmative answer is given, but not in the superficial manner in which the discussion partners simply want to give each other some "good advice" or in which the one declares his country's own development to be the solely valid standard. Three points are emphasized: 1. Using infant mortality in S. Paulo from 1908 to 1983 as an example, it is shown that Brazil has at its disposal excellent, highly varied research literature that is unjustifiably unknown to us (in Europe) for the most part. Brazil by no means needs our tutoring lessons as regards the causal relationships; rather, we could learn two things from Brazil about this. For one, it becomes clear that our almost exclusively medical-biological view is inappropriate for passing a judgment on the present-day problems in Brazil and that any conclusions so derived are thus only transferable to a limited extent. For another, we need to reinterpret the history of infant mortality in our own countries up to the past few decades in a much more encompassing "Brazilian" sense. 2. A fruitful dialog can only take place if both partners frankly present their problems. For this reason, the article refers with much emprasis to our present problems in dealing with death and dying - problems arising near the end of the demographic and epidemiologic transitions: the superanuation of the population, chronic-incurable illnesses as the main causes of death, the manifold dependencies of more and more elderly and really old people at the end of a long life. Brazil seems to be catching up to us in this and will be confronted with these problems sooner or later. A far-sighted discussion already at this time seems thus to be useful. 3. The article, however, does not want to conclude with the rather depressing state of affairs of problems alternatingly superseding each other. Despite the caution which definitely has a place when prognoses are being made on the basis of extrapolations from historical findings, the foreseeable development especially of the epidemiologic transition in the direction of a rectangular survival curve does nevertheless provide good reason for being rather optimistic towards the future: first in regards to the development in our own countries, but then - assuming that the present similar tendencies of development are stuck to - also in regard to Brazil.


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Fractal mathematics has been used to characterize water and solute transport in porous media and also to characterize and simulate porous media properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the soil infiltration parameters sorptivity (S) and time exponent (n) and the parameters dimension (D) and the Hurst exponent (H). For this purpose, ten horizontal columns with pure (either clay or loam) and heterogeneous porous media (clay and loam distributed in layers in the column) were simulated following the distribution of a deterministic Cantor Bar with fractal dimension H" 0.63. Horizontal water infiltration experiments were then simulated using Hydrus 2D software. The sorptivity (S) and time exponent (n) parameters of the Philip equation were estimated for each simulation, using the nonlinear regression procedure of the statistical software package SAS®. Sorptivity increased in the columns with the loam content, which was attributed to the relation of S with the capillary radius. The time exponent estimated by nonlinear regression was found to be less than the traditional value of 0.5. The fractal dimension estimated from the Hurst exponent was 17.5 % lower than the fractal dimension of the Cantor Bar used to generate the columns.


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An accurate estimation of hydraulic fluxes in the vadose zone is essential for the prediction of water, nutrient and contaminant transport in natural systems. The objective of this study was to simulate the effect of variation of boundary conditions on the estimation of hydraulic properties (i.e. water content, effective unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic flux) in a one-dimensional unsaturated flow model domain. Unsaturated one-dimensional vertical water flow was simulated in a pure phase clay loam profile and in clay loam interlayered with silt loam distributed according to the third iteration of the Cantor Bar fractal object Simulations were performed using the numerical model Hydrus 1D. The upper and lower pressure heads were varied around average values of -55 cm for the near-saturation range. This resulted in combinations for the upper and lower constant head boundary conditions, respectively, of -50 and -60 cm, -40 and -70 cm, -30 and -80 cm, -20 and -90 cm, and -10 and -100 cm. For the drier range the average head between the upper and lower boundary conditions was set to -550 cm, resulting in the combinations -500 and -600 cm, -400 and -700 cm, -300 and -800 cm, -200 and -900 cm, and -100 and -1,000 cm, for upper and lower boundary conditions, respectively. There was an increase in water contents, fluxes and hydraulic conductivities with the increase in head difference between boundary conditions. Variation in boundary conditions in the pure phase and interlayered one-dimensional profiles caused significant deviations in fluxes, water contents and hydraulic conductivities compared to the simplest case (a head difference between the upper and lower constant head boundaries of 10 cm in the wetter range and 100 cm in the drier range).


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A simple laboratory technique is described for the synthesis of cyclopentadienylthallium and methylcyclopentadienylthallium and their use in the preparation of air sensitive metallocenes in solution. It does not use manifold, drybox or any other special glassware and was applied to the synthesis of cobaltocene, nickelocene and their methyl substituted analogs.


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Didactic experiments are proposed in order to demonstrate the characteristics of flow injection analysis and to extend the applications of FIA to the determination of physical chemistry parameters in undergraduate labs. All experiments can be performed with the same flow manifold by employing usual FIA devices. Analytical characteristics are presented by means of the determination of iron in river water, employing 1,10-phenantroline as chromogenic reagent. Physical chemistry applications were the determination of reaction stoichiometries by continuous variation and mole-ratio methods and the evaluation of the pH and ionic strength effects on the kinetic of the reduction of hexacianoferrate(III) by ascorbic acid.


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A spectrophotometric flow injection analysis (FIA) procedure employing natural urease enzyme source for the determination of urea in animal blood plasma was developed. Among leguminous plants used in the Brazilian agriculture, the Cajanus cajan specie was selected as urease source considering its efficiency and availability. A minicolumn was filled with leguminous fragments and coupled to the FIA manifold, where urea was on-line converted to ammonium ions and subsequently it was quantified by spectrophotometry. The system was employed to determine urea in animal plasma samples without any prior treatment. Accuracy was assessed by comparison results with those obtained employing the official procedure and no significant difference at 90 % confidence level was observed. Other profitable features such as an analytical throughput of 30 determinations per hour, a reagent consumption of 19.2 mg sodium salicylate, 0.5 mg sodium hipochloride and a relative standard deviation of 1.4 % (n= 12) were also obtained.


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This paper presents an automatic procedure employing a reagent in the form of a slurry in a flow-injection system. The feasibility of the proposal is demonstrated by sulphate determination in water using the Barium Chloranilate method, which is based on the precipitation of barium sulphate. The release of a stoichiometric amount of highly colored chloranilic ions is monitored at 528 nm. The reaction is carried out in alcoholic medium in order to reduce the solubility of the reagent. A considerable improvement in the sensitivity is attained by adding ferric ions to the released chloranilic ions. An on-line filtration step to separate the excess reagent from the released chloranilic ions was necessary. In addition, a column containing a cation exchange resin was included in the manifold to remove potentially interfering ions. The proposed procedure is suitable for 30 determinations per hour and the relative standard deviation is less than 2%. The analytical curve is linear between 0.0 and 40 mg L-1 and the determination limit is about 2.0 mg L-1SO4(2-). Accuracy was confirmed by running several samples already analysed by a standard turbidimetric procedure.


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An automatic flow injection procedure for spectrophotometric aluminium determination in purified water and solutions containing high salts concentrations used for hemodyalisis treatment was developed. The method was base on reaction of Al3+ with cianine eriochrome R (ECR) after preconcentration using the AG50W-X8 cationic-exchange resin. Elution was carried out using a 1 % (m/v) calcium chloride solution. The manifold comprised an automatic proporcional injector controlled by a computer equipped with an eletronic interface and software written in QuicBASIC 4.5 with facilities to control the injector and perform data acquisition. Samples with concentration ranging from 4.96 to 19.90 µg L-1 Al were analyzed and recoveries between 88 and 113% were obtained by using the standard addition method. Other profitable analytical characteristics such as a relative standard deviation 1.3 % (n = 10) for a typical sample 14.5 µg L-1 Al, a linear response ranging up to 60.0 µg L-1Al, and a sampling throughput of 10 determinations per hour were achieved. A detection limit of 4.2 µg L-1 Al was estimated as suggested by IUPAC.


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In this work a micro-heater device to be used as an integral part of the flow analysis manifold is described. The usefulness of the device was demonstrated using it in the development of a multicommutated flow analysis procedure for the spectrophotometric determination of manganese in plant digest. The method was based on the manganese oxidation by periodate in phosphoric acid medium to form the permanganate anion. The reaction development is dependent on the temperature and it was observed that at 25 °C a time interval of ca. 15 min was necessary for the reaction to attain equilibrium. Setting the temperature to 70 ºC, this time interval could be decreased to ca. 30 s. This condition was easily attained employing the proposed micro-heater device coupled to the manifold. The procedure was applied to manganese determination in soybean digests and results compared with those obtained by inductively coupled argon plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). No significant difference at 90% confidence level was observed. A linear response for sample concentrations ranging from 5.0 to 30.00 mg L-1 Mn2+; a relative standard deviation of 1.3% (n = 6) for a typical sample containing 6.3 mg L-1 Mn2+; a sampling rate of 22 determinations per hour; a low reagent consumption, of 12.0 mg NaIO4 per determination; and a detection limit of 1.2 mg L-1 were achieved.


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A solid-phase in-line extraction system for water samples containing low levels of emerging contaminants is described. The system was specially developed for large volume samples (up to 4 L) using commercial solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges. Four sets containing PTFE-made connectors, brass adapters and ball valves were used to fit SPE cartridges and sample bottles to a 4-port manifold attached to a 20 L carboy. A lab-made vacuum device was connected to the manifold cap. The apparatus is robust and less expensive than the typical available system. Its also provides less experimental handling, avoiding cross contamination and sample losses.


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ABSTRACT A portable flow board system was developed in the present study with the aim to facilitate lab-scale experiments of controlled atmosphere (CA) with fruits and vegetables. This sturdy flow board combines ease fabrication, low cost and gas economy. Its functionality is provided by manifolds and gas mixers. Each gaseous component is supplied by a gas cylinder through a differential valve of adjusted pressure control, generally at 6 kPa, and forced through 13 standardized restrictors coupled to each manifold output. Controlled atmospheres are then formed with one, two or three gases in 13 gas mixers affixed to the flow board base, which are further conducted through flexible tubes to storage mini-chambers that can also be used to study metabolic consumption and production of gaseous components. The restrictors used in the flow gaseous components were manufactured from microhematocrit test-type capillary glass tubes following the hot forming method under continuous air flow. The portable flow board showed to be low cost and simple post-harvest equipment that allows preparing controlled atmospheres in open systems with stable composition and flow, in a manner similar to traditional flow boards with control of gas escape by barostats.