21 resultados para 11-dictytriene-19-acid
A new trachylobane diterpene ent-trachyloban-18,19-diol (1) was isolated from root bark of Croton floribundus, along with known diterpenes ent-trachyloban-19-oic acid (2), 15b-hydroxy-ent-trachyloban-19-oic acid (3), ent-trachyloban-19-ol (4), ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (5), ent-kaur-16-ene-6a,19-diol (6) and ent-16a-hydroxykaur-11-en-19-oic acid (7). ent-trachyloban-18,19-diol (1) was submitted to derivatization reactions affording four new compounds (8-11). Cytotoxic activity of diterpenes 1, 3, 4, 7-11 against three human cancer cell lines was evaluated. No compounds showed cytotoxic potential with IC50 values greater than 25 mg/mL. Compound 6 was evaluated against five human cancer cell lines, showing moderate effect against three cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-435, HCT-8 and HCT-116, with IC50 values of 14.32, 13.47 and 12.1 mg/mL, respectively.
The change in cellular reducing potential, most likely reflecting an oxidative burst, was investigated in arachidonic acid- (AA) stimulated leukocytes. The cells studied included the human leukemia cell lines HL-60 (undifferentiated and differentiated into macrophage-like and polymorphonuclear-like cells), Jurkat and Raji, and thymocytes and macrophages from rat primary cultures. The oxidative burst was assessed by nitroblue tetrazolium reduction. AA increased the oxidative burst until an optimum AA concentration was reached and the burst decreased thereafter. In the leukemia cell lines, optimum concentration ranged from 200 to 400 µM (up to 16-fold), whereas in rat cells it varied from 10 to 20 µM. Initial rates of superoxide generation were high, decreasing steadily and ceasing about 2 h post-treatment. The continuous presence of AA was not needed to stimulate superoxide generation. It seems that the NADPH oxidase system participates in AA-stimulated superoxide production in these cells since the oxidative burst was stimulated by NADPH and inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, diphenyleneiodonium and superoxide dismutase. Some of the effects of AA on the oxidative burst may be due to its detergent action. There apparently was no contribution of other superoxide-generating systems such as xanthine-xanthine oxidase, cytochromes P-450 and mitochondrial electron transport chain, as assessed by the use of inhibitors. Eicosanoids and nitric oxide also do not seem to interfere with the AA-stimulated oxidative burst since there was no systematic effect of cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase or nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, but lipid peroxides may play a role, as indicated by the inhibition of nitroblue tetrazolium reduction promoted by tocopherol.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) released by activated leukocytes has been implicated in the tissue damage that characterizes chronic inflammatory diseases. In this investigation, 14 indole derivatives, including metabolites such as melatonin, tryptophan and indole-3-acetic acid, were screened for their ability to inhibit the generation of this endogenous oxidant by stimulated leukocytes. The release of HOCl was measured by the production of taurine-chloramine when the leukocytes (2 x 10(6) cells/mL) were incubated at 37ºC in 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4, for 30 min with 5 mM taurine and stimulated with 100 nM phorbol-12-myristate acetate. Irrespective of the group substituted in the indole ring, all the compounds tested including indole, 2-methylindole, 3-methylindole, 2,3-dimethylindole, 2,5-dimethylindole, 2-phenylindole, 5-methoxyindole, 6-methoxyindole, 5-methoxy-2-methylindole, melatonin, tryptophan, indole-3-acetic acid, 5-methoxy-2-methyl-3-indole-acetic acid, and indomethacin (10 µM) inhibited the chlorinating activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the 23-72% range. The compounds 3-methylindole and indole-3-acetic acid were chosen as representative of indole derivatives in a dose-response study using purified MPO. The IC50 obtained were 0.10 ± 0.03 and 5.0 ± 1.0 µM (N = 13), respectively. These compounds did not affect the peroxidation activity of MPO or the production of superoxide anion by stimulated leukocytes. By following the spectral change of MPO during the enzyme turnover, the inhibition of HOCl production can be explained on the basis of the accumulation of the redox form compound-II (MPO-II), which is an inactive chlorinating species. These results show that indole derivatives are effective and selective inhibitors of MPO-chlorinating activity.
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a multifactorial disease involving inflammatory activity and endothelial dysfunction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between the changes in lipoperoxidation, in immunological and biochemical parameters and nitric oxide metabolite (NOx) levels in MS patients. Fifty patients with MS (4 males/46 females) and 50 controls (3 males/47 females) were studied. Compared to control (Mann-Whitney test), MS patients presented higher serum levels (P < 0.05) of fibrinogen: 314 (185-489) vs 262 (188-314) mg/dL, C-reactive protein (CRP): 7.80 (1.10-46.50) vs 0.70 (0.16-5.20) mg/dL, interleukin-6: 3.96 (3.04-28.18) vs 3.33 (2.55-9.63) pg/mL, uric acid: 5.45 (3.15-9.65) vs 3.81 (2.70-5.90) mg/dL, and hydroperoxides: 20,689 (19,076-67,182) vs 18,636 (15,926-19,731) cpm. In contrast, they presented lower (P < 0.05) adiponectin: 7.11 (3.19-18.22) vs 12.31 (9.11-27.27) µg/mL, and NOx levels: 5.69 (2.36-8.18) vs 6.72 (5.14-12.43) µM. NOx was inversely associated (Spearman’s rank correlation) with body mass index (r = -0.2858, P = 0.0191), insulin resistance determined by the homeostasis model assessment (r = -0.2530, P = 0.0315), CRP (r = -0.2843, P = 0.0171) and fibrinogen (r = -0.2464, P = 0.0413), and positively correlated with hydroperoxides (r = 0.2506, P = 0.0408). In conclusion, NOx levels are associated with obesity, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, and inflammatory markers. The high uric acid levels together with reactive oxygen species generation may be responsible for the reduced NO levels, which in turn lead to endothelial dysfunction. The elevated plasma chemiluminescence reflecting both increased plasma oxidation and reduced antioxidant capacity may play a role in the MS mechanism.
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of five years on physico-chemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oils. Oil and protein on flaxseed hull varied between 20.15 and 22.56 and 17.45 and 19.14, respectively. The albumin fraction dominated the seed hull protein composition (44 - 47%). Flaxseed hull oils showed significantly high unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratios (6.61 - 8.36) and calculated oxidizability (Cox) values (10.88 - 12.30). The physiochemical parameters determined included saponification value (SV) (174 -182 mg KOH/g), unsaponifiable matter (UM) (1.32 - 1.64%), peroxide value (PV) (1.70 - 2.20 mequiv/kg), Oxidation value (OV) (4.40 - 5.90) and oil stability (1.10 - 1.42 h). The highest content of total phenolic acids and total tocopherols were recorded on hull sample collected in 2008. Flavanoid content ranged from 11 to 19 mg/100 g oil. Antioxidant activity differed significantly; the greatest inhibition (61.38%) was for the hull sample collected in 2008.
O modelo Ceres-Maize foi desenvolvido para simulação do desenvolvimento e desempenho da cultura do milho e tem sido utilizado como ferramenta de auxílio no planejamento das safras e tomadas de decisões pelos agricultores de diversos países. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência do modelo Ceres-Maize na simulação do desempenho de híbridos de milho nas condições tropicais, foi conduzido um experimento utilizando cinco híbridos (AG7000, AG8060, DKB199, GNZ2004 e P30F90) avaliados em três épocas de semeadura (24/11/2006, 19/12/2006 e 13/01/2007) na Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, MG. O delineamento foi o DBC com três repetições. Avaliaram-se datas de florescimento e maturidade fisiológica, número de grãos por metro quadrado, massa de grãos e produtividade de grãos, que foram comparados com os dados simulados pelo quadrado médio do erro (RSME), porcentagem de desvio (PD) e índice de concordância (d). Os resultados indicaram que o milho semeado em janeiro apresentou menores valores de número de grãos por metro quadrado, massa de grão e produtividade de grãos do que semeaduras em novembro e dezembro. O Ceres-Maize mostrou-se muito eficiente para simular as datas de florescimento e de maturidade fisiológica em razão dos valores de RSME terem sido inferiores a 10%, os de 'd' superiores a 0,80 e o maior valor de PD -11%. Para o número de grãos por metro quadrado, massa de grãos e produtividade de grãos, a simulação foi considerada boa com valores de RSME inferiores a 20%. Para essas variáveis foram observados maiores valores de PD, principalmente na última época de semeadura, evidenciando que condições ambientais não favoráveis ao bom desempenho da cultura afetam a eficiência da simulação. O modelo Ceres-Maize mostrou ser boa ferramenta de simulação das características agronômicas de híbridos de milho.
OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of occupational injuries and identify their risk factors among students in two municipalities. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in public schools of the municipalities of Santo Antonio do Pinhal and Monteiro Lobato, Brazil. A stratified probabilistic sample was drawn from public middle and high schools of the study municipalities. A total of 781 students aged 11 to 19 years participated in the study. Students attending middle and high school answered a comprehensive questionnaire on living and working conditions, as well as aspects of work injuries, and health conditions. Multiple logistic regression models were fitted to estimate risk factors of previous and present occupational injuries. RESULTS: Of 781 students, 604 previously had or currently have jobs and 47% reported previous injuries. Among current workers (n=555), 38% reported injuries on their current job. Risk factors for work injuries with statistically significant odds ratio >2.0 included attending evening school, working as a housekeeper, waiter or brickmaker, and with potentially dangerous machines. CONCLUSIONS: The study results reinforce the need of restricting adolescent work and support communities to implement social promotion programs.
OBJETIVO: O interesse sobre o comportamento contraceptivo de adolescentes vem crescendo, especialmente pela relevância social conferida à gravidez nessa faixa etária. Assim, realizou-se estudo para investigar fatores associados ao uso de métodos anticoncepcionais entre adolescentes escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que utilizou um questionário auto-aplicado em 4.774 alunos de ambos os sexos, entre 11 e 19 anos. Calcularam-se as prevalências de uso de contraceptivos na primeira e na última relação sexual e em ambas as situações (uso consistente). A regressão logística foi utilizada para a análise simultânea dos fatores e cálculo de medidas ajustadas. RESULTADOS: Entre 1.664 estudantes com iniciação sexual, os fatores associados positivamente ao uso consistente de contraceptivos pelos rapazes incluíram a iniciação sexual mais tardia, com parceria estável, contar com a família como fonte potencial de contraceptivos e acesso a serviços de saúde; entre as moças, ter iniciado a vida sexual há pouco tempo e ter o pai como fonte de informação sobre sexualidade, contracepção e prevenção DST/Aids. A gravidez foi relatada por 6,4% dos rapazes e 18,1% das moças, sendo sua ausência associada ao uso consistente de contraceptivos por elas (OR=3,83; 2,06-7,15). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados confirmam a complexidade da determinação do comportamento contraceptivo entre adolescentes e a necessidade de que os programas educativos incorporem as múltiplas dimensões da questão para que tenham efetividade.
Human bartonellosis is found predominantly in Perú2, 6, 8, 12, 15, as well as in Ecuador3, 7, 10 and Colombia13, 15. In Peru, the disease is restricted to the valleys of the western-side and a few inter-andean and eastern-slopes of the andean valleys6, 15, 18 at altitudes between 1000 and 3200 masl. Most human cases are reported from the regions of Chavin, Nor Oriental del Marañon and Lima16. Lutzomyia verrucarum is presumed to be the only vector of human bartonellosis in the valleys of Peru1, 2, 8, 11, 17, 19/ Our research objetive was to detect the presence of Lu. verrucarum in various localities known to be endemic for human bartonellosis in three provinces of Region Nor Oriental del Marañon. Sandfly collections were made between 1987 and 1992 during four visits to bartonellosis-endemic provinces: San Ignacio (districts of San José de Lourdes: 1020-1260 m and La Coipa: 1200-1560 m), Jaén (districts of Santa Rosa: 1300-1680 m and Jaén: 1220-1680 m) and Utcubamba (districts of Lonya Grande: 1200 m and El Milagro: 1200-1540 m)
A non-randomized controlled clinical trial was carried outin order to evaluate both azithromycin and antimony efficacy in cutaneous leishmaniasis in Manaus, AM, Brazil. Forty nine patients from both genders, aged 14 to 70, with cutaneous ulcers for less than three months and a positive imprint for Leishmania spp. amastigotes were recruited into two groups. Group I (26 patients) received a daily-single oral dose of 500 mg of azithromycin for 20 days and Group II (23 patients) received a daily-single intramuscular dose of 20 mg/kg of meglumine antimony, also for 20 days. Azithromycin cured three of 24 (12.5%) patients on days 60, 90 and 120 respectively whereas therapeutic failure was considered in 21 of 24 (87.5%) cases. In group II, antimony cured eight of 19 (42.1%) cases as follows: three on day 30, one each on day 60 and day 90, and three on day 120. Therapeutic failure occurred in 11 of 19 (57.9%) individuals. The efficacy of antimony for leishmaniasis was better than azithromycin but analysis for the intention-to-treat response rate did not show statistical difference between them. Although azithromycin was better tolerated, it showed a very low efficacy to treat cutaneous leishmaniasis in Manaus.
A susceptibilidade de ninfas de 3º estádio de Rhodnius neglectus, R. robustus e Triatoma infestans às cepas Y e AMJM de Trypanosoma cruzi foi verificada utilizando xenodiagnóstico artificial. Para a leitura do xenodiagnóstico, as fezes dos triatomíneos foram examinadas a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º até o 31º dia pós infecção, pela técnica de compressão abdominal. Os resultados mostraram diferenças na susceptibilidade dos triatomíneos para as duas cepas estudadas e o período ótimo de leitura variou do 11º ao 19º dias para a cepa Y e do 11º ao 15º dias para a cepa AMJM. Também, pôde-se concluir que para a cepa Y, as três espécies de triatomíneos demonstraram boa susceptibilidade, enquanto para a cepa AMJM, a melhor susceptibilidade foi observada com R. neglectus, seguida pelo T. infestans e R. robustus.
A caracterização protéica dos extratos de larvas infectantes (L3) de Wuchereria bancrofti foi realizada por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida, em presença de dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE) e o reconhecimento antigênico das proteínas por Western-blot. O maior número de bandas protéicas reconhecidas foi evidenciado nos extratos AgSE (105, 100, 76, 55, 49, 39 e 32 kDa) e AgS (100, 76, 55, e 49 kDa) na presença de soros de indivíduos endêmicos normais. As bandas de 49 e 55 kDa foram reconhecidas pelos soros dos microfilarêmicos, endêmicos normais (residentes de área endêmica livres de infecção filarial) e portadores da forma crônica da doença. As larvas infectantes foram obtidas pela dissecção de mosquitos Culex quinquefasciatus infectados com sangue microfilarêmico de voluntários portadores de microfilaremia, residentes do Município de Olinda-PE. Nos 792 indivíduos investigados pela técnica da gota espessa mensurada (60µl de sangue) 87 foram positivos (11%). A diferenca da positividade entre homens e mulheres não foi significativa e a faixa etária de 11 a 19 anos foi a de maior prevalência.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the serological cross-reactivity between Leishmania sp. and other canine pathogens. Methods: Positive serum samples for Ehrlichia canis, Babesia canis, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Trypanosoma cruzi were tested using three serological methods enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and Kalazar Detect™, for canine visceral leishmaniasis. Results: Of the 57 dog samples tested, 24 (42.1%) tested positive using one of the three serological methods: 10/57 (17.5%) for ELISA, 11/57 (19.3%) for IFAT and 3/57 (5.3%) for Kalazar Detect™. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that the presence of other infectious agents may lead to cross-reactivity on leishmaniasis serological tests.
The immunogenicity and safety of a new recombinant hepatitis B vaccine from the Instituto Butantan (Butang®) were evaluated in a multicenter, double-blind, prospective equivalence study in three centers in Brazil. Engerix B® was the standard vaccine. A total of 3937 subjects were recruited and 2754 (70%) met all protocol criteria at the end of the study. All the subjects were considered healthy and denied having received hepatitis B vaccine before the study. Study subjects who adhered to the protocol were newborn infants (566), children 1 to 10 years old (484), adolescents from 11 to 19 years (740), adults from 20 to 30 years (568), and adults from 31 to 40 years (396). Vaccine was administered in three doses on the schedule 0, 1, and 6 months (newborn infants, adolescents, and adults) or 0, 1, and 7 months (children). Vaccine dose was intramuscular 10 µg (infants, children, and adolescents) or 20 µg (adults). Percent seroprotection (assumed when anti-HBs titers were > 10mIU/ml) and geometric mean titer (mIU/ml) were: newborn infants, 93.7% and 351.1 (Butang®) and 97.5% and 1530.6 (Engerix B®); children, 100% and 3600.0 (Butang®) and 97.7% and 2753.1 (Engerix B®); adolescents, 95.1% and 746.3 (Butang®) and 96% and 1284.3 (Engerix B®); adults 20-30 years old, 91.8% and 453.5 (Butang®) and 95.5% and 1369.0 (Engerix B®); and adults 31-40 years old, 79.8% and 122.7 (Butang®) and 92.4% and 686.2 (Engerix B®). There were no severe adverse events following either vaccine. The study concluded that Butang® was equivalent to Engerix B® in children, and less immunogenic but acceptable for use in newborn infants, adolescents, and young adults.
RESUMO Objetivo Realizar a adaptação transcultural e a validação da versão de 29-itens daReadiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) para língua portuguesa falada no Brasil. Método Foram adotadas cinco etapas: três traduções, síntese, três retrotraduções, avaliação por especialistas e pré-teste. A validação contou com 327 estudantes de 13 cursos de graduação de uma universidade pública. Foram realizadas análises paralelas com o software R e a análise fatorial utilizando Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Resultados A análise fatorial resultou em uma escala de 27 itens e três fatores: Fator 1 – Trabalho em equipe e colaboração com 14 itens (1-9, 12-16), Fator 2 – Identidade profissional, oito itens (10, 11, 17, 19, 21-24), e Fator 3 – Atenção à saúde centrada no paciente, cinco itens (25-29). Alfa de Cronbach dos três fatores foi respectivamente: 0,90; 0,66; 0,75. Análise de variância mostrou diferenças significativas nas médias dos fatores dos grupos profissionais. Conclusão Foram identificadas evidências de validação da versão em português da RIPLS em sua aplicação no contexto nacional.