5 resultados para DAIRY-COWS



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An experiment entitled “Study on Estimation of Milk Production Based on Heart Girth Measurement and Udder Size of Fries Holland Dairy Cows “ has been carried at Karanglewas District Banyumas Regency. The objectives of this experiment were (1) to predict milk production of Fries Holland cows based on measurement of heart girth and udder size; (2) to complete information in attempting milk production estimation, especially Fries Holland cows; (3) to help the publics in case of productive cows selection. The material of this experiment was 40 heads of Fries Holland cows, at age of 3 years up to 5 years old. The result of this experiment (after the milk product data were corrected into 305 days lactation), showes that the average of heart girth was 180.20 ± 7.06 cm; udder size was 89.03 ± 23.35 dm2 and milk production was 2326.54 ± 331.79 litters. The data analysis indicated that correlation coefisient r = 0.87 and determination coefisient (R2) = 0,7651 and the multiple regression equation : Y = 1465.66 + 1.42 X1+ 6.79 X2. From the result of this experiment, if could be conclude that udder size parameter was the best variable of milk production estimation compared to heart girth and if can be used to estimated milk production. (Animal Production 4(1): 32-35 (2002)Key words : milk production, heart girth, udder size, fries holand


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Abstract. The effect of three forms of complete feed blocks (CFB) for dairy cattle was evaluated. The form of various CFB were cube, cylinder and ball.  The CFB was prepared from napier grass specific tolerance acid soils and concentrate in 50:50 ratio.  The research used experimental method with randomized block design.   Sixteen dairy cattle were used in this experiment.  There were four treatments and four replications used in this experiment.  The treatments consisted of R0= control ration, R1= cube CFB, R2= cylinder CFB and R3= ball CFB.  The treatment feeds were fed twice a day, at 6.00 am and 15.00 pm.  The amount of morning ration 34 kg of fresh napier grass and 5 kg of concentrate for the control ration, and the same amount of ration was also given in the afternoon feeding, therefore, the daily total fresh forage was 68 kg and concentrate was 10 kg.  Before feeding the forage was chopped in 5 cm length.  The complete feed block for the dairy cows was 10 kg for the morning ration and 10 kg for the afternoon ration, therefore, the daily total complete feed block was 20 kg.  The drinking water was available adlibitum.  The preliminary period was conducted for 2 weeks and data collection were conducted for 5 day of the end of study. The variables measured were dry matter and organic matter intake, dry matter digestibility and milk production.  These results showed that the control ration significantly affected with  ration all CFB form on dry matter and organic matter intake but did not significantly affect the dry matter digestibility and milk production. Key words : dairy cttle, complete feed block Abstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh tiga pakan komplit bentuk cetak yaitu bentuk kubus, silinder dan bola yang diberikan pada sapi perah.   Pakan komplit bentuk cetak dibuat dari hijauan rumput gajah yang spesifik toleran tanah masam yang telah digiling dan bahan konsentrat dengan perbandingan 50:50.  Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok.  Enam belas ekor sapi perah dikelompokkan menjadi 4 dengan 4 ulangan.  Empat perlakuan yang dicobakan yaitu R0= ransum kontrol, R1= pakan komplit cetak bentuk kubus, R2= pakan komplit cetak bentuk silinder, dan R3= pakan komplit cetak bentuk bola. Pakan perlakuan diberikan dua kali sehari pagi pukul 06.00 dan sore 15.00.  Jumlah pakan  yang diberikan pada sapi perah kontrol pagi sebanyak 34 kg rumput gajah segar dan 5 kg konsentrat demikian juga pemberian yang sama pada sore hari sehingga jumlah hijauan segar yang diberikan kepada ternak 68 kg dan konsentrat 10 kg.  Rumput gajah yang diberikan sudah dipotong-potong terlebih dahulu dengan panjang 5 cm.  Jumlah pakan komplit cetak untuk sapi perah perlakuan yang diberikan pagi jumlahnya sama dengan pemberian sore masing-masing sebanyak 10 kg sehingga jumlah pakan komplit cetak yang diberikan 20 kg.  Air minum diberikan adlibitum.  Periode preliminary dilakukan selama 2 minggu dan koleksi data dilakukan selama 5 hari periode akhir percobaan.  Variabel yang diamati adalah konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik pakan, kecernaan bahan kering pakan dan produksi susu.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ransum kontrol beda nyata dengan semua bentuk pakan komplit cetak pada konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik, akan tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan  kecernaan bahan kering dan produksi susu. Kata kunci : sapi perah, pakan komplit bentuk cetak


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A survey on smallholder dairy cow had conducted in Banyumas region from November 8th 1999 up to February 8th 2000. Forty six respondents were involved in this study (as samples). Cobb - Douglas analysis was applied in this survey. From the study can be concluded that a small holder owned 3.02 heads of dairy cow (2.2  ST), 1.44 heads of lactating cow with 9.77 L/day milk production on average. The benefit of the backyard farming was RP.70.603,225 per month on average. Feeding was the biggest influence on benefit because feed cost was 65.81 percent from the production cost. The milk production function , by the equation: Y = 0,8958 X1⁰·⁰³³² X2 0.049 X30.168 X40.608 The four variables can explain 92.4 percent (R²=0,924)on the milk  production variation .It can be suggested that to improve milk production on dairy cows can be done by intensifying labour, and improving the forage feeding. (Animal Production 3(1): 12-19 (2001)Key word: Milk  production ,production function and benefit


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The objective of research was to know the correlation between floor space and sanitation of cage with mastitis disease occurance on the dairy cattle. Sixtiy infected mastitis disease dairy cows were used in the research in the Banyumas regency. Survey was applied in this experiment and Linier Multiple Regression was used. The result showed that there were correlations between floor space  and sanitation of cage with mastitis which follow the regression line Yi = 15,355 + 1,087 X1 – 0,249 X2 (Animal Production 2(1): 9-12Key Words: mastitis, floor space, and sanitation


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This research aimed to (1) evaluate feasibility business study on financial aspect dairy cattle farmers partnership government project in Banyumas Regency, (2) to study and to analyze farm management dairy cattle (cost and revenue) at the fifth year on business study dairy cattle. The study applied survey methode. Sample was collected in two step. The first step, determining location of study using purposive sampling technique. Four subregencies that accepted cows from government in 1998 were chosin as the location. The Second step determining responders of study using purposive sampling technique by collecting all breeders on the locations that accepted the government support in the form of cows in 1998. Result of this research indicated on breeders that accepted the support in form of one cows and two cows was assumed feasible as reflected by Net Present Value (NPV) > 0 ; Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C ratio) > 1 ; Internal Rate of Return (IRR) > I  (Social discount rate). At the fifth year, revenue were in form of one cow Rp 6.456.000,00 and two cows Rp 10.545.000,00. Profit received as one cow Rp 2.997.160,00 and two cows Rp 5.418.700,00. (Animal Production 6(2): 76-85 (2004) Key Words: Feasibility study,  Farmer income, Farmer profitability