3 resultados para variance analysis
Cassava waste and soybean cake waste are by - product from home industry that have been used as animal feed. It contain high crude fibber, there fore it must be processed or added with another nutrients before feeding to animal to get a good performance. A research have been conducted in Experimental Farm and Laboratory Animal of Feed and Nutrition, Animal Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto at October- Nopember 2001. The purpose of the research is to find the effect of urea and sulfur level in mixing of cassava waste fermented and soybean cake waste on nitrogen balance and digestibility of energy of local male sheep. Eighteen local male sheep were divided into 3 group based of the body weight. There are I = 18.55±1.27 kg, II = 15.79±0.67 kg and III = 13.41±1.33 kg. Two level of urea (2% and 3%) and three level of sulfur (0 %, 0.15 % and 0.30%) dry matter concentrate used as treatments, there fore factorial  design 2x3 with Randomized Block Design used this experiment All of treatment received same diet consist land grass and concentrates with 70:30 dry matter ratio. Concentrates consists cassava waste fermented and soybean cake waste with 77.50:22.50 dry matter ratio. Dry matter intake was 4 % body weight. Observed variables were nitrogen balance and digestibility of energy by using total collection. Variance analysis was used for knowing the effect treatment on the variable observed. The result of the research shown that level of urea and sulfur are not significant interaction on the nitrogen balance and digestibility of energy. However level urea and sulfur itself are significant on nitrogen balance linearly. Level urea also had significant effect on the energy digestion. Balance nitrogen of all treatment is positive. Level of urea 3 % and sulfur 0.30% gave a good balance nitrogen and energy digestion. It can be concluded that addition of urea and sulfur in diet containing fermentable carbohydrates can increase balance nitrogen (N retention) and energy digestion. (Animal Production 3(2): 91-97 (2001)Key Words: Balance nitrogen, energy digestion, cassava waste and soybean cake waste
Concentrated diet based on rice bran 69%, coconut meal 30%, urea 1% and field grass (fg), parsial defaunation agent Hibiscus rosasinensis (Hr) and coconut oil (Co) was used in propotion 37,5% fg + 2,5% Hr; 35% fg + 5% Hr; 37,5% fg + 2,5% Co and 35% + 5% Co. the feed of concentrate and feed grass 60 : 40 % are evaluated in vitro for dry matter degradability (DMD), organic matter degradability (OMD) and number of protozoa (NP). Variance analysis and orthogonal contrast was applied according to Steel and Torrie (1981). The result show that defaunation agent Hr and Co 2,5% and 5% increased (P< 0.01) DMD in the order 60.20; 59.40; 56.60 and 55.60 respectively, compare with no defaunation agent (54,60%). It also increased OMD 62.20%; 60.40; 58.40 and 57.20% compare with no agent (56.40%). While number of protozoa decreased (P< 0.01) 2.456; 2.316; 2.396 and 2.286 x 104/ml rumen liquid compare with no defaunation agent (2.564 x 104/ml rumen liquid). (Animal Production 2(2): 53-59 (2000)Â Key words : Hibiscus rosasinensis, digestibility, and number of protozoa
A research has been conducted to study the effect of interaction between protein level and synthetic methionine addition in quail ration on growth rate up to 40 days. The method was used experiment with Factorial (3x3) based on CRD. The first factor was protein level (P) : P1 = 22 %, P2 = 24 %, P3 = 26 %. The second factor was methionine addition (M) : M0 = 0,00, M1 = 0,05 %, M2 = 0,10 %. Variance analysis indicated that protein level did not have significant effect (P>0.05) on feed consumption, growth rate, feed conversion, weight and percentage of carcass, but it had significant effect (P≤0.05) on IOFC. The effect of methionine addition was not significant (P> 0.05). Interaction between those treatments did not give significant effect (P>0.05). It can be concluded that the response on 26 % protein level with 0,05 % methionine addition give the highest IOFC (Rp. 342.693) (Animal Production 1(1) : 17-23 (1999). Key Words : Quail, Growing Periode, Protein Level, Synthetis Methionine.