8 resultados para Boer Goat
A study on the effectiveness on estrous synchronization using CIDR-G in peranakan etawah (PE) goat was conducted. Twenty-eight multiporous PE goats were randomly allocated to two groups (A & B) and CIDR was inserted for 16 days. In group A CIDR was replaced at day eight and in group B CIDR was stayed intake until day 16. Estrous sign was detected using castrated teaser 20 hours post CIDR withdrawal and evaluated every four hours until the estrous sign was disappeared. At the same time of estrous detection, blood sample for progesterone assay, from five selected goats in each group was collected into heparins vacuum blood tube, collected via jugulars vein. From this study it was shown no significant differences in initial time of estrous sign between the groups (38.33 vs. 33.22 hours post CIDR withdrawal). Similarly there was no significant difference in the length of estrous between the groups (54.22 vs. 48.65 hours). The lowest mean progesterone hormone concentration (<0.50 ng/ml) occurred 78 hours post CIDR withdrawal. From this study it was concluded that using CIDR-G in PE goat is effective and no replacement is needed between the synchronization periods. (Animal Production 5(2): 83-86 (2003)Â Key Words : Etawah Goat, Synchronization, Estrous, CIDR
Goat system manajemen like housing, feeding dan grassing have been studied on the diseases association in gastrointestinal nematodiasis infection. The method applied was survey on 150 goat (Jawarandhu) faeces sample in Banyumas District. The Research was carried out from July to September 2004. The result showed that the nematode infection 1,54 times to goat if grassing and 88,62% infection in groups. Housing, Feeding have no risk and associated with disease infection. (Animal Production 6(2): 95-100 (2004) Key words : management system, disease association, nematode
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil sosial ekonomi usaha ternak kambing rakyat di daerah pedesaan Kecamatan Gumelar Kabupaten Banyumas. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survey pada tiga desa terpilih, kemudian 188 responden dipilih secara acak sebagai sampel. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat pendapatan usaha ternak kambing sebesar Rp.349.184,71 per tahun, dengan tingkat efisiensi ekonomi sebesar 2,21. Jumlah pemilikan ternak kambing rata-rata sebesar 2,67 ST, dengan jumlah biaya pakan ternak per tahun rata-rata sebesar Rp.147.672,34. Umur peternak rata-rata 46,5 tahun, tingkat pendidikan peternak sebagian besar berpendidikan Sekolah Dasar dengan lama pendidikan formal rata-rata 5,78 tahun, dan tingkat pengalaman beternak kambing rata-rata 4,04 tahun. Sistem pemeliharaan ternak kambing yang digunakan yaitu sebagian besar menggunakan sistem pemeliharaan tradisional, sedangkan status pekerjaan peternak yaitu sebagian besar berstatus sebagai petani penggarap. (Animal Production 6(2): 61-67 (2004)Â Kata Kunci: Ternak Kambing Rakyat, Profil Sosial Ekonomi, Banyumas
A study was conducted to determine the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on the reproductive performance of breeding goat. Twenty-three does and six bucks having a similar age (1.5-2.0 years old) were exposed in this experiment. An amount of 200 gram of concentrate consisting of yellow corn (30%), rice brand (50%) and commercial concentrate CP 235 (20%) has been given to each experimental animal. The experimental animals were divided into two groups. The group was fed (12 animals) with M1 (roughage + concentrate) and the other group was fed (11 animals) with M2 (roughage). Moreover, each group were divided into four treatment namely: T1 (PGF2α), T2 (PGF2α + PMSG), T3 (PGF2α + HCG) and T4 (PGF2α + PMSG + HCG). The same treatment was applied to the other group. The data such as litter size and birth weight were collected from each experimental goat. Those data were analyzed using a 2 x 4 factorial experiment with unequal repetition. A composition between to treatment group was done using Least Significant Design (LSD). The result of the study showed that the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on litter size and birth weight didn’t show any significant difference (P>0.05). The average of litter size and birth weight from roughage + concentrate treated animal (goat) were 1.92 and 1.51 kilogram respectively. However, the average of litter size and birth weight from roughage treated group were 1.58 and 1.48 kilogram respectively. (Animal Production 5(1): 5-10 (2003) Key words : Gonadotrophin, PGF2α, PMSG, Hormone, Goat
Evaluasi performans reproduksi kambing kacang dan Peranakan Etawah (PE) yang telah beradaptasi dapat memberikan informasi penting untuk mengetahui potensi produksi sebagai sumberdaya lokal. Data reproduksi dikoleksi dari 280 induk PE dan 200 kambing kacang melalui penelitian di lapangan dan monitoring lebih dari 1,5 tahun pada peternak di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Kejadian reproduksi, tanggal beranak dan jumlah anak yang diamati dicatat. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan litter size antara 1-3 anak per kelahiran untuk seluruh induk dengan rataan untuk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 2,06 dan 1,56 anak. Bobot lahir pada kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 3,8 dan 5,4 kg. Daya hidup sampai penyapihan untuk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 97% dan 92%. Selang beranak pada induk kambing minimum 205 hari pada kambing kacang dan maksimum 450 hari pada kambing PE. Indeks reproduksi induk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 3,07 dan 1,65 anak/induk/tahun. (Animal Production 4(2): 52-59 (2002)  Kata Kunci : Kambing Kacang, Kambing Peranakan Etawah, Reproduksi, Indonesia
A survey in the agribusiness of dairy goat smallholder had been conducted in Kaligesing district of Purworejo region at 13 rd September up to 7th November 2001. The survey studied the factors effecting the milk yield, in how the factors influence economically. Forty eight respondents (dairy goat smallholders) were used in this study and interview method was applied for collecting data. The variables were observed; lactation goat, man power, garage, and concentrate ration. Cobb-Douglass method was applied for analyzing the data. To know the economic efficiency of the agribusiness was approached by the ratio between the Marginal Product Value an input cost. From the data analysis it could be in formatted that the numbers of lactating goat and the numbers of lactating goat and the numbers of concentrate were significant influence on the milk yield, white the man power and the forage were not significant influence. For the numbers of lactating goat and concentrate, economically the efficiency was not yet reached, so the use of the factors were ought to be increased up to an appoint limited. On the other hand the man power and forage was not efficient, so the use of the factors need to be descreased. (Animal Production 4(1): 27-31 (2002)Key word : Production factors, economics efficiency, dairy goat PE
The objective of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of tenderization methods on several characteristics of goat meat. A total of 6 goats (approximately 3 years of age) were used in the study. The meat was obtained from the hind leg (m. biceps femoris). Treatments were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 replicates in each treatment. The treatments were P0: control, P1: the meat was submerged in pineapple juice extract, P2: the meat was electrically stimulated, and P3: the meat was injected with CaCl2 solution. The variables measured were tenderness (mm/g/s), pH, water holding capacity (%), cooking losses (%), moisture content (%) and dissolved protein content (μg/ml). Data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference compare the differences between means. The result showed that treatments significantly (P<0.01) affected the meat tenderness, pH and water holding capacity but not significantly (P>0.05) affected meat cooking losses, moisture content and dissolved protein. It can be concluded that injection CaCl2 was more effective in improving the tenderness of old goat meat. . (Animal Production 7(2): 106-110 (2005) Key Words : Tenderization Method, Pineapple Juice Extract, Goat meat, CaCl2, Electrical Stimulation
Abstract. The aims of this research were to describe the characteristics of Kaligesing goat farmers; to analyze the farmers’ perceptions on the role of extension workers as conduit of information, as mentors, organizers and dynamic factor, technicians and liaisons; to discover the relationship between the farmers’ characteristics with farmers’ perceptions; and to investigate the relationship between farmers’ perceptions to goat maintenance management. The respondents were goat farmers in Kaligesing, Purworejo, Central Java Province. Data were obtained from questionnaire survey method. Determining location, the research applied combination of stratified sampling method with purposive random sampling. Total respondents were 159 farmers with nine farmer groups as samples. Analysis was subject to Spearman Rank, resulting that age, education level and farming experience were not significant to the farmers’ perceptions to the role of extension workers, but the ownership of livestock had a very significant relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.240, group classes had also very significant relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.414, and frequency of meeting with extension workers have a significant relationships with a correlation coefficient of 0.202. Farmers’ perceptions to the role of extension workers had very significant relationships to the maintenance management with a correlation coefficient of 0.393. Key words : farmers’ characteristics, farmers’ perceptions, Kaligesing goat, role of extension workers Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik peternak, persepsi peternak terhadap peran penyuluh, hubungan antara karakteristik peternak dengan persepsi, dan hubungan antara persepsi peternak dengan manajemen pemeliharaan. Responden penelitian adalah peternak Kambing Kaligesing di Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo Jawa Tengah dengan metode penelitian survei kuesioner. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dengan kombinasi cara stratified sampling dan purposive random sampling. Jumlah kelompok tani sebagai sampel penelitian sebanyak sembilan kelompok dan jumlah total responden sebanyak 159 peternak. Analisis Rank Spearman digunakan untuk analisis data.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan  bahwa umur, tingkat pendidikan dan lama beternak tidak secara nyata memiliki hubungan dengan persepsi peternak terhadap peran penyuluh, sedangkan kepemilikan ternak memiliki hubungan sangat nyata (P<0,01) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,240. Kelas kelompok memiliki hubungan sangat nyata (P<0,01) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,414 dan frekuensi bertemu penyuluh memiliki hubungan nyata (P<0,05) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,202. Persepsi peternak terhadap peran penyuluh memiliki hubungan sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap manajemen pemeliharaan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,393Kata kunci: karakteristik peternak, persepsi peternak, kambing Kaligesing, peran penyuluh