7 resultados para formação inicial
em Línguas
A proposta do artigo procurar compreender os fluxos migratrios que ocorrem atualmente na Amrica Latina, dando destaque ao caso dos bolivianos e venezuelanos que emigram ao Brasil. A escolha pela temtica se explica pela importncia dessa discusso em ambiente de aprendizagem de lnguas (Espanhol) e formação profissional, na medida em que os marcos legais que regem a formação de professores no Brasil se orientam pela concepo de uma educao inclusiva atravs do respeito s diferenas, reconhecendo e valorizando a diversidade tnico-racial, de gnero, sexual, religiosa, de faixa geracional, entre outras. (BRASIL, 2015, p.6). Por isso, a Epistemologia da Interculturalidade se oferece como base terica e filosfica adequada, conforme sugerem alguns dos autores latino-americanos, dos quais destaco Catherine Walsh, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui e Walter Mignolo. Ao analisar o sujeito imigrante que chega ao Brasil, fica evidente que se trata de pessoas que pertencem a classes subalternizadas historicamente, conforme o caso dos negros e dos indgenas. Essa percepo evidencia a estreita relao entre os problemas dos povos imigrantes e os interesses da formação de professores, assim como se adequa perfeitamente ao objeto de interesse da Interculturalidade e da Lingustica Aplicada, reas que orientam minha ao profissional e acadmica
International mobility programs and curriculum restructuration stand out as the most common practice to develop intercultural communicative competence of students, in quest of respect for diversity in its otherness. For the teacher in initial and continuing training, the aim is to train in order to deal with children, adolescents and young adults, forming the growing migration around the world. Interested in the profile of Portuguese-speaking teachers for intercultural education, we address the professionals of Angolan nationality who were present at the Fórum Juventude Europa – Lusofonia, in its issue of Coimbra 2014. With methods in line with the proposal of Schaefer (2014), we assess the ability of Knowledge Discovery, Empathy, Respect for Otherness, Tolerance for Ambiguity, Behavioral Flexibility and Communicative Awareness. In this article, we present and discuss the findings of the group of teachers from Angola based on the literature of cultural studies and emphasis on intercultural communicative competence. The considerations which allow us to analyze are around the actual limits of the subjects - in this case pre-service and in-service teachers - to signify the symbiotic nature of the relationship among themselves, the others and the world.
This article aims to analyze the development of the movement of implementation of a language policy for the Italian teaching in an old Italian immigration area in Vale do Itajaí, SC. The data for the discussion come from a larger study of qualitative nature. For this article, some records were selected from an effective teacher of Italian, who acts in the public school of the city which is focus of the research and field notes. Through a semi-structured interview, the teacher talked about the place of languages in the studied context. The data were analyzed from the theoretical Applied Linguistics, in the context of language policies in a dialogue with the education, with regards to education in a minority language context. It seems that, with the discussion, the issue of recognizing the immigration language as a subject in the school curriculum, has happened through local movements’ aiming to institution of a language policy for the immigration language, recognizing it as a culture language. As contributions, the survey results provide subsidies to (re) think the education that has been offered in intercultural contexts and language education in initial and continuing teacher training.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the initial training of foreign language teachers within an extension project, whose goal is to promote teaching Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages (PFOL) in the Federal University of Technology- Paraná ( UTFPR), Curitiba Campus. Thus, a brief history about the activities developed in the program will be presented as well as its relevance within the university. Also, an analysis of the program and its current status within the Language and Literature undergraduate course - UTFPR will be discussed. Finally, concepts of reflective teaching (Perrenoud, 2002) and teaching based on the indissociation between practice and theory (GIMENEZ, 2005) will be brought up.
On this qualitative and interpretative paper, we analyze what contributions of Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID), funded by CAPES, has given to the formation of their fellows in UNIOESTE, considering the enactment of Law 12,796, of 4 April 2013 amending the text of the Guidelines and Framework Law 9394/96 to include the PIBID, now considered in the country a program of Public Policy which aims to encourage the training of professional teachers to act in public basic education. We conducted semistructured interviews with academic students of the subproject Spanish PIBID UNIOESTE to verify the potential of the program and how they evaluate their participation in PIBID regarding your training. We’ve used as the theoretical studies regarding initial teacher training (GATTI (2010, 2012), GATTI; BARRETTO; ANDRÉ (2011)), studies evaluating subprojects PIBID program (MATTHEW; KADRI EL, Silva (2013)) and official documents such as National Curriculum Guidelines for Teacher Education (2002), the National Policy on Education Professionals Teaching of Basic Education (2009) and decrees that provide for the PIBID. The analysis reveals a very positive perception of the contributions PIBID in teacher training.
Our work is primarily concerned with the challenges involved in the appropriation of DICT by beginner-level participants of the Institutional Program for Scholarships for Initiation in Teaching in Brazil. Although the current generation of beginner-level undergraduate students may be seen as “digital natives”, their use of digital technologies, however frequent, takes place only outside the school environment. The technology skills which they acquire in their daily lives are not transposed to the classroom when they find themselves in the position of teachers. It is still challenging to understand their difficulties in appropriating technology to educational purposes, since educational agents seem all to agree on how important digital technologies are in school, while failing to put it to actual classroom use, and while simply providing access to digital technology is far from sufficient. These skills should be understood and applied in schools by meaningful teaching practice, which should go beyond the mere instrumental use of technology. Therefore, we here focus on the process of elaboration of digital technologies assisted teaching practices in the foreign language classroom. Our corpus is composed of classroom activities and classroom interventions, elaborated and staged by beginner-level teachers in training, who are the project participants, during the course of a school year. These activities comprise the development of an intervention project, which consists of an activity plan, its critical discussion, its application and further reflection.
O presente estudo suscita uma problematizao sobre o papel dos/as professores/as de lngua estrangeira no manuseio de materiais didticos disponveis em seu contexto de atuao, a partir de uma proposta de anlise e de suplementao de um livro didtico de lngua inglesa, tendo por base teorizaes contemporneas acerca de perspectivas crticas na educao lingustica (DUBOC, 2012; PENNYCOOK, 2001, 2006; PESSOA; URZDA-FREITAS, 2012; SCHEYERL, 2012; AUTORA 1, 2015; SIQUEIRA, 2010, entre outros/as). A proposta deste estudo surgiu a partir das aes de um projeto desenvolvido no mbito do programa Pr-Licenciatura de uma universidade pblica do centro-oeste brasileiro. Um dos objetivos do projeto era produzir e adaptar materiais didticos suplementares para uma turma de nvel iniciante de ingls do Centro de Idiomas da instituio, que atende gratuitamente a comunidade interna e externa. Assim, com base em uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa e de cunho documental, compartilhamos aqui um recorte do projeto mencionado, apresentando a anlise de um dos captulos do livro didtico adotado pela referida instituio, a partir das trs vises de mundo discutidas por Leffa (2017): o mundo revelado, o encoberto e o possvel. A anlise aponta que possvel adaptar e elaborar materiais didticos pautados em perspectivas crticas em turmas de nveis bsicos, mesmo em face de contextos desafiantes e com recursos limitados. Conclumos, ento, que o estudo e a ampliao de materiais didticos sob a tica dos trs mundos discutidos por Leffa (2017) requer anlise, pesquisa, reflexo, crtica, agncia e coautoria/cocriao, em um processo contnuo, interpretativo e, sobretudo, no prescritivo.