4 resultados para justiça restaurativa, facilitador, setting, campo grupal, elementos estruturais
em Línguas
This article examines how Nélida Piñon builds a feminist reader in the novel A força do destino (1978). This work highlights the role of the contemporary writer to read the classics from the post-modern and feminist places. Post-modern because it decentralizes the structural elements of the text, feminist because it opposes to any kind of women oppression. In this novel, the narrator reconstructs the trajectory of the characters Alvaro and Leonora, homonym protagonists of the opera by Giuseppe Verdi, based on her devotion by them, because of this, it becomes a passionate and original reporting. The narrative of Piñon is built from a parodist and irreverent place that updates the plot of Verdi. This is a metanarrative in which the narrator dialogues with her characters and reader. In this case, the reference to the opera by Verdi is, actually, the exploration of artistic and cultural archives in accordance with the interests of the narrator. Methodologically, this paper is guided by the exploitation of intertextuality present in this work and in gender studies to enhance the speaking place of the writer as a real part of contemporary feminist culture.
ABSTRACT: This text reports an analysis of teaching activity with basis in the category of human activity. Refers to a theoretical research that focuses the essential nexus generators of objectification of educational practice both in the material aspect as the ideal. It is assumed that this practice, in dialectical unity between those aspects, constitutes in the material relations of social life, is structured and institutionalized as universal model of education (ideally) and becomes the main determinant of teacher performance. Methodologically, this study analyzes the educational practice in the totality of its relations.Therefore, the actions and operations of teaching, as well as, the reason and purposes that moved and guide this activity are determined by the objective conditions current of the school and the effects generated by the position of the teacher in these relations as an active subject. The guiding worry of this research focuses on the characterization of teaching activity in educational performance: in its accomplishment. When to investigate the evidence of these connections is necessary to reflect on the correlative links between the structural elements of the teaching activity and the natural practice of teachers under the determinations derived from the first. This reflection, arise the need to investigate the process of appropriation of the activity by the teacher. Thereby, concludes that the teacher not only appropriates the specific knowledge of the disciplines that teaches and the means of education which is available in their educational practice, but also the elements that structure their activity. This evinced the importance of investigations that worry with: the significance of the purpose of education for the teacher; the necessities that move in your performance; the meaning of your activity; among others. In addition to the responses of teachers is necessary to analyze what the content and the origin of appropriation. KEYWORDS: Teacher; Teaching activity; Educational practice.
ABSTRACT: The imagetic process in Pablo Neruda's work is built through the creation of images resulting from life experiences kept in memories. It is also an existential questioning of the poet based upon the critical look on the historical and personal moment. In this creative process, Neruda's imagetic world strongly references Temuco's natural aspects, the everyday setting of his childhood and adolescence, part of the scenery that remained in his memory and crystalized in his works. The ascertainment that Neruda, in the transition from province to metropolis, does not reach his emotional final destination, remaining in a long transitory state (threshold), allowing us to highlight the emergence of a "border subject", situated between the provincial universe and the urban universe. In Neruda, the concept of border does not only references a territorial boundary between two regions that are politically and culturally different, but also temporal boundaries, since in his stay in the city the poet turns into a body that experiences the location and establishes a critical relationship towards it: he describes it poetically and develops a temporal mobility from the city to the province. This border state shows an intermediary position in individuals that by moving within his/her own country feel in the margins of his/her own culture. In neruda, the notion of border is a recurring issue in the subject of cities, in which the border is related to the geographical space (country, city and harbor) with the time space (present and past), and with cultural space in which concerns the regional identity differences of a certain country. Thus, it is important to approach the analysis of border overcoming regarding the geographical and cultural issues, but above all to the subjective formulations as a result of interpersonal processes. KEYWORDS: Border; Identity; Pablo Neruda.
O processo de referenciação nas línguas depende de uma série de fatores cognitivos, linguísticos e discursivos, sendo fundamental para a condução da progressão textual, para a constituição dos sentidos e para os propósitos comunicativos dos interlocutores. Em se tratando dos elementos referenciais em uma língua oroauditiva e em uma visuoespacial, podemos inferir que há complexidades e singularidades que denotam diferenças relevantes quanto à operação linguística em questão. Nesse sentindo, buscamos responder, nesse artigo, a seguinte indagação: (i) Como a anáfora que se realiza na Língua Portuguesa ocorre na Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), considerando-se a diferença de modalidade entre as duas línguas? Assim sendo, o objetivo geral desse trabalho é refletir sobre os processos referenciais realizados por sujeitos surdos na Libras diante das ocorrências de anáforas diretas em recortes textuais da Língua Portuguesa, em um viés tradutório. Para a realização da pesquisa, selecionamos recortes textuais escritos em Língua Portuguesa compostos por anáforas diretas, os quais foram submetidos ao sujeito surdo para a tradução em Libras, possibilitando em seguida realizar a análise dos processos referenciais na Libras. Com a análise do Corpus Paralelo Português-Libras foi possível perceber como a anáfora que sai da Língua Portuguesa pode chegar na Libras, considerando as estratégias de construção de cadeias referenciais específicas da modalidade visuoespacial. É indispensável destacar a simultânea relação entre a anáfora e a dêixis presente nas glosas-Libras analisadas, contribuindo para a construção dos sentidos na Libras, e representando dinamicidade e a fluidez entre os processos referenciais.