3 resultados para Processo de desenvolvimento de projetos
em Línguas
This work aims at reflecting on possible implications of working with pedagogical projects for teacher education through the presentation of a pedagogical project proposal that is based on the genre poem and that is thought for the disciplines of Portuguese and Literature and for the higher grades of middle school. Firstly, we present the theoretical basis that lies behind the pedagogical project proposal and the discussion about its possible implications for teacher education. Thus we present and discuss the concepts of language use (CLARK, 2000), discourse genres (BAKHTIN, 2003), pedagogical project (HERNÁNDEZ, 2004; LEITE; MENDES, 2004; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012) and teacher education (NÓVOA, 1992). Next we treat the project based on the theoretical basis presented more fully, justifying the choice for its theme – urban life – and for its main genre – poem – and elucidating its objectives and possible final products. Based on that, we present and analyze its different steps. Considering the discussions about the theoretical basis used and the project, we then talk about how this way of working at school can influence teacher education, more specifically how the axis use-reflection-use and the concept of discourse genre can hold implications for teacher education, as well as we discuss about some of the roles of the teacher who works with pedagogical projects. Therefore, we bring to light a reflection and discussion that elucidate the issue of the development of pedagogical projects at school and its influence on the teacher's education and performance, taking into consideration that this approach is based on certain conceptions regarding what is understood by language, teaching and learning, pedagogical project, discourse genre and teacher's roles.
The text displayed here makes considerations around the social interaction conception of language and, based on that, understands it as a fundament for didactic and methodological approaches of language teaching and, similarly, relates it to social practices, which means understanding the interactions as fundamental for the process of development and learning of the human being. To do so, this text goes back to Vygotsky, according to whom the relationships of interaction are favorable to the development of language, as the beginning and the development of cognition are charged upon language and social interactions. We discussed language – which is conceived as a historical fact and the result of collective actions that men developed in working processes along history – through a theoretical standpoint.
Este artigo propõe apresentar uma reflexão sobre o Projeto de Iniciação Científica vinculado ao Departamento de Letras da UFOP, realizado no ano de 2016, que objetivou investigar o ensino da Língua Portuguesa (LP) como segunda língua, a partir do uso da Língua de Sinais (LS) como base comunicativa, em uma escola da Rede Municipal de Ensino da cidade de Mariana-MG, que possuía 2 (dois) alunos surdos incluídos nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Assim, foi determinante ao projeto que todo o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da LP para surdos fosse realizado, inicialmente, com o ensino da LS e, a partir daí, construíssem possibilidades quanto ao uso da LP escrita. Intencionou-se um trabalho diferenciado ao propor sua realização em sala de aula e com a participação de crianças surdas. O ensino-aprendizagem se desenvolveu apoiado sobre a Libras e sem a intermediação do intérprete. A metodologia adotada foi de cunho etnográfico, nesse sentido, buscou-se triangular os dados, o método e a teoria. Acompanhando o processo dinâmico que envolveu a abordagem, concluiu-se que o constante apoio de recursos visuais são ferramentas fundamentais que irão conferir embasamento ao processo de desenvolvimento de aquisição da LS e, consequentemente, o despertar da consciência para compreender e assimilar os processos de aquisição da LP, de tal forma a contribuir para um aprendizado significativo.