22 resultados para Axial fatigue
Se describe el aporte de la prueba de doble disfusión arco 5 (DD5) al diagnóstico de la hidatidosis en dos pacientes con operaciones previas. En una de ellas, asintomática, la reacción positiva a los cinco años de su última intervención quirúrgica por hidatidosis, permitió diagnosticar la presencia de quistes cuya localización abdominal fue establecida por la tomografía axial computada (TAC). En el otro caso, sintomático, aunque operado de hidatidosis nueve años antes, la positividad a la DD5 confirmó la etiología de la enfermedad que se había sospechado por centellografía, TAC y su historia clínica. En ambos casos, sin embargo, se hallaron en el acto quirúrgico otros quistes abdominales cuyas imágenes no habían sido reveladas en los estudios a los que se las había sometido.
Abstract Background: Prolonged aerobic exercise, such as running a marathon, produces supraphysiological stress that can affect the athlete's homeostasis. Some degree of transient myocardial dysfunction ("cardiac fatigue") can be observed for several days after the race. Objective: To verify if there are changes in the cardiopulmonary capacity, and cardiac inotropy and lusitropy in amateur marathoners after running a marathon. Methods: The sample comprised 6 male amateur runners. All of them underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) one week before the São Paulo Marathon, and 3 to 4 days after that race. They underwent echocardiography 24 hours prior to and immediately after the marathon. All subjects were instructed not to exercise, to maintain their regular diet, ingest the same usual amount of liquids, and rest at least 8 hours a day in the period preceding the CPET. Results: The athletes completed the marathon in 221.5 (207; 250) minutes. In the post-marathon CPET, there was a significant reduction in peak oxygen consumption and peak oxygen pulse compared to the results obtained before the race (50.75 and 46.35 mL.kg-1 .min-1; 19.4 and 18.1 mL.btm, respectively). The echocardiography showed a significant reduction in the s' wave (inotropic marker), but no significant change in the E/e' ratio (lusitropic marker). Conclusions: In amateur runners, the marathon seems to promote changes in the cardiopulmonary capacity identified within 4 days after the race, with a reduction in the cardiac contractility. Such changes suggest that some degree of "cardiac fatigue" can occur.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of direct introduction of clay slurries in an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer with axial view configuration. Calibration was performed using a certified reference material with a mean particle size of 13 µm (IPT-42) and the analytical curve was applied for quantification of two others reference materials (IPT-28 and IPT-32) and four samples. It was demonstrated that the analytical curve thus obtained was not completely suitable for IPT-28 and samples due to different mineralogical phases determined by X-ray diffraction. After considering this effect, it was possible for most elements to obtain results in agreement with certified values or with values obtained by a conventional technique at a 95% confidence level. It was demonstrated that the ICP-OES with axial view configuration did not present any incompatibility with the direct introduction of a complex inorganic suspension.
Atropisomerism is a special kind of stereoisomeric relationship that arises from the freezing of a certain conformation of an organic molecule, associated with a high rotational barrier about a single covalent bond. Atropisomerism has been originally described in orto-functionalyzed biphenyl derivatives, but a lot of other organic functionalities can present this structural phenomenon, characterized by the presence of chiral properties in compounds that don't present classical stereogenic centers. Atropisomeric compounds, intermediates and catalysts have well-know importance in organic synthesis, but the influence of the axial chirality in substances able to modulate biological systems is still not very exploited in drug design and development. In this context, the present account describes the importance of this structural property in the medicinal chemistry of different classes of bioactive compounds or therapeutic agents, emphasizing how atropisomerism could affect the molecular recognition of a ligand or a prototype by the target bioreceptor.
The performance of inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers with axial and radial views for determination of iodine in table salt was evaluated. Interference and memory effects in nitric acid and water-soluble tertiary amines (CFA-C) media were studied. Based on a factorial experiment, one optimum instrument operational condition for axial configuration, and two optima conditions for radial configuration was established. The ICP OES with axial view was 5-fold more sensitive than the radial view. Both matrix matching and standard addition methods were used for iodine quantification and for most samples, both strategies of calibration led to similar results. Recoveries ranged from 104 to 114%.
A colheita mecanizada é ferramenta fundamental no processo produtivo das grandes culturas; se não for realizada adequadamente, poderá resultar em danos mecânicos severos às sementes, acarretando, prejuízos significativos na colheita, particularmente devido à redução da qualidade. Visando a avaliar os danos causados na colheita mecanizada de soja, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito do sistema de trilha axial sobre a percentagem de bandinhas, impurezas e sementes quebradas de soja cv. M-Soy 8001, em função da velocidade de trabalho e rotação do cilindro trilhador. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em parcelas subdivididas, avaliando-se duas rotações do cilindro trilhador (400 e 500 rpm) e três velocidades de operação (3,5; 4,5 e 5,5 km h-1), com três repetições. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as combinações de velocidade de operação e rotações do cilindro de trilha avaliadas não afetam as variáveis vigor, impurezas, bandinha, emergência em areia e índice de velocidade de germinação e que o aumento da rotação de 400 para 500 rpm ocasiona o aumento de sementes quebradas.
O trabalho objetivou avaliar dois tipos de colhedoras, de fluxo radial e axial, em relação à qualidade física e fisiológica de sementes de duas cultivares de soja, BRS 184 e BRS 133, colhidas em dois horários, às 10 e 18 horas. A colhedora de fluxo radial trabalhou a 5,0 km h-1 , com o cilindro batedor a 750 rotações por minuto (rpm). A colhedora de fluxo axial trabalhou a 8,0 km h-1, e rotor com 650 rpm. Para a avaliação da qualidade física e fisiológica das sementes, foram realizados testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, tetrazólio, dano mecânico (hipoclorito), umidade de campo e laboratório, sementes quebradas (bandinha) e pureza. A colheita realizada às 18 horas, com grau de umidade menor que 12%, ocasionou maiores danos mecânicos nas sementes da cultivar BRS 184. A colhedora de sistema de fluxo axial resultou em sementes de melhor qualidade fisiológica para a cultivar BRS 184, e em menores percentuais de sementes quebradas e maior pureza para ambas as cultivares, comparativamente à colhedora de sistema de trilha com fluxo radial.
The study aimed to determine an optimum angle for the nozzles axial-flow sprayers a deposition for better vertical distribution focused on cashew. In laboratory tests were conducted adjusting the angle of the nozzle axial-flow sprayers. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a 2x3 factorial with four replications. The treatment for this test were two settings (with and without the adjustment of the angles of the nozzles ) and tree application volumes 273, 699 and 954 L ha-¹.The study was conducted in an orchard of dwarf cashew, with eight years of age. It was concluded that the volumetric distribution profile showed better vertical distribution uniformity when the angles of the nozzles were regulated for the canopy, the adjustment of the angles of the nozzles for the canopy provided greater deposition of droplets, the increased volume of application resulted in higher depositions in the leaves of the crop.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a resistência (rigidez) do sistema de fixação externa tubular uniplanar, com hastes de conexão única e dupla, com traços de fraturas estáveis e instáveis. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 48 modelos semelhantes à tíbia. Em todos foi deixado um intervalo de 0,5 cm entre os fragmentos e realizados cortes com angulações de 15º e 45º para simular fraturas estáveis e instáveis, respectivamente. Os modelos foram divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o traço fraturário (15º e 45º) e o número de barras metálicas na montagem (1 e 2 barras). Os modelos de prova foram adaptados à uma máquina de testes Instron®, pelas suas extremidades, e submetidos à compressão axial até que os fragmentos tiveram contato total. Avaliou-se a força necessária para efetuar o completo contato dos fragmentos do modelo. RESULTADOS: As forças instabilizadoras na montagem do fixador com barra dupla foram bastante superiores às com barra única. Observou-se ainda que o grupo com barra única instável apresentou variabilidade muito menor que os demais grupos, ou seja, apresenta resultados mais homogêneos, além de ter apresentado a menor média. CONCLUSÃO: A montagem do fixador externo com uma haste longitudinal dupla nos modelos estudados é mais estável que as demais quando submetidas à uma força de compressão axial.
PURPOSE: To assess fatigue and quality of life in disease-free breast cancer survivors in relation to a sample of age-matched women with no cancer history and to explore the relationship between fatigue and quality of life.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 202 consecutive disease-free Brazilian breast cancer survivors, all of whom had completed treatment, treated at 2 large hospitals. The patients were compared to age-matched women with no cancer history attending a primary health care center. The Piper Fatigue Scale-Revised and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL-BREF) were used to measure the fatigue and quality of life, respectively. Socio-demographic and clinical variables were also obtained. The χ2 test, generalized linear model, and Spearman correlation coefficient were used for statistical purposes. The adopted level of significance was 5%.RESULTS: Breast cancer survivors experienced significantly greater total and subscale fatigue scores than comparison group (all p-values<0.05). In addition, survivors reported a poorer quality of life in physical (p=0.002), psychological (p=0.03), and social relationships (p=0.03) domains than comparison group. No difference was found for the environmental domain (p=0.08) for both groups. For survivors of breast cancer and for comparison group, the total and subscale fatigue scores were related to lower quality of life (all p-values<0.01).CONCLUSION: The findings of this study highlight the importance of assessing fatigue and quality of life in breast cancer survivors.
The aim of this study was to describe the axial skeleton of a wild Brazilian carnivorous, the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous). Five specimens of crab-eating fox were previously unfrozen for radiographic exams and their bones went through dissection and chemical maceration. This animal presents seven cervical vertebrae, and from the third on, they become shorter and wider than the other ones e the spinous process was makeable from the fifth cervical vertebrae on. There are thirteen thoracic vertebrae and the spinous process of the lumbar vertebrae, which are seven, decreases from the fifth on. The sacrum is formed by two vertebrae and there are twenty or twenty one caudal vertebrae. It can be concluded that the crab-eating fox axial skeleton is similar to that of the domestic dog.
Resumo: Feridas de grandes extensões, com perda da viabilidade tecidual e retardo na cicatrização por segunda intenção são casos que se faz necessário o emprego de técnicas cirúrgicas reconstrutivas. O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é um produto com maior concentração plaquetária, adjuvante no processo cicatricial de cirurgias reconstrutivas, auxiliando nos processos de hemostasia e estimulação da angiogênese. Dessa forma, delineou-se um estudo a fim de avaliar a eficácia do uso do gel produzido a partir do plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) em flapes de avanço de padrão axial toracodorsal em coelhos, para avaliar a possibilidade de favorecer a integração do retalho no leito receptor. Utilizaram-se 30 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia branco, separados em dois grupos de 15 animais, compreendendo os grupos plasma rico em plaquetas (GPRP), na qual empregou-se o gel antes da síntese da ferida cirúrgica, e controle (GC), na qual utilizou-se apenas solução fisiológica. Para obtenção do PRP, coletou-se sangue dos animais, e determinou-se a contagem plaquetária antes da preparação do gel. No início e término do experimento os animais foram pesados para posterior análise de ganho peso médio. Após o procedimento cirúrgico iniciou-se as avaliações macroscópicas no 3º, 7º e 14º dia, e avaliou-se presença ou ausência de exsudato, integridade da pele, edema, rubor e necrose. Após esta etapa, coletou-se o material da ferida cirúrgica para confecção das lâminas histológicas e posterior avaliação microscópica. Avaliou-se a proliferação vascular, presença de células mononucleares e polimorfonucleares, proliferação fibroblástica, colagenização, reepitelização e hemorragia. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística (Teste t Student, t emparalhado, e Kruskall Walis, sendo p<0,05). O ganho de peso médio não foi significativo entre os grupos; a concentração plaquetária da amostra final do PRP foi significativamente maior quando comparada com a inicial; exsudato e necrose foram significativamente maior no grupo controle quando comparado ao grupo PRP; proliferação vascular e reepitelização foram significativamente maior no grupo PRP, enquanto que a presença de mononucleares, polimorfonucleares, proliferação de fibroblastos, colagenização e hemorragia não foram significativas entre os grupos. Obteve-se no terceiro dia, diferença significativamente maior quanto à variável exsudato no grupo controle quando comparado ao grupo PRP, no sétimo dia exsudato e rubor foram significativamente maior no grupo controle, e ao décimo quarto dia exsudato e integridade da pele foram significativamente maior no grupo controle. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo evidenciaram que a utilização do plasma rico em plaquetas na forma de gel em cirurgia reconstrutiva foi capaz de estimular a angiogênese na ferida favorecendo o processo de cicatrização.
Fuel elements of PWR type nuclear reactors consist of rod bundles, arranged in a square array, and held by spacer grids. The coolant flows, mainly, axially along the rods. Although such elements are laterally open, experiments are performed in closed type test sections, originating the appearance of subchannels with different geometries. In the present work, utilizing a test section of two bundles of 4x4 pins each, experiments were performed to determine the friction and the grid drag coefficients for the different subchannels and to observe the effect of the grids in the crossflow, in cases of inlet flow maldistribution.
Reliable predictions of remaining lives of civil or mechanical structures subjected to fatigue damage are very difficult to be made. In general, fatigue damage is extremely sensitive to the random variations of material mechanical properties, environment and loading. These variations may induce large dispersions when the structural fatigue life has to be predicted. Wirsching (1970) mentions dispersions of the order of 30 to 70 % of the mean calculated life. The presented paper introduces a model to estimate the fatigue damage dispersion based on known statistical distributions of the fatigue parameters (material properties and loading). The model is developed by expanding into Taylor series the set of equations that describe fatigue damage for crack initiation.
Crack formation and growth in steel bridge structural elements may be due to loading oscillations. The welded elements are liable to internal discontinuities along welded joints and sensible to stress variations. The evaluation of the remaining life of a bridge is needed to make cost-effective decisions regarding inspection, repair, rehabilitation, and replacement. A steel beam model has been proposed to simulate crack openings due to cyclic loads. Two possible alternatives have been considered to model crack propagation, which the initial phase is based on the linear fracture mechanics. Then, the model is extended to take into account the elastoplastic fracture mechanic concepts. The natural frequency changes are directly related to moment of inertia variation and consequently to a reduction in the flexural stiffness of a steel beam. Thus, it is possible to adopt a nondestructive technique during steel bridge inspection to quantify the structure eigenvalue variation that will be used to localize the grown fracture. A damage detection algorithm is developed for the proposed model and the numerical results are compared with the solutions achieved by using another well know computer code.