114 resultados para Biocombustíveis avançados
Este artigo resume o papel que as novas tecnologias e as políticas governamentais têm desempenhado na evolução da indústria dos biocombustíveis no Brasil e no Leste Asiático. Ele documenta os fatores que contribuíram para que o Brasil, China, Japão e Coreia do Sul se tornassem produtores e consumidores de biocombustíveis, bem como a extensão em que essa fonte de energia tem sido efetivamente adotada em cada uma dessas economias. Em seguida, avalia a extensão do comércio e da cooperação em biocombustíveis entre os três países do Leste Asiático e o Brasil. Argumenta que o Japão é muito mais avançado em sua cooperação sobre biocombustíveis com o Brasil e que nas demais economias asiáticas existe grande potencial para maior cooperação.
Este artigo identifica as dimensões nas quais o governo e a mídia do Brasil têm configurado o macroambiente para os biocombustíveis líquidos ao longo do tempo e testam a existência de similaridade entre esses meios de expressão da sociedade na configuração do macroambiente. Para atingir o objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental a partir das notícias sobre o tema "biocombustíveis líquidos" veiculadas pela mídia escrita e de documentos oficiais do governo brasileiro tratando do mesmo tema. Foram coletados documentos textuais em formato eletrônico para um período de 10 anos (1997 a 2006). A extração do conhecimento dos textos em formato eletrônico foi realizada por meio de mineração em textos, aplicando-se uma estrutura de análise específica contendo as dimensões macroambientais e suas respectivas "palavras-d", que foram definidas a partir das palavras mais frequentes nas áreas do conhecimento relacionadas a cada dimensão. Os resultados indicam que a configuração do macroambiente para os biocombustíveis líquidos pela mídia e pelo governo difere quanto ao uso das dimensões macroambientais. A configuração do macroambiente também apresentou variações ao longo do período analisado, tanto na mídia quanto no governo. Testes de similaridade, aderência e homogeneidade confirmam a existência de diferenças entre a mídia e o governo. As implicações dos resultados encontrados para a atividade de escaneamento macroambiental destinado ao planejamento estratégico das organizações em geral e dos biocombustíveis líquidos em particular são discutidas.
Balanço energético da produção de grãos, carne e biocombustíveis em sistemas especializados e mistos
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência energética de sistemas especializados e mistos de produção de grãos e carne e o balanço energético na produção de bioenergia. Foram avaliados dados de 20 anos de cultivo com sistemas agrícolas especializados e mistos. Como sistemas agrícolas especializados, avaliaram-se: a pastagem de gramínea; a pastagem de gramínea consorciada com leguminosa; e a produção de grãos em sistema plantio direto ou em sistema convencional de preparo do solo. Como sistema misto, considerou-se a integração lavoura-pecuária em dois sistemas de manejo. Os insumos utilizados foram considerados como o ingresso energético, enquanto a produção de grãos e carne, as saídas de energia. Os produtos agrícolas nos sistemas mistos apresentaram balanço energético e produção absoluta de energia renovável compatíveis com aqueles produzidos em sistemas especializados. O balanço energético do biocombustível de soja apresentou valores positivos tanto em sistemas mistos como especializados, independentemente do sistema de preparo do solo. Entre os biocombustíveis de soja e milho analisados, o maior balanço energético foi observado no bioetanol produzido com milho. Os biocombustíveis produzidos em todos os sistemas apresentam balanço energético positivo e podem ser considerados energeticamente sustentáveis.
OBJETIVO: Comparar e quantificar os volumes pulmonares irradiados utilizando planejamentos bidimensional (2D) e tridimensional (3D) conformado na radioterapia de tumores de pulmão. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Em 27 pacientes portadores de câncer de pulmão foi feito planejamento 3D e outro correspondente em 2D. As doses prescritas variaram de 45 a 66 Gy. Foram avaliadas as doses no volume alvo planejado (PTV), volume tumoral macroscópico (GTV) e pulmões (volume de pulmão que recebe 20 Gy ou 30 Gy - V20 e V30, respectivamente, e dose média). Os órgãos de risco adjacentes (medula espinhal, esôfago e coração) receberam doses abaixo dos limites de tolerância. RESULTADOS: O GTV variou de 10,5 a 1.290,0 cm³ (média de 189,65 cm³). Nos planejamentos 2D foi utilizado, em média, um total de 59,33 campos, e nos planejamentos 3D, 75,65 campos. Em todas as situações analisadas houve significante (p < 0,05) preservação dos volumes pulmonares com o planejamento 3D, com diminuição de cerca de 15% dos volumes irradiados. O pulmão sem tumor foi mais beneficiado. CONCLUSÃO: A radioterapia 3D permitiu maior preservação dos pulmões, tanto para tumores iniciais quanto avançados. A radioterapia 3D deve ser utilizada nos pacientes com tumores de pulmão, mesmo que volumosos.
Silica gel is widely used as adsorbent for isolating and purifying natural compounds. Intensive use and high cost make this process expensive and generate solid residues contaminated with many different organic compounds. In the present work a simple method for recycling silica was investigated, by using Advanced Oxidative Processes. Silica gel was treated with H2O2/solar light and compared with a sample treated by conventional methods (high temperature and oxidation with KMnO4). High temperature treatment changes the structure of the silica and, consequently, the separation efficiency. Oxidation by using KMnO4 requires multiple steps and produces residues, including manganese and oxalic acid. The method using H2O2/solar light to recuperate silica gel does not modify its separation efficiency and is less expensive than the traditional methods. Additionally, HPLC and GC-MS analysis indicate that H2O2/solar light eliminates all residues of the silica gel.
In this study the efficiency of advanced oxidative processes (AOPs) were investigated toward the degradation of aqueous solutions containing benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX). The results indicated that BTX can be effectively oxidized by the UV-A-assisted photo-Fenton process. The treatment permits almost total degradation of BTX and removal of more than 80% of the phenolyc intermediates at reaction times of about 30 min. Preliminary investigations using solar light suggest a good potentiality of the process for the treatment of large volumes of aqueous samples containing these polluting species.
In this work, the efficiency of some homogeneous advanced oxidation processes (UVC/H2O2, Fe2+/H2O2, UVC/Fe2+/H2O2, UVA/Fe2+/H2O2, solar/Fe2+/H2O2) was investigated toward the degradation of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB). The effect of relevant experimental parameters (ie. pH, Fe2+ and H2O2 concentration) was first investigated by factorial design, using camphor as a model substrate. In the geosmin and 2-MIB degradation studies the Fenton processes assisted by solar and UVA radiation offered the most promising results, mainly on account of high degradation capacity (higher than 80% at a reaction time of 60 min), high operational simplicity and low cost.
In an effort to minimize the impact on the environment, removal of pollutants, such as phenolic compounds, from the industrial wastewater has great importance nowadays because of the high toxicity and low biodegradability of these compounds. This work discusses the different methods to remove these compounds from industrial wastewater, showing their advantages and disadvantages. Advanced Oxidation Process (AOPs) are presented as a promising technology for the treatment of wastewater containing phenolic compounds. Among the AOPs, photolysis, photocatalysis and the processes based on hydrogen peroxide and on ozone are discussed with emphasis on the combined processes and the oxidation mechanisms.
Three technologies were tested (TiO2/UV, H2O2/UV, and TiO2/H2O2/UV) for the degradation and color removal of a 25 mg L-1 mixture of three acid dyes: Blue 9, Red 18, and Yellow 23. A low speed rotating disc reactor (20 rpm) and a H2O2 concentration of 2.5 mmol L-1 were used. The dyes did not significantly undergo photolysis, although they were all degraded by the studied advanced oxidation processes. With the TiO2/H2O2/UV process, a strong synergism was observed (color removal reached 100%). Pseudo first order kinetic constants were estimated for all processes, as well as the respective apparent photonic efficiencies.
The concern about aquatic ecosystems and the potential risk of drinking water contamination by pharmaceuticals have stimulated the study of processes for the efficient degradation of these contaminants, since the conventional treatment have been inefficient on that purpose. The advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) appear as viable alternatives due to their efficiency on the degradation of different classes of organic contaminants. This review presents an overview of the main AOP (O3, H2O2/UV, TiO2/UV, Fenton and photo-Fenton) which have been applied to the degradation of different pharmaceuticals. The main results obtained, intermediates identified and toxicity data are presented.
Periodically, during petroleum shortage, fatty acids and their derivatives have been used as alternative fuels to those derived from petroleum. Different approaches have been proposed, including the use of neat fats and oils or their derivatives. Indeed, the utilization of biodiesel produced by alcoholysis of triacilglycerides or esterification of fatty acids, or hydrocarbons obtained from cracking of fatty materials were studied and used in several countries. Increasing concerns about energy security and climate changes have lead several countries, including Brazil, to start up biofuels programs. Different technologies are currently being developed in order to produce biofuels with economical feasibility. In this work are discussed alternative fatty raw-materials and processing technologies that are currently being studied in order to produce fuels suitable to sustainable substitute diesel fuel.
Fuels and biofuels have a major importance in the transportation sector of any country, contributing to their economic development. The utilization of these fuels implies their closer contact to metallic materials, which comprise vehicle, storage, and transportation systems. Thus, metallic corrosion could be related to fuels and biofuels utilization. Specially, the corrosion associated to gasoline, ethanol, diesel, biodiesel, and their mixtures is discussed in this article. Briefly, the ethanol is the most corrosive and gasoline the least. Few investigations about the effect of biodiesel indicate that the corrosion is associated to their unsaturation degree and the corrosion of diesel is related to its acidity.
A sugar cane mill is at the present moment a modest biorefinery producing few products such as sugar, ethanol and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). In the near future, this mill can expand its production using several renewable feedstock's to produce biofuels and high value biobased chemicals. However, the choice of appropriate products for addition to the portfolio is challenged by a lack of broad-based conversion technology coupled with a plethora of potential targets. The intent of this revision was to catalyze research efforts to expand the list of products and to present an updated evaluation of potential target structures for chemical production.
This work shows the results of a Proficiency Testing performed by a partnership between INMETRO and ANP. The performance of 49 Brazilian laboratories (using the z-score statistical test) in determining 10 quality parameters of ethanol fuel and biodiesel was evaluated. The certified reference values were provided by INMETRO, allowing a more rigorous assessment of the laboratories. For hydrous ethanol, the acidity parameter showed the lowest number of laboratories with satisfactory results (48%), while 85% of the laboratories presented satisfactory results for ethanol content. For biodiesel, the percentage of laboratories with satisfactory results ranged from 46% (kinematic viscosity) to 92% (acid number).
This contribution discusses the state of the art and the challenges in producing biofuels, as well as the need to develop chemical conversion processes of CO2 in Brazil. Biofuels are sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels for providing energy, whilst minimizing the effects of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Ethanol from fermentation of simple sugars and biodiesel produced from oils and fats are the first-generation of biofuels available in the country. However, they are preferentially produced from edible feedstocks (sugar cane and vegetable oils), which limits the expansion of national production. In addition, environmental issues, as well as political and societal pressures, have promoted the development of 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels. These biofuels are based on lignocellulosic biomass from agricultural waste and wood processing, and on algae, respectively. Cellulosic ethanol, from fermentation of cellulose-derived sugars, and hydrocarbons in the range of liquid fuels (gasoline, jet, and diesel fuels) produced through thermochemical conversion processes are considered biofuels of the new generation. Nevertheless, the available 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels, and those under development, have to be subsidized for inclusion in the consumer market. Therefore, one of the greatest challenges in the biofuels area is their competitive large-scale production in relation to fossil fuels. Owing to this, fossil fuels, based on petroleum, coal and natural gas, will be around for many years to come. Thus, it is necessary to utilize the inevitable CO2 released by the combustion processes in a rational and economical way. Chemical transformation processes of CO2 into methanol, hydrocarbons and organic carbonates are attractive and relatively easy to implement in the short-to-medium terms. However, the low reactivity of CO2 and the thermodynamic limitations in terms of conversion and yield of products remain challenges to be overcome in the development of sustainable CO2 conversion processes.