3 resultados para farm management



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Abstract. The aims of this research were to describe the characteristics of Kaligesing goat farmers; to analyze the farmers’ perceptions on the role of extension workers as conduit of information, as mentors, organizers and dynamic factor, technicians and liaisons; to discover the relationship between the farmers’ characteristics with farmers’ perceptions; and to investigate the relationship between farmers’ perceptions to goat maintenance management. The respondents were goat farmers in Kaligesing, Purworejo, Central Java Province. Data were obtained from questionnaire survey method. Determining location, the research applied combination of stratified sampling method with purposive random sampling. Total respondents were 159 farmers with nine farmer groups as samples. Analysis was subject to Spearman Rank, resulting that age, education level and farming experience were not significant to the farmers’ perceptions to the role of extension workers, but the ownership of livestock had a very significant relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.240, group classes had also very significant relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.414, and frequency of meeting with extension workers have a significant relationships with a correlation coefficient of 0.202. Farmers’ perceptions to the role of extension workers had very significant relationships to the maintenance management with a correlation coefficient of 0.393. Key words : farmers’ characteristics, farmers’ perceptions, Kaligesing goat, role of extension workers Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik peternak, persepsi peternak terhadap peran penyuluh, hubungan antara karakteristik peternak dengan persepsi, dan hubungan antara persepsi peternak dengan manajemen pemeliharaan. Responden penelitian adalah peternak Kambing Kaligesing di Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo Jawa Tengah dengan metode penelitian survei kuesioner. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dengan kombinasi cara stratified sampling dan purposive random sampling. Jumlah kelompok tani sebagai sampel penelitian sebanyak sembilan kelompok dan jumlah total responden sebanyak 159 peternak. Analisis Rank Spearman digunakan untuk analisis data.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan  bahwa umur, tingkat pendidikan dan lama beternak tidak secara nyata memiliki hubungan dengan persepsi peternak terhadap peran penyuluh, sedangkan kepemilikan ternak memiliki hubungan sangat nyata (P<0,01) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,240. Kelas kelompok memiliki hubungan sangat nyata (P<0,01) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,414 dan frekuensi bertemu penyuluh memiliki hubungan nyata (P<0,05) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,202. Persepsi peternak terhadap peran penyuluh memiliki hubungan sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap manajemen pemeliharaan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,393Kata kunci:  karakteristik peternak, persepsi peternak, kambing Kaligesing, peran penyuluh


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This research aimed to (1) evaluate feasibility business study on financial aspect dairy cattle farmers partnership government project in Banyumas Regency, (2) to study and to analyze farm management dairy cattle (cost and revenue) at the fifth year on business study dairy cattle. The study applied survey methode. Sample was collected in two step. The first step, determining location of study using purposive sampling technique. Four subregencies that accepted cows from government in 1998 were chosin as the location. The Second step determining responders of study using purposive sampling technique by collecting all breeders on the locations that accepted the government support in the form of cows in 1998. Result of this research indicated on breeders that accepted the support in form of one cows and two cows was assumed feasible as reflected by Net Present Value (NPV) > 0 ; Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C ratio) > 1 ; Internal Rate of Return (IRR) > I  (Social discount rate). At the fifth year, revenue were in form of one cow Rp 6.456.000,00 and two cows Rp 10.545.000,00. Profit received as one cow Rp 2.997.160,00 and two cows Rp 5.418.700,00. (Animal Production 6(2): 76-85 (2004) Key Words: Feasibility study,  Farmer income, Farmer profitability


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Based on activity, the population on dairy cattle, can be divided into two kinds i.e. pollution around the farm and pollution on the product of  milk. In order to eliminate the potency of the pollution, then, the manages to control it is urgently needed. The research was conducted by the farmers in banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, the has aids dairy cattle from government. The aim of the research was to know of participation to pollution control management on the product of milk. Survey method and descriptive analysis were used in this research. The technique of sampling used to collected data by Multy Stage Purposive Random Sampling from Sutrisno (1981). The independent variable of this research was social characteristic of the farmers i.e. mean of livelihood, income of cattlemen, participation of cattlemen on social institution and type of animal production, meanwhite, the dependent variable was the manages of pollution control the product of milk. To know the level of  participation control of pollution the milk product by crossing of the between variable table. Based on the analyses, it was found that the participation farmers to the manages to pollution control on the product of milk was in the level of  “good”. (Animal Production 1(2): 63-74 (1999) Key Words: Participation levels, pollution, milk.