4 resultados para Dreams

em Línguas


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Since 1960 when first met, Antonio Candido e Angel Rama start a lasting intelectual dialogue wich deeply marked their course. As a result they influenced each other and shared some dreams e intelectual adventures. The continental circulation of their works could be a consequence, among others, of their meeting. Following both of them in their dialogue is the way to better comprehend its consequences on Candido’s criticism as far as the place and role of these thinkers.


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Terra Sonâmbula novel (1992) from Mozambican writer Mia Couto was published just in the year that civil war has been finished. The plot talks about a reading of Kindzu’s books by Muldinga boy to the old Tuahir. This reading becomes a vanishing point of a desolate land and a hopeless life to become in a gate of dreams. The narrative allows a study of compositional strategies, but those discussed here promote the reader’s  instance having as theoretical studies of Umberto Eco and Roland Barthes. The aim is to demonstrate how these characters/readers are manifested in the working plan and  seek hybridity in the proclamation of national identity. Thus, the empirical-readers are invited to wake up, bet, decipher puzzles spreaded by Mia couto throughout the ovel in a position of de-automatzation.


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This work aims to analyze how the formal elements of the tale Viagem aos seios de Duília, by Aníbal Machado, converges to the disclosure of conflict introduced inside the protagonist, that is because of his awareness of misfit between he and the present time. The degradation of spatial elements does be revealed in narrative the consciousness about the irreversibility of time – fact that is experienced by the protagonist as a conflict of existential order, insofar it shows him what he refuses to see: the huge misfit between their beliefs and expectations and the external reality. The inexorability of time progression toward the total destruction of everything that is alive becomes for the character the tyranny of time; in continuous and constant war with this, trying to deny their relentless effects, the character find, however, only suffering, anguish and defeat this illusory endeavor. Nothing can endure: neither the man nor his dreams, nor their hopes, not even their illusions.


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RESUMO O artigo busca refletir sobre a intrincada relação entre literatura, fronteira(s) e margens como signos que acrescem renovados sentidos à leitura e à abordagem críticas de obras e de artefatos artístico-literários que emergem de/em contextos fronteiriços. Ressalta, dentre outros aspectos, o crescente interesse por experiências literárias e textualidades contemporâneas várias, cuja marca se traduz no atravessamento e na superação das fronteiras que tornavam em outros tempos, mais ou menos, identificáveis os diferentes campos da atuação artística, seus meios de produção e as ferramentas de abordagem teórico-críticas. Destaca, ainda, a flagrante eclosão de hermenêuticas fronteiriças, que atuam não só no sentido de ampliar as possibilidades de leitura e abordagem críticas, mas, também, de reacender as discussões e o interesse sobre as fronteiras e os limites da literatura e do literário, de modo a abrigar um conjunto de novíssimas textualidades que desafiam, por assim dizer, as concepções normativas destas noções, tornando evidente o aspecto reducionista de que estão cercadas. O trabalho se volta para uma fronteira bem específica: a do Brasil com o Paraguai; para o portunhol selvagem, de Douglas Diegues, como uma experiência literária paradigmática, no contexto da literatura contemporânea, ao assumir como projeto estético-político a superação das fronteiras geográficas, linguísticas e as da própria literatura, além de lançar luzes sobre expressões literárias outras, também circunscritas a esse espaço fronteiriço, como é o caso de Selva trágica (1956), por exemplo. A reflexão se dará com base nas teorias pós-coloniais e na crítica decolonial.Palavras-chave: Literatura de fronteira; Poéticas selvagens; textualidades fronteiriças.