36 resultados para Aldridge, Susan: Elämän lanka
Although the reported aetiological agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Sri Lanka is Leishmania donovani, the sandfly vector remains unknown. Ninety-five sandflies, 60 females and 35 males, collected in six localities in the district of Matale, central Sri Lanka, close to current active transmission foci of CL were examined for taxonomically relevant characteristics. Eleven diagnostic morphological characters for female sandflies were compared with measurements described for Indian and Sri Lankan sandflies, including the now recognised Phlebotomus argentipes sensu lato species complex. The mean morphometric measurements of collected female sandflies differed significantly from published values for P. argentipes morphospecies B, now re-identified as Phlebotomus annandalei from Delft Island and northern Sri Lanka, from recently re-identified P. argentipes s.s. sibling species and from Phlebotomus glaucus. Furthermore, analysis of underlying variation in the morphometric data through principal component analysis also illustrated differences between the population described herein and previously recognised members of the P. argentipes species complex. Collectively, these results suggest that a morphologically distinct population, perhaps most closely related to P. glaucus of the P. argentipess. I. species complex, exists in areas of active CL transmission. Thus, research is required to determine the ability of this population of flies to transmit cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonotic disease all over the world, important in tropical and subtropical areas. A majority of leptospirosis infected patients present as subclinical or mild disease while 5-10% may develop severe infection requiring hospitalisation and critical care. It is possible that several factors, such as the infecting serovar, level of leptospiraemia, host genetic factors and host immune response, may be important in predisposition towards severe disease. Different Leptospirastrains circulate in different geographical regions contributing to variable disease severity. Therefore, it is important to investigate the circulating strains at geographical locations during each outbreak for epidemiological studies and to support the clinical management of the patients. In this study immunochromatography, microscopic agglutination test and polymerase chain reaction were used to diagnose leptospirosis. Further restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing methods were used to identify the circulating strains in two selected geographical regions of Sri Lanka.Leptospira interrogans, Leptospira borgpeterseniiandLeptospira kirschneristrains were identified to be circulating in western and southern provinces. L. interroganswas the predominant species circulating in western and southern provinces in 2013 and its presence was mainly associated with renal failure.
Leishmania donovani is the known causative agent of both cutaneous (CL) and visceral leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka. CL is considered to be under-reported partly due to relatively poor sensitivity and specificity of microscopic diagnosis. We compared robustness of three previously described polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based methods to detectLeishmania DNA in 38 punch biopsy samples from patients presented with suspected lesions in 2010. Both, Leishmaniagenus-specific JW11/JW12 KDNA and LITSR/L5.8S internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1 PCR assays detected 92% (35/38) of the samples whereas a KDNA assay specific forL. donovani (LdF/LdR) detected only 71% (27/38) of samples. All positive samples showed a L. donovani banding pattern upon HaeIII ITS1 PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. PCR assay specificity was evaluated in samples containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, and human DNA, and there was no cross-amplification in JW11/JW12 and LITSR/L5.8S PCR assays. The LdF/LdR PCR assay did not amplify M. leprae or human DNA although 500 bp and 700 bp bands were observed in M. tuberculosis samples. In conclusion, it was successfully shown in this study that it is possible to diagnose Sri Lankan CL with high accuracy, to genus and species identification, using Leishmania DNA PCR assays.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir os atuais desafios do multilateralismo tradicional no comércio, visíveis nos impasses da Rodada Doha, diante das novas realidades do comércio internacional globalizado, caracterizado pela dispersão e fragmentação da produção sob a lógica das cadeias de valor globais (CVG). O artigo discute a forma em que essas transformações estão desafiando pressupostos tradicionais do sistema multilateral de comércio e as negociações da Rodada Doha. Tomando o caso do Brasil como exemplo, o artigo argumenta que o descompasso entre a agenda negociadora e as novas realidades do comércio internacional reside nos próprios países-membros da OMC que, em sua maioria, ainda não pautam suas políticas comerciais e suas estratégias de inserção internacional por essas novas dinâmicas do comércio internacional. Por fim, o trabalho mostra que a política comercial brasileira durante a última década esteve desalinhada com essa nova realidade ao dar demasiada ênfase às formas tradicionais de negociação comercial, deixando de considerar as modificações essenciais ocorridas nos padrões de comércio na esteira do processo de globalização.
OBJETIVO: Validar a utilização da cicatriz vacinal de BCG como um indicador de vacinação. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal em 52.348 escolares, entre 6 e 14 anos de idade, que possuíam exame de cicatriz vacinal do BCG e que participaram de um ensaio clínico randomizado e controlado na cidade de Manaus, Brasil. Os dados da leitura da cicatriz vacinal foram comparados com a informação sobre a vacinação passada fornecida pelos cartões vacinais ou informação dos responsáveis. Em uma subamostra foi realizada leitura dupla com cálculo do coeficiente Kappa. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se o Stata 7. RESULTADOS: Do total de 52.348 escolares estudados, 29.254 possuíam informação sobre cicatriz vacinal coletada por meio de carta aos pais, e 4.947 possuíam história de vacinação coletada pelo cartão de vacinas. Observou-se elevada concordância entre a dupla leitura de cicatriz vacinal (Kappa =0,81). A sensibilidade da leitura de cicatriz vacinal foi 96,6% (95% IC 96,0-97,1) e a especificidade foi 71,1% (95% IC 55,7-83,7) quando o padrão ouro utilizado foi a concordância entre a carta aos pais e a informação do cartão de vacinas. A sensibilidade foi de 96,1%, 97,3% e 95,3% para crianças vacinadas até um mês de idade, até 4 meses e até um ano de idade, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Os valores encontrados para sensibilidade e especificidade foram independentes da idade da realização da leitura de cicatriz vacinal. O exame da cicatriz vacinal mostrou ser um bom indicador para avaliar a situação vacinal referente ao BCG.
OBJETIVO: A vacina BCG é utilizada desde 1921, embora ainda apresente controvérsias e aspectos não esclarecidos. O objetivo do artigo foi analisar aspectos relacionados ao efeito protetor da primeira e segunda doses da vacina BCG e as políticas de vacinação adotadas. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada revisão sistemática da literatura publicada em inglês e espanhol, abrangendo o período compreendido entre 1948 e 2006, na base PubMed. Os principais descritores utilizados foram BCG vaccine, BCG efficacy, BCG e tuberculosis. Os estudos foram agrupados por tipo de desenho, apresentando-se separadamente os principais resultados de ensaios clínicos, estudos de caso-controle e metanálises. RESULTADOS: O efeito protetor da primeira dose da vacina BCG contra a tuberculose na forma miliar ou na meningite é elevado. No entanto, os resultados são discordantes em relação à forma pulmonar, variando de ausência de efeito a níveis próximos a 80%. Estão sendo conduzidas pesquisas sobre novas vacinas candidatas a substituir a BCG ou serem utilizadas como reforço. CONCLUSÕES: Há evidências de que a segunda dose da BCG não aumenta o seu efeito protetor. Apesar de seus limites e da expectativa futura de nova vacina para tuberculose, a vacina BCG mantém-se como importante instrumento no controle dos efeitos danosos da doença, sobretudo em países com taxas de incidência médias e elevadas.
OBJETIVO: Analisar características relacionadas à adesão ao tratamento dos casos de tuberculose em serviços de referência para tuberculose. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico nas unidades de referência no tratamento dos casos de tuberculose dos distritos sanitários de Salvador, BA, em 2006. A amostra foi composta pelas unidades de saúde municipais que atenderam 67,2% dos 2.283 casos notificados de tuberculose no ano. Foram analisadas as variáveis: cura, abandono, exames realizados, equipe de saúde e benefícios aos pacientes. Para verificar associação entre as variáveis, foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher, sendo consideradas estatisticamente significantes as associações com p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Dos casos estudados, 78,4% resultaram em cura, 8,6% em abandono, 2,2% em óbito e 8,1% em transferência. As taxas de adesão por unidade de saúde apresentaram variabilidade entre 66,7% a 98,1%. As variáveis cura e abandono mostraram associação estatisticamente significante com a adesão na comparação de proporções. Todas as unidades com alta adesão possuíam equipe de saúde completa. CONCLUSÕES: A adesão foi fator importante para o desfecho cura e abandono, mas foi baixo o índice de unidades que alcançaram as metas de cura. A presença de equipe multidisciplinar completa no programa de tuberculose pode contribuir para a compreensão pelo paciente sobre a sua enfermidade e a adesão ao tratamento para a cura.
OBJECTIVE To identify independent risk factors for non-breastfeeding within the first hour of life.METHODS A systematic review of Medline, LILACS, Scopus, and Web of Science electronic databases, till August 30, 2013, was performed without restrictions on language or date of publishing. Studies that used regression models and provided adjusted measures of association were included. Studies in which the regression model was not specified or those based on specific populations regarding age or the presence of morbidities were excluded.RESULTS The search resulted in 155 articles, from which 18 met the inclusion criteria. These were conducted in Asia (9), Africa (5), and South America (4), between 1999 and 2013. The prevalence of breastfeeding within the first hour of life ranged from 11.4%, in a province of Saudi Arabia, to 83.3% in Sri Lanka. Cesarean delivery was the most consistent risk factor for non-breastfeeding within the first hour of life. “Low family income”, “maternal age less than 25 years”, “low maternal education”, “no prenatal visit”, “home delivery”, “no prenatal guidance on breastfeeding” and “preterm birth” were reported as risk factors in at least two studies.CONCLUSIONS Besides the hospital routines, indicators for low socioeconomic status and poor access to health services were also identified as independent risk factors for non-breastfeeding within the first hour of life. Policies to promote breastfeeding, appropriate to each context, should aim to reduce inequalities in health.
The objective of this study was to compare the histopathological changes and expression of CR3 and CR4 in the liver and spleen of dogs naturally and experimentally infected with L. chagasi. The basic histopathological lesions observed mainly in naturally infected dogs were: epithelioid hepatic granulomas, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of Kupffer cells, Malpigui follicles and mononucleated cells of the red pulp of the spleen. Sections from the liver and spleen by immunocytochemistry technique showed the presence of CD11b,c\CD 18 antigens in the control and infected animals and no qualitative or quantitative differences in the liver. Nevertheless, CD18 was always increased in the spleen of naturally and experimentally infected dogs. These results indicate that there is a difference in the activaton of CD 18 in both experimental and natural cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis that should play an important role in the immunological response to Leishmania chagasi infection.
To determine the prevalence of intestinal microsporidiosis in HIV-infected patients, we performed a prospective study of HIV-infected patients with diarrheal illnesses in three US hospitals and examined an observational database of HIV-infected patients in 10 US cities. Among 737 specimens from the three hospitals, results were positive for 11 (prevalence 1.5%); seven (64%) acquired HIV through male-to-male sexual contact, two (18%) through male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use, and one (9%) through heterosexual contact; one (9%) had an undetermined mode of transmission. Median CD4 count within six months of diagnosis of microsporidiosis was 33 cells/µL (range 3 to 319 cells/µL). For the national observational database (n = 24,098), the overall prevalence of microsporidiosis was 0.16%. Prevalence of microsporidiosis among HIV-infected patients with diarrheal disease is low, and microsporidiosis is most often diagnosed in patients with very low CD4+ cell counts. Testing for microsporidia appears to be indicated, especially for patients with very low CD4+ cell counts.
The first choice of treatment for American cutaneous leishmaniasis is the pentavalent antimonial drug. Although it has been shown that this treatment is mostly effective and indicated, some disadvantages should be taken into account such as side effects, long term treatment inconveniences and counter-indication for patients suffering from cardiopathy, nephropathy; yet, aging, pregnancy and other conditions. With the advent of the vaccine anti-American cutaneous leishmaniasis as a prophylactic measure, studies on therapy using the vaccine associated or not with other drugs have been performed by many investigators and it is currently among the alternative treatments and prevention measures for American cutaneous leishmaniasis. In conclusion, the association between antimony and vaccine (immunochemotherapy) showed the same cure rate when compared with the standard treatment (100%) and it was also able to reduce the salt volume in 17.9% and treatment length from 87 to 62 days, decreasing side effects.
INTRODUCTION: Bacterial meningitis has great social relevance due to its ability to produce sequelae and cause death. It is most frequently found in developing countries, especially among children. Meningococcal meningitis occurs at a high frequency in populations with poor living conditions. This study describes the temporal evolution of bacterial meningitis in Salvador, Brazil, 1995-2009, and verifies the association between its spatial variation and the living conditions of the population. METHODS: This was an ecological study in which the areas of information were classified by an index of living conditions. It examined fluctuations using a trend curve, and the relationship between this index and the spatial distribution of meningitis was verified using simple linear regression. RESULTS: From 1995-2009, there were 3,456 confirmed cases of bacterial meningitis in Salvador. We observed a downward trend during this period, with a yearly incidence of 9.1 cases/100,000 population and fatality of 16.7%. Children aged <5 years old and male were more affected. There was no significant spatial autocorrelation or pattern in the spatial distribution of the disease. The areas with the worst living conditions had higher fatality from meningococcal disease (β = 0.0078117, p < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Bacterial meningitis reaches all social strata; however, areas with poor living conditions have a greater proportion of cases that progress to death. This finding reflects the difficulties for ready access and poor quality of medical care faced by these populations.