39 resultados para Analytic Reproducing Kernel
OBJETIVO: Analisar a qualidade dos serviços oferecidos por empresas operadoras de planos de saúde, segundo a percepção de usuários. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 360 usuários de sete operadoras de planos de saúde da cidade de Curitiba, PR, e região metropolitana em 2008. Foi aplicado questionário sobre as preferências dos usuários em relação a seis atributos (localização dos pontos de atendimento; efetividade da ação dos médicos, clínicas e hospitais; rapidez e amabilidade no atendimento; facilidade na liberação de guias; preço; abrangência da rede credenciada) de cada uma das empresas operadoras. Para a análise das respostas foi utilizado o método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP, ou Processo Analítico de Hierarquia), ferramenta de análise de decisão e planejamento de múltiplos critérios. RESULTADOS: O atributo mais valorizado pelos usuários foi "preço". As empresas foram agrupadas em dois conjuntos de preferências em relação aos atributos: dos sete planos de saúde, dois apresentaram menor preferência (entre 23% e 19%) e cinco, maior preferência (em torno de 10%). CONCLUSÕES: Com esse tipo de pesquisa, as empresas operadoras de planos de saúde poderiam reformular suas estruturas, processos, preços e redes credenciadas com o objetivo de melhorar seu posicionamento no mercado.
Abstract Hypertension affects 25% of the world's population and is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disorders and other diseases. The aim of this study was to examine the evidence regarding the acute effect of exercise on blood pressure (BP) using meta-analytic measures. Sixty-five studies were compared using effect sizes (ES), and heterogeneity and Z tests to determine whether the ES were different from zero. The mean corrected global ES for exercise conditions were -0.56 (-4.80 mmHg) for systolic BP (sBP) and -0.44 (-3.19 mmHg) for diastolic BP (dBP; z ≠ 0 for all; p < 0.05). The reduction in BP was significant regardless of the participant's initial BP level, gender, physical activity level, antihypertensive drug intake, type of BP measurement, time of day in which the BP was measured, type of exercise performed, and exercise training program (p < 0.05 for all). ANOVA tests revealed that BP reductions were greater if participants were males, not receiving antihypertensive medication, physically active, and if the exercise performed was jogging. A significant inverse correlation was found between age and BP ES, body mass index (BMI) and sBP ES, duration of the exercise's session and sBP ES, and between the number of sets performed in the resistance exercise program and sBP ES (p < 0.05). Regardless of the characteristics of the participants and exercise, there was a reduction in BP in the hours following an exercise session. However, the hypotensive effect was greater when the exercise was performed as a preventive strategy in those physically active and without antihypertensive medication.
The objective of this work was to obtain organic compounds similar to the ones found in the organic matter of anthropogenic dark earth of Amazonia (ADE) using a chemical functionalization procedure on activated charcoal, as well as to determine their ecotoxicity. Based on the study of the organic matter from ADE, an organic model was proposed and an attempt to reproduce it was described. Activated charcoal was oxidized with the use of sodium hypochlorite at different concentrations. Nuclear magnetic resonance was performed to verify if the spectra of the obtained products were similar to the ones of humic acids from ADE. The similarity between spectra indicated that the obtained products were polycondensed aromatic structures with carboxyl groups: a soil amendment that can contribute to soil fertility and to its sustainable use. An ecotoxicological test with Daphnia similis was performed on the more soluble fraction (fulvic acids) of the produced soil amendment. Aryl chloride was formed during the synthesis of the organic compounds from activated charcoal functionalization and partially removed through a purification process. However, it is probable that some aryl chloride remained in the final product, since the ecotoxicological test indicated that the chemical functionalized soil amendment is moderately toxic.
Defatted Brazil nut kernel flour, a rich source of high quality proteins, is presently being utilized in the formulation of animal feeds. One of the possible ways to improve its utilization for human consumption is through improvement in its functional properties. In the present study, changes in some of the functional properties of Brazil nut kernel globulin were evaluated after acetylation at 58.6, 66.2 and 75.3% levels. The solubility of acetylated globulin was improved above pH 6.0 but was reduced in the pH range of 3.0-4.0. Water and oil absorption capacity, as well as the viscosity increased with increase in the level of acetylation. Level of modification also influenced the emulsifying capacity: decreased at pH 3.0, but increased at pH 7.0 and 9.0. Highest emulsion activity (approximately 62.2%) was observed at pH 3.0 followed by pH 9.0 and pH 7.0 and least (about 11.8%) at pH 5.0. Emulsion stability also followed similar behavior as that of emulsion activity.
The purpose of this study was to investigate and model the water absorption process by corn kernels with different levels of mechanical damage Corn kernels of AG 1510 variety with moisture content of 14.2 (% d.b.) were used. Different mechanical damage levels were indirectly evaluated by electrical conductivity measurements. The absorption process was based on the industrial corn wet milling process, in which the product was soaked with a 0.2% sulfur dioxide (SO2) solution and 0.55% lactic acid (C3H6O3) in distilled water, under controlled temperatures of 40, 50, 60, and 70 ºC and different mechanical damage levels. The Peleg model was used for the analysis and modeling of water absorption process. The conclusion is that the structural changes caused by the mechanical damage to the corn kernels influenced the initial rates of water absorption, which were higher for the most damaged kernels, and they also changed the equilibrium moisture contents of the kernels. The Peleg model was well adjusted to the experimental data presenting satisfactory values for the analyzed statistic parameters for all temperatures regardless of the damage level of the corn kernels.
Solid lipid particles have been investigated by food researchers due to their ability to enhance the incorporation and bioavailability of lipophilic bioactives in aqueous formulations. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the physicochemical stability and digestibility of lipid microparticles produced with tristearin and palm kernel oil. The motivation for conducting this study was the fact that mixing lipids can prevent the expulsion of the bioactive from the lipid core and enhance the digestibility of lipid structures. The lipid microparticles containing different palm kernel oil contents were stable after 60 days of storage according to the particle size and zeta potential data. Their calorimetric behavior indicated that they were composed of a very heterogeneous lipid matrix. Lipid microparticles were stable under various conditions of ionic strength, sugar concentration, temperature, and pH. Digestibility assays indicated no differences in the release of free fatty acids, which was approximately 30% in all analises. The in vitro digestibility tests showed that the amount of palm kernel in the particles did not affect the percentage of lipolysis, probably due to the high amount of surfactants used and/or the solid state of the microparticles.
O sucesso da aplicação de técnicas de Análise das Decisões como apoio em problemas com um único objetivo predominante abriu caminho para estudos de problemas mais ambiciosos como os de decisões com multicritérios e decisões e de grupo (estes dois tipos utilizam metodologias muito semelhantes). Como evolução natural da Análise das Decisões, resultou a metodologia MAUT (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory). Seu rigorismo teórico torna as aplicações difíceis para um analista menos preparado. Como conseqüência, surgiu a metodologia AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) de utilização extremamente simples. A crítica ao AHP veio da escola européia que criou uma série de métodos conhecidos pela abreviação comum: MCDA (Multicriteria Decision Aid).
An investigation into support for restrictions on people testing seropositive for HIV is reported on. Data were collected during telephone interviews with two-hundred adults aged eighteen to sixty-five in the Chicago metropolitan area. Using the analytic technique of LISREL, six models which attempt to explain support for restrictions were tested. It was found that the model best supported by the data indicates that two groups contribute to support for restrictions on HIV carriers - one due to intolerance of homosexuality and one to mistrust of public health officials regarding their control and management of the AIDS epidemic. The relevance of these findings for public health policy makers is discussed.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência espacial e temporal da dengue e sua associação com a heterogeneidade de características do ambiente urbano. MÉTODOS: Foram georreferenciados 1.212 casos de dengue registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação entre 1998 e 2006, no município de Niterói, RJ, segundo setores censitários. Os setores foram classificados em áreas homogêneas para a ocorrência da doença: favela, estaleiro e urbano. Os casos foram agrupados em cinco períodos: dois interepidêmicos 1998-2000 e 2003-2005; três epidêmicos 2001, 2002 e 2006 e analisados por meio de operações entre camadas em ambiente sistema de informação geográfica. Para identificação de conglomerados com maior intensidade de casos, utilizou-se o método de kernel. O método de varredura espacial de Kulldorff foi usado para confirmação estatística desses clusters. RESULTADOS: Do total de casos, 57% eram do sexo feminino. As faixas etárias com maior concentração de casos foram de 20-29 anos (20,5%) e de 30-39 anos (17,7%). O setor favela morro apresentou somente 11% dos domicílios atendidos por serviço de coleta de lixo, o maior percentual de não alfabetizados (8,7%) e de chefes de família com rendimentos menores de 1 salário mínimo (29,5%). Os casos permaneceram nos setores denominados favelas. No primeiro ano epidêmico e nos períodos interepidêmicos o maior número de casos estava situado nos setores favelas morro e favela plana; no segundo e terceiro ano de epidemia, situavam-se no setor favela plana. CONCLUSÕES: A parcela economicamente ativa foi a mais atingida na área de estudo. Os setores censitários mostram heterogeneidade espacial em relação às condições de vida e dentro de alguns setores, há diferenciais na distribuição espacial e temporal do risco de ocorrência da dengue.
OBJECTIVE : To analyze the main predictors of access to medicines for persons who experienced acute health conditions. METHODS : This was a cross-sectional analytic study, based on data from household surveys. We examined the predictors of: (1) seeking care for acute illness in the formal health care system and (2) obtaining all medicines sought for the acute condition. RESULTS : The significant predictors of seeking health care for acute illnesses were urban geographic location, head of household with secondary school education or above, age under 15, severity of illness perceived by the respondent, and having health insurance. The most important predictor of obtaining full access to medicines was seeking care in the formal health care system. People who sought care in the formal system were three times more likely to receive all the medicines sought (OR 3.0, 95%CI 2.3;4.0). For those who sought care in the formal health system, the strongest predictors of full access to medicines were seeking care in the private sector, having secondary school education or above, and positive perceptions of quality of health care and medicines in public sector health facilities. For patients who did not seek care in the formal health system, full access to medicines was more likely in Honduras or Nicaragua than in Guatemala. Urban geographic location, higher economic status, and male gender were also significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS : A substantial part of the population in these three countries sought and obtained medicines outside of the formal health care system, which may compromise quality of care and pose a risk to patients. Determinants of full access to medicines inside and outside the formal health care system differ, and thus may require different strategies to improve access to medicines.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the spatial distribution of avoidable hospitalizations due to tuberculosis in the municipality of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil, and to identify spatial and space-time clusters for the risk of occurrence of these events. METHODS This is a descriptive, ecological study that considered the hospitalizations records of the Hospital Information System of residents of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Southeastern Brazil, from 2006 to 2012. Only the cases with recorded addresses were considered for the spatial analyses, and they were also geocoded. We resorted to Kernel density estimation to identify the densest areas, local empirical Bayes rate as the method for smoothing the incidence rates of hospital admissions, and scan statistic for identifying clusters of risk. Softwares ArcGis 10.2, TerraView 4.2.2, and SaTScanTM were used in the analysis. RESULTS We identified 169 hospitalizations due to tuberculosis. Most were of men (n = 134; 79.2%), averagely aged 48 years (SD = 16.2). The predominant clinical form was the pulmonary one, which was confirmed through a microscopic examination of expectorated sputum (n = 66; 39.0%). We geocoded 159 cases (94.0%). We observed a non-random spatial distribution of avoidable hospitalizations due to tuberculosis concentrated in the northern and western regions of the municipality. Through the scan statistic, three spatial clusters for risk of hospitalizations due to tuberculosis were identified, one of them in the northern region of the municipality (relative risk [RR] = 3.4; 95%CI 2.7–4,4); the second in the central region, where there is a prison unit (RR = 28.6; 95%CI 22.4–36.6); and the last one in the southern region, and area of protection for hospitalizations (RR = 0.2; 95%CI 0.2–0.3). We did not identify any space-time clusters. CONCLUSIONS The investigation showed priority areas for the control and surveillance of tuberculosis, as well as the profile of the affected population, which shows important aspects to be considered in terms of management and organization of health care services targeting effectiveness in primary health care.
The aim of this article is to identify patterns in spatial distribution of cases of dengue fever that occurred in the municipality of Cruzeiro, State of São Paulo, in 2006. This is an ecological and exploratory study using the tools of spatial analysis in the preparation of thematic maps with data from Sinan-Net. An analysis was made by area, taking as unit the IBGE census, the analysis included four months in 2006 which show the occurrence of the disease in the city. The thematic maps were constructed by TerraView 3.3.1 software, the same software provided the values of the indicators of Global Moran (I M) every month and the Kernel estimation. In the year 2006, 691 cases of dengue were georeferenced (with a rate of 864.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants); the indicators of Moran and p-values obtained were I M = 0.080 (March) p = 0.11; I M = 0.285 (April) p = 0.01; I M = 0.201 (May) p = 0.01 and I M = 0.002 (June) p = 0.57. The first cases were identified in the Northeast and Central areas of Cruzeiro and the recent cases, in the North, Northeast and Central. It was possible to identify census tracts where the epidemic began and how it occurred temporally and spatially in the city.
Malaria é uma doença de distribuição focal. No Brasil, áreas de assentamento e garimpos de ouro na Amazônia Legal apresentam grande concentração de casos. Este artigo analisa a distribuição espacial de casos de malária, considerando fatores ambientais e sociais, no assentamento Vale do Amanhecer, Município de Juruena, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Em 2005, notificou-se 359 casos autóctones no assentamento e pelo método de Kernel identificaram-se áreas de maior e menor intensidade de número de casos. As áreas de maior intensidade apresentaram 290 casos e na de menor intensidade 64 casos. A intensidade da distribuição variou no assentamento, indicando áreas de grande intensidade de casos favoráveis para transmissão como área de garimpos. Assim, apesar de assentamentos serem considerados como foco de malária, existem no seu interior, especificidades que, uma vez identificadas, podem contribuir para o controle da doença.
Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo com componente ecológico que descreve o padrão epidemiológico e a distribuição geográfica da leishmaniose tegumentar americana no município de Campinas, SP de 1992 a 2003. Os locais prováveis de infecção foram georeferenciados por meio de Sistema de Posicionamento Global e espacializados pelo programa Spring 4.01 do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. Foi aplicado o estimador de intensidade kernel para se obter as regiões com maior freqüência de casos. Identificou-se a ocorrência de 3 surtos (região Leste e Sudoeste) nos anos de 1993/1995 e 2002/2003. Foram estudadas variáveis sócio-demográficas, proximidade do domicílio à mata, tempo de moradia e forma clínica da doença. Embora as características ecológicas e sócio-ambientais das áreas de estudo sejam diferentes, os surtos apresentaram perfil semelhante. A distribuição por sexo, idade e ocupação sugere possível transmissão peridomiciliar. A proximidade dos locais prováveis de infecção das matas foi comum a todas as áreas.