8 resultados para Wyandotte chicken
An experiment was planed to know the possibility of negative effect on Gumboro vaccination program. This program has a possibility to cause “Sick†condition on fabrious bursal of broiler chicken. From that case, it need time spacing for subsequent vaccination program, for instance ND vaccination program. Time spacing is very importance to broiler chicken for recovering that “Sick†condition because of Gumboro vaccination effect. The purpose of his research was to know the best time spacing between Gumboro and ND vaccination program on broiler chicken. An experimental method was used in this research, and the material used was 216 broiler chickens. A 3x4 factorial arrangement (Gumboro vaccination as factor A and ND vaccination as factor B) with three broiler chickens per unit and six replicates of each treatment combination was used in the research. Variables tested of this experiment HI ND antibody titer, body weight of 4 weeks old, and the symptom appeared after vaccination program. Anava was used to analyze the data obtained and used orthogonal polynomial for subsequent analysis. The research results showed that the best time spacing was eight days and there was no symptom appeared after  Gumboro vaccination program. There were no significantly influence of vaccination treatments on broiler chicken health and body weight. (Animal Production 3(2): 67-73 (2001) Key Words: Vaccination, symptom, antibody
Abstract. This study was aimed to determine the influences of turmeric extract supplementation on water holding capacity, cooking loss, pH value and tenderness of broiler chicken meat Data analysis was subject to completely randomized design 5 treatments namely T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4 containing non-turmeric extract, 100 mg/kgBW/day, 200 mg/kgBW/day, 300 mg/kgBW/day and 400 mg/kgBW/day, respectively. Each unit of experiment administered 3 heads with four replications. The results indicated no effect from turmeric extract supplementation on water holding capacity, cooking loss, pH value and tenderness of broiler chicken meat. The average treatments of T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 had water holding capacities of 39.86, 37.58, 36.41, 36.94, respectively; cooking losses of 26.00, 27.58, 27.57, 27.11, and 27.49%, respectively; tenderness of 1.97, 1.95, 1.63, 1.77 and 1.99 Nmm, respectively, and final Body weights of 1,618.5, 1,568, 1,692.5, 1,651.75 and 1,462 g/head, respectively. However, a highly significant influence was observed on the pH values of 6.46, 6.04, 6.21, 6.08 and 5.98. The results indicated that none of the turmeric extract supplementation increased water holding capacity, cooking losses, tenderness and body weight. Key words: broiler, cooking loss, pH values, tenderness, water holding capacity, turmeric Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kunyit terhadap daya ikat air, susut masak, nilai pH dan keempukan daging ayam broiler. Manfaat penelitian yaitu tersedianya informasi ilmiah tentang ekstrak kunyit terhadap danging ayam broiler. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah T0 tanpa ekstrak kunyit, T1 100, T2 200, T3 300, dan T4 400 mg/kgBB/hari. Data analisis yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 4 replikasi. Setiap unit percobaan terdiri dari 3 ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kunyit terhadap daya ikat air, susut masak, dan keempukan daging ayam broiler. Rataan untuk perlakuan T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 pada Daya Ikat Air masing–masing 39,86; 37,58; 36,41; 36,94; 34,78%; susut masak 26,00; 27,58; 27,57; 27,11; 27,49%, keempukan 1,97; 1,95; 1,63; 1,77; 1,99 Nmm, dan bobot badan akhir 1.618,5; 1.568; 1.692,5; 1.651,75; 1.462g/ekor. Namun, memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata pada nilai pH 6,46; 6,04; 6,21; 6,08; 5,98. Hasil  menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak kunyit tidak meningkatkan daya ikat air, susut masak, keempukan dan bobot badan. Kata Kunci : Broiler, Susut Masak, pH, Keempukan, Daya Ikat Air, Kunyit
An experiment on the growth embryonic muscle cell in the rabbit and sheep serum media was conducted in the Biotechnology Laboratory of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The aim of this experiment was to observe the potency of the growth of embryonic muscle cell of the inbred chicken and indigeneous chicken in the medium of rabbit and sheep serum. Two kinds of embryo, the inbred and indigeneous chicken of eleven days old were used in the experiment. The rabbit and the sheep serum were prepared in the laboratory. The experiment was conducted by applying Nested Classification with basic Complete Randomized Design (CRD). Data collected was analyzed using analysis of variance and also using a proliferation index formula. Samples used in those research were the inner and outer cell nucleus after fourty eight hours of the growth. The result of the experiment indicated that the index of proliferation of embryonic muscle cell of the inbred chicken in the rabbit and sheep serum were 89.65 and 84.92 percent respectively. Whereas, the proliferation index of embryonic muscle cell of the indigeneous chicken in the rabbit and sheep serum were 86.20 and 84.82 percent respectively. The total of inner muscle cell nuclei of inbred chicken embryos was significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of indigeneous chicken embryos either in the rabbit or sheep serum, but there was no difference between the serum (P>0.05). inconclusion the muscle cell of inbred and indigeneous chicken embryos could growth in both serum but the growth muscle cell of inbred chicken embryo was better than that of indigeneous chicken embryo. (Animal Production 2(2): 75-82 (2000)Â Key words : tissue culture, chicken embryos, index proliferation, serum.
The Objectives of this research was to know income and efficiency level of local chicken entreprise. Beside that, to know potency of local chicken enterprise developing in DAS Serayu, Banyumas and know factors can effect level of that income and efficiency. Methode that used at this research is survey method to farmer families. Take of research data by random sampling.The data is analysed by multiple regression analysis. The results of this research showed that income level of local chicken entreprise at DAS Serayu is Rp 277.375,00 / year and economi efficiency 2.80 , that means the farmers get return Rp 2.80 for every one unit cost addition. The age of farmers and total of chicken possession effect at efficiency of  local chicken entreprise. Potency of local chicken developing very big if showed from power of area and human resources. Very important to increase entreprise capital and increase knowledge for farmer. Beside that more important present motivation and support for develop there enterprise (Animal Production 2(1): 13-17 (2000)Key Words: local chicken, farmers income, economic efficiency
The research entitled “The Effect of Level Testosterone Addition in Diluents and Level Dilution on Speed Movement and Abnormality of Kedu Chicken Sperm†was conducted in Laboratory of Physiology and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, UNSOED, started at August 15th to September 15th , 2001. The aims of this research were to obtain influences of level testosterone and dilution on speed movement and secondary abnormality kedu chicken sperm and obtain interaction between the treatments. The tapped sperm from nine kedu chickens were used in this research. This Experiment was performed 4 x 3 Factorials with Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) as the basic design. The treatment combinations were level testosterone 0, 300, 600 and 900 μg (t0, t1, t2 and t3) and level of dilution 4, 6 and 8 time (in a row p1, p2 and p3). The tapping period was replicated four times as a group (replicated) with two days interval. The result of this research showed that the interaction between level of testosterone addition and level of dilution gave a non-significant effect to speed movement sperm but significant to abnormality of kedu chicken sperm. The group gave a significant influence (P<0.05) to speed movement sperm and non significant to sperm abnormality. The interaction of level testosterone addition and level dilution of kedu chicken semen (T x P) has a quadratic regression to sperm abnormality with regression comparison is Y = 24.418 – 0.014 X +1.187E – 05 X², with peak point is (543.76: 20.23) of correlation coefficient (r) 0.55 and determination coefficient (R²) as 30.34%. The addition of 600 μg testosterone level with 6 level dilutions was the best to defend sperm abnormality. (Animal Production 4(2): 60-70 (2002) Key Words : Spermatozoa, Kedu Chicken, Testosterone, Dilution, Speed Movement and Abnormality
Abstract. The objective of this research was to evaluate the hydrolyzed chicken feather based on pepsin digestibility and nutrient content, after physico-chemical and biological process. It was carried out by experimental methods at feed and nutrition laboratory. The treatments were hydrolyzed feather meals immersed in 0.5% NaOH and Na2S solution for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours, each treatment was repeated three times. The results showed that chemical treatment (NaOH-Na2S) in various time of incubation at 60oC followed by fermentation using Bacillus sp. MTS at 37oC for four days decreased the protein of hydrolyzed feather (78.88 to 73.06%), but increased the keratin fiber (1.9 to 3.26%). Pepsin digestibility informed that the increasing incubation time from 0, 2, 4, 6 to 8 hours resulted in higher solubility than that of control (30.2% at 8 hours vs 15.4% at 0 hours). Processing chicken feather by  0.5% NaOH and Na2S solution at 60oC for 6 hours followed by fermentation increased the value of pepsin digestibility.  Key words: hydrolyzed, Bacillus sp. MTS, feather, solubility Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kualitas nutrien tepung bulu ayam hasil proses hidrolisis secara fisiko-kimia dan biologis menggunakan Bacillus sp. MTS. Metode eksperimental digunakan dalam penelitian yang menggunakan dua tahap proses hidrolisis yaitu tahap 1: setelah perebusan bulu dalam larutan NaOH maka bulu direndam dalam larutan 0.5% NaOH dan Na2S pada 600C dan tahap 2: fermentasi bulu selama empat hari pada suhu 370C. Perlakuan berupa waktu inkubasi yaitu 0, 2, 4, 6 dan 8 jam diterapkan pada tahap kedua dengan ulangan sebanyak tiga kali. Perlakuan fisiko-kimia yang dilanjutkan fermentasi menggunakan bakteri spesifik penghasil enzim-enzim pendegradasi keratin bulu menurunkan kadar protein tepung bulu  (78,88% menjadi 73,06%) dan meningkatkan kadar serat tepung bulu (1,9 menjadi 3,26%). Uji kelarutan protein tepung bulu dalam pepsin menginfromasikan bahwa proses tahap 1 menghasilkan nilai kelarutan protein tepung bulu yang meningkat dua kali dibanding kontrol (30,2% pada 8 jam vs 15,4% pada 0 jam inkubasi) atau enam kali dibanding tepung bulu tanpa hidrolisis (5%). Pengolahan bulu ayam menggunakan cara pemanasan, perendaman dalam larutan NaOH dan Na2S selama 6 jam pada 600C serta fermentasi menghasilkan tepung bulu dengan daya larut dalam pepsin lebih baik dibanding tanpa pengolahan.  Kata kunci: hidrolisis, tepung-bulu, Bacillus sp. MTS, kelarutan
The research was conducted to the characteristics of carcass evaluate crossbred between cockerel of kampung chicken and Lohman layer hen. Sixteen crossbred chickens and 16 kampung chickens were reared under a similar management from 2 - 12 weeks old. The chickens were given a commercial feed which contains 21% crude protein at 2 - 4 week old, and 14% crude protein and metabolizable energy 2800 kcal/kg at 4 - 12 weeks old. The data of carcass weight, rear back weight, fore back weight, breast weight, and thigh weight were collected. Meat and bone on breast and thigh were separated. The results showed that with under similar management and feeding, the carcass values of crossbred chicken were not significantly different with kampung chicken. The crossbred chickens have meat production rate of 2.83 times as compared to kampung chicken. Higher crude protein than 14% with a balance metabolizable energy will increase the quantity and quality of crossbred chicken carcass. (Animal Production 4(2): 71-76 (2002)Â Key Words : Carcass, Crossbred Kampung Chicken
Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of giving various types of feed additives to the chemical composition value of super chicken chicken (Gallus domestica). This research is an experimental research using 20 super chicken chickens that come from chicken growth research (growth study). The design used in this study was Completely Randomized Design (RAL), consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment given was (A0 = control (Vita chick 0.7 gram / liter; A1 = 20 ml / liter probio-FM; A2 = 0.08% MOS-oligosaccharide / kg of feed and A3 = herbal leuser KI 5 ml / liter). is a 90 day old super chicken breast Chicken Variable observed moisture content, protein content and fat content The data obtained were analyzed by using vocabulary and tested further by Duncan's Multiple Range Test The results showed that treatment (P> 0,05) to the value of water content and protein of super chicken fowl.Average value of water content at each treatment A0 (69,81%), A1 (70,74%), A2 (71,56%) and A3 (71,52%) while mean value of protein A0 (18,95%), A1 (19,61%), A2 (19,01%) and A3 (19,14%)) P <0,05) to the fat content of super chicken flesh, mean of fat content were A0 (2.02%), A1 (1.49%), A2 (1.37%) and A3 (2.0%).