3 resultados para Salas de aula
em Línguas
This article is the work part of the research "Representations of literary readings built from the history and memory in the libraries of the school community in Golden-MS." We analyzed the documentation of reading projects that fostered the creation and activities of the library, as the practices of teaching reading in the daily interface with the formation of the readers in their respective school sponsor. The projects were analyzed training reading "Project Reading Elementary Education 1-5 º Ano" and "Teaching the World to Read", developed by the school library EE Tancredo Neve of state schools of Golden-MS. We conducted research also stocks the conditions of libraries and reading modes they oportunizaram through access to the literary estate and from the social practices of reading encouragement fostered between the library and classrooms. A literary collection needs to be added to the mediation practices reading the contribution of an effective training readers in school communities through the presence and role of the school library.
A proposal for English teaching in the classrooms of IFSC in times of globalization and bilingualism
This article discusses, departing from Critical Applied Linguistics perspectives, English language teaching in the classrooms of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina – IFSC (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina) – more specifically about high school courses integrated to technical teaching, a discussion also useful to other institutions and schools. In the article, the role of IFSC is critically discussed regarding English teaching in the present globalization/globalism era with its demands for bilingualism. A reflection about what kind of English teaching is desirable for IFSC is presented, trying to answer the following question: Which approach of English teaching could be applied to IFSC in the current context? The understanding in the article is that nowadays teaching of English should not be performed any more as a mere study of a language, but that that teaching may occur through a libertarian conception, which, besides preparing the students to the world of work, gives them the possibility to grow as critical citizens, engaged in the organization for a more humane and just world. Keywords: globalization; bilingualism; English teaching.
Conferência no Cerrado é uma narrativa infanto-juvenil escrita por Durval de França e Cristina Campos (2008), com ilustrações de Ricardo Leite. A obra abrange o folclore mato-grossense e a sua temática é voltada para questões ambientais. Os seres encantados que a compõem são: Currupira, Pé de Garrafa, Negrinho D’Água, Mãe do Morro, Tibanaré e Boitatá. Considerando essa temática cultural e o seu caráter sensibilizador para as questões ambientais, torna-se propício e gratificante realizar um trabalho em que se possa ponderar a premência e os desafios do incentivo à leitura aos estudantes no contexto atual. Dessarte, os objetivos dessa pesquisa-ação constituem-se em: refletir a importância da literatura infanto-juvenil, apresentar a obra Conferência no Cerrado e expor uma sequência básica realizada com essa obra, assim como os seus resultados. Essa sequência foi desenvolvida com nove alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública da cidade de Alta Floresta, do estado de Mato Grosso. A metodologia de sequência proposta por Cosson (2014) direcionou as atividades que culminaram no reconto da obra em salas de aula do ensino fundamental I e II, mediante estudantes caracterizados de seres lendários. Os resultados demonstraram que é cada vez maior o desafio de motivar os estudantes para a leitura e usufruto da literatura. Porém, percebeu-se que o movimento em prol desse incentivo é benéfico e contribui para o ensino-aprendizagem da literatura na escola.