26 resultados para ARMAMENTISMO - COLOMBIA - 2004 - 2009
INTRODUCTION: Leprosy in Brazil is a public health issue, and there are many regions in the State of Espírito Santo with high endemic incidence levels of leprosy, characterizing this state as a priority for leprosy programs. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of coefficients of new cases of leprosy in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive and ecologic study based on the spatial distribution of leprosy in the State of Espírito Santo between 2004 and 2009. Data were gathered from the available records of the Espírito Santo State Health Secretary. The global and local Bayesian empirical methods were used to produce an estimate of leprosy risk, smoothing the fluctuation effects of the detection coefficients. RESULTS: The study resulted in a coefficient adjustment of new cases in 10 towns that changed their classification, among which, 2 went from low to medium, 4 from medium to high, 3 from high to very high, and 1 from very high to hyper-endemic. An average variation of 1.02, fluctuating between 0 and 12.39 cases/100,000 inhabitants, was found in a comparative calculation between the Local Ebest value and the average coefficient of new leprosy cases in the State of Espírito Santo. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis of leprosy favors the establishment of control strategies with a better cost-benefit relationship since it reveals specific and priority regions, thereby enabling the development of actions that can interfere in the transmission chain.
Introduction More than half of the malaria cases reported in the Americas are from the Brazilian Amazon region. While malaria is considered endemic in this region, its geographical distribution is extremely heterogeneous. Therefore, it is important to investigate the distribution of malaria and to determine regions whereby action might be necessary. Methods Changes in malaria indicators in all municipalities of the Brazilian Amazon between 2003-2004 and 2008-2009 were studied. The malaria indicators included the absolute number of malaria cases and deaths, the bi-annual parasite incidence (BPI), BPI ratios and differences, a Lorenz curve and Gini coefficients. Results During the study period, mortality from malaria remained low (0.02% deaths/case), the percent of municipalities that became malaria-free increased from 15.6% to 31.7%, and the Gini coefficient increased from 82% to 87%. In 2003, 10% of the municipalities with the highest BPI accumulated 67% of all malaria cases, compared with 2009, when 10% of the municipalities (with the highest BPI) had 80% of the malaria cases. Conclusions This study described an overall decrease in malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon region. As expected, an increased heterogeneity of malaria indicators was found, which reinforces the notion that a single strategy may not bring about uniformly good outcomes. The geographic clustering of municipalities identified as problem areas might help to define better intervention methods.
A laringe é considerada o sítio de maior ocorrência de neoplasias na região de cabeça e pescoço, e para os estudos do câncer a mortalidade constitui-se um dos indicadores de saúde mais confiáveis OBJETIVO: Estudar a mortalidade por câncer de laringe em Pernambuco no período 2000-2004. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Considerou-se o universo dos óbitos por câncer de laringe, em residentes do estado de Pernambuco entre 2000 e 2004, extraídos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM/SUS). A análise dos dados foi realizada através de estatística descritiva com resultados expressos em tabelas, gráficos e mapa, utilizando o software Excel versão 2000 e o software EpiInfo, versão 6.04b. RESULTADOS: Existiu pouca variação do coeficiente de mortalidade entre os anos estudados. A mesorregião do Sertão concentrou o agregado com o maior número de óbitos e Fernando de Noronha apresentou a maior taxa de mortalidade. O perfil encontrado foi de homens entre 60-69 anos, pardos, casados, com baixo grau de escolaridade, cujo óbito aconteceu em ambiente hospitalar. CONCLUSÃO: Ocorreu estabilidade da mortalidade e heterogeneidade entre os municípios. O perfil da mortalidade segundo variáveis sociais corrobora com outros estados brasileiros, exceto pela raça/cor.
OBJETIVO : Estimar la seroprevalencia de rubéola y factores asociados. METODOS : Estudio de seroprevalencia poblacional con una muestra aleatoria de 2.124 individuos de seis a 64 años, representativa por edad, sexo y área en Medellín, Colombia, 2009. Se analizó la asociación de variables biológicas y socioeconómicas con la seroprotección para rubéola, según la cohorte del año de nacimiento antes (1954 a 1990) y después (1991 a 2003) del inicio de la vacunación universal. Se determinaron los títulos de IgG con pruebas de alta sensibilidad (AxSYM ® Rubella IgG – Laboratorio Abbott) y especificidad (VIDAS RUB IgG II ® – Laboratorio BioMerieux). Se estimaron proporciones y promedios ponderados derivados de un muestreo complejo incluyendo un factor de corrección por las diferencias en la participación por sexo. Se analizó la asociación de la protección por grupos de variables biológicas y sociales con un modelo de regresión logística, según la cohorte de nacimiento. RESULTADOS : Los títulos promedio de IgG fueron más altos en los nacidos antes del inicio de la vacunación (media 110 UI/ml; IC95% 100,5;120,2) que en los nacidos después (media 64 UI/ml; IC95% 54,4;72,8), p = 0,000. La proporción de protección fue creciente de 88,9% en los nacidos en 1990-1994, de 89,2% en 1995-1999 y de 92,1% en 2000 a 2003, posiblemente relacionado con la administración del refuerzo desde 1998. En los nacidos antes del inicio de la vacunación, la seroprotección estuvo asociada con el antecedente de contacto con casos (RD 2,6; IC95% 1,1;5,9), el estado de salud (RD 2,5; IC95% 1,05;6,0), el nivel de escolaridad (RD 0,2; IC95% 0,08;0,8) y los años de residencia del hogar en el barrio (RD 0,96; IC95% 0,98;1,0), luego de ajustar por todas las variables. En los nacidos después se asoció con el tiempo de sueño efectivo (RD 1,4; IC95%1,09;1,8) y el estado de salud (RD 5,5; IC95%1,2;23,8). CONCLUSIONES : La vacunación masiva generó un cambio en el perfil de seroprevalencia, siendo mayores los títulos en quienes nacieron antes del inicio de la vacunación. Se recomienda monitorear el sostenimiento del nivel de protección a largo plazo y concertar acciones para el mejoramiento de las condiciones socioeconómicas potencialmente asociadas.
Giardia intestinalis infection is prevalent throughout the world and widely distributed in developing countries. In general, children display serious consequences to their state of health, including slow height-weight development; therefore, the main aim of this study was to determine the association between Giardia infection and the nutritional status of children who participate in the program of complementary feeding (Mejoramiento Alimentario y Nutricional de Antioquia (MANA) - Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF)). A cross-sectional study examining the association of giardiasis with nutritional status was conducted. A total of 2035 children aged eight months to six years-old were studied. Data were collected using structured questionnaires, anthropometric measurements and laboratory analysis of blood and stool samples. Analysis of the results showed that 27.6% of children were infected with G. intestinalis, while 8.1% and 1.9% were mildly and significantly underweight, respectively, and 14.1% presented stunting. Giardiasis was statistically identified as a strong predictor of stunting in this study population.
Molecular epidemiology of adenovirus conjunctivitis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2004 and 2007
Apesar da redução na incidência de tétano acidental no Brasil, não houve queda significativa na letalidade. Nesta série de casos, comparamos a letalidade antes e após o estabelecimento padrão de manejo em unidade de terapia intensiva do paciente com tétano no Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz, no período de 1981 a 2004. Em 24 anos, foram internados 1.971 pacientes e antes do manejo em Unidade de terapia intensiva a letalidade era de 35%. Durante 1997 foi instituída a unidade de terapia intensiva para assistência dos pacientes com tétano, e de 1998 a 2004, a letalidade caiu para 12,6%, OR= 0,27 (IC95%= 0,18- 0,39); p<0,001. Esta tendência foi evidenciada em todas as faixas etárias e em ambos os sexos. A centralização da assistência a esses pacientes em um único serviço especializado com Unidade de terapia intensiva de forma precoce, portanto, tem sido decisiva na redução da letalidade, por contar com a vasta experiência da equipe de saúde no manejo do tétano e melhor tratamento sintomático, antecipando as graves complicações da doença.
Mortalidade por doenças do aparelho circulatório no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP, de 1980 a 2004
FUNDAMENTO: No âmbito da transição epidemiológica, estudos de tendência secular podem subsidiar a formulação de hipóteses para o gerenciamento em Saúde. OBJETIVO: Identificar o padrão de mortalidade por doenças do aparelho circulatório (DAC) no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, no período de 1980 a 2004. MÉTODOS: Os óbitos por DAC foram obtidos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM). As estimativas populacionais para o município, segundo sexo, faixa etária e anos-calendário, foram obtidas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Os coeficientes específicos de mortalidade foram calculados, anualmente, segundo sexo e faixa etária classificada em intervalos de 10 anos, a partir dos 30 anos de idade. O estudo de tendência foi realizado por meio da construção de modelos de regressão polinomial para séries históricas, adotando-se nível de significância < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes específicos de mortalidade por DAC aumentaram com a idade, em ambos os sexos, sendo mais elevados no sexo masculino até a faixa etária de 40 a 49 anos, quando ocorreu aproximação em magnitude, sendo que, na faixa etária de 80 anos ou mais, esses indicadores, no sexo feminino e em alguns anos da série, ultrapassaram os do sexo masculino. Ao longo do período estudado, em ambos os sexos e em todas as faixas etárias, ocorreu declínio significante das taxas de mortalidade por esse grupo de causas (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: O padrão de mortalidade por DAC no município de Ribeirão Preto foi similar ao encontrado em regiões desenvolvidas, permitindo a formulação de hipóteses sobre possíveis fatores de proteção que podem explicar o declínio observado.
The species of the predatory ant genus Gnamptogenys Roger, 1863 from Colombia (42 species) and Ecuador (25 species) are diagnosed and presented, including their known geographical distribution. Gnamptogenys enodis, new species from Colombia is described. Gnamptogenys stellae Lattke, 1995 is new record for Colombia.
Belminus herreri, originally described from specimens collected in Panama, was considered entirely silvatic until to 2000 when it was found for the first time in a domestic habitat in Colombia. In 2001, during a new search of houses in the Department of Cesar, Colombia, 121 specimens were collected. Study of their feeding sources using an ELISA test revealed that 96% of these specimens had fed on cockroaches (Blattidae). However, a small proportion of these B. herreri specimens also showed the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in their gut contents, suggesting a possible role for these insects in the epidemiology of Chagas disease.
Blood samples from 159 birds of the New-world family Tyrannidae (the flycatchers) from the eastern plains of Colombia, were examined for haematozoa parasites, in 1999-2000. Haematozoa were detected in six of 20 species. The overall prevalence was 10.1%. The most common parasites detected were microfilariae, followed by Trypanosoma and Plasmodium. The highest prevalence (9.6%) was found in the Ochre-bellied Flycatcher (Mionectes oleaginea). Mixed infections with more than one genus of blood parasite were rare and most infections encountered were of low intensity. The results of this study suggest an important role of ecologically diverse conditions determining composition, transmission, and prevalence of a blood parasite fauna, presumably through host interaction population density. Some new host parasite relationship records are presented.
In order to establish the insecticide susceptibility status for Anopheles darlingi in Colombia, and as part of the National Network on Insecticide Resistance Surveillance, five populations of insects from three Colombian states were evaluated. Standardised WHO and CDC bottle bioassays, in addition to microplate biochemical assays, were conducted. Populations with mortality rates below 80% in the bioassays were considered resistant. All field populations were susceptible to deltamethrin, permethrin, malathion and fenitrothion. Resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin and DDT was detected in the Amé-Beté population using both bioassay methods with mortality rates of 65-75%. Enzyme levels related to insecticide resistance, including mixed function oxidases (MFO), non-specific esterases (NSE), glutathione S-transferases and modified acetylcholinesterase were evaluated in all populations and compared with a susceptible natural strain. Only mosquitoes from Amé-Beté presented significantly increased levels of both MFO and NSE, consistent with the low mortalities found in this population. The continued use of lambda-cyhalothrin for An. darlingi control in this locality has resulted in a natural resistance to this insecticide. In addition, DDT resistance is still present in this population, although this insecticide has not been used in Colombia since 1992. Increased metabolism through MFO and NSE may be involved in cross-resistance between lambda-cyhalothrin and DDT, although kdr-type nerve insensitivity cannot be discarded as a possible hypothesis. Additional research, including development of a kdr specific assay for An. darlingi should be conducted in future studies. Our data demonstrates the urgent need to develop local insecticide resistance management and surveillance programs throughout Colombia.
The following five new species of Culicoides from Colombia are described, illustrated and placed to subgenus or species group: Culicoides antioquiensis, Culicoides gabrieli, Culicoides inermis, Culicoides micayensis and Culicoides nigrifemur. C. gabrieli is also known from Peru. When possible, their position in previously published keys is indicated and their features discussed in light of the most recent revisions. A list of 180 Culicoides species known (114) or suspected of being in Colombia (66) is given in a Table. Of these, 12 including the new species are recorded from Colombia for the first time.
Follow-up of the household contacts (HHC) of leprosy patients is still the best strategy for early detection of leprosy. HHC from a post-elimination region of Colombia studied in 2001-2002 were re-contacted in 2007. They were tested at both times by clinical examination, bacillary index (BI), PCR from a slit skin smear (SSS) and anti PGL-1 IgM titres. Thirty-two of 61 HHC (52%) were re-contacted. Nine HHC (28%) showed sero-conversion and one had a skin lesion (BI negative, nested PCR positive). Periodic evaluation of HHC can contribute to the detection of infected HHC as well as new and early leprosy cases.