17 resultados para 32-308


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To determine the larvicidal activity of various extracts of Gymnema sylvestre against the Japanese Encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorynchus in Tamilnadu, India. To identify the active principle present in the promising fraction obtained in Chlorofom:Methanol extract of Fraction 2. The G. sylvestre leaf extracts were tested, employing WHO procedure against fourth instar larvae of C. tritaeniorhynchus and the larval mortalities were recorded at various concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25.0, 50 and 100 µg/mL); the 24h LC50 values of the G. Sylvestre leaf extracts were determined following Probit analysis. It was noteworthy that treatment level 100 µg/mL exhibited highest mortality rates for the three different crude extracts and was significantly different from the mean mortalities recorded for the other concentrations. The LC50 values of 34.756 µg/mL (24.475-51.41), 31.351 µg/mL (20.634-47.043) and 28.577 µg/mL (25.159-32.308) were calculated for acetone, chloroform and methanol extract with the chi-square values of 10.301, 31.351 and 4.093 respectively. The present investigation proved that G. Sylvestre could be possibly utilized as an important component in the Vector Control Program.


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São aqui relatados os resultados do censo abreugráfico de 1984 de uma empresa de grande porte, isenta de riscos ocupacionais para o aparelho respiratório. Em 5,308 abreugrafias realizadas foram detectados 53 casos de anormalidades abreugráficas (1%), dos quais apenas 4 de tuberculose ativa. O rendimento foi de 0,75/1,000 abreugrafias. O custo médio de detecção de cada caso de tuberculose ativa foi de 256,32 ORTN (ao redor de 1.850 dólares). Foi também constatado um menor comparecimento de funcionários ao exame abreugráfico periódico, 1,6% de ausências em 1982 e 7,8% em 1984, causado provavelmente pelo crescente conhecimento leigo sobre radiações ionizantes, Os resultados são discutidos e é apresentada uma revisão sobre o emprego de exames radiológicos periódicos em saúde ocupacional.


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The results of 32 cases studied lead us to the conclusion that erythema nodosum's investigation routine is very important, once in our retrospective study, the percentage of cases of unknown etiology was 69.4%, and in this prospective study it is 21.8%. In 10 cases (31.2%), more than one causing agent was suspected. Infections (bacterial, helminthic, fungal, by protozoa) were diagnosed in 26 cases, streptococcal infection having predominated (12 cases). Drugs-dipirone, aspirin, anovulatory - were suspected as causing agents in 13 cases. The association of erythema nodosum and histoplasmosis capsulata is described for the first time in Brazil. We consider erythema nodosum to be a complex syndrome which should be regarded as a manifestation of underlying diseases. The fact that all 32 subjects were women, 26 of them during menacme, suggests that particular hormonal media may favor the action of various processes (infections and drugs), precipitating erythema nodosum's clinical picture.


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The objective of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis and evaluate the sanitary conditions and the role of a mass treatment campaign for control of these infections in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in 2002, to obtain data related to the sanitary conditions of the population and fecal samples for parasitological examination in 308 individuals, followed by a mass treatment with albendazole or mebendazole with coverage of 83% of the city population in 2003. A new survey was carried out in 2004, involving 214 individuals, for comparison of the prevalences of intestinal parasitosis before and after the mass treatment. The prevalences of ascariasis, trichuriasis and hookworm infection were 48%; 27% and 21% respectively in 2002. There was a significant decrease for the frequency of infections by Ascaris lumbricoides (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.44 / 0.30 - 0.65), Trichuris trichiura (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.37 / 0.22 - 0.62), hookworm (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.03 / 0.01 - 0.15) and helminth poliparasitism (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.16 / 0.08 - 0.32). It was also noticed a decrease of prevalence of infection by Entamoeba histolytica / dispar (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.30 / 0.19 - 0.49) and non-pathogenic amoebas. It was inferred that a mass treatment can contribute to the control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis as a practicable short-dated measure. However, governmental plans for public health, education and urban infrastructure are essential for the sustained reduction of prevalences of those infections.


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Os autores estudaram a coagulação do sangue em 30 pacientes tratados com 25mg/kg/dia/7 dias, com o composto 1 (5-Nitro-2-Tiazolil-2-Imidazolidinona) - Ciba 32.644 - Ba. Além do exame clínico e várias provas laboratoriais, efetuaram pesquisa do tempo de protrombina, retração do coágulo, dosagem de fibrinogênio, contagem de plaquetas, tempo de sangria e coagulação. As alterações observadas não nos parecem ter influência nas hemorragias que possam ocorrer durante o tratamento com o medicamento estudado, em pacientes com a forma hepato-intestinal da esquistossomose. Mesmo a queda discreta do tempo de protrombina, verificada nos 6 meses seguintes ao tratamento, em seis dos pacientes, não favoreceria a hemorragia, porque os valores encontrados não alcançaram o limiar da mesma. Quanto à retração do coágulo, como alteração isolada, parece-nos impossível a interpretação de que possa ser justificada por alguma alteração na fisiologia das plaquetas.


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Repeated exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not always result in seroconversion. Modifications in coreceptors for HIV entrance to target cells are one of the factors that block the infection. We studied the frequency of Delta-32 mutation in ccr5 gene in Medellin, Colombia. Two hundred and eighteen individuals distributed in three different groups were analyzed for Delta-32 mutation in ccr5 gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR): 29 HIV seropositive (SP), 39 exposed seronegative (ESN) and 150 individuals as a general population sample (GPS). The frequency of the Delta-32 mutant allele was 3.8% for ESN, 2.7% for GPS and 1.7% for SP. Only one homozygous mutant genotype (Delta-32/Delta-32) was found among the ESN (2.6%). The heterozygous genotype (ccr5/Delta-32) was found in eight GPS (5.3%), in one SP (3.4%) and in one ESN (2.6%). The differences in the allelic and genotypic frequencies among the three groups were not statistically significant. A comparison between the expected and the observed genotypic frequencies showed that these frequencies were significantly different for the ESN group, which indirectly suggests a protective effect of the mutant genotype (Delta-32/Delta-32). Since this mutant genotype explained the resistance of infection in only one of our ESN persons, different mechanisms of protection must be playing a more important role in this population.


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Certain host single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affect the likelihood of a sustained virological response (SVR) to treatment in subjects infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). SNPs in the promoters of interleukin (IL)-10 (-1082 A/G, rs1800896), myxovirus resistance protein 1 (-123 C/A, rs17000900 and -88 G/T, rs2071430) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) (-308 G/A, rs1800629 and -238 G/A, rs361525) genes and the outcome of PEGylated α-interferon plus ribavirin therapy were investigated. This analysis was performed in 114 Brazilian, HCV genotype 1-infected patients who had a SVR and in 85 non-responders and 64 relapsers. A significantly increased risk of having a null virological response was observed in patients carrying at least one A allele at positions -308 [odds ratios (OR) = 2.58, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 1.44-4.63, p = 0.001] or -238 (OR = 7.33, 95% CI = 3.59-14.93, p < 0.001) in the TNF promoter. The risk of relapsing was also elevated (-308: OR = 2.87, 95% CI = 1.51-5.44, p = 0.001; -238: OR = 4.20, 95% CI = 1.93-9.10, p < 0.001). Multiple logistic regression of TNF diplotypes showed that patients with at least two copies of the A allele had an even higher risk of having a null virological response (OR = 16.43, 95% CI = 5.70-47.34, p < 0.001) or relapsing (OR = 6.71, 95% CI = 2.18-20.66, p = 0.001). No statistically significant association was found between the other SNPs under study and anti-HCV therapy response.


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Análise da revista Ciência da Informação, do IBICT, nas suas qualidades extrínsecas e intrínsecas. As primeiras, relativas à forma, incluem as seções, padrões bibliográficos e sistema de avaliação. As características intrínsecas abrangem a análise de conteúdo dos artigos, a produtividade de autores e padrões de autoria, tendo sido constatada tanto a sua repercussão nacional quanto internacional. O processo evolutivo da Ciência da Informação, na sua transformação para formato eletrônico , potencializou a disseminação e acesso universal à informação. Os resultados demonstram que o periódico Ciência da Informação é um espaço de discussão de temas relevantes e atuais da área, nos seus avanços, contribuindo para a consolidação e expansão da Ciência da Informação no Brasil.


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In 2007 (the last agricultural census), Chile had 308, 445 ha of fruit orchards: an increase of almost 32% from the previous census (1997). The most important species were table grapes (20%), avocados (13%) and apples (12%). Some 22% of the fruit crops growing area corresponded to juvenile orchards; within the species with higher proportion of juvenile orchards were prunes (42%) and blueberries (56%). Most orchards are located between latitude 27º18` S (Copiapó) and 40º36´S (Puerto Varas). The industry is driven by the export component which accounts for more than 50% of the fruits produced. In the crop season 2009-2010, approximately 254 million boxes (around 2.5 million tons) were exported, representing over US$ 3.5 million. Processed and fresh fruits represented 8.2 and 26.7% of the total forest and agricultural Chilean exports in 2008, respectively. The main markets for this fruits were USA/Canada (42%) and Europe (32%). The fruit grower receives, on average, 12-16% of the total price of the fruit in its final destination. Each year the fruit industry employs 450.000 people directly, of which 1/3 are permanent. Even though the fruit industry employs the highest proportion of the agricultural labor and the growing area has increased in the last 20 years, the proportion of agricultural employment has decreased from 19.5% in 1989 to 10.8% in 2008. It might also be noted that Chile invests only 0.7% of the GDP in research. In the last 40 years, the fruit industry has been a motor for the Chilean economic development, but the lower rates of currency exchange, the rising costs of energy (oil, electricity), and the increasing scarcity of hand labor have drastically reduced the profitability and are putting at risk the viability of a large proportion of the fruit orchards in Chile. It is estimated that this season around 65% of the orchards will have a negative economic balance in their operations. Higher investment in research, improvements in fruit quality and various orchard management practices, as well as higher financial support from the Government are needed for the long term viability of the fruit industry in Chile.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as repercussões da cicatriz uterina na dopplervelocimetria das artérias uterinas, entre 26 e 32 semanas, em gestantes primíparas com uma cesariana prévia, considerando quando esta foi realizada fora (cesárea eletiva) ou durante o trabalho de parto. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo transversal em 45 gestantes, divididas em três grupos: 17 gestantes com cicatriz prévia resultante de cesariana eletiva (grupo A); 14 gestantes com uma cicatriz prévia oriunda de cesariana executada em trabalho de parto (grupo B); 14 gestantes cujo único parto anterior foi realizado por via vaginal (grupo C). A dopplervelocimetria das artérias uterinas foi realizada pela via abdominal. Foram calculados as médias, medianas e desvios-padrão (DP) para cada grupo em estudo. Em relação ao índice de pulsatilidade, a comparação dos grupos foi conduzida pelo teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios do índice de pulsatilidade no grupo A variaram de 0,60 a 1,60 (média: 0,90; DP: 0,29), no grupo B, de 0,53 a 1,43 (média: 0,87; DP: 0,24), e no grupo C, de 0,65 a 1,65 (média: 1,01; DP: 0,37); p = 0,6329. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve repercussões da cicatriz de cesariana prévia na dopplervelocimetria das artérias uterinas avaliadas de 26 a 32 semanas de gestação.


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The adsorption kinetics of phosphate on Nb2O5.nH2O was investigated at initial phosphate concentrations 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mg.L-1. The kinetic process was described by a pseudo-second-order rate model very well. The adsorption thermodynamics was carried out at 298, 308, 318, 328 and 338 K. The positive values of both ΔH and ΔS suggest an endothermic reaction and increase in randomness at the solid-liquid interface during the adsorption. ΔG values obtained were negative indicating a spontaneous adsorption process. The Langmuir model described the data better than the Freundlich isotherm model. The effective desorption could be achieved using water at pH 12.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sobrevida e complicações associadas à prematuridade em recém-nascidos com menos de 32 semanas. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo do tipo coorte. Foram incluídos os nascidos vivos, com idade gestacional entre 25 semanas e 31 semanas e 6 dias, sem anomalias congênitas admitidos em UTI Neonatal, entre 1º de agosto de 2009 e 31 de outubro de 2010. Os recém-nascidos foram estratificados em três grupos: G25, 25 a 27 semanas e 6 dias; G28, 28 a 29 semanas e 6 dias; G30, 30 a 31 semanas e 6 dias, e acompanhados até 28 dias. Foram avaliadas a sobrevida aos 28 dias e a morbidade associadas à prematuridade. Para análise dos resultados, utilizou-se o teste do c², análise de variância, teste de Kruskal-Wallis, razão de risco com intervalo de confiança (IC) e regressão logística múltipla, com significância em 5%. RESULTADOS: A coorte compreendeu 198 prematuros, sendo G25=59, G28=43 e G30=96. O risco de óbito foi significativamente maior em G25 e G28, em relação ao G30 (RR=4,1; IC95% 2,2-7,6 e RR=2,8; IC95% 1,4-5,7). A sobrevida encontrada foi, respectivamente, 52,5, 67,4 e 88,5%. A partir da 26ª semana e peso >700 g, a sobrevida foi superior a 50%. A morbidade foi inversamente proporcional à idade gestacional, exceto para enterocolite necrosante e leucomalácia, que não diferiram entre os grupos. A análise de regressão logística mostrou que a hemorragia pulmonar (OR=3,3; IC95% 1,4-7,9) e a síndrome do desconforto respiratório (OR=2,5; IC95% 1,1-6,1) foram fatores independentes de risco para óbito. Houve predomínio das lesões cerebrais hemorrágicas graves em G25. CONCLUSÕES: Sobrevivência superior a 50% ocorreu a partir da 26ª semana de gravidez e peso >700 g. A hemorragia pulmonar e a síndrome do desconforto respiratório foram preditores independentes de óbito. Há necessidade de identificar e instituir práticas para melhorar a sobrevida de prematuros extremos.


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PURPOSE: To compare obstetric outcomes of induced preterm twin births (under 32 weeks gestation) with those spontaneously conceived. METHODS: Prospective study of twin pregnancies (25 induced and 157 spontaneously conceived) developed over a period of 16 years in a tertiary obstetric center. Demographic factors, obstetric complications, gestational age at delivery, mode of delivery, birth weight and immediate newborn outcome were compared. RESULTS: The analysis of obstetrical complications concerning urinary or other infections, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, gestational diabetes, fetal malformations, intrauterine fetal death, intrauterine growth restriction and intrauterine discordant growth reveal no significant statistical differences between the two groups. First trimester bleeding was higher in the induced group (24 versus 8.3%, p=0.029). The cesarean delivery rate was 52.2% in spontaneous gestations and 64% in induced gestations. Gestational age at delivery, birth weight, Apgar scores at first and fifth minutes, admissions to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and puerperal complications show no statistically significant differences between the two groups. These results were independent of chorionicity and induction method. CONCLUSION: The mode of conception did not influence obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Although induced pregnancies have higher risk of first trimester bleeding, significant differences were not observed regarding other obstetric and puerperal complications and neonatal results.