8 resultados para Leicester sheep.
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of soybean hulls as a ration in twenty seven rams. The animal had a mean of live weight of 12.863 ± 1.934 kg. Levels of soybean hulls were 0, 50, and 100 %  or 0,25, and 50 % in ration dry matter basis and rations were  iso-nitrogenous. The experiment were use Completely Randomized Design, data collected was analyzed using analysis of variance and polynomial orthogonal test.  Inclusion of soybean hulls in 50% ration dry matter had no effect on daily live weight gain (90.65±20.88 g), nitrogen, calcium and phosphor balances positive. However, dry matter consumption tended to increase linearly and as soybean hulls level increase in the ration (P<0.01). The digestible energy and NDF significantly decrease linearly (P<0.01), whereas intake of the energy was similar i.e. 122±0.39, 1.44±0.17, and 1.23±0.19 Mcal/day but NDF tended to increase for ration containing 0, 25, 50% of soybean hulls, respectively. The digestible crude protein is significantly quadratic (P<0.01), due to the release of energy and N are synchronized in 25% of soybean hulls in ration dry matter. It was concluded that soybean hulls can be used as a sources of energy and substitute for corn. (Animal Production 3(1): 5-11 (2001) Key Words: Local ram, soybean hulls, live weight gain, digestibility
The review of estrous synchronization was biologically, hormonally, and laserly to studied in the sheep and goat. The observed parameters of the synchronization of estrous in sheep and goat were the onset and the length of estrous. The result of this research shows that the hormonal synchronization of estrous results in the presence of estrous in 30-42 hours after the withdrawal of the sponges; while in goat it is in the average of 35.13±9.9 hours. Than the length of estrous in sheep was 30-48 hours and in goat the average was 36.00±14.96 hours. The synchronization of estrous by Laserpuncture results in the presence of estrous in goat 43.94-59.75 hours after the given laser beam (Animal Production 2(1): 1-8.Key Words: the synchronization of estrous, sheep, goat.
An experiment on the growth embryonic muscle cell in the rabbit and sheep serum media was conducted in the Biotechnology Laboratory of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The aim of this experiment was to observe the potency of the growth of embryonic muscle cell of the inbred chicken and indigeneous chicken in the medium of rabbit and sheep serum. Two kinds of embryo, the inbred and indigeneous chicken of eleven days old were used in the experiment. The rabbit and the sheep serum were prepared in the laboratory. The experiment was conducted by applying Nested Classification with basic Complete Randomized Design (CRD). Data collected was analyzed using analysis of variance and also using a proliferation index formula. Samples used in those research were the inner and outer cell nucleus after fourty eight hours of the growth. The result of the experiment indicated that the index of proliferation of embryonic muscle cell of the inbred chicken in the rabbit and sheep serum were 89.65 and 84.92 percent respectively. Whereas, the proliferation index of embryonic muscle cell of the indigeneous chicken in the rabbit and sheep serum were 86.20 and 84.82 percent respectively. The total of inner muscle cell nuclei of inbred chicken embryos was significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of indigeneous chicken embryos either in the rabbit or sheep serum, but there was no difference between the serum (P>0.05). inconclusion the muscle cell of inbred and indigeneous chicken embryos could growth in both serum but the growth muscle cell of inbred chicken embryo was better than that of indigeneous chicken embryo. (Animal Production 2(2): 75-82 (2000)Â Key words : tissue culture, chicken embryos, index proliferation, serum.
Empat ekor domba yang berfistula pada bagian rumen digunakan pada rancangan Bujur sangkar latin 3 x 3. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi Yucca schidigera dengan atau tanpa nisin terhadap penggunaan nitrogen, konsentrasi amonia dalam rumen, konsentrasi nitrogen urea dalam plasma, suplai nitrogen mikroba pada domba yang diberi pakan basal hay rumput timothy dan konsentrat. Tiga perlakuan pakan yaitu pakan basal (kontrol), pakan basal + Yucca schidigera 240 ppm (yucca), pakan basal + Yucca schidigera 240 ppm + nisin 6 mg/kg BW 0.75 (yucca+nisin). Ekskresi nitrogen dalam urin domba yang diberi perlakuan yucca+nisin lebih rendah (P<0.05) dibandingkan perlakuan kontrol. Perlakuan yucca+nisin meningkatkan keseimbangan nitrogen sebesar 8 % dibandingkan kontrol. Konsentrasi amonia dalam rumen pada perlakuan yucca dan yucca+nisin lebih rendah (P<0.05) daripada perlakuan kontrol, dan konsentrasi tersebut masih berada diatas konsentrasi minimal untuk pertumbuhan mikroba dalam rumen. Konsentrasi nitrogen urea dalam plasma tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan dan bervariasi antara 20.8 – 22.0 mg/dl. Suplai nitrogen mikroba pada perlakuan yucca dan yucca+nisin lebih tinggi (P<0.05) dibandingkan perlakuan kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi yucca atau kombinasi yucca dan nisin dapat menurunkan konsentrasi amonia dalam rumen, sehingga menurunkan ekskresi nitrogen pada urin dimana hal ini berimplikasi positif dalam mengurangi pencemaran nitrogen di lingkungan. (Animal Production 7(1): 34-39 (2005) Kata kunci : Yucca schidigera, Nisin, Penggunaan N, N Mikroba
The objective of current study was to evaluate the impact dietary non-fibrous carbohydrate ( NFC) and ruminally degradable intake protein (DIP) concentration have on ruminal fermentation , nutrient digestion and performance of local sheep. The animal had a mean of  liveweight 19.80 ±1.55 kg. four diets ,arranged in a 2x2 factorial ,were formulated to contain either 40 or 50 % NFC and 50 or 60 % of dietary crude protein as DIP .dietary DM contained 25 % Indonesian field grass and 75 % concentrate. Solvent –extracted or formaldehyd  2 % -treated soybean meal were used to alter DIP and corn or soybean hulls to alter NFC level. Percentage of energy and NDF digestion was similar ( p<0,01) as DIP level decreased in the diets. The soybean hulls was fermentable and total VFA concentration in the rumen increased ( p<0.01), but N-NH3 concentration was decreased ( p<0.01) as DIP level decreased in the diets. Daily live weight gain ( 146.29±25.84 g) and body composition ( fat, water , protein and mineral) was similar ( p<0.05) among diets. The preponderance ruminal fermentation ,nutrient digestion and performance of local sheeps did not be improved by sincronization of energy and nitrogen release but may more likely be limited by either energy or nitrogen alone. (Animal Production 3(2): 53-61 (2001)Key Word : Carbohydrate, protein, rumen fermentation, nutrients digestion and performance
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate an adaptation time sheep to eat at a normal amount required by the local experiencing liveweight loss due to feed restriction, to investigate feed intake and feed digestibility and to investigate sheep growth following feed restriction. The experiment was conducted in The Experimental Farm of Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unsoed. Twelve local sheep were randomly assigned to two different groups of treatment: namely, control (C) and restrictively Fed Animal (R). there were two periods through out the experiment, Period I (PI) and II (PII). During P I (6 week), Animals in group R were restrictively fed so that they lost live weight of approximately 15%. During P II Animals in group R were than offered ad libitum. Whereas, animal in group C were fed ad libitum through out the experiment. The results of this experiment showed that animals in group R needed 17 days for adaptation to consume feed at a normal amount after they had experienced feed restriction for 6 weeks. Dry matter intake was not different between group C dan R. However, when it was expressed per metabolic live weight (g/Kg0,75), Dry matter intake for group R was significantly higher than that for group C (102.35 vs 91,79). Dry matter digestibility value for group R was higher than that for group C either during PI (62 vs 57%) or during PII (70 vs 61%). The rate of live weight gain was not different between C and R during period II. In conclusion, local sheep had capability of consuming more feed after resumption of full feeding for 17 days. (Animal Production 2(2): 47-52 (2000) Key words : local sheep, dry matter, organic matter, period, restriction, digestibility
Cassava waste and soybean cake waste are by - product from home industry that have been used as animal feed. It contain high crude fibber, there fore it must be processed or added with another nutrients before feeding to animal to get a good performance. A research have been conducted in Experimental Farm and Laboratory Animal of Feed and Nutrition, Animal Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto at October- Nopember 2001. The purpose of the research is to find the effect of urea and sulfur level in mixing of cassava waste fermented and soybean cake waste on nitrogen balance and digestibility of energy of local male sheep. Eighteen local male sheep were divided into 3 group based of the body weight. There are I = 18.55±1.27 kg, II = 15.79±0.67 kg and III = 13.41±1.33 kg. Two level of urea (2% and 3%) and three level of sulfur (0 %, 0.15 % and 0.30%) dry matter concentrate used as treatments, there fore factorial  design 2x3 with Randomized Block Design used this experiment All of treatment received same diet consist land grass and concentrates with 70:30 dry matter ratio. Concentrates consists cassava waste fermented and soybean cake waste with 77.50:22.50 dry matter ratio. Dry matter intake was 4 % body weight. Observed variables were nitrogen balance and digestibility of energy by using total collection. Variance analysis was used for knowing the effect treatment on the variable observed. The result of the research shown that level of urea and sulfur are not significant interaction on the nitrogen balance and digestibility of energy. However level urea and sulfur itself are significant on nitrogen balance linearly. Level urea also had significant effect on the energy digestion. Balance nitrogen of all treatment is positive. Level of urea 3 % and sulfur 0.30% gave a good balance nitrogen and energy digestion. It can be concluded that addition of urea and sulfur in diet containing fermentable carbohydrates can increase balance nitrogen (N retention) and energy digestion. (Animal Production 3(2): 91-97 (2001)Key Words: Balance nitrogen, energy digestion, cassava waste and soybean cake waste
Penelitian dengan judul “Pengaruh Pembatasan Pakan dan Exercise terhadap Pertumbuhan Domba Merino†dilakukan untuk mempelajari perubahan bobot badan dan komposisi tubuh selama periode pembatasan pakan dan kerja (exercise) yang kemudian diikuti oleh pemberian pakan secara adlibitum dan berhenti bekerja.penelitian ini terdiri dari dua periode.Pada periode pertama, 1,5 ekor Domba Merino kastrasi umur 4-5 bulan dibagi menjadi tiga perlakuan ,yaitu pembatasan pakan dan exercise selama 2,50 jam (perlakuan I), pembatasan pakan tanpa Exercise (perlakuan II), serta pemberian pakan secara ad libitum tanpa Exercise (perlakuan III), yang masing-masing perlakuan diulang lima kali. Pada periode kedua ,semua domba diberi pakan ad libitum tanpa exercise. Hasil penelitian menunjukankan bahwa pada akhir penelitian periode pertama ,domba dalam perlakuan satu I dan perlakuan II mengalami penurunan bobot badan sebesar 28 dan 27 persen dari bobot badan awal. Selama periode kedua, domba dalam perlakuan I dan perlakuan II tumbuh lebih cepat dari pada domba perlakuan III. Pada akhir periode pertama, domba dalam perlakuan I kehilangan lemak lebih banyak dari pada perlakuan II.Selama periode ke dua ,penimbunan protein pada perlakuan I dan II lebih cepat dibanding perlakuan III. Domba pada perlakuan III mengalami penimbunan lemak lebih banyak dari pada perlakuan I dan II. Domba pada perlakuan I dan II selama periode ke dua mempunyai kemampuan makan lebih tinggi per kilogram bobot badan metabolis dibanding domba pada perlakuan III. (Animal Production 2(1): 18-24 (2000)Kata kunci: pembatasan pakan , komposisi tubuh , kemampuan makan, pertumbuhan.