8 resultados para Cordel. Realidade e Ficção. Mídia. Produção de Sentido. Seu Lunga

em Línguas


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What is in Hora da Estrela, by Clarice Lispector, missing in O quarto de despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus, to which only the first is considered "fiction"? The question is less obvious than it seems and the answer is steeped in power relations. Purpose of this article is to discuss how the definition of what is (or is not) literature, the literary relationships that establish the canon and thus the formation of the History of Literature permeate the question of aesthetic legitimacy. In the first part of the article, "How and why consider such and such works as 'literature'?" Tract of the relationship between literature and more value added in terms of understanding the birth of fiction. In the second part, "The truth of the unholy Hora da estrela," argue about the intimate relationship between Clarice Lispector, Rodrigo S. M. and Macabéa, to demonstrate the symbiosis between the three; configured as a work that is intended less fictional than what understand it. The third, "The illusion sacred in Quarto de Despejo" attempt to demonstrate how the book of Carolina Maria de Jesus matches all criteria that Richard Shusterman (1998) points out how certain work that needed to be considered "literature", making it a fiction more than what the caption printed on it ("Diary of a slum") reveals.


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RESUMO: Este artigo representa uma tentativa de legitimar os estudos de literatura, tendo como base os estudos de Wolfgang Iser, sobre o fictício e o imaginário. Partindo de conceitos sobre realidade e ficção, almejou-se identificar a função do imaginário e dos textos ficcionais na constituição das sociedades e da vida humanas. Por uma visão da literatura além de determinações culturais, históricas ou psicológicas, que poderiam reduzi-la a mera cópia, este texto buscou romper a dicotomia ficção / realidade, realçando a interdependência desses conceitos. Para isso foi efetuada uma analogia entre o processo de criação textual e de leitura e o de realização do imaginário como fundamento da realidade.


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In the 90s of the 20th century, Brazil has undergone significant changes in its development model, with the withdrawal of the state from economic activities. We consider how the discourse on privatization constitutes a relevant place for observation of recent Brazilian history. In this period, the privatization of state companies, among them telecommunications ones are performed. This article analyzes, based on the theoretical and methodological principles of discourse analysis in the tradition opened by Michel Pecheux, as the press feeds the imagination of future in the discourse on privatization of telecommunications companies. To do so, in order to understand the discursive relationships established in dominant commercial media, we devote our analysis to a corpus of reports and articles extracted from newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, which, in general, have taken a position in favor of privatization and changes in the Brazilian development model. The analysis shows that the future benefits are designed for the whole society. Thus, the past is represented negatively, because it would have produced bad effects on society and must therefore be rejected and denied in its historical continuity. In this discursive practice, privatization is introduced as a symbolic milestone period related to modernity and the construction of citizenship prosperity that will fall in the future to be built from this event. Positive meanings are focused in the future, which is directly related to privatization. Thus, the privatist position of the analyzed newspapers try to crystallize the sense of 'privado' as something beneficial and desirable, stabilizing a memory for the discursive event of privatization. This management of historical time, therefore, produces a line of continuity between present and future and a rupture between past and present, whose links are deleted to produce positive meaning for the privatization of the telecommunications.  


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Over the past decades the Discourse Analysis (DA) has attempted to solve articulation problems between the psycho-sociological dimensions of the subjects involved in the language act and the linguistic dimensions that characterize this act. Likewise, it has been a systematic challenge for Humanities to establish a conceptual link between the plans of actor and the psychosocial framework that encompasses it. The results of this endeavour have revealed, however, that the psycho-sociological dimension had been underexploited in DA, since the individuals involved in this instance (Communicating Subject and Interpreting Subject) are abstract and imagined constructs based on their recovered identities, purposes in the act of communication and socially consolidated practices.


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Pretende-se, neste artigo, verificar no texto Você, você – uma canção edipiana, de Chico Buarque e Guinga, quatro das quatorze paixões observadas por Aristóteles em sua Retórica das Paixões, quais sejam: amor, ódio, confiança e temor. A base dessa análise é aristotélica, contudo, aludiremos a um repertório mitológico, o qual será necessário para a produção de sentido dessa leitura, na medida que, de forma autorizada pelo compositor por meio da colocação do aposto no título do texto, as relações discursivas firmadas entre enunciador e co-enucniador remetem a Édipo e Jocasta, figuras estas presentes na mitologia. Caberá também uma abordagem simbólica dos elementos lexicais presentes no corpus, pois as relações semânticas estabelecidas com a questão central do texto produzem efeitos de sentido que se impõem muito mais pelo não dito do que pelo dito. Nesse aspecto retoma-se a noção de ethos, constituindo-se este num elemento fundamental para a completude significativa do texto.


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The aim of this paper is to reflect on the functioning of sense production by the happening of enunciation. In order to do so, examples of the enumeration functioning were used. The analyses show how the production of senses does not necessarily happen by the production of unities, but constitute simultaneity, superposition and crossover phenomena; they also show that the enunciation happening, when producing sense, divides the sensible, on the basis of the political functioning of the enunciation process.


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The present proposal aims at to reflect, in the scope of the Discourse Analysis (AD) of Pêcheux tradition, about differents interpretations of the “índia” tattoo. More accurately, we treat of the two dissimilar interpretations: the first one was presented by “Cartilha de Orientação Policial – Tatuagens: Desvendando Segredos” (2011), produced by the Military Policy of Bahia State that brings to its readers the direction attributed to some tattoos; and the second, it is that we do, from a semi-structured oral interview realized with a citizen who has the “índia” tattoo materialized on his body and that does not know about the Cartilha. We clarify beforehand, that we conceive a tattoo as a text that produce discourses. Made this registration, we point out that in this study we understand there are two distinct instances, that produce and mobilize directions that are also affected by the distinct imaginary. Thus, our objective is to oppose the predetermined direction by the Cartilha with the one that we could produce from the analysis of the interview of the tattooed citizen about his tattoo. From lectures and other works realized by us, we understand that the tattoo means and that the senses are not only in drawing, but beyond it. In this perspective, we call attention to the fact that as the words are not endowed with a sense a priori, as proposed by the pecheuxtiano legacy, as the tattoos that process the meaning production also do not let us predetermine senses in authoritarian form. In reading/interpretation of a tattoo, multiple interpretations can be produced, depending on the memory effects that are mobilized at the moment. New interpretations can be projected and this discursive work of attribution of directions is one that can influence the reader society in (pre)concepts about the tattooed citizen and/or with the tattoo that he carries in his body.


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No presente artigo apresento resultados iniciais da pesquisa A imagem da polícia na literatura brasileira, na qual identifico e examino as imagens desta instituição elaboradas por escritores brasileiros em três momentos da história: os primeiros anos da república brasileira (1889-1910), a Era Vargas (1935-1945) e os anos de chumbo da ditadura civil-militar brasileira chegando até a abertura política (1969-1985). As imagens que compõem a primeira fase da pesquisa foram extraídas de obras de Machadode Assis, Aluízio de Azevedo, Lima Barreto e Jõao do Rio e foram publicadas nos anos em que tanto havia uma reforma política no Brasil (a passagem do sistema monárquico para o republicano), quanto estava em curso uma tentativa de reforma da instituição policial, tendo em vista a inserção de aspectos ditos mais científicos de investigação e de punição. O levantamento e a análise dos textos permite aquilatar as críticas feitas pelos escritores da época ao literaturizarem uma instituição problemática porque era eivada de preconceitos, atrasos e resistente a inovações. Além disso, aspectos ainda hoje presentes na crítica à polícia, tais como a violência desproporcional e a corrupção, comparecem na literatura produzida no período e possibilitam uma compreensão mais ampla da realidade policial desde o ponto de vista da arte literária.