16 resultados para Dairy



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Tujuan studi ini adalah memberikan gambaran tentang industri susu di Indonesia dan menganalisis pengaruh perubahan-perubahan kondisi eksternal industri susu terhadap perkembangan usaha sapi perah dan strategi bisnis koperasi sapi perah di Kabupaten Banyumas. Selanjutnya, studi ini bertujuan mengevaluasi strategi bisnis koperasi sapi perah PESAT dan memberikan rekomendasi tentang strategi bisnis baru yang sesuai dengan perkembangan industri susu di Indonesia. Studi ini dilaksanakan melalui studi pustaka dan survei lapangan di wilayah kerja koperasi PESAT (Banyumas). SWOT Analysis dan Porters Framework digunakan untuk mengevaluasi industri susu dan merumuskan strategi bisnis bagi koperasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persaingan di industri susu semakin ketat oleh karena pengaruh global maupun lokal. Studi ini merekomendasikan kepada Koperasi PESAT untuk mengeksplorasi pasar yang lebih luas dan menerapkan strategi baru dengan sasaran yang lebih luas berdasarkan pembedaan produk (broad differentiation). Strategi ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan koperasi terhadap konsumen besar yaitu PT.Sari Husada yang bertindak sebagai industri pengolahan susu (IPS) (Animal Production 4(1): 36-43 (2002)Kata kunci : Industri susu, koperasi susu, strategi bisnis


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Based on activity, the population on dairy cattle, can be divided into two kinds i.e. pollution around the farm and pollution on the product of milk. In order to eliminate the potency of the pollution, then, the manages to control it is urgently needed. The research was conducted by the farmers in banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, the has aids dairy cattle from government. The aim of the research was to know of participation to pollution control management on the product of milk. Survey method and descriptive analysis were used in this research. The technique of sampling used to collected data by Multy Stage Purposive Random Sampling from Sutrisno (1981). The independent variable of this research was social characteristic of the farmers i.e. mean of livelihood, income of cattlemen, participation of cattlemen on social institution and type of animal production, meanwhite, the dependent variable was the manages of pollution control the product of milk. To know the level of participation control of pollution the milk product by crossing of the between variable table. Based on the analyses, it was found that the participation farmers to the manages to pollution control on the product of milk was in the level of good. (Animal Production 1(2): 63-74 (1999)Key Words: Participation levels, pollution, milk.


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Abstract. The effect of three forms of complete feed blocks (CFB) for dairy cattle was evaluated. The form of various CFB were cube, cylinder and ball. The CFB was prepared from napier grass specific tolerance acid soils and concentrate in 50:50 ratio. The research used experimental method with randomized block design. Sixteen dairy cattle were used in this experiment. There were four treatments and four replications used in this experiment. The treatments consisted of R0= control ration, R1= cube CFB, R2= cylinder CFB and R3= ball CFB. The treatment feeds were fed twice a day, at 6.00 am and 15.00 pm. The amount of morning ration 34 kg of fresh napier grass and 5 kg of concentrate for the control ration, and the same amount of ration was also given in the afternoon feeding, therefore, the daily total fresh forage was 68 kg and concentrate was 10 kg. Before feeding the forage was chopped in 5 cm length. The complete feed block for the dairy cows was 10 kg for the morning ration and 10 kg for the afternoon ration, therefore, the daily total complete feed block was 20 kg. The drinking water was available adlibitum. The preliminary period was conducted for 2 weeks and data collection were conducted for 5 day of the end of study. The variables measured were dry matter and organic matter intake, dry matter digestibility and milk production. These results showed that the control ration significantly affected with ration all CFB form on dry matter and organic matter intake but did not significantly affect the dry matter digestibility and milk production.Key words : dairy cttle, complete feed blockAbstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh tiga pakan komplit bentuk cetak yaitu bentuk kubus, silinder dan bola yang diberikan pada sapi perah. Pakan komplit bentuk cetak dibuat dari hijauan rumput gajah yang spesifik toleran tanah masam yang telah digiling dan bahan konsentrat dengan perbandingan 50:50. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok. Enam belas ekor sapi perah dikelompokkan menjadi 4 dengan 4 ulangan. Empat perlakuan yang dicobakan yaitu R0= ransum kontrol, R1= pakan komplit cetak bentuk kubus, R2= pakan komplit cetak bentuk silinder, dan R3= pakan komplit cetak bentuk bola. Pakan perlakuan diberikan dua kali sehari pagi pukul 06.00 dan sore 15.00. Jumlah pakan yang diberikan pada sapi perah kontrol pagi sebanyak 34 kg rumput gajah segar dan 5 kg konsentrat demikian juga pemberian yang sama pada sore hari sehingga jumlah hijauan segar yang diberikan kepada ternak 68 kg dan konsentrat 10 kg. Rumput gajah yang diberikan sudah dipotong-potong terlebih dahulu dengan panjang 5 cm. Jumlah pakan komplit cetak untuk sapi perah perlakuan yang diberikan pagi jumlahnya sama dengan pemberian sore masing-masing sebanyak 10 kg sehingga jumlah pakan komplit cetak yang diberikan 20 kg. Air minum diberikan adlibitum. Periode preliminary dilakukan selama 2 minggu dan koleksi data dilakukan selama 5 hari periode akhir percobaan. Variabel yang diamati adalah konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik pakan, kecernaan bahan kering pakan dan produksi susu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ransum kontrol beda nyata dengan semua bentuk pakan komplit cetak pada konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik, akan tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan kecernaan bahan kering dan produksi susu.Kata kunci : sapi perah, pakan komplit bentuk cetak


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A survey on smallholder dairy cow had conducted in Banyumas region from November 8th 1999 up to February 8th 2000. Forty six respondents were involved in this study (as samples). Cobb - Douglas analysis was applied in this survey. From the study can be concluded that a small holder owned 3.02 heads of dairy cow (2.2 ST), 1.44 heads of lactating cow with 9.77 L/day milk production on average. The benefit of the backyard farming was RP.70.603,225 per month on average. Feeding was the biggest influence on benefit because feed cost was 65.81 percent from the production cost. The milk production function , by the equation: Y = 0,8958 X1 X2 0.049 X30.168 X40.608 The four variables can explain 92.4 percent (R=0,924)on the milk production variation .It can be suggested that to improve milk production on dairy cows can be done by intensifying labour, and improving the forage feeding. (Animal Production 3(1): 12-19 (2001)Key word: Milk production ,production function and benefit


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The objective of research was to know the correlation between floor space and sanitation of cage with mastitis disease occurance on the dairy cattle. Sixtiy infected mastitis disease dairy cows were used in the research in the Banyumas regency. Survey was applied in this experiment and Linier Multiple Regression was used. The result showed that there were correlations between floor space and sanitation of cage with mastitis which follow the regression line Yi = 15,355 + 1,087 X1 0,249 X2 (Animal Production 2(1): 9-12Key Words: mastitis, floor space, and sanitation


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Sejumlah penelitian telah dilakukan untuk menyelidiki faedah pemecahan batang alfalfa pada saat dipanen di daerah prairi terhadap lama pengeringan, sifat-sifat nutrisi pada saat disimpan dan nilai nutrisi pakan. Alfalfa pada awal pertumbuhan bunga dipanen menggunakan salah satu dari dua mesin. : mesin convensional, (CONV) atau dengan mesin pemecah batang yang mempunyai empat tingkat pemecahan (LIGHT : ringan,LIGHT + : agak berat, SEVERE : berat dan SEVERE+ : sangat berat). Selama pengeringan, perlakuan LIGHT + s.d. SEVERE+ mencapai kadar Bahan Kering (BK) 45 % dan 80% dalam waktu masing-masing hanya sekitar 2 jam dan 9-11 jam, dibanding CONV, yang mencapai kadar BK tersebut berturut-turut dlm waktu 6 dan 54 jam. Padet sapi pedaging mengonsumsi BK silase 13 % lebih banyak dan memperoleh pertambahan bobot badan harian 22.7% lebih berat (P<0.05) jika batang alfalfa dipecah pada saat dipanen(SEVERE), dibanding tidak (CONV) , pada awal pertumbuhan selama 21 hari. Sapi perah Holstein betina awal laktasi yang diberi ransum yang mengandung silase dan hay dari alfalfa yang batangnya dipecah pada saat dipanen memproduksi susu dengan kandungan gizi yang sama disbanding batang. Namun demikian, kelompok sapi yang diberi ransum yang mengandung alfalfa yang terpecah batangnya memberikan bobot hidup yang lebih berat dan nilai kondisi tubuh yang lebih baik (P<0.05) pada saat akhir penelitian laktasi selama 14 minggu. (Animal Production 3(2): 83-90 (2001)Key Words : Alfalfa, maceration, wilting time, silage, hay, dairy, beef.


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Abstract. This study aimed to describe the sustainability of forage system in the small holder dairy cattle in the plateau in East Java, in particular related to the nutrient content. The method used was survey (interviews, questionnaires, field observations and sampling) at the cooperation unit, farmers, livestock and farming location in one of the areas of dairy cattle cooperation in the plateau (Cooperation of SAE Pujon-Malang). The data obtained were analyzed through descriptive and regression statistics. The results showed that forage system dominantly given during dry and rainy seasons are elephant grass and corn stalks. Linear regression equation for the nutrient content of elephant grass is TDN= 40.516 + 1.404 CP, while corn trees is TDN= 56.212 + 0.740 CP. The conclusion showed that the dependent variable is largely influenced by external factors (environment). Improved continuity of availability of forage can be done by increasing the feeding system in the region (plateau) as well as the support from outside the region.Key words: plateau, dairy cattle, forageAbstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan keberlanjutan sistem pakan hijauan pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat di wilayah dataran tinggi di Jawa Timur, khususnya tentang kandungan nutrisi. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei (wawancara, pengisian angket/kuesioner, observasi, dan pengambilan sampel) di koperasi, petani ternak dan lokasi peternakan di salah satu wilayah koperasi persusuan di dataran tinggi (Koperasi SAE Pujon-Malang). Data yang didapat dianalisis dengan regresi dan statistik diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan hijaun yang dominan di musim kemarau dan hujan adalah rumput gajah dan tebon jagung. Persamaan regresi linier untuk kandungan nutrisi rumput gajah adalah TDN= 40,516 + 1,404 PK, sedangkan tebon jagung adalah TDN= 56,212 + 0,740 PK. Kesimpulannya adalah variabel dependen sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh faktor luar (lingkungan). Peningkatan kontinuitas ketersediaan pakan hijauan dapat dilakukan dengan peningkatan sistem pakan di wilayah (dataran tinggi) dan dukungan sistem pakan dari luar wilayah.Kata kunci: dataran tinggi, sapi perah, pakan hijauan


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A survey in the agribusiness of dairy goat smallholder had been conducted in Kaligesing district of Purworejo region at 13 rd September up to 7th November 2001. The survey studied the factors effecting the milk yield, in how the factors influence economically. Forty eight respondents (dairy goat smallholders) were used in this study and interview method was applied for collecting data. The variables were observed; lactation goat, man power, garage, and concentrate ration. Cobb-Douglass method was applied for analyzing the data. To know the economic efficiency of the agribusiness was approached by the ratio between the Marginal Product Value an input cost. From the data analysis it could be in formatted that the numbers of lactating goat and the numbers of lactating goat and the numbers of concentrate were significant influence on the milk yield, white the man power and the forage were not significant influence. For the numbers of lactating goat and concentrate, economically the efficiency was not yet reached, so the use of the factors were ought to be increased up to an appoint limited. On the other hand the man power and forage was not efficient, so the use of the factors need to be descreased. (Animal Production 4(1): 27-31 (2002)Key word : Production factors, economics efficiency, dairy goat PE


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Most of dairy farmings in Indonesia are managed in the forms of smallholder farmings that give more attention to productivity rather than ecological concerns. The purpose of this study was to make models of dairy cattle animal waste pollution on clean water quality and degree of smell at several regions with different natural physical and economic social conditions. This study also investigated the waste management that match with the characteristics, behavior, and the attitude of the farmers in each region. System approach was used as the method of this study through model simulation with program of Powersim 2.5c. Model compiled based on to component situation of livestock, condition of environment and situation of farmer. Determination of regional sample of sub-province or town until chosen countryside conducted with multistage sampling without randomization (purposive sampling). Based on the result of research can be concluded that (1) low natural physical region and low economic social condition to have endangering pollution level of environment, (2) the waste management for the region with high natural physical and high economic social of bio gas and composting accompanied by removing to excess of animal waste for regional with low natural physical and low economic social. (Animal Production 6(2): 68-75 (2004)Key Words: model, dairy cattle, waste pollution


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The husbandry of domestic dairy cattle as one of the components of livestock sub-sector development is hopefully to increase numerously the capacity and the quality on its milk production, to gradually meet national milk demand and face the competitiveness at the global. The achievement of this purpose should be supported by the production of dairy breeding stock in good quality and sufficient number to increase efficiency of both quantity and quality of domestic milk production. One of important aspect that should be prepared is in determining national breeding system of dairy cattle that can function effectively as guidance and regulation for producing, distributing, and using dairy cattle as domestic breeding stock. As in other livestock, breeding system of dairy cattle basically constituted of three main subsystems, i.e. production , distribution and marketing, and quality establishment subsystem. The paper discusses some aspects of these three subsystems to give considerable input in preparing the national concept of dairy cattle breeding system. enterprise (Animal Production 1(2): 43-55 (1999)KeyWords: dairy cattle, breeding stock, milk production.


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This research is aimed to study production, technical and the profit of group and individual system on smallholder dairy cattle farm. The research has been conducted in Banyumas Regency. Data collection was done by surveying about 80 farmers, Unit Output Price Cobb-Douglas Profit Function estimation employed Ordinary Leas Square (OLS) method. The different of variable from the result of profit estimation. Profit function analysis on group system showed that manpower pay, animal age, lactation period, lactation month and farmer education have a significant influence on the profit. Whereas, on individual system influence of manpower pay, animal age and lactation month were significant on the profit. Dummy variable showed that group system has more profit than individual system, it was because on group system; (1) has cheaper price on forage and concentrate cost, (2) has higher average of production result, and (3) has higher price of milk per unit. (Animal Production 4(2): 94-100 (2002)Key words : Profit, Group and Individual System


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An experiment entitled Study on Estimation of Milk Production Based on Heart Girth Measurement and Udder Size of Fries Holland Dairy Cows has been carried at Karanglewas District Banyumas Regency. The objectives of this experiment were (1) to predict milk production of Fries Holland cows based on measurement of heart girth and udder size; (2) to complete information in attempting milk production estimation, especially Fries Holland cows; (3) to help the publics in case of productive cows selection. The material of this experiment was 40 heads of Fries Holland cows, at age of 3 years up to 5 years old. The result of this experiment (after the milk product data were corrected into 305 days lactation), showes that the average of heart girth was 180.20 7.06 cm; udder size was 89.03 23.35 dm2 and milk production was 2326.54 331.79 litters. The data analysis indicated that correlation coefisient r = 0.87 and determination coefisient (R2) = 0,7651 and the multiple regression equation : Y = 1465.66 + 1.42 X1+ 6.79 X2. From the result of this experiment, if could be conclude that udder size parameter was the best variable of milk production estimation compared to heart girth and if can be used to estimated milk production. (Animal Production 4(1): 32-35 (2002)Key words : milk production, heart girth, udder size, fries holand


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This research was conducted to evaluate the feasibility level of dairy cattle farm on the farming company level especially from the financial aspects. Research was carried out from March to July 2003 in Rumeksa Mekaring Sabda dairy cattle farm company, Argomulyo District, Salatiga. Case study was used as research method. Collected data was tabulated and analyzed using financial analysis criteria (Return On Investment, Payback Period, Net Present Value, Benefit Cost Ratio and Internal Rate of Return). The result showed that ROI (20.44%) is higher than deposit interest rate (8%). The length of payback period (3 years and 6 months) is faster than maximum period that was predicted by the company (5 years). NPV (Rp. 45,565,585.16) and BC Ratio (1.42) have positive and higher value (more than 1), respectively. IRRs value (38.45%) is higher than credit interest rate (18%). Based on the results, it can be concluded that the company is feasible enough to continue the operational project. (Animal Production 7(1): 40-45 (2005)Key Words : Financial analysis, farming company, dairy cattle


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This research aimed to (1) evaluate feasibility business study on financial aspect dairy cattle farmers partnership government project in Banyumas Regency, (2) to study and to analyze farm management dairy cattle (cost and revenue) at the fifth year on business study dairy cattle. The study applied survey methode. Sample was collected in two step. The first step, determining location of study using purposive sampling technique. Four subregencies that accepted cows from government in 1998 were chosin as the location. The Second step determining responders of study using purposive sampling technique by collecting all breeders on the locations that accepted the government support in the form of cows in 1998. Result of this research indicated on breeders that accepted the support in form of one cows and two cows was assumed feasible as reflected by Net Present Value (NPV) > 0 ; Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C ratio) > 1 ; Internal Rate of Return (IRR) > I (Social discount rate). At the fifth year, revenue were in form of one cow Rp 6.456.000,00 and two cows Rp 10.545.000,00. Profit received as one cow Rp 2.997.160,00 and two cows Rp 5.418.700,00. (Animal Production 6(2): 76-85 (2004)Key Words: Feasibility study, Farmer income, Farmer profitability


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Research was carried out for 12 weeks from May to June 2004 in Kecamatan Ajibarang, Cilongok, Kalibagor, Sokaraja and Purwokerto Timur. Aims of this research were (1) to find out level of entrepreneurship of dairy cattle farmers; (2) to find out relationship between facilities, conditions, member participation, and founding and maintenance of dairy farmers group with entrepreneurship attitude and income rate of its member. A total of 55 respondents (30% of the population) was selected using random sampling. Analysis of rank spearmann was applied to observe relationship between factors. Results showed that (1) entrepreneurship of dairy cattle farmers was on moderate category; (2) members entrepreneurship has not significantly related to factors of facilities, conditions, and member participation, but it has a significant relationship to group founding and maintenance. . (Animal Production 7(2): 111-120 (2005)Key Words: Entrepreneurship, Dairy cattle, Farmers group