3 resultados para Habit

em Bioline International


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Objetivo: Associar fatores de risco para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) com variáveis sociodemográficas de servidores de uma instituição pública de ensino superior. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado no período de 2012 a 2013. Utilizou-se um questionário com variáveis sociodemográficas, fatores de risco para DCNT e aferição de peso e estatura. Classificou-se o estado nutricional de acordo com o índice de massa corporal. Analisaram-se os dados pelos programas Epi-Info 3.2.1 e Bioestat 5.0. As associações foram verificadas pelos testes qui-quadrado de Yates, de tendência e exato de Fisher (p≤0,05). Resultados: Participaram 225 servidores, maioria de mulheres (64,4%), na faixa etária entre 45-54 anos (37,3%) e escolaridade superior a 12 anos de estudo (85,8%). O sexo associou-se ao excesso de peso (p=0,034), consumo diário de leite integral (p=0,023), consumo insuficiente de frutas, legumes e verduras - FLV (p=0,020) e consumo insuficiente de feijão (p=0,000), sendo mais frequentes entre mulheres. Entre os homens, foi mais frequente o consumo excessivo de bebida alcoólica (p=0,000). O excesso de peso associou-se à faixa etária (p=0,008). O hábito de fumar (p=0,004) e o consumo diário de leite integral (p=0,016) apresentaram associação com a escolaridade. Conclusão: Encontrou-se elevada prevalência de fatores de risco para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na amostra estudada, com associação para sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade. O excesso de peso apresentou maior ocorrência nas mulheres e nas idades acima de 45 anos, hábitos alimentares inadequados no sexo feminino, maior ingestão de bebida alcoólica no masculino e hábito de fumar nos indivíduos com maior escolaridade.


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This study investigated the chemotaxonomic studies on Schwenckia americana Linn., a member of the family Solanaceae predominantly found mostly in low grass fields, Nigeria. The habit is annual herbaceous weed with slender stem characterized with free branching and growing up to 45cm in height.They are used mainly as medicine. The leaves are simple, entire, elliptic to ovate in shape, smooth, variable, petiolate and larger at the lower region of stem and narrowing to smaller almost sessile and oblanceolate towards the apical regions which are alternately arranged and acrescently structured from the top to the base upto 3.7 ± 1.5cm long and 2.4±0.6cm wide. The inflorescence is a panicle of 15 or more flowers occurring at stem terminal.The flowers are whitish tubular structures measuring up to 1.0±0.2cm in length and 0.1cm in diameter. The petals are whitish up to 0.9 ±0.2cm in length and sepals are greenish up to 0.1cm in length. The berry fruit is greenish when unripe and pale yellowish when ripe up to 0.3±0.1cm in diameter. The seeds are blackish and spherical or triangular shaped with rough edges measuring up to 0.1cm in diameter. The epidermal studies reveal anomocytic stomata whereas the trichomes are simple uniseriate forms wth bulge heads. The anatomy of mid-ribs and petioles showed bicollateral vascular systems. There are three vascular traces and the node is unilacunar. The petioles have 2 rib traces at primary growth phase. At secondary growth phase, the mid-rib and petiole revealed vascular arcs and the stem has a ring of open vascular system. The cytological studies showed a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 24 and n = 12 for the haploids. Alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phlobatannins, flavonoids, combined anthraquinones, free anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides are present.


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Phenotypic variation in plants can be evaluated by morphological characterization using visual attributes. Fruits have been the major descriptors for identification of different varieties of fruit crops. However, even in their absence, farmers, breeders and interested stakeholders require to distinguish between different mango varieties. This study aimed at determining diversity in mango germplasm from the Upper Athi River (UAR) and providing useful alternative descriptors for the identification of different mango varieties in the absence of fruits. A total of 20 International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) descriptors for mango were selected for use in the visual assessment of 98 mango accessions from 15 sites of the UAR region of eastern Kenya. Purposive sampling was used to identify farmers growing diverse varieties of mangoes. Evaluation of the descriptors was performed on-site and the data collected were then subjected to multivariate analysis including Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster analysis, one- way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Chi square tests. Results classified the accessions into two major groups corresponding to indigenous and exotic varieties. The PCA showed the first six principal components accounting for 75.12% of the total variance. A strong and highly significant correlation was observed between the color of fully grown leaves, leaf blade width, leaf blade length and petiole length and also between the leaf attitude, color of young leaf, stem circumference, tree height, leaf margin, growth habit and fragrance. Useful descriptors for morphological evaluation were 14 out of the selected 20; however, ANOVA and Chi square test revealed that diversity in the accessions was majorly as a result of variations in color of young leaves, leaf attitude, leaf texture, growth habit, leaf blade length, leaf blade width and petiole length traits. These results reveal that mango germplasm in the UAR has significant diversity and that other morphological traits apart from fruits can be useful in morphological characterization of mango.