16 resultados para Bursa


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Abstract: We herein report human dermatitis caused by the tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese). The cases occurred in an apartment in a residential district of Porto Alegre City, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where three members of the same family presented with pruritic lesions on the arms and legs. On inspecting the bathroom, several mites measuring approximately 1.0mm in length were observed coming from a nest of Rufous Hornero, Furnarius rufus (Gmelin). This is the first report of O. bursa in the urban area of Porto Alegre City, from a nest of F. rufus that bites humans.


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Fifty Bursa of Fabricius (BF) were examined by conventional optical microscopy and digital images were acquired and processed using Matlab® 6.5 software. The Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) was generated using Neuroshell® Classifier software and the optical and digital data were compared. The ANN was able to make a comparable classification of digital and optical scores. The use of ANN was able to classify correctly the majority of the follicles, reaching sensibility and specificity of 89% and 96%, respectively. When the follicles were scored and grouped in a binary fashion the sensibility increased to 90% and obtained the maximum value for the specificity of 92%. These results demonstrate that the use of digital image analysis and ANN is a useful tool for the pathological classification of the BF lymphoid depletion. In addition it provides objective results that allow measuring the dimension of the error in the diagnosis and classification therefore making comparison between databases feasible.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of phytogenic additives and glutamine plus glutamic acid, associated or not, on histomorphometry of bursa of Fabricius and small intestine, oocyst count and lesion scores, and carbon turnover of duodenal mucosa of broiler chickens infected with Eimeria acervulina. A total of 450 male broiler chickens was distributed into a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of control diet (CD); CD + coccidiosis vaccine; CD + antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidial (APE/AC); CD + glutamine and glutamic acid (Gln/Glu); CD + phytogenic additives (PA); CD + Gln/Glu + PA. Birds on treatment CD + vaccine were vaccinated via drinking water at three days of age against coccidiosis. At 16 days of age all birds of all treatments were inoculated orally and individually with 500,000 oocysts of Eimeria acervulina. There was no treatment effect on lesion score in the intestinal epithelium of birds. The smaller number of excreted oocysts was observed in groups of birds fed diets containing APE/AC and PA. Were observed better results of villus height and crypt depth for duodenum and ileum of birds of treatments containing Gln/Glu at 7 days of age, and Gln/Glu and PA at 21 days of age. Higher percentage of cortical area from bursa follicles was observed in birds fed diets supplemented with Gln/Glu and PA at 7, 14 and 21 days of age. Increased turnover of intestinal mucosa was observed in treatments containing Gln/Glu, indicating acceleration in development and regeneration of damaged tissue. Glutamine plus glutamic acid and phytogenic additives can provide improvements to structure, and thus to intestinal function, as well as to better immune response against the infectious challenges. Phytogenic additives can be used for coccidiosis control of broiler chickens where the use of antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidials is prohibited.


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Males from bilateral crosses between Triatoma sórdida and Triatoma pseudomaculata were unable to give offspring, as shown by subsequent backcrosses (BC) between hybrid males and parental females. This kind of sterility indueed through interspecific hybridization seems to be due to lack of sperm migration from the bursa copulatrix to the spermateca, thus suggesting primarily failure on the part of hybrid males to produce and/or to incorporate male accessory secretions into the spermatophore bulb. Addicional proof that sterility induced in hybrid males is at the sperm level has been afforded by the spermatogenesis herein studied. The anomalous processes like; 1) prophases of spermatogonia with the chromosomes scattered in the cytoplasm, 2) first metaphases with unpaired tetrades, 3) spermatids differing in size and 4) spermatozoa of abnormal shape and generdlly of giant size, can be taken as an indicator of the degree of departure from the normal course of spermatogenesis.


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Há muito tempo é sabido serem as aves refratárias ao "T. (S.) cruzi". Em trabalhos anteriores verificou-se que nas galinhas pode-se obter infecções "in ovo" diagnosticáveis até o 21º de incubação, porém, logo após o nascimento os pintos mostram-se refratários ao parasito, que é destruído no ponto de inoculação. Neste trabalho verificou-se que tripomastigotas injetados diretamente no sangue, podem ser esporadicamente encontrados até 1h depois. Verificou-se também que galinhas bursectomizadas, com associação de testosterona "in ovo" e ciclofosfamida nos 4 primeiros dias de vida permanecem refratárias. Entretanto, o soro dessas aves perde a capacidade lítica que o soro das aves normais possui para os epimastigotas do "T. (S.) cruzi", pela qual são responsáveis as gama-globulinas séricas, conforme foi verificado após o fracionamento do soro em coluna de DEAE-Sefádex A50. A dissociação dos 2 fenômenos, mostra que a capacidade lítica pode ser atribuída a um "anticorpo natural" - uma vez que é eliminada ou grandemente diminuída com a supressão do sistema imunitário bursa- dependente - porém, o mesmo não se pode concluir quanto à refratariedade. Esta, provavelmente, deve estar relacionada ao próprio metabolismo celular após o nascimento.


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The effects of radiation on the reproductive capacity and the longevity of Panstrongylus magistus were studied. An indirect correlation between longevity and radiation doses was observed. Males were more affected than females. Longevity of females submitted to 10 Gy was not different when compared to controls. Some of the irradiated males copulated and in these cases semen was transferred to females, but only few eggs were laid. Fertility was seriously affected in all irradiated groups, decreasing with increasing intensity of dose. The dose of 80 Gy induced sterility in males and females. Gelatinous spermatophores that were expelled by females irradiated with 20 and 40 Gy, may be a consequence of irradiation that induced modification in the bursa copulatrix pH.


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Neyraiella distinctus n. sp. was found parasitizing nymphs of the cricket Gryllodes laplatae Sauss in City Bell, Argentina. This species was characterized by having the excretory pore in the posterior end of the basal bulb, vulva protruding with one lip well developed in the 1/3 end of the body, anus of the female with wings, male with a single spicule without any sculpture, gubernaculum and bursa are absent, six pairs of genital papillae arranged in two preanal pairs, one adanal pair and three postanal pairs, and the tail appendage in both sexes was short and conic.


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A new genus and a new species of Heligmonellidae nematodes are described parasiting the stomach of three agoutis (two Dasyprocta fuliginosa and one D. leporina) captured in the middle and high Negro river microregion, state of Amazonas, Brazil. The new genus, as well as its type-species, are closely related to the trichostrongylids included in Fuellebornema, particularly on what concerns the pattern of the caudal bursa, but differing from them by the characteristics of the synlophe, that presents a poorly developed carene, when compared to the referred number of body ridges in Freitastrongylus n. gen. and consequently in F. angelae n. sp.,in which the ridges are well developed and the carene at mid-body has a similar size when compared to the ridge situated in front of the right field (ridge no. 5). Caudal bursa is of the type 1-4, with rays 9 shorter than rays 10, with a very long genital cone.


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Angiostrongylus cantonensis is the etiologic agent of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in humans. Cases have been recorded in many parts of the world, including Brazil. The aim of this study was to compare the differences in the biology and morphology of two different Brazilian haplotypes of A. : ac8 and ac9. A significantly larger number of L1 larvae eliminated in the faeces of rodents at the beginning of the patent period was observed for ac9 haplotype and compared to the total of L1 larvae eliminated, there was a significant difference between the two haplotypes. The ac9 haplotype showed a significant difference in the proportion of female and male specimens (0.6:1), but the same was not observed for ac8 (1.2:1). The morphometric analysis showed that male and female specimens isolated from ac8 haplotype were significantly larger with respect to body length, oesophagus length, spicule length (male) and distance from the anus to the rear end (female) compared to specimens from ac9. The morphological analysis by light microscopy showed little variation in the level of bifurcations at the lateral rays in the right lobe of the copulatory bursa between the two haplotypes. The biological, morphological and morphometric variations observed between the two haplotypes agree with the observed variation at the molecular level using the cytochrome oxidase subunit I marker and reinforce the possible influence of geographical isolation on the development of these haplotypes.


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The brown lacewings (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae) of northwestern Turkey with new records, their spatio-temporal distribution and harbouring plants. The occurrence and spatio-temporal distribution of brown lacewing species (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae) in Bursa province, northwestern Turkey, was investigated during 1999-2011. A total of 852 brown lacewing specimens of 20 species, including the genera of Hemerobius, Megalomus, Micromus, Sympherobius, and Wesmaelius were collected. Of these, 12 species were new records for northwestern Turkey while Sympherobius klapaleki is a new record for the Neuroptera fauna of Turkey. The most widespread species were Hemerobius handschini and Sympherobius pygmaeus with percent dominance values of 42.00 and 15.96%, respectively. Wesmaelius subnebulosus was the earliest emerging hemerobiid species and had the longest flight activity lasting from March to October. The species of southern origin characterized by the Mediterranean elements constituted 55% of the hemerobiid fauna and prevailed over the species of northern origin that belong to the Siberian centres. The total number of hemerobiid species reached a peak in July with captures of 15 species per month. There were 11, 13, 18 and 5 hemerobiid species occurring at altitudes between 1-500, 501-1000, 1001-1500 and 1500-2000 m, respectively. In addition, plant species harbouring hemerobiids are given for each species, and their association with the hemerobiid fauna is discussed.


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Ha sido evaluado el efecto de benzoilfenylureia sobre la capacidad copuladora de machos de Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lepdoptera: Noctuidae). Dos grupos de larvas de 3º estadio fueron tratados con el flufenoxuron, uno por ingestión y el otro por contacto, con una concentración del producto igual a la DL60. Cuando hubo la emergencia de los adultos, 10 machos por tratamiento fueron individualizados en cilindros de papel de filtro y puestos a copular con hembras vírgenes, que eron sustituídas diariamente, hasta la muerte de las mismas. Las hembras que fueron ofrecidas a los machos, al morir, eron dissecadas para verificar se estaban o no copuladas, a través de la observación de la presencia de espermatóforos en la bursa copulatrix. Fue observado que los machos de S. littoralis provenientes de larvas tratadas con el flufenoxuron, no tuvieron su capacidad copuladora alterada. La metodología fue considerada adecuada para evaluar la atividad copuladora y el número de copulaciones realizadas por el macho de esta especie.


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Synovial chondromatosis is a benign condition characterized by synovial proliferation and metaplasia, with development of cartilaginous or osteocartilaginous nodules within a joint, bursa or tendon sheath. In the shoulder, synovial osteochondromatosis may occur within the glenohumeral joint and its recesses (including the tendon sheath of the biceps long head), and in the subacromial-deltoid bursa. Such condition can be identified either by radiography, ultrasonography or magnetic resonance imaging, showing typical features according to each method. Radiography commonly shows ring-shaped calcified cartilages and periarticular soft tissues swelling with erosion of joint margins. Ultrasonography demonstrates hypoechogenic cartilaginous nodules with progressive increase in echogenicity as they become calcified, with development of posterior acoustic shadow in case of ossification. Besides identifying cartilaginous nodules, magnetic resonance imaging can also demonstrate the degree of synovial proliferation. The present study is aimed at describing the imaging findings of this entity in the shoulder.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações do aparato podotroclear de 22 cavalos da raça Quarto de Milha acometidos pela síndrome do navicular utilizando o acesso transcuneal. Esses equinos foram submetidos ao exame radiográfico e ultrassonográfico. No exame radiográfico foi observado a presença de invaginação sinovial de diferentes tipos, além de calcificação da bursa podotroclear e tendão flexor digital profundo, entesiófitos, osteófitos e alteração do limite córtico-medular. No exame ultrassonográfico observou-se alterações da bursa podotroclear, aderência e irregularidades nos bordos do tendão flexor digital profundo, diminuição do coxim digital, calcificação do ligamento sesamóide distal ímpar e irregularidade da superfície flexora do osso sesamóide distal. Todos os equinos que apresentavam alterações radiográficas também apresentaram alterações no exame ultrassonográfico compatíveis com a síndrome do navicular. O exame ultrassonográfico utilizando o acesso transcuneal foi um método prático e eficiente para avaliação das lesões do aparato podotroclear dos eqüinos, sendo um método complementar ao exame radiográfico.


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A clamidiose é causada por Chlamydophila psittaci e representa uma das principais zoonoses de origem aviária. Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo em psitacídeos do período de 1995 a 2012 e exame imuno-histoquímico (IHQ) anti-Chlamydia. Foram avaliados 111 casos, dos quais 12 foram a óbito devido à clamidiose. As aves eram provenientes de apreensão ou cativeiro (zoológicos, criatórios, centros de triagem e domicílios). À necropsia observou-se fígado aumentado (4/12) com áreas branco-amareladas (3/12), baço aumentado (2/12) e rompido (1/12), saco pericárdico com deposição de fibrina (1/12), polisserosite fibrinosa (1/12) e em três casos não havia lesões. Na avaliação histopatológica evidenciou-se hepatite necrótica mononuclear (7/12), hepatite mononuclear (3/12), hiperplasia de ductos biliares (8/12), esplenite necrótica histiocitária (9/12), hemossiderose em fígado (9/12) e baço (9/12), aerossaculite mononuclear (4/12), pericardite fibrino-heterofílica (2/12), necrose (1/12) e rarefação (1/12) linfoide de bursa de Fabricius, pneumonia fibrinosa (1/12), nefrite mononuclear (1/12) e granulomas renais (1/12). Observaram-se inclusões basofílicas intracitoplasmáticas (corpos elementares) em fígado (2/12), baço e rins (1/12). Evidenciou-se imunomarcação anti-Chlamydia em fígado (11/12), baço (7/9), pulmões (3/9), rins (2/8), intestinos (2/3), sacos aéreos (1/4) e bursa de Fabricius (1/2). A IHQ poderá ser utilizada como forma de diagnóstico definitivo post mortem de clamidiose em psitacídeos no Brasil.


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Abstract: Fifty-five bursa of Fabricius (BF) were evaluated by optical microscopy for three different avian histopathologists (H1, H3 and H4) to determine the degree of lymphoid depletion. One histologist evaluated the same slides at two different times (H1 and H2) with four-months interval between the observations. The same BFs were evaluated using the system of Digital Lymphocyte Depletion Evaluation (ADDL), being performed by three differents operators of the system, not histopathologists. The results showed was a significant difference between the histopathologists and between the scores established by the same expert (H1 and H2). However, there were not significant differences between the scores with the ADDL system, obtained using ADDL. The results make clear the fragility of the subjective lymphocyte depletion score classification by the traditional histologic method, while the ADDL system proves to be more appropriated for the assessment of the lymphoid loss in the BF.