4 resultados para Bran.
Utilization of Pseudomonas fluorescens as Antimicrobial agent on Lipolysis Inhibitition of Rice Bran
Feedstuff was limited by fat content, certainly, if the material feedstuff was storage on long time periods. Fat was oxidized or hydrolyzed, which was decreased nutritional quality. A Research on Inhibited of Lypolysis Rice Bran with anti-microbial compound of Pseudomonas fluorescens was conducted during ten month. The research used experiment methods, with Randomized Completely Block Design, storage as block and concentration of anti-mikrobial compound as treatment. Fat and polyunsaturated fatty acids content during storage was observed. Result of experiment showed anti-microbial compound inhibited oxidize and hydrolyze process of fat rice bran during six month storage. (Animal Production 4(2): 89-93 (2002)Â
Abstract. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of complete diet silage on feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, water consumption and mortality. The materials used were 75 Mojosari Alabio male ducks, commercial diet plus rice bran (16.50% CP, 2900 kkal GE/kg), silage with 30-60% water content. Data were subject to Completely Randomized Design with five treatments and three replications. The treatments were S0 (commercial feed), S1 (silage with 30% water content), S2 (silage with 40% water content), S3 (silage with 50% water content) and S4 (silage with 60% water content). Data were subject to analysis of variance followed by orthogonal contrast test. The result showed that silage with 50% water content has significantly increased body weight gain and decreased water consumption, but there were no  effect in feed conversion. Complete diet silage was safe for Mojosari Alabio male duck. Key words : complete ration silage , duck, performance Abstrak. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian silase ransum komplit terhadap konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan, konsumsi air dan persentase kematian. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 75 ekor itik Mojosari Alabio jantan, ransum komersial ditambah dedak padi (16,50% CP, 2900 kkal GE/kg), silase dengan kadar air 30-60%. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan S0 (pakan komersial), S1 (silase dengan kadar air 30%), S2 (silase dengan kadar air 40%), S3 (silase dengan kadar air 50%) dan S4 (silase dengan kadar air 60%). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji kontras orthogonal. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa silase dengan kadar air 50% memiliki peningkatan berat badan dan penurunan konsumsi air yang signifikan, tetapi tidak mempengaruhi konversi pakan. Silase ransum komplit pakan aman untuk itik Mojosari Alabio jantan. Kata kunci : silase ransum komplit, itik, performans
Concentrated diet based on rice bran 69%, coconut meal 30%, urea 1% and field grass (fg), parsial defaunation agent Hibiscus rosasinensis (Hr) and coconut oil (Co) was used in propotion 37,5% fg + 2,5% Hr; 35% fg + 5% Hr; 37,5% fg + 2,5% Co and 35% + 5% Co. the feed of concentrate and feed grass 60 : 40 % are evaluated in vitro for dry matter degradability (DMD), organic matter degradability (OMD) and number of protozoa (NP). Variance analysis and orthogonal contrast was applied according to Steel and Torrie (1981). The result show that defaunation agent Hr and Co 2,5% and 5% increased (P< 0.01) DMD in the order 60.20; 59.40; 56.60 and 55.60 respectively, compare with no defaunation agent (54,60%). It also increased OMD 62.20%; 60.40; 58.40 and 57.20% compare with no agent (56.40%). While number of protozoa decreased (P< 0.01) 2.456; 2.316; 2.396 and 2.286 x 104/ml rumen liquid compare with no defaunation agent (2.564 x 104/ml rumen liquid). (Animal Production 2(2): 53-59 (2000)Â Key words : Hibiscus rosasinensis, digestibility, and number of protozoa
The waste of the broiler processing (feather) is a potential source for animal feed. However the presence of keratins cause limited of feather use. Before using, therefore, feather must be treated to hydrolyze cysteine disulfide bound dominating keratins protein. Enzymatic (biological) treatment using microbes will produce specific feather hydrolyzed and does not have negative impact on environment. The research objected to get the microbes which degradated selected keratins, improve protein quality of feather meal and find out the best ration formulation true in vitro the basic information to formulate in vivo ration. The research has been done in Laboratory of Animal Feedstuff Faculty of Animal Science UNSOED for eight months. Fermentation trial was done on liquid media with bath system. In vitro trial used of Tilley and Terry methods with parameter observe was dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility, protein degradation, total VFA and solubility in pepsin. Based on all parameter, on fermentation trial with Bacillus licheniformis decides broiler chicken feather had good prospect to be developed on feed protein source. In vitro trial recommended ration with formulation of fermented feather meal concentrate (15 percent), soybeans meal (5 percent), rice bran (20 percent), molasses (4 percent), mineral mix (1 percent), with forage: concentrate ratio 40 : 60 could be used as in vivo ration. (Animal Production 5(1): 19-24 (2003)Â Key words : Hydrolyze, Feather, Keratin, Digestibility, Ruminant