238 resultados para CHRONIC-PANCREATITIS


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Beginning the study of chronic pathologic changes in pancreas of hamsters experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi Vic strain, hepatocyte metaplasia was observed in one animal from infected group. This is the first report of oncocytes in Chagas' disease, which could be due to aberrant regenerative response to pancreas inflammatory process.


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Several studies have shown that chronic alcoholics have increased susceptibility to infections due to higher exposure to infectious agents as well as breakdown in their immune defenses. As Strongyloides stercoralis infection is usually more relevant in immunocompromised patients, the aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of S. stercoralis infection in alcoholics. Thus, coproparasitological examination was carried out in 145 subjects, from which 45 were chronic alcoholics (mean age of 45.7 ± 11.0 years), 10 were nonalcoholic cirrhotic patients (mean age of 50.2 ± 13.1 years), and 90 were asymptomatic nonalcoholic subjects (mean age of 46.7 ± 10.1 years), which served as controls. From the alcoholics, 9 had hepatic cirrhosis, 9 had chronic pancreatitis and 27 had neither cirrhosis nor pancreatitis. For the diagnosis of strongyloidiasis, the Baermann-Moraes and Lutz methods were used in three fecal samples from each subject. Samples were collected at alternated days, and three slides of each sample were analyzed for each method, thus totalizing 2,610 slides examined. The frequency of strongyloidiasis in the total alcoholic group (33.3%) and in the subgroups of alcoholics, i.e., patients with hepatic cirrhosis (44.4%), with chronic pancreatitis (33.3%), and those with no cirrhosis or pancreatitis (29.6%) was statistically higher than that found in the control group (5.5%). None of the individuals with nonalcoholic hepatic cirrhosis had S. stercoralis infection. Our results showed that the chronic alcoholism itself is an important factor that predisposes to strongyloidiasis.


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Hemosuccus pancreaticus is a unusual syndrome manifested by hemorrhage into the pancreatic duct and by blood loss through the ampulla of Vater: It may be caused by tumors, arteriovenous malformation, pancreatic lithiasis, aneurism rupture from adjacent vessels, or erosion of pancreatic and peripancreatic vessels due to chronic pancreatitis. The authors describe a case of massive and recurrent gastrointestinal upper hemorrhage in a 26-year-old man without known risk factors for pancreatitis. This man underwent urgent surgery due to gastrointestinal bleeding during the ínvestigation. During the procedure, blood was found in the intestinal lumen and a tumor in the head of pancreas with two centimeters of diameter: A gastroduodenopancreatectomy was performed. Histological study showed chronic pancreatitis with a fistula from the pancreatic vessels to the Wirsung duct. The patient was discharged without postoperative complications and after months, remains assymptomatic.


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Literature has been showing a tendency of reducing the limits of Whipple's resection. The main technical advance was the pylorus preserving resection, technique proposed by Traverso and Longmire in 1978. The pancreticoduodenectomy for chronic pancreatitis, is probably the best opportunity to apply this type of procedure. In these specific patients, the author preserved the pylorus and the third portion of the duodenum. The gastrointestinal transit was reconstructed by the duodenumduodenal anastomosis and the bile duct and the pancreas were drained in a Roux-en-way loop . Follow-up showed no important complication, with no problems related to gastric emptying and without pain.


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The decrease in morbidity and mortality of pancreaticoduodenectomy in reference centers has increased the incidence of benign histopathologic diagnosis in cases where a pre-operative diagnosis of pancreatic ductal carcinoma was expected (9,2%). Recent reports have shown that autoimune pancreatitis, an entity that can lead to a pathologic diagnosis of sclerosing lymphoplasmatic pancreatitis has been the cause of about 2,5% of wrong preoperative diagnosis. Clinical and image definitive diagnosis is still uncertain on those borderline cases. An increase in IgG4 has been reported as frequent in patients with autoimune pancreatitis which can respond to steroid treatment. In doubtful cases, four diagnosis can be expected: 1. Pancreatic ductal carcinoma; 2. Chronic alcoholic pancreatitis; 3. "Chronic pancreatitis secondary to choledocal lithiasis"; 4. Sclerosing lymphoplasmatic pancreatitis. Modern medical literature sugests that evaluation of IgG4 in doubtful cases of pancreatic tumor (pseudotumor of the pancreas) could avoid unnecessary pancreaticoduodenectomies in the future.


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The skin and mucous membranes of healthy subjects are colonized by strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis showing a high diversity of genomic DNA polymorphisms. Prolonged hospitalization and the use of invasive procedures promote changes in the microbiota with subsequent colonization by hospital strains. We report here a patient with prolonged hospitalization due to chronic pancreatitis who was treated with multiple antibiotics, invasive procedures and abdominal surgery. We studied the dynamics of skin colonization by S. epidermidis leading to the development of catheter-related infections and compared the genotypic profile of clinical and microbiota strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. During hospitalization, the normal S. epidermidis skin microbiota exhibiting a polymorphic genomic DNA profile was replaced with a hospital-acquired biofilm-producer S. epidermidis strain that subsequently caused repetitive catheter-related infections.


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Previous studies (1982,1987) have emphasized the superiority of sylvatic vector species over domestic species as xenodiagnostic agents in testing hosts with acute or chronic infections by T. cruzi "Y" stock. The present study, which is unique in that it contains data on both infectivity rates produced by the same stock in 11 different vector species and also the reaction of the same vector species to seven different parasite stocks, establishes the general validity of linking efficiency of xenodiagnosis to the biotope of its agent. For example, infectivity rates produced by "São Felipe" stock varied from 82.5% to 98.3% in sylvatic vectors but decreased to 42.5% to 71.3% in domestic species. "Colombiana" stock produced in the same sylvatic vectors infectivity rates ranging from 12.5% to 45%. These shrank to 5%-22.5% in domestic bugs. The functional role of the biotope in the vector-parasite interaction has not been eluddated. But since this phenomenon has been observed to be stable and easy to reproduce, it leads us to believe that the results obtained are valid. Data presented also provide increasing evidence that the infectivity rates exhibited by bugs from xenodiagnosis in chronic hosts, are parasite stock specific. For example, infectivity rates produced by "Berenice", "Y", "FL" and "CL" varied in R. neglectus from 26.3% to 75%; in P. megistus from 56.3% to 83.8%; in T. sordida from 28.8% to 58.8% in T. pseudomaculata from 41.3% to 66.3% and in T. rubrovaria from 48.8% to 85%. Data from xenodiagnosis in the same hosts, carrying acute infections by the same parasite stocks, gave the five sylvatic vectors a positive rating of approximately 100%, thus suggesting that the heavy loads of parasites circulating in the acute hosts obscured the characteristic interspecific differences for the parasite stock. Nonetheless these latter were revealed in the same hosts with chronic infections stimulated by very low numbers of the same parasite stocks. Certain observations here described lead us to speculate as to the possibility of further results from other parasite stocks, allowing the association of the infectivity rates produced in bugs by different parasite stocks with the isoenzymic patterns revealed by these stocks.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the elimination of certain chronic diseases is capable of leading to the compression of morbidity among elderly individuals.METHODS: A population-based, cross-sectional study was carried out with official data for the city of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil in 2000 and data from the SABE (Health, Wellbeing and Ageing) study. Sullivan's method was used to calculate disability-free life expectancy. Cause-deleted life tables were used to calculate the probabilities of death and disabilities with the elimination of health conditions.RESULTS: The largest gains in disability-free life expectancy, with the elimination of chronic illness, occurred in the female gender. Among individuals of a more advanced age, gains in disability-free life expectancy occurred as result of a relative compression of morbidity. Among men aged 75 years, all conditions studied, except heart disease and systemic arterial pressure, led to an absolute expansion of morbidity and, at the same time, to a relative compression of morbidity upon being eliminated.CONCLUSIONS: The elimination of chronic diseases in the elderly could lead to the compression of morbidity in elderly men and women.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the perception of and motivation for the chronic use of benzodiazepine among older adults. METHODS A qualitative study was conducted on 22 older adults living in Bambuí, MG, Southeastern Brazil, who were taking benzodiazepines and had the clinical and cognitive ability to respond to interview questions. The collected data were analyzed on the basis of the “signs, meanings, and actions” model. RESULTS The main reasons pointed out for the use of benzodiazepines were “nervousness”, “sleep problems”, and “worry” due to family and financial problems, everyday problems, and existential difficulties. None of the interviewees said that they used benzodiazepines in a dose higher than that recommended or had been warned by health professionals about any risks of their continuous use. Different strategies were used to obtain the prescription for the medication, and any physician would prescribe it, indicating that a bond was established with the drug and not with the health professional or healthcare service. Obtaining and consuming the medication turned into a crucial issue because benzodiazepine assumes the status of an essential food, which leads users to not think but sleep. It causes a feeling of relief from their problems such as awareness of human finitude and fragility, existential difficulties, and family problems. CONCLUSIONS Benzodiazepine assumes the characteristics of polyvalence among older adults, which extrapolate specific clinical indications, and of essentiality to deal with life’s problems in old age. Although it relieves the “nerves”, the chronic use of benzodiazepines buffers suffering and prevents older adults from going through the suffering. This shows important difficulties in the organization and planning of strategies that are necessary for minimizing the chronic use in this population.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the physical inactivity-related inpatient costs of chronic non-communicable diseases. METHODS This study used data from 2013, from Brazilian Unified Health System, regarding inpatient numbers and costs due to malignant colon and breast neoplasms, cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis. In order to calculate the share physical inactivity represents in that, the physical inactivity-related risks, which apply to each disease, were considered, and physical inactivity prevalence during leisure activities was obtained from Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio (Brazil's National Household Sample Survey). The analysis was stratified by genders and residing country regions of subjects who were 40 years or older. The physical inactivity-related hospitalization cost regarding each cause was multiplied by the respective share it regarded to. RESULTS In 2013, 974,641 patients were admitted due to seven different causes in Brazil, which represented a high cost. South region was found to have the highest patient admission rate in most studied causes. The highest prevalences for physical inactivity were observed in North and Northeast regions. The highest inactivity-related share in men was found for osteoporosis in all regions (≈ 35.0%), whereas diabetes was found to have a higher share regarding inactivity in women (33.0% to 37.0% variation in the regions). Ischemic heart diseases accounted for the highest total costs that could be linked to physical inactivity in all regions and for both genders, being followed by cerebrovascular diseases. Approximately 15.0% of inpatient costs from Brazilian Unified Health System were connected to physical inactivity. CONCLUSIONS Physical inactivity significantly impacts the number of patient admissions due to the evaluated causes and through their resulting costs, with different genders and country regions representing different shares.


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OBJECTIVE To estimate worldwide prevalence of chronic low back pain according to age and sex. METHODS We consulted Medline (PubMed), LILACS and EMBASE electronic databases. The search strategy used the following descriptors and combinations: back pain, prevalence, musculoskeletal diseases, chronic musculoskeletal pain, rheumatic, low back pain, musculoskeletal disorders and chronic low back pain. We selected cross-sectional population-based or cohort studies that assessed chronic low back pain as an outcome. We also assessed the quality of the selected studies as well as the chronic low back pain prevalence according to age and sex. RESULTS The review included 28 studies. Based on our qualitative evaluation, around one third of the studies had low scores, mainly due to high non-response rates. Chronic low back pain prevalence was 4.2% in individuals aged between 24 and 39 years old and 19.6% in those aged between 20 and 59. Of nine studies with individuals aged 18 and above, six reported chronic low back pain between 3.9% and 10.2% and three, prevalence between 13.1% and 20.3%. In the Brazilian older population, chronic low back pain prevalence was 25.4%. CONCLUSIONS Chronic low back pain prevalence increases linearly from the third decade of life on, until the 60 years of age, being more prevalent in women. Methodological approaches aiming to reduce high heterogeneity in case definitions of chronic low back pain are essential to consistency and comparative analysis between studies. A standard chronic low back pain definition should include the precise description of the anatomical area, pain duration and limitation level.


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The treatment of relapsing chronic infections (RCI) encounters many difficulties. In the present study, the use of the immuno adjuvant P40 either alone or in association with vaccinotherapy for the treatment of RCI turned out to be very effective, whereas vaccinotherapy alone was not. It is hypothesized that cell-mediated immunity may play a major role in controlling RCI, since the clinical improvement of the patients kept up with the positivation of previously negative skin tests carried out with either the specific infecting agent or with recall-anti gens.


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This report describes two patients with chronic Chagas' Heart Disease who developed clinical and laboratorial signs of myocardial infarction. Both patients presented sudden oppressive chest pain, without precipitating factor. In the first case, the highest MB-CK value was 65 IU, 22 hours after the beginning of the pain. On the second case, it was 77 IU at 18 hours after the beginning of the pain. In both cases ECG changes suggesting non-transmural infarction were present. The 99mTc PYP myocardial scintigram of the first case was positive. Coronary angiograms performed on the 18th and 9th day, respectively, after the acute infarction did not display obstructive lesions. Possible mechanisms causing myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries in Chagas' Disease may include: embolic event's, particularly when there is associated congestive heart failure; coronary thrombosis and coronary spasms.


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Chagas'disease has been described as the commonest form of chronic myocarditis. An immunologic pathogenesis has been discribed for this form of the disease. So far, no immunoperoxidase technique has been used for the detection of immunological deposits in chronic experimental Chagas'myocardiopathy. Forty-one Swiss mice, three months old were inoculated intraperitoneally with doses between 10 and 10(5) Tulahuen trypomastigotes. Mice were reinoculated one month after with doses between 10² and 10(5) and sacrificed at 6 (n=21) and 9 months (n=9) after the first inoculation. ECGs were recorded before sacrifice. Immunoperoxidase technique (peroxidase-antiperoxidase method), immunofluorescence (direct and indirect) as well as histological studies were performed in myocardiums and skeletal muscles of the surviving animals. The most sensitive methods for detecting chronic chagasic infection were the routine histologic studies (73%) and the ECGs 83% and 89% on 6 and 9 mo. post-infected mice, respectively. Myocardial involvement varied from interstitial mild focal lymphocyte infiltrates up to replacement of myocytes by loose connective tissue. Atrial myocardiums (21/23, 91%) were more affected than ventricles (9/23, 39%). Typical chagasic nests were rarely found. Skeletal muscle involvement (11/18 and 7/9) varied from mild to extensive lymphocyte and plasmacell infiltrates, and necrotic fibers. The involved antigen were shown in skeletal muscles by the immunoperoxidase technique as diffusely arranged granular intracytoplasmatic deposit for both IgC and total immunoglobulins. The coincidence between this technique and histologic muscle lesions was 11/18 (61(%) in 6 mo. and 6/8 (75%) at 9 mo. post-infection. In heart, delicate granular deposits of total immunoglobulins were seen diffusely arranged within the ventricular myocytes; coincidence between immunoperoxidase technique anl histologic involvement increased from 36 to 66% in animals sacrifeced 6 and 9 mo. post-infection. This strongly stressed the increase of immunologic phenomena with the chronification of infection. Concerning sensitivity, immunoperoxidase and direct immunofluorescence were highly sensitive in skeletal muscle (100%, p < 0.01). Conversely, direct immunofluorescence technique showed poor results in heart while immunoperoxidase increased its sensitivity from 21.4% (at 6 mo.) to 66.6% (at 9 mo.) post-infection (p < 0.001). Considering the necessity of obtaining an adequate vaccine in order to prevent this disease an experimental model like this, rendering immunological reactions as revealed by the immunoperoxidase technique, would be useful.


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Nine cases of tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed among 800 uremic patients, followed-up during 11 years, a prevalence of 1125%, 2.5 times higher than that in the general population. Six patients (66.7%) had lymph node involvement (4 cervical and 2 mediastinal). Three patients (33.3%) had pulmonary involvement (2 pleuro-pulmonary and 1 bilateral apical pulmonary). Eight patients were undergoing dialysis and 1 was pre-dialytic. The duration of dialysis ranged from 1 to 60 months. Three patients had previously received immunosuppressive drugs for unsuccessful renal transplantation. Daily fever was present in all but one patient; he was asymptomatic and TB was suspected after routine chest radiography. Biopsy was the diagnostic procedure in 7 patients (77.8%), four by direct cervical lymph node biopsy, 2 by mediastinal, performed by mediastinoscopy and 1 by pleural biopsy. In 2 other patients TB was confirmed by the presence of tubercle bacilli; in sputum (1 patient) and in a bronchial flushing specimen (the other patient). Triple therapy was used in all patients (isoniazid and ethambutol in all), plus rifampicin in 8 and streptomycin in 1. One patient had jaundice and another had optical neuritis. Five patients were cured. The other four died during treatment of causes unrelated to TB or its treatment.