563 resultados para Araraquara virus
We tested sera from 286 agricultural workers and 322 rodents in the department of Córdoba, northeastern Colombia, for antibodies against two hantaviruses. The sera were analysed by indirect ELISA using the lysate of Vero E6 cells infected with Maciel virus (MACV) or the N protein of Araraquara virus (ARAV) as antigens for the detection of antibodies against hantaviruses. Twenty-four human sera were IgG positive using one or both antigens. We detected anti-MACV IgG antibodies in 10 sera (3.5%) and anti-ARAV antibodies in 21 sera (7.34%). Of the 10 samples that were positive for MACV, seven (70%) were cross-reactive with ARAV; seven of the 21 ARAV-positive samples were cross-reactive with MACV. Using an ARAV IgM ELISA, two of the 24 human sera (8.4%) were positive. We captured 322 rodents, including 210 Cricetidae (181 Zygodontomys brevicauda, 28 Oligoryzomys fulvescens and 1 Oecomys trinitatis), six Heteromys anomalus (Heteromyidae), one Proechimys sp. (Echimyidae) and 105 Muridae (34 Rattus rattus and 71 Mus musculus). All rodent sera were negative for both antigens. The 8.4% detection rate of hantavirus antibodies in humans is much higher than previously found in serosurveys in North America, suggesting that rural agricultural workers in northeastern Colombia are frequently exposed to hantaviruses. Our results also indicate that tests conducted with South American hantavirus antigens could have predictive value and could represent a useful alternative for the diagnosis of hantavirus infection in Colombia.
We conducted a serological survey to determine the presence of hantavirus infection in rodents in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais as well as to identify and characterize associated factors. Rodents were captured using Sherman live-capture traps set in rural and peri-urban environments. A total of 611 rodents were captured. There was a higher trap success in peri-urban areas (26.3%) and a higher prevalence of antibodies among rodents captured in rural areas (2.9%). Necromys lasiurus was the most common species (42.2%) and the more frequently infected (4.6%). One Calomys tener (1/141; 0.7%) and one Calomys sp. (1/14; 7.1%) were also positive for the hantavirus infection. In N. lasiurus, antibody prevalence correlated with population density (p < 0.01), age class (p = 0.003) and presence of scars (p = 0.02). The data confirm that horizontal transmission is the main mechanism that maintains the virus in nature. The higher seropositivity in N. lasiurus is consistent with genetic studies that associate this species with an Araraquara virus reservoir; the seropositivity of C. tener and Calomys sp. may indicate the occurrence of spillover infection or the presence of other circulating hantaviruses.
INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus pulmonary and cardiovascular syndrome (HPCS) is an emerging serious disease in the Americas. Hantaviruses (Bunyaviridae) are the causative agents of this syndrome and are mainly transmitted through inhalation of aerosols containing the excreta of wild rodents. In the Ribeirão Preto region (state of São Paulo, Brazil), HPCS has been reported since 1998, caused by the Araraquara virus (ARAV), for which Necromys lasiurus is the rodent reservoir. This study aimed to show diagnostic results relating to infection in humans and rodents, obtained at the Virology Research Center of the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, between 2005 and 2008. METHODS: HPCS was diagnosed by means of ELISA and/or RT-PCR in 11 (21.2%) out of 52 suspected cases, and 54.4% of these were fatal. Furthermore, 595 wild rodents (Necromys lasiurus, Akodon sp, Calomys tener and Oligoryzomys sp) were caught between 2005 and 2008. RESULTS: Fifteen (2.5%) of these rodents presented antibodies for hantavirus, as follows: Necromys lasiurus (4%), Calomys tener (1.9%) and Akodon sp (1.5%). Nucleotide sequences obtained through RT-PCR from one HPCS patient and one Calomys tener rodent were compared with hantavirus sequences from GenBank, which showed that both were homologous with ARAV. CONCLUSIONS: This work corroborates previous studies showing that ARAV is the hantavirus causing HPCS in the Ribeirão Preto region. It also shows that rodents infected with hantavirus represent a constant risk of transmission of this virus to man.
INTRODUCTION: In recent years, hantavirus infections producing severe diseases have obtained an increased attention from public health authorities from the countries of Eurasia to the Americas. Brazil has reported 1,300 cases of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) from 1993 to 2010, with about 80 of them occurring in the northeast of the State of São Paulo, with 48% fatality rate. Araraquara virus was the causative agent of HCPS in the region. Considering that hantaviruses causing human disease in the Americas were unknown until 1993, we have looked for hantavirus infections in the population of Cássia dos Coqueiros county, northeast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, before this time. This county has about 2,800 inhabitants and an economy based on agriculture, including cultivation of Brachiaria decumbens grass. The grass seeds are an important rodent attraction, facilitating transmission of hantavirus to man. Four HCPS cases were reported so far in the county. METHODS: In this study, 1,876 sera collected from 1987 to 1990 were tested for IgG to hantavirus by IgG-ELISA, using the N recombinant protein of Araraquara virus as antigen. RESULTS: Positive results were observed in 89 (4.7%) samples, which were all collected in 1987. The positivity among urban inhabitants was 5.3%, compared with 4.3% among those living in rural areas. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that hantavirus infections occurred in Cássia dos Coqueiros, completely unrecognized, even before hantaviruses were described in the Americas.
We report a nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for hantavirus using primers selected to match high homology regions of hantavirus genomes detected from the whole blood of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) patients from Brazil, also including the N gene nucleotide sequence of Araraquara virus. Hantavirus genomes were detected in eight out of nine blood samples from the HCPS patients by RT-PCR (88.9% positivity) and in all 9 blood samples (100% positivity) by nested-PCR. The eight amplicons obtained by RT-PCR (P1, P3-P9), including one obtained by nested-PCR (P-2) and not obtained by RT-PCR, were sequenced and showed high homology (94.8% to 99.1%) with the N gene of Araraquara hantavirus. Although the serologic method ELISA is the most appropriate test for HCPS diagnosis, the use of nested RT-PCR for hantavirus in Brazil would contribute to the diagnosis of acute hantavirus disease detecting viral genomes in patient specimens as well as initial genomic characterization of circulating hantaviruses.
Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) has been recognized as an important public heath problem. Five hantaviruses associated with HCPS are currently known in Brazil: Juquitiba, Araraquara, Laguna Negra-like, Castelo dos Sonhos, and Anajatuba viruses. The laboratory diagnosis of HCPS is routinely carried out by the detection of anti-hantavirus IgM and/or IgG antibodies. The present study describes the expression of the N protein of a hantavirus detected in the blood sample of an HCPS patient. The entire S segment of the virus was amplified and found to be 1858 nucleotides long, with an open reading frame of 1287 nucleotides that encodes a protein of 429 amino acids. The nucleotide sequence described here showed a high identity with the N protein gene of Araraquara virus. The entire N protein was expressed using the vector pET200D and the Escherichia coli BL21 strain. The expression of the recombinant protein was confirmed by the detection of a 52-kDa protein by Western blot using a pool of human sera obtained from HCPS patients, and by specific IgG detection in five serum samples of HCPS patients tested by ELISA. These results suggest that the recombinant N protein could be used as an antigen for the serological screening of hantavirus infection.
Entre as doenças que ocorrem na cultura da melancia (Citrullus lanatus), a virose ocasionada por Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) se destaca entre as principais, sendo a resistência genética a forma mais indicada de controle. Dessa forma, é importante o conhecimento do controle genético da resistência que se pretende trabalhar. Objetivando estudar a herança da resistência ao WMV em melancia, foram realizados cruzamentos entre o cultivar Crimson Sweet (CS) suscetível e a linha L26 resistente. Populações segregantes e não segregantes obtidas dos cruzamentos foram inoculadas com um isolado de WMV e avaliadas quanto ao aparecimento de sintomas e à presença do vírus por testes de ELISA indireto contra antissoro específico para WMV. A hipótese de herança monogênica foi avaliada em diferentes graus médios de dominância e pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Foram obtidas variâncias genética (σ²G), ambiental (σ²E), fenotípica (σ²F2), aditiva (σ²A) e de dominância (σ²D), herdabilidades nos sentidos amplo (h²a) e restrito (h²r). A herança monogênica foi rejeitada. O grau médio de dominância indicou efeito de dominância completa. As herdabilidades no sentido amplo foram baixas; portanto, constatou-se que o controle da resistência a WMV nas populações de melancia estudadas é do tipo oligogênica, com presença de efeitos aditivos e não aditivos e presença de genes maiores e poligenes.
In order to obtain evidence on the size of the impact of the Hong Kong/68 variant of influenza A2 virus on the population of São Paulo, Brazil, serum samples taken in 1967 before this variant appeared and during successive years after it appeared were examined for their antibody content. Haemagglutination-inhibition tests performed on a total of 2726 serum samples from adults showed a sharp decrease in 1969 of the proportion of sera without antibody to the Hong Kong/68 variant and a corresponding mercase in the proportion with high titres. It was concluded that about three-quarters of the adult population became infected at some time after the variant appeared, the majority in the first year of prevalence.
Foi demonstrada a etiologia das infecções adquiridas em hospitais da cidade de Araraquara, S. Paulo, Brasil, verificando-se o comportamento das bactérias isoladas frente a 10 antimicrobianos. A metodologia bacteriológica seguida conduziu à especiação bacteriana, com exceção do estafilococos que foi identificado através da fagotipagem. Dos 171 processos infecciosos, adquiridos nos hospitais no período de setembro de 1974 a maio de 1975, foram isolados 211 microrganismos, sendo 73,0% de bactérias Gram negativas e 27,0% de bactérias Gram positivas. Verificou-se um alto nível de resistência à maioria dos antibióticos. As bactérias Gram negativas apresentaram menor resistência à Gentamicina (22,2%), enquanto as Gram positivas apresentaram menor resistência à Cefalotina (17,7%), à Fosfomicina (25,5%) e à Gentamicina (29,4%). Os resultados permitiram antever sérias dificuldades quanto à ação dos antimicrobianos sobre as bactérias, assim como a intensa disseminação das bactérias Gram negativas, especialmente a Escherichia coli e as Pseudomonas.
Nos tubos de Malpighi de Triatoma infestans Klug e de Panstrongylus megistus Burmeister foram encontradas estruturas víricas distribuídas no citoplasma, no interior de citolissomos ou outros tipos de glóbulos, formando às vezes arranjos para cristalinos envolvidos por membrana, e entre plasmalemas de células contíguas. Outros tecidos dos mesmos insetos apresentam arranjos paracristalinos desses virus. A análise citoquímica ao nível da microscopia eletrônica indica serem estes virus compostos de RNP. Não são encontradas alterações morfológicas drásticas nos tecidos infectados. Admite-se que tais virus tenham sido ingeridos durante uma alimentação de sangue infectado de ave.
Levando-se em consideração que a natação é um exercício excelente para a saúde e tem sido um esporte preferido por pessoas de várias idades de ambos os sexos; e que a massa líquida, contida em tanques, pode veicular doenças, procurou-se estudar as condições sanitárias de algumas piscinas públicas e particulares da Cidade de Araraquara, SP (Brasil). Em 36 tomadas de amostras de águas de piscinas públicas e 22 de piscinas particulares, constatou-se que, embora recebendo tratamento específico, elas não mantêm os níveis de cloro suficiente para impedir a proliferação de bactérias, algumas das quais perigosas para a saúde dos freqüentadores. Verificou-se que os níveis de cloretos estavam altos, indicando contaminação das águas por urina ou mesmo suor do corpo, e concluiu-se que o banhista deveria receber instruções a respeito.
É feita revisão dos estudos soro-epidemiológicos do vírus de Epstein-Barr (vírus EB), mostrando a ubicuidade deste vírus, bem como sua relação com doenças malígnas e não malígnas do homem. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas laboratoriais e o acúmulo, nos últimos 10 anos, de grande número de estudos soro-epidemiológicos, levaram à conclusão de que, além da associação etiológica com a mononucleose infecciosa, torna-se cada vez mais evidente a ligação do vírus EB com o linfoma de Burkitt e com o carcinoma do nasofaringe. Estas observações, além de sua extraordinária importância intrínseca, tem sido de grande utilidade para a melhor compreensão dos possíveis mecanismos e efeitos das infecções virais no homem.
São apresentados os resultados de levantamento epidemiológico de cárie dentária em escolares de 7 a 12 anos de idade da cidade de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, cuja água de abastecimento público é fluoretada. O objetivo do estudo é verificar a prevalência de caria dentária e o nível de assistência odontológica oferecido a esta população. A população de estudo compõe-se de escolares nascidos e sempre residentes na cidade e escolares não nascidos e/ou nem sempre residentes na cidade; são comparados os índices CPO-D obtidos para os dois grupos.
First-generation progeny of field-collected Psorophora ferox, Aedes scapularis, and Aedes serratus from the Rocio encephalitis epidemic zone in S.Paulo State, Brazil, were tested for vector competency in the laboratory. Psorophora ferox and Ae. scapularis are susceptible to per os infection with Rocio virus and can transmit the virus by bite following a suitable incubation period. Oral ID50S for the two species (10(4.1) and 10(4.3) Vero cell plaque forming units, respectively) did not differ significantly. Infection rates in Ae. serratus never exceeded 36%, and, consequently, an ID50 could not be calculated for this species. It is unlikely that Ae. serratus is an epidemiologically important vector of Rocio virus. The utility of an in vitro feeding technique for demonstrating virus transmission by infected mosquitoes and difficulties encountered in working with uncolonized progeny of field-collected mosquitoes are discussed.