92 resultados para Biodiesel blends


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We propose an analytical method based on fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy to detect the adulteration of petrodiesel and petrodiesel/palm biodiesel blends with African crude palm oil. The infrared spectral fingerprints from the sample analysis were used to perform principal components analysis (PCA) and to construct a prediction model using partial least squares (PLS) regression. The PCA results separated the samples into three groups, allowing identification of those subjected to adulteration with palm oil. The obtained model shows a good predictive capacity for determining the concentration of palm oil in petrodiesel/biodiesel blends. Advantages of the proposed method include cost-effectiveness and speed; it is also environmentally friendly.


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CeO2 and mixed CeO2-ZrO2 nanopowders were synthesized and efficiently deposited onto cordierite substrates, with the evaluation of their morphologic and structural properties through XRD, SEM, and FTIR. The modified substrates were employed as outer heterogeneous catalysts for reducing the soot originated from the diesel and diesel/biodiesel blends incomplete combustion. Their activity was evaluated in a diesel stationary motor, and a comparative analysis of the soot emission was carried out through diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The analyses have shown that the catalyst-impregnated cordierite samples are very efficient for soot oxidation, being capable of reducing the soot emission in more than 60%.


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In this study, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to classify blends produced from diesel S500 and different kinds of biodiesel produced by the TDSP methodology. The different kinds of biodiesel studied in this work were produced from three raw materials: soybean oil, waste cooking oil and hydrogenated vegetable oil. Methylic and ethylic routes were employed for the production of biodiesel. HCA and PCA were performed on the data from attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, showing the separation of the blends into groups according to biodiesel content present in the blends and to the kind of biodiesel used to form the mixtures.


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In this study, we developed a method for the visual detection of biodiesel in petrodiesel-biodiesel (BX) blends through the aminolysis of the methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids that are found in biodiesel and that are absent from diesel and vegetable oils. This method is based on three reactional stages, which produce a dark red and easily visualized complex in the presence of biodiesel. In the absence of biodiesel, there is no dark red coloring, whereas in the presence of diesel or vegetable oil, there is a light red to yellow coloring. This simple, practical, inexpensive, and effective procedure may be applied by petrol stations to guarantee to consumers and resellers the presence of biodiesel in diesel blends, regardless of the BX blend's initial coloring or of the sulfur found in the diesel. In short, it ensures a safe fuel tank fill-up with BX blend.


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The use of renewable fuels, such as the biodiesel, can ease the demand of fossil fuel for the power generation and transportation fields in rural area. In this work, the performance impact of the application of castor oil biodiesel is evaluated with an automotive and a stationary diesel engine. The application of B20 and B10 biodiesel blends and pre-heated net biodiesel is considered. The viability of the employment of B10 and B20 blends to mobility and power generation was observed from dynamometric bench tests, where this blends performed similar to fossil diesel. With the pre-heated net biodiesel, however, a brake torque loss and a specific consumption increase were observed with relation to diesel fuel.


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Maranhão state in Brazil presents a big potential for the cultivation of several oleaginous species, such as babassu, soybean, castor oil plant, etc... These vegetable oils can be transformed into biodiesel by the transesterification reaction in an alkaline medium, using methanol or ethanol. The biodiesel production from a blend of these alcohols is a way of adding the technical and economical advantages of methanol to the environmental advantages of ethanol. The optimized alcohol blend was observed to be a methanol/ethanol volume ratio of 80 % MeOH: 20 % EtOH. The ester content was of 98.70 %, a value higher than the target of the ANP, 96.5 % (m/m), and the biodiesel mass yield was of 95.32 %. This biodiesel fulfills the specifications of moisture, specific gravity, kinematic viscosity and percentages of free alcohols (methanol plus ethanol) and free glycerin.


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Diesel fuel is used widely in Brazil and worldwide. On the other hand, the growing environmental awareness leads to a greater demand for renewable energy resources. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the use of different blends of soybean (Glycine max) methyl biodiesel and diesel in an ignition compression engine with direct injection fuel. The tests were performed on an electric eddy current dynamometer, using the blends B10, B50 and B100, with 10; 50 e 100% of biodiesel, respectively, in comparison to the commercial diesel B5, with 5% of biodiesel added to the fossil diesel. The engine performance was analyzed trough the tractor power take off (PTO) for each fuel, and the best results obtained for the power and the specific fuel consumption, respectively, were: B5 (44.62 kW; 234.87 g kW-1 h-1); B10 (44.73 kW; 233.78 g kW-1 h-1); B50 (44.11 kW; 250.40 g kW-1 h-1) e B100 (43.40 kW; 263.63 g kW-1 h-1). The best performance occurred with the use of B5 and B10 fuel, without significant differences between these blends. The B100 fuel showed significant differences compared to the other fuels.


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The aim of this work was to develop and validate a method of analysis of biodiesel:diesel blends using HRGC-MS in SIM mode. The proposed method is applicable to biodiesel from linoleic oils, such as soybean oil. The following results were obtained: linearity over the methyl linoleate concentration range of 250-2500 mg L-1 (R² > 0.999); limits of detection and quantification of 2 and 5 mg L-1, respectively; recovery from 82 to 96% of biodiesel in diesel and repeatability < 2% (RSD). Comparison between two operators showed that it is not necessary the same operator to do the analysis.


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Periodically, during petroleum shortages, vegetable oils and their derivatives have been proposed as alternatives to petroleum diesel fuel. Different approaches have been proposed, including the use of pure vegetable oils (or blends) or their derivatives. Indeed, the use of fatty-acid methyl or ethyl esters (usually known as "biodiesel") produced by alcoholysis of triacylglycerides or esterification of fatty acids was initially proposed in Belgium 70 years ago, when the first world patent was deposited. Recently, foreign dependence on diesel fuel and the petroleum crisis have increased the discussion in Brazil on starting to use alternatives to diesel fuel, being biodiesel the alternative of choice for a large petroleum diesel substitution program.


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The growth of biodiesel market and the implementation of regulations related to biodiesel production and biodiesel/diesel blending has encouraged the development of appropriate analytical methods to control the composition of this type of mixture. In this study, an evaluation of the potential of GC×GC for the characterization of samples of beef tallow biodiesel and the composition of blends of biodiesel/diesel is presented. The methodology was applied to beef tallow biodiesel and its mixtures with petrodiesel, ranging from B2 to B50. Results allowed not only the identification and quantification of the biodiesel esters, but also the biodiesel percentage in biodiesel/diesel blends.


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The aim of this paper was to use colorimetric assays for hydroxamic acid to quantify the biodiesel content in diesel and compare it with the traditional method (infrared spectroscopy, using the EN 14078 method). Samples were prepared from B2 to B10 with two kinds of diesel - S500 (red) and S50 (yellow) - to obtain two calibration curves. Through statistical methods it was shown that the slopes of the straight lines obtained for the different types of diesel were the same. Thus, the type of diesel did not influence the results of the colorimetric assay for hydroxamic acid. Real samples collected from gas stations were analyzed by both methods (colorimetry and EN 14078). By applying Student's t-test it was concluded that the methods could be considered statistically equivalent. Therefore, it was confirmed that the colorimetric assay for hydroxamic acid is suitable for detecting and quantifying the content of biodiesel in biodiesel/diesel blends and can also be easily adapted to field analyses.


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Este trabalho apresenta as perspectivas latino-americanas e asiáticas na emergente indústria dos biocombustiveis. As possibilidades brasileiras de participação na indústria e no comércio internacional de etanol e de biodiesel são discutidas. Uma questão sobre os possíveis parceiros "estratégicos" do Brasil neste setor é levantada: os enormes mercados consumidores de países desenvolvidos ou os emergentes e também famintos consumidores asiáticos de energia?


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Grande parte da energia produzida no Brasil provém de fontes renováveis. Porém, as energias não-renováveis são mais utilizadas, em especial o petróleo, cujas reservas são finitas. Uma alternativa para substituição do diesel é o biodiesel, biocombustível produzido por fontes renováveis ou recicladas, como óleos e gorduras residuais, OGRs, que geram menos poluentes que os combustíveis derivados do petróleo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, por meio de questionário, a geração de OGRs pelos estabelecimentos comerciais da cidade de Itabira-MG, de forma a avaliar e discutir a potencialidade de produção de biodiesel na localidade em função da oferta de OGRs, retorno financeiro e fatores logísticos. Para isso, na Prefeitura de Itabira foram levantados dados de todos os estabelecimentos que possuem alvará de funcionamento, escolhendo-se os que estão localizados em áreas centrais da cidade. Verificou-se a geração de quantidades insuficientes de óleo de soja e de gordura hidrogenada residuais, inviabilizando no momento a produção de biodiesel em grande escala. Contudo, em relação à simulação feita com os custos de produção do biocombustível, os valores encontrados são compatíveis aos do mercado consumidor. Além disso, um dado preocupante levantado foi a doação dos óleos de soja residuais para a reutilização por pessoas carentes da cidade, um destino perigoso à saúde dessas pessoas.


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Nos últimos anos tem sido crescente a procura por bebidas de café diferenciadas, como o tipo expresso. Nessa bebida, é essencial um alto teor de extrato aquoso para garantir um bom corpo, o que pode ser obtido utilizando-se o café conilon. O Estado do Espírito Santo é o maior produtor nacional de café conilon. Ainda que existam vários estudos sobre a composição físico-química do café brasileiro, pouco se sabe sobre características físico-químicas das bebidas de café expresso obtidas com blends entre o café arábica e o conilon capixaba. Neste trabalho teve-se como objetivo realizar a caracterização físico-química da bebida de café expresso formulada a partir de blends de café arábica e conilon produzido no Espírito Santo (nas proporções de arábica e conilon de 100:0; 80:20; 60:40; 40:20; e 0:100, respectivamente), com diferentes tipos de processamento (natural e descascado). Foram realizadas análises de umidade, pH, acidez titulável total e extrato aquoso. Constatou-se que a utilização de conilon no blend com arábica, nas duas formas de processamento, acarreta em bebidas com maior valor de pH, menor acidez e maior teor de extrato aquoso. Um maior teor de extrato aquoso é interessante para o preparo de café tipo expresso. Sendo assim, os resultados demonstram a viabilidade da utilização do café conilon em blends com arábica no preparo do café tipo expresso, quando se desejam bebidas com maior teor de extrato aquoso.


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A falta de disponibilidade de energia elétrica é um dos principais motivos pelo baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano das comunidades isoladas localizadas na Amazônia. O biodiesel produzido a partir de óleos vegetais extraídos de espécies oleaginosas nativas de forma sustentada é uma das melhores alternativas energéticas para a região. O tucumã do amazonas, Astrocaryum aculeatum, é uma espécie de palmeira que produz um fruto muito apreciado na região, a partir do qual se obtém uma amêndoa com alto teor de óleo. Nesse estudo, foi avaliada a produção de biodiesel etílico, a partir de diferentes lotes de óleos de tucumã do amazonas, com índices de acidez baixos e elevados, pela transesterificação por catálise básica e ácida homogêneas, respectivamente. Na catálise ácida, foram testados HCl e H2SO4 como catalisadores nas concentrações de 0,0625 a 1,000 M, empregando etanol hidratado na proporção molar de 1:6 e a reação conduzida a 90 ºC por 24 h. Na catálise básica, foram testados NaOH e KOH, nas proporções de 0,5 a 2,0 %, empregando etanol anidro na proporção molar de 1:12 e a reação conduzida a 80 ºC por 2 h. O biodiesel obtido em cada experimento foi analisado por métodos físicos (massa específica) e cromatográficos (CLAE em fase reversa). Análises cromatográficas indicaram que as melhores conversões foram alcançadas por amostras de biodiesel com massas específicas inferiores a 0,87 g.cm-1. As amostras de biodiesel obtidas com melhor qualidade foram obtidas utilizando-se os catalisadores ácidos a 1,0 M com rendimentos superiores a 90%. No caso da catálise básica, obteve-se biodiesel de boa qualidade empregando-se o catalisador NaOH a 2,0%, porém com rendimento inferior a 60 %. Contudo, em ambos os casos, foi possível identificar um excelente potencial de produção de biocombustível, a partir do óleo das amêndoas de tucumã.