35 resultados para universities of applied sciences
Effect of environmental factors on the growth of the Chlorella vulgaris was studied. C. vulgaris was cultivated in sterilized natural seawater enriched with F/2-Si medium. Then grow in bucket, tub and photobioreactor (PBR) in outdoor condition. The daily routine work consisted of culture checkups of optical density, biomass gains, atmosphere lux, culture lux, atmosphere temperature and culture temperature were recorded. The highest biomass yields were (3.0 μg/ml-1) in December and (2.01 μg/ml-1) in November in PBR. The highest deviation was in atmosphere lux in time 8:30 (± 117.7) and lowest deviation was in atmosphere temperature in time 15:00 (± 1.0499). Optical density (OD) indicated that the best growth of C. vulgaris in outdoor condition was obtained in 650 lux and also it increased with increasing amount of lux. Tub report of C. vulgaris showed different growing behaviors at the various concentration of light and at the different temperatures. Algal production in outdoor PBR is relatively inexpensive, but is only suitable for a few, fast-growing specie. Finally, this fact is noteworthy that in outdoor conditions, temperature and light have important role in growth of C. vulgaris in present study.
The work focuses on the screening of Polyalthia longifolia and Aloe vera for their phytoextractability of heavy metal in soil of the Niger Delta. 5kg of soil was polluted with 100 mg of Zn, Fe and Pb each replicated 9 times. Each set was separated into 3 subgroups. The subgroups were phytoextracted with Polyalthia longifolia and Aloe vera alongside a control (no phytoextraction) respectively. After 12 weeks, the concentration of Lead, Iron and Zinc in soils, roots and shoots was determined. Results showed that the two plants have phytoextraction ability with reductions in Zn, Fe, and Pb in the phytoextraction soil . Metal transfer factor was PB: Aloe vera (0.881) > P. longifolia (0.315); Zn: P. longifolia (0.614) > Aloe vera (0.606); Fe: Aloe vera (0.812) > P. longifolia (0.774). Translocation factors for the two plants were in the order: Zn: P. longifolia (0.79) > Aloe vera (0.36); Fe: P. longifolia (0.63) > Aloe vera (0.05); Pb: P. longifolia (0.57) > Aloe vera (0.23). Since the translocation factors were < 1, the plants can be classified as non- hyperaccumulators for these metals.
In this paper agricultural waste; Canarium schweinfurthii was explored for the sequestering of Fe and Pb ions from wastewater solution after carbonization and chemical treatment at 400oC. Optimum time of 30 and 150 min with percentage removal of 95 and 98% at optimum pH of 2 and 6 was obtained for Fe and Pb ions. Kinetics model followed pseudofirst order as sum of absolute error (EABS) between Qe and Qc greater than that of pseudo second order. Parameters evaluated from isothermal equation (Freundlich and Langmuir) showed that KL and QO for Fe > Pb and R2 for Langmuir> Freundlich. The study reveals the suitability of the adsorbent for sequestering of Fe and Pb ions from industrial wastewater.
Twenty one sampling locations were assessed for carbon monoxide (CO), carbondioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxide (NO), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and noise level using air pollutants measurement methods approved by ASTM for each specific parameter. All equipments and meters were all properly pre-calibrated before each usage for quality assurance. Findings of the study showed that measured levels of noise (61.4 - 101.4 dBA), NO (0.0 - 3.0 ppm), NO2 (0.0 - 3.0 ppm), CO (1.0 – 42.0 ppm) and SPM (0.14 – 4.82 ppm) in all sampling areas were quite high and above regulatory limits however there was no significant difference except in SPM (at all the sampling points), and noise, NO2 and NO (only in major traffic intersection). Air quality index (AQI) indicates that the ambient air can be described as poor for SPM, varied from good to very poor for CO, while NO and NO2 are very good except at major traffic intersection where they were both poor and very poor (D-E). The results suggest that strict and appropriate vehicle emission management, industrial air pollution control coupled with close burning management of wastes should be considered in the study area to reduce the risks associated with these pollutants.
This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of malaria parasite among blood donors at the Police Clinic Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. The standard parasitological techniques using both thick and thin blood films from the donors for the detection of malaria parasite was followed. Venous blood was collected from 200 blood donors and films were made on clean greese-free glass slide and stained with 10%Giemsa stains and viewed under the microscope using the oil immersion objective. Of the 200 samples examined, 56 (28.00%) were positive with Plasmodium falciparium . The highest prevalence among the males 53(26.50%) and between the ages 21-30years and only 3 (1.50%) of females were positive. Donors having the blood group O were more infected (60.70%) than the other blood groups and the lowest was blood group AB (5.40%). This result shows that there is a relatively high prevalence of malaria parasite among the blood donors in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. It is, therefore, recommended that malaria parasite screening test be included among other blood screening tests before any transfusion to avert the deleterious effects of malaria on recipients.
The paper evaluates the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth of okra (variety NH-Ae 47-4. Organic fertilizers (cow dung and poultry droppings) and inorganic (NPK 15:15:15 and Urea 64:0) fertilizers were used for the experiment. The fertilizers were weighed and applied at 5g, 10g and 15g and were replicated three times and each having a control. Vegetative growth parameters taken include, shoot fresh weight (g), dry weight (g), plant height (cm), leaf number, stem girth (cm), leaf area (cm2). The results obtained from the experiment showed that the effect of the treatments were significantly difference from the control for all the parameters accessed with urea fertilizer having least effect. Plants treated with poultry litters have best performance by recording the highest fresh and dry weight (0.39g) at 4 weeks after planting (WAP); highest stem height 29.33cm for all the concentrations applied. Similarly, it has highest leaf area and stem girth (64.67cm2and 2.23cm respectively) at 8WAP.
The Present work deals with the study of exudate of Dacryodes edulis with regards to various seasonal physicochemical properties of the purified solids exudate, acid hydrolysis product and saponification product like charring temperature (oC) (195.73 ± 4.75, 190 ± 7.9, 190 ± 3.4, ); flash point (oC) (105 ± 5.0, 100 ± 7.9, 100 ± 3.4); moisture content % (1.32 – 1.35, 1.05 – 1.08, 1.00 - 1.10); ash content (%) (1.77 – 1.85, 1.21 – 1.31, 1.26 -1.37); lignin content (%) (7.77 – 7.85, 6.21 – 6.31, 5.26 – 5.37); electrical conductivity (μS/cm) (28.40 -29.20, 32.10 – 33.00, 30.30 – 30.90); density (g/cm3) (0.76 -0.77, 0.94 – 0.98, 0.88 – 0.98); melting point (oC) (61.08 – 73.35, 58.69 – 73.35, 55.35 – 65.67). The physicochemical characteristic of Dacryodes edulis is found to be fluctuated with seasonal variations during the present investigation. The correlation coefficient showed positive relationship among the properties. The study reveals that exudate of Daryodes edulis can be tapped in large quantity in the dry season and is rich in lignin content but the seasons does not affect the properties.
The levels of some heavy metals in soil samples and tubers of cocoyam ( Colocasia esculentum ) grown on soil receiving paint wastes (PWS) has been investigated using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer (Unicam 939/959 model). Similar analyses were carried out for the same plant from a control area. The studies revealed that although the P.W.S contained abnormally high levels of Pb (474.14mgkg-1) and Cu (137.85mgkg-1). The paint waste tuber (PWT) recorded low levels of these metals: Pb (2.13mgkg-1) and Cu (13.85mgkg-1) respectively. Correlation analysis tested at 0.05 level of significance show that no significant correlation existed between the metals levels in the soil and the level in the tuber. In all cases the levels of the metals in the tubers were well below the upper limit documented for unpolluted plant. The results however suggest the ineffectiveness of the use of Colocasia esculentum as a bioindicator for heavy metal pollution in soil.
The potential of swamp arum ( Lasimorpha senegalensis ) seeds as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of Hg (II) ions from aqueous solution was investigated in this study. The influence of initial metal concentration on the percent adsorption of Hg (II) ions onto powdered swamp arum seeds was studied in a batch system and the filtrate was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The percent adsorbed for 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg/L of the aqueous solution were 97.7, 98.9, 99.3, 99.7, and 96.5% respectively. Three isotherms; Langmuir, Freundlich, and BET were used to model the equilibrium sorption of Hg (II) ions onto powdered swamp arum seeds, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998, 0.784 and0.842 respectively. The Langmuir model fitted the equilibrium data best, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998 and a maximum adsorption capacity qm, of 5.917 mg/g. Thus, indicating monolayer coverage on the adsorbent. The results showed that swamp arum seed have the potential to be applied as alternative lowcost biosorbent in the remediation of heavy metal contamination in waste water.
A research work entitled: “Microbiological analysis of traditionally fermented milk (Ikivuguto) sold in Kinigi Sector of Musanze District,” was carried out at Higher Learning Institution of Applied Sciences (INES-Ruhengeri) Laboratory of Microbiology located near Volcanoes in the Northern Province of Rwanda. The main objective of this work was to determine the microbiological quality of traditionally fermented milk, which is consumed by Kinigi Center local people. The hypothesis was to analyze if traditionally fermented milk commercialized in Kinigi restaurants contained pathogenic bacteria such as fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli , in addition to staphylococci and yeasts. Milk samples were collected from Kinigi sector and examined in the microbiology laboratory in order to assess the microbiological quality and safety of traditionally fermented milk in rural areas. The samples were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively for the microbes found in fermented milk sold in Kinigi Center, and the results were as follows: 7.21x107 CFU/ml for total counts; 3.89x107 CFU/ml for Lactobacillus ; 2.77x107 CFU/ml for yeasts; 1.196x105 CFU/ml for total coliforms; 9.63x104 CFU/ml for fecal coliforms and 8.92x103 CFU/ml for staphylococci. Biochemical tests were carried out and the results showed that identified pathogens were E. coli, Providencia alcalifaciens , and the staphylococci group. It was found that fermented milk contained genera and species of Staphylococcus haemolyticus , Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylococcus intermedius , Staphylococcus xylosus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus . Findings showed that the commercial milk samples were cross-contaminated by different pathogens from environment. These contaminations could have been due to improper handling, presence of flies, soil erosion, dust from atmosphere, as well as contaminated milk vessels or pots, stirrers and unpasteurized water. It was concluded that local farmers and milk retailers did not adhere to required hygienic conditions for milk safety. In this regard, the sold traditional fermented milk does not meet health and safety standards because people did not respect good manufacturing practices. The hypothesis and main objective were confirmed, because traditionally fermented milk of Kinigi was cross-contaminated before consumption. Thus, it would be better to train farmers in the areas of product hygiene, sanitation and safety during milking, processing and marketing.
Four (4) wastewater quality variables: chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solid (TS), total dissolved solid (TDS), and total suspended solid (TSS) were determined. Analysed samples comprises of raw influent and effluents entering and leaving the stabilisation ponds. Significant reduction in variables were obtained, maximum and minimum values obtained for COD were 917mg/l (anaerobic pond), and 13mg/l (maturation pond). For TS, TDS and TSS, maximum and minimum values obtained were 14,420mg/l, 9,180mg/l, 5,240mg/l and 3,398mg/l, 3,120mg/l, 278mg/l respectively. Removal efficiencies recorded for parameters in final effluent (maturation pond) were 98.55% (COD), 76.44% (TS), 66.01% (TDS), and 94.69% (TSS) respectively.
The main aim of this study was to analyze evidence of an environmental Kuznets curve for water pollution in the developing and developed countries. The study was conducted based on a panel data set of 54 countries – that were categorized into six groups of “developed countries”, “developing countries”, “developed countries with low income”, “developed countries with high income” and “coastal countries”- between the years 1995 to 2006. The results do not confirm the inverted U-shape of EKC curve for the developed countries with low income. Based on the estimated turning points and the average GDP per capita, the study revealed at which point of the EKC the countries are. Furthermore, impacts of capital-and-labor ratio as well as trade openness are drawn by estimating different models for the EKC. The magnitude role of each explanatory variable on BOD was calculated by estimating the associated elasticity.
This study investigated the chemotaxonomic studies on Schwenckia americana Linn., a member of the family Solanaceae predominantly found mostly in low grass fields, Nigeria. The habit is annual herbaceous weed with slender stem characterized with free branching and growing up to 45cm in height.They are used mainly as medicine. The leaves are simple, entire, elliptic to ovate in shape, smooth, variable, petiolate and larger at the lower region of stem and narrowing to smaller almost sessile and oblanceolate towards the apical regions which are alternately arranged and acrescently structured from the top to the base upto 3.7 ± 1.5cm long and 2.4±0.6cm wide. The inflorescence is a panicle of 15 or more flowers occurring at stem terminal.The flowers are whitish tubular structures measuring up to 1.0±0.2cm in length and 0.1cm in diameter. The petals are whitish up to 0.9 ±0.2cm in length and sepals are greenish up to 0.1cm in length. The berry fruit is greenish when unripe and pale yellowish when ripe up to 0.3±0.1cm in diameter. The seeds are blackish and spherical or triangular shaped with rough edges measuring up to 0.1cm in diameter. The epidermal studies reveal anomocytic stomata whereas the trichomes are simple uniseriate forms wth bulge heads. The anatomy of mid-ribs and petioles showed bicollateral vascular systems. There are three vascular traces and the node is unilacunar. The petioles have 2 rib traces at primary growth phase. At secondary growth phase, the mid-rib and petiole revealed vascular arcs and the stem has a ring of open vascular system. The cytological studies showed a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 24 and n = 12 for the haploids. Alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phlobatannins, flavonoids, combined anthraquinones, free anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides are present.
Aim: To investigate the knowledge and actions of dentists for treatment of individuals with Down syndrome. Methods: A questionnaire was applied to all the dentists (n=90) working at the FHS (Family Health Strategy) modules in the urban limits of Parnaíba, PI, Brazil. Four of the questions in the questionnaire were written according to the Theory of Planned Behavior Table and Likert scale (questions 6,7,9 and 15), in order to analyze the professionals’ intentions. Sixteen objective questions were elaborated with the purpose of collecting information about the degree of the dentists’ knowledge as regards the intention of attending courses in the patients with special needs area including DS, and interaction with other professionals and families. The option was to use a questionnaire applied to the dentists of the region, from August to November 2014. Results: It was found that most professionals were women and they considered themselves able to identify these patients. Among the professionals, 70% showed they had no difficulty in identifying the patient with DS, and 5.2% had no opinion about the subject. Only 6.6% of the professionals showed to be certain about their aptitude to attend to these patients; 70% were partially apt, that is, they were not absolutely sure about their aptness. There was a statistical relationship between the variables understanding and difficulty in the treatment. There was no statistical relationship between the variable capacity to identify, understanding of the needs and fitness variable in attendance. Conclusions: Patients with Down syndrome need more attention and care of dentists, they must also be involved in a multidisciplinary approach. Most of the professionals do not follow the procedures laid down by the Ministry of Health, but showed interest in attending a course in this area and there is a low number of SD patients being cared in Parnaíba, PI.
Aim: To compare the alveolar bone repair process using biomaterial in dogs with and without the incorporation of platelet-rich plasma. Methods: Six beagles were used. Bilateral extractions of the three mandibular premolars were performed. Bio-Gen® was applied in the first alveolus, the clot was maintained in the second alveolus and Genox® was applied to the third alveolus. PRP was added to all alveoli on the left side only. The dogs were submitted to euthanasia after 30, 60 and 90 days and submitted to histological analysis for the determination of mean area of new bone formation. Tukey’s post test was used in the statistical analysis. Results: Significant increase in bone formation occurred in Bio-Gen® + PRP when compared with the other groups at 30 and 90 days. In the evaluation at 60 days, no statistically significant differences among the groups were found. Conclusions: The Bio-Gen® biomaterial led to the best bone repair and the combination of platelet-rich plasma accelerated the repair process.