38 resultados para Aeromonas trota


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Between April and October 2002, thirty fortnightly collections of oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorea) from a natural oyster bed at the Cocó River estuary in the Sabiaguaba region (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil) were carried out, aiming to isolate Aeromonas spp. strains. Oyster samples were submitted to the direct plating (DP) and the presence/absence (P/A) methods. Aeromonas were identified in 15 (50%) samples analyzed by the DP method and in 13 (43%) analyzed by the P/A method. A. caviae, A. eucrenophila, A. media, A. sobria, A. trota, A. veronii bv. sobria, A. veronii bv. veronii and Aeromonas sp. were isolated. The predominant species was A. veronii (both biovars), which was identified in 13 (43%) samples, followed by A. media in 11 (37%) and A. caviae in seven (23%). From the 59 strains identified, 28 (48%) presented resistance to at least one of the eight antibiotics tested.


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O ecossistema aquático é o habitat de mexilhões (Perna perna), animais filtradores que refletem a qualidade ambiental através de análise microbiológica de sua carne. No presente trabalho avaliou-se a presença de patógenos emergentes (Aeromonas hydrophila e Plesiomonas shigelloides), em mexilhões in natura e pré-cozidos coletados por pescadores da Estação Experimental de Cultivo de Mexilhões situada em Jurujuba, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisadas 86 amostras de mexilhões (43 in natura e 43 pré-cozidos) as quais foram submetidas a enriquecimento em Água Peptonada Alcalina (APA) acrescida de 1 e 3% de Cloreto de Sódio (NaCl) e em solução Salina de Butterfield, incubadas a 37ºC por 24 horas. Em seguida, foram semeadas em Ágar Seletivo para Pseudomonas-Aeromonas (GSP), Ágar Tiossulfato Citrato Bile Sacarose (TCBS) e Ágar Inositol Bile Verde Brilhante (IBB). A análise geral dos resultados permitiu a identificação de Areomonas spp e Plesiomonas shigelloides em 86% das amostras de mexilhões in natura e pré-cozidas avaliadas. A posterior caracterização bioquímica permitiu a identificação das espécies Aeromonas media (37,10%), A. hydrophila (15,50%), A. caviae (14,80%), A. veronii biogrupo veronii (11,60%), Aeromonas sp. (7,36%), A. sobria (4,20%), A. trota (4,20%), A. schubertii (1,31%), A. jandaei (1,31%), A. veronii biogrupo sobria (0,52%) e Plesiomonas shigelloides (2,10%). A relevância epidemiológica desses microrganismos em casos de gastrenterite humana, após consumo de mexilhões crus ou parcialmente cozidos, revela a importância de alertar as autoridades de Saúde Pública no Brasil, sobre a presença desses patógenos na cadeia alimentar e seus riscos para a saúde humana.


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This work aimed to assess pathogenic potential and clonal relatedness of Aeromonas sp. and Vibrio cholerae isolates recovered during a diarrhea outbreak in Brazil. Clinical and environmental isolates were investigated for the presence of known pathogenic genes and clonal relatedness was assessed by intergenic spacer region (ISR) 16S-23S amplification. Four Aeromonas genes (lip, exu, gcat, flaA/B) were found at high overall frequency in both clinical and environmental isolates although the lip gene was specifically absent from selected species. A fifth gene, aerA, was rarely found in A. caviae, the most abundant species. The ISR profile revealed high heterogeneity among the Aeromonas isolates and no correlation with species identification. In contrast, in all the V. cholerae isolates the four genes investigated (ctxA, tcpA, zot and ace) were amplified and revealed homogeneous ISR and RAPD profiles. Although Aeromonas isolates were the major enteric pathogen recovered, their ISR profiles are not compatible with a unique cause for the diarrhea events, while the clonal relationship clearly implicates V. cholerae in those cases from which it was isolated. These results reinforce the need for a better definition of the role of aeromonads in diarrhea and whether they benefit from co-infection with V. cholerae.


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SUMMARY In the present study enterotoxic and cytotoxic activities of twenty Aeromonas caviaestrains were examined. They originated from fecal specimens of patients with acute diarrhea during an outbreak in Brazil in 2004. Culture supernatants of fourteen strains (70%) caused fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal intestinal loops and in suckling mice assays, and also showed a cytotoxic activity in Vero and Caco-2 cells. The enterotoxic and cytotoxic factors were heat-stable after culture supernatants treatment at 100 ºC. The results revealed that A. caviaestrains produce a putative diarrheagenic virulence factor, a heat-stable cytotoxic enterotoxin that could be linked to the diarrhea outbreak that took place in Brazil.


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Foram analisadas 163 amostras de fezes de crianças com idade abaixo de 5 anos no período de 1995 a 1996, sendo 91 de fezes diarréicas e 72 de fezes não diarréicas. O material foi coletado em meio para transporte e submetido ao processo de enriquecimento a 4oC por 7 dias. Para o isolamento primário foi utilizado ágar amido ampicilina e incubado a 35oC por 18 a 24 horas. Foram isoladas 20 (21,9%) das seguintes espécies: Aeromonas A. caviae (7,7%), A. salmonicida salmonicida (6,6%), A. sobria (4,3%), A. hydrophila (2,2%) e Salmonicida achromogenes (1,1%). Nenhuma Aeromonas spp foi isolada dos 72 pacientes-controles. A susceptibilidade das amostras de Aeromonas spp aos antimicrobianos foi maior com a ciprofloxacina, diminuindo gradativamente com cloranfenicol, gentamicina, ampicilina e eritromicina.


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No primeiro semestre de 2004, ocorreu um surto de diarréia em São Bento do Una, Pernambuco, registrando-se 2.170 casos. Nas 582 coproculturas realizadas, 145 (25%) revelaram um enteropatógeno bacteriano, destacando 114 casos (19,5%) com a participação de Aeromonas, representadas por Aeromonas caviae (57/9,8%), Aeromonas veronii biovar sobria (23/3,9%), Aeromonas veronii biovar veronii (15/2,6%) e outras espécies (19/3,2%). Nos 31 episódios restantes (5,3%), foram detectados: V. cholerae O1 Ogawa toxigênico (18/3,1%), Salmonella spp (8/1,4%), Shigella spp (3/0,5%) e Vibrio cholerae não O1/não O139 (2/0,3%).


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Aeromonas spp é reconhecida como patogênica para o homem após o consumo de água e alimentos contaminados. Na presente investigação, foram avaliadas 2.323 amostras de swabs retais de neonatos hospitalizados no Rio de Janeiro objetivando o isolamento de Aeromonas. As amostras foram coletadas e enviadas ao Laboratório de Referência Nacional de Cólera e outras enteroinfecções bacterianas, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Os swabs foram submetidos ao enriquecimento em água peptonada alcalina adicionada de 1% de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) e água peptonada alcalina adicionada de 3% de NaCl (37ºC/18-24h) e semeadas em agar seletivo para Pseudomonas aeromonas (Agar GSP). Foram isoladas 56 cepas de Aeromonas assim distribuídas: Aeromonas caviae (42,8%), Aeromonas media (25%), Aeromonas veronii biogrupo sobria (10,7%), Aeromonas hydrophila (9%), Aeromonas veronii biogrupo veronii (5,3%), Aeromonas sobria (1,8%), Aeromonas jandaei (1,8%), Aeromonas schubertii (1,8%) e Aeromonas sp (1,8%). Foi observada resistência a uma ou mais drogas antimicrobianas em 26,8% das cepas. Considerando a relevância de Aeromonas torna-se urgente alertar sobre sua importância para o controle de infecções hospitalares.


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Avaliou-se um novo meio seletivo-indicador (ágar UNISC) para o isolamento de enteropatógenos clássicos e Aeromonas e Plesiomonas shigelloides. A capacidade de fermentação da xilose é indicada pela coloração amarela (fermentadores) ou azul (não fermentadores) que, aliada à prova da oxidase, constitui-se em indicador para a detecção de Aeromonas spp e Plesiomonas shigelloides. A produtividade e seletividade, avaliadas pelos índice de contagem absoluta e índice de contagem relativa indicam-no como uma alternativa aos coprocultivos clássicos porque permite, num só meio, o isolamento de Escherichia coli, Shigella spp, Salmonella spp, bem como, Aeromonas spp e Plesiomonas shigelloides, favorecendo o diagnóstico laboratorial das gastroenterites.


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Introduction The number of reports of intestinal infections caused by Aeromonas spp. has increased significantly in recent years. In most clinical laboratories, identification of these bacteria is carried out by general phenotypic tests that sometimes do not accurately differentiate Aeromonas and Vibrio. Methods A duplex-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed directed to 2 targets identifying Aeromonas spp. pathogenic to humans. Results The duplex-PCR results were reproducible and specific for Aeromonas spp. pathogenic to humans. Conclusions This method will allow differentiation between Vibrio and Aeromonas spp. in patients with in cholera-like symptoms and can also be used in water quality monitoring.


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In order to determine the lethal dose (96-h LD50) of the bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila to matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus, to be applied in challenge tests, 90 fish (63.23 ± 6.39 g) were divided into five treatments, with different bacterial solutions: T1 - Control (0.9% NaCl saline solution); T2 (4 x 10(11) cells/ mL); T3 (5 x 10(11) cells/ mL); T4 (1.36 x 10(12) cells/ mL) and T5 (3.06 x 10(12) cells/ mL). Fish were previously anesthetized with benzocaine (60 mg L-1), inoculated in the peritoneal cavity with the bacterial suspensions and then distributed into fifteen 80-L test chambers, where the water variables were monitored and fish mortality was observed. The experiment was randomly designed in three replicates and the 96-h LD50 was estimated according to the trimmed Spearman-Karber method. Water quality variables remained within adequate ranges for fish health and performance. Fish mortality rate increased with the bacterial concentrations of A. hydrophila (T1 = 0%; T2 = 16.66%; T3 = 44.44%; T4 = 72.22% and T5 = 100%), and the first mortalities were observed after 57 h, although the signs of the bacterial infection were already observed 24 h after the inoculation. The results indicate that the 96-h LD50 value of A. hydrophila to matrinxã is 6.66 x 10(11) cells/ mL.


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ABSTRACTIn fish farmings, diseases can be reduced by using immunostimulants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunostimulant potential of Mentha piperita in tambaqui fed with 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of oil per kg of commercial fish feed. The fish were inoculated with Aeromonas hydrophila to challenge them. Hematological and biochemical parameters were determined after 30 days of feeding and seven days after the challenge. There was no mortality and M. piperita oil did not influence fish production parameters. However, blood hemoglobin concentration (Hb) increased in the fish fed with 0.5 and 1.5% of oil per kg of diet; albumin increased in those fed with 1.0%; cholesterol increased in all groups with oil; and triglycerides increased in those fed with 0.5%. After the bacterial challenge, the fish showed decreases in Hb when fed with diet enriched with 1.5% oil per kg of diet, in mean corpuscular volume with 1.0% and in mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration with 0 and 1.5%. Protein levels increased in groups with 0 and 1.5% of oil and albumin when fed with 0 and 1.0%; cholesterol levels increased in the control group; and high levels of triglycerides were observed in the groups with 0, 0.5 and 1.5%. Thus, M. piperita essential oil promoted hematological alterations in tambaqui and can be recommended in diets containing up to 1.0% per kg, because of the minimal physiological modifications caused. However, additional studies are necessary to obtain more information regarding to the physiological effects of this immunostimulant.