22 resultados para woody bamboos
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This study surveys the occurrence of nodulation in woody legume species in Panamá and Costa Rica, describes nodule and root characteristics, and researches host-bacteria specificity, nodulation potential of soils, and the effects of light, added nitrogen, and rhizobia and VA mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on seedling growth. I examined 83 species in 37 genera and found 80% to be nodulated. Percent nodulated species in the Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, and Papilionoideae was 17, 95, and 86, respectively, with no correlation between nodule morphology and tribal classification. Nodules formed mainly at root branch points which supports epidermal breaks as an important rhizobia infection route. More non-nodulated than nodulated species had root hairs. Several species emitted volatile sulfur-containing compounds, including the toxic compound ethylmercaptan, from roots, germinating seeds, and other tissues. These emissions may have an allelopathic action against pathogens, predators, or other plants. In contrast to the general non-specificity of most legumes for rhizobia, Mimosa pigra L. was highly specific and only nodulated in flooded soils. This species' specificity, combined with a limited occurrence of its root nodule bacteria may limit its natural distribution, but its spread as an invasive weed is facilitated when fill material from rivers is deposited in other areas. ^ An experimental light level of 1.5% of full sun completely inhibited seedling nodulation, as do similar naturally low levels in forest understory. In the forest, trees and seedlings were not nodulated. in some soils with suspected high N content. For six experimental species, added N progressively increased seedling growth while decreasing nodule biomass; at the highest level of added N nodulation was completely suppressed. Species and individuals showed variation in nodule biomass at high N applications which may indicate an opportunity for genetic selection for optimal N acquisition. Rhizobia inoculation had a small positive effect on seedling shoot growth, but VA mycorrhiza inoculation overwhelmingly increased seedling size, biomass, and leaf mineral concentration. In lowland tropical forest, VA mycorrhizal colonization appears indispensable for legume nodulation because of the fungus' ability to supply P in deficient soils. This requirement makes the legume-rhizobia-mycorrhiza association obligately tripartite. ^
The Everglades freshwater marl prairie is a dynamic and spatially heterogeneous landscape, containing thousands of tree islands nested within a marsh matrix. Spatial processes underlie population and community dynamics across the mosaic, especially the balance between woody and graminoid components, and landscape patterns reflect interactions among multiple biotic and abiotic drivers. To better understand these complex, multi-scaled relationships we employed a three-tiered hierarchical design to investigate the effects of seed source, hydrology, and more indirectly fire on the establishment of new woody recruits in the marsh, and to assess current tree island patterning across the landscape. Our analyses were conducted at the ground level at two scales, which we term the micro- and meso-scapes, and results were related to remotely detected tree island distributions assessed in the broader landscape, that is, the macro-scape. Seed source and hydrologic effects on recruitment in the micro- and meso-scapes were analyzed via logistic regression, and spatial aggregation in the macro-scape was evaluated using a grid-based univariate O-ring function. Results varied among regions and scales but several general trends were observed. The patterning of adult populations was the strongest driver of recruitment in the micro- and meso-scape prairies, with recruits frequently aggregating around adults or tree islands. However in the macro-scape biologically associated (second order) aggregation was rare, suggesting that emergent woody patches are heavily controlled by underlying physical and environmental factors such as topography, hydrology, and fire.
Woody debris is abundant in hurricane-impacted forests. With a major hurricane affecting South Florida mangroves approximately every 20 yr, carbon storage and nutrient retention may be influenced greatly by woody debris dynamics. In addition, woody debris can influence seedling regeneration in mangrove swamps by trapping propagules and enhancing seedling growth potential. Here, we report on line-intercept woody debris surveys conducted in mangrove wetlands of South Florida 9–10 yr after the passage of Hurricane Andrew. The total volume of woody debris for all sites combined was estimated at 67 m3/ha and varied from 13 to 181 m3/ha depending upon differences in forest height, proximity to the storm, and maximum estimated wind velocities. Large volumes of woody debris were found in the eyewall region of the hurricane, with a volume of 132 m3/ha and a projected woody debris biomass of approximately 36 t/ha. Approximately half of the woody debris biomass averaged across all sites was associated as small twigs and branches (fine woody debris), since coarse woody debris >7.5 cm felled during Hurricane Andrew was fairly well decomposed. Much of the small debris is likely to be associated with post-hurricane forest dynamics. Hurricanes are responsible for large amounts of damage to mangrove ecosystems, and components of associated downed wood may provide a relative index of disturbance for mangrove forests. Here, we suggest that a fine:coarse woody debris ratio ≤0.5 is suggestive of a recent disturbance in mangrove wetlands, although additional research is needed to corroborate such findings.
In the fall of 2005, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) contracted with Florida International University (FIU) to study the physical and biological drivers underlying the distribution of woody plant species in the marl prairie habitat of the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (CSSS). This report presents what we have learned about woody plant encroachment based on studies carried out during the period 2006-2008. The freshwater marl prairie habitat currently occupied by the Cape Sable seaside sparrow (CSSS; Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis) is a dynamic mosaic comprised of species-rich grassland communities and tree islands of various sizes, densities and compositions. Landscape heterogeneity and the scale of vegetative components across the marl prairie is primarily determined by hydrologic conditions, biological factors (e.g. dispersal and growth morphology), and disturbances such as fire. The woody component of the marl prairie landscape is subject to expansion through multiple positive feedback mechanisms, which may be initiated by recent land use change (e.g. drainage). Because sparrows are known to avoid areas where the woody component is too extensive, a better understanding of invasion dynamics is needed to ensure proper management.
This report examines the interaction between hydrology and vegetation over a 10-year period, between 2001/02 and 2012 within six permanent tree island plots located on three tree islands, two plots each per tree island, established in 2001/02, along a hydrologic and productivity gradient. We hypothesize that: (H1) hydrologic differences within plots between census dates will result in marked differences in a) tree and sapling densities, b) tree basal area, and c) forest structure, i.e., canopy volume and height, and (H2) tree island growth, development, and succession is dependent on hydrologic fluxes, particularly during periods of prolonged droughts or below average hydroperiods.
Why the leaves of many woody species accumulate anthocyanins prior to being shed has long puzzled biologists because it is unclear what effects anthocyanins may have on leaf function. Here, we provide evidence for red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) that anthocyanins form a pigment layer in the palisade mesophyll layer that decreases light capture by chloroplasts. Measurements of leaf absorbance demonstrated that red-senescing leaves absorbed more light of blue-green to orange wavelengths (495–644 nm) compared with yellow-senescing leaves. Using chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, we observed that maximum photosystem II (PSII) photon yield of red-senescing leaves recovered from a high-light stress treatment, whereas yellow-senescing leaves failed to recover after 6 h of dark adaptation, which suggests photo-oxidative damage. Because no differences were observed in light response curves of effective PSII photon yield for red- and yellow-senescing leaves, differences between red- and yellow-senescing cannot be explained by differences in the capacities for photochemical and non-photochemical light energy dissipation. A role of anthocyanins as screening pigments was explored further by measuring the responses PSII photon yield to blue light, which is preferentially absorbed by anthocyanins, versus red light, which is poorly absorbed. We found that dark-adapted PSII photon yield of red-senescing leaves recovered rapidly following illumination with blue light. However, red light induced a similar, prolonged decrease in PSII photon yield in both red- and yellow-senescing leaves. We suggest that optical masking of chlorophyll by anthocyanins reduces risk of photo-oxidative damage to leaf cells as they senesce, which otherwise may lower the efficiency of nutrient retrieval from senescing autumn leaves.
The leaves of woody plants at Harvard Forest in Central Massachusetts, USA, changed color during senescence; 70% (62/89) of the woody species examined anatomically contained anthocyanins during senescence. Anthocyanins were not present in summer green leaves, and appeared primarily in the vacuoles of palisade parenchyma cells. Yellow coloration was a result of the unmasking of xanthophyll pigments in senescing chloroplasts. In nine red-senescing species, anthocyanins were not detectable in mature leaves, and were synthesized de novo in senescence, with less than 20 m g cm - 2 of chlorophyll remaining. Xanthophyll concentrations declined in relation to chlorophyll to the same extent in both yellow- and red-leaved taxa. Declines in the maximum photosystem II quantum yield of leaves collected prior to dawn were only slightly less in the red-senescing species, indicating no long-term protective activity. Red-leaved species had significantly greater mass/area and lower chlorophyll a / b ratios during senescence. Nitrogen tissue concentrations in mature and senescent leaves negatively correlated to anthocyanin concentrations in senescent leaves, weak evidence for more efficient nitrogen resorption in anthocyanic species. Shading retarded both chlorophyll loss and anthocyanin production in Cornus alternifolia , Acer rubrum , Acer saccharum , Quercus rubra and Viburnum alnifolium . It promoted chlorophyll loss in yellow-senescing Fagus grandifolia . A reduced red : far-red ratio did not affect this process. Anthocyanins did not increase leaf temperatures in Q. rubra and Vaccinium corymbosum on cold and sunny days. The timing of leaf-fall was remarkably constant from year to year, and the order of senescence of individual species was consistent.
We assessed the diversity of woody plants at 15 forested sites in the Tansa Valley of Thane District, in Maharashtra, India. The fewest species (11) were seen at a degraded mangrove site near the river mouth, and the greatest number (150) in the rich semi-evergreen forest on Tungar Hill. For all sites there were 141 tree, 25 shrub and 15 liana species, a total of 181 species. Excluding the mangrove site, which had no species in common with the other 14 sites, we analyzed the species distributions in detail. 2 These sites ranged in area from 4 to 30 km each, had woody floras of 89 6 6 species, and varied in intensity of human impact. Despite a history of exploitation and substantial reduction in biomass from firewood collecting, set fires and illicit tree felling, considerable plant diversity remains in the area.We found a modest increase in species richness in transects away from two villages. We observed the exploitation of the forest by the principal users, primarily of the Warli Tribe. They exploited a wide variety of forest resources (92 species), for medicines, foods, construction materials, household goods, manure and other purposes. They collected 15 items for sale. By far the single most important item collected was firewood, which dramatically reduced forest biomass within 2 km of villages. The species distributions in these forest remnants are strongly nested, mostly due to varying degrees of disturbance at individual sites. The high species diversity on Tungar Hill is most likely a relict of the earlier character of forests throughout much of the valley. It merits the highest priorities for preservation, as a refuge for Western Ghat species at the northern limits of their distributions.
The maintenance of species richness is often a priority in the management of nature reserves, where consumptive use of resources is generally prohibited. The purpose of this research was to improve management by understanding the vegetation dynamics in the lowlands of Nepal. The objectives were to determine vegetation associations in relation to environments and human-induced disturbances that affect vegetation dynamics on floodplains, where upstream barrages had altered flooding patterns, and consumptive use of plant resources was influencing natural processes. Floodplain vegetation in relation to physical environments and disturbances were studied along transects, perpendicular to the course of the Mahakali River in the western Terai, Nepal. Forest structural changes were studied for three years in ten plots. A randomized split-block experiment with nine burning and grazing treatments was performed in seasonally flooded grasslands. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to assess people's socio-economic status, natural resource use patterns and conservation attitudes. ^ Elevation, soil organic matter, nitrogen, percentage of sand and grazing intensity were significant in delineating herbaceous vegetation assemblages, whereas elevation and livestock grazing were significant in defining forest type boundaries. On the floodplain islands, highly grazed Dalbergia sissoo-Acacia catechu forests were devoid of understory woody vegetation, but the lightly grazed D. sissoo-mixed forests had a well-developed second canopy layer, comprising woody species other than D. sissoo and A. catechu. In grasslands, species richness and biomass production were highest at intermediate disturbance level represented by the lightly grazed and ungrazed early-burned treatments. Ethnicity, education and resource use patterns were important in influencing conservation attitudes. A succession towards the mixed forests would occur in D. sissoo-dominated floodplain forests, where dams and barrages reduce flooding and associated fluvial processes, and if livestock grazing is stopped, as occasionally suggested by nature conservationists. In seasonally flooded grasslands, early burning with moderate grazing would enhance the species diversity and productivity. There is a need to implement a participatory integrated wetland management plan, to include community development, education and off farm income generation, to assure participatory conservation and management of wetlands in Nepal. ^
Soils play a central role in the dynamics of biospheric carbon and in climate change. They contain the largest carbon stock of terrestrial ecosystems and return to the atmosphere a significant proportion of carbon fixed by photosynthesis. Soils of tropical forests are tremendously important in the carbon cycle because they receive the largest organic matter inputs, they have the largest respiration rates, and they are among the largest carbon reservoirs among world soils. This research assesses the main components of the soil carbon dynamics in primary (PF) and secondary (SF) tropical forests in Colombia. I evaluated the production, stocks, and decomposition rates of aboveground detritus as well as the stocks, growth, mortality, and decomposition of fine roots in these two forest types. Soil carbon outputs were evaluated as total soil, heterotrophic, and root respiration. The stocks of soil organic carbon down to 4 m deep in these two cover types and in degraded pastures (PAS) were also evaluated. ^ Soil inputs of organic carbon from above and belowground sources were lower in SF than in PF. Litterfall in SF was 58% and production of fine root detritus was 60% of that in PF. When production of woody detritus and palm fronds was considered, the difference between these forest types was even larger. However, outputs of mineral carbon through heterotrophic soil respiration were similar; in SF they equaled 97% of those in PF. As a result, soil carbon balance was positive in PF and negative in SF. Despite that soil carbon balances suggest that soils of SF are losing carbon, soil carbon stocks of SF were higher than of degraded pastures, suggesting that they have already started to recover soil carbon stocks lost under degraded pastures. This discrepancy can be partially explained by the effect of drier conditions on heterotrophic soil respiration as a consequence of a moderate El Niño event during the period of soil respiration measurements. The positive carbon balance in soils of PF despite the El Niño event, suggests that soils of PF accumulated about 664 Kg C ha−1 yr−1. Therefore, soil carbon dynamics mainly depended on successional status of vegetation and on climatic conditions. ^
Gap succession is a significant determinant of structure and development in most forest communities. Lightning strikes are an important source of canopy gaps in the mangrove forest of Everglades National Park. I investigated the successional dynamics of lightning-initiated canopy gaps to determine their influence on forest stand structure of the mixed mangrove forests ( Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa, and Avicennia germinans ) of the Shark River. I measured gap size, gap shape, light environment, soil characteristics, woody debris, and fiddler crab abundance. I additionally measured the vegetative composition in a chronosequences of gap successional stages (new, recruiting, and growing gaps). I recorded survivorship, recruitment, growth and soil elevation dynamics within a subset of new and growing gaps. I determined the relationship between intact forest soil elevation and site hydrology in order to interpret the effects of lightning disturbance on soil elevation dynamics. ^ Gap size averaged 289 ± 20 m2 (± 1SE) and light transmittance decreased exponentially as gaps filled with saplings. Fine woody debris was highest in recruiting gaps. Soil strength was lower in the gaps than in the forest. The abundance of large and medium fiddler crab burrows increased linearly with total seedling abundance. Soil surface elevation declined in newly formed lightning gaps; this loss was due to a combination of superficial erosion (8.5 mm) and subsidence (60.9 mm). A distinct two-cohort recruitment pattern was evident in the seedling/sapling surveys, suggesting a partitioning of the succession between individuals present before and after lightning strike. In new gaps, the seedling recruitment rate was twice as high as in forest and the sapling population increased. At the growing gap stage, R. mangle seedling mortality was 10 times greater and sapling mortality was 13 times greater than recruitment. Growing gaps had reduced seedling stem elongation, sapling growth and adult growth. However, a few individuals (R. mangle saplings) were able to recruit into the adult life stage. In conclusion, the high density of R. mangle seedlings and saplings imply that lightning strike disturbances in these mangrove forests favor their recruitment over that of A. germinans and L. racemosa. ^
Strelitziaceae is a tropical monocot family comprising three genera and seven species: Ravenala Adans and Phenkospermum Endl., which are monotypic, and five species of Strelitzia Aiton. All species produce woody capsular fruits that contain vibrantly colored arillate seeds. Arils of the Strelitzia species are orange, those of Phenakospermum are red, and those of Ravenala are blue. Unlike most plant pigments, which degrade after cell death, aril pigments in the family persist for decades. Chemical properties of the compounds are unusual, and do not match those of known pigment classes (carotenoids, flavonoids, betalains, and the chlorophylls). I isolated the orange pigment from the arils of Strelitzia nicolai, and performed HPLC-ESMS, UV-visible, 1H NMR and 13C NMR analyses to determine its chemical structure. These data indicated the pigment was bilirubin-IX, an orange-yellow tetrapyrrole previously known only in mammals and some other vertebrates as the breakdown product of heme. Although related tetrapyrroles are ubiquitous throughout the plant kingdom and include vital biosynthetic products such as chlorophyll and phytochromobilin, this is the first report of bilirubin in a plant, and evidence of an additional biosynthetic pathway producing orange coloration in flowers and fruits. ^ Given the unexpected presence of bilirubin, Iexamined the fruits and flowers of twelve additional angiosperm species in diverse orders for the presence of bilirubin using HPLC and LC-MS. Bilirubin was present in ten species from the orders Zingiberales, Arecales, and Myrtales, indicating its wide distribution in the plant kingdom. Bilirubin was present in low concentrations in all species except those within Strelitziaceae. It was present in particularly high concentrations in S. nicolai, S. reginae and P. guyannense, and is thus responsible for producing color in these species. ^ No studies have examined the evolutionary relationship among all species in the family. Thus, I also constructed a molecular phylogeny of the family. This information, combined with further studies on the distribution and synthesis of bilirubin in plants, will provide a basis for understanding the evolutionary history of this pigment in the plant kingdom.^
Eddy covariance (EC) estimates of carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and energy balance are examined to investigate the functional responses of a mature mangrove forest to a disturbance generated by Hurricane Wilma on October 24, 2005 in the Florida Everglades. At the EC site, high winds from the hurricane caused nearly 100% defoliation in the upper canopy and widespread tree mortality. Soil temperatures down to -50 cm increased, and air temperature lapse rates within the forest canopy switched from statically stable to statically unstable conditions following the disturbance. Unstable conditions allowed more efficient transport of water vapor and CO2 from the surface up to the upper canopy layer. Significant increases in latent heat fluxes (LE) and nighttime net ecosystem exchange (NEE) were also observed and sensible heat fluxes (H) as a proportion of net radiation decreased significantly in response to the disturbance. Many of these impacts persisted through much of the study period through 2009. However, local albedo and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer) data (the Enhanced Vegetation Index) indicated a substantial proportion of active leaf area recovered before the EC measurements began 1 year after the storm. Observed changes in the vertical distribution and the degree of clumping in newly emerged leaves may have affected the energy balance. Direct comparisons of daytime NEE values from before the storm and after our measurements resumed did not show substantial or consistent differences that could be attributed to the disturbance. Regression analyses on seasonal time scales were required to differentiate the storm's impact on monthly average daytime NEE from the changes caused by interannual variability in other environmental drivers. The effects of the storm were apparent on annual time scales, and CO2 uptake remained approximately 250 g C m-2 yr-1 lower in 2009 compared to the average annual values measured in 2004-2005. Dry season CO2 uptake was relatively more affected by the disturbance than wet season values. Complex leaf regeneration dynamics on damaged trees during ecosystem recovery are hypothesized to lead to the variable dry versus wet season impacts on daytime NEE. In contrast, nighttime CO2 release (i.e., nighttime respiration) was consistently and significantly greater, possibly as a result of the enhanced decomposition of litter and coarse woody debris generated by the storm, and this effect was most apparent in the wet seasons compared to the dry seasons. The largest pre- and post-storm differences in NEE coincided roughly with the delayed peak in cumulative mortality of stems in 2007-2008. Across the hurricane-impacted region, cumulative tree mortality rates were also closely correlated with declines in peat surface elevation. Mangrove forest-atmosphere interactions are interpreted with respect to the damage and recovery of stand dynamics and soil accretion processes following the hurricane.
Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Schinus) is one of the most widely found woody exotic species in South Florida. This exotic is distributed across environments with different hydrologic regimes, from upland pine forests to the edges of sawgrass marshes and into saline mangrove forests. To determine if this invasive exotic had different physiological attributes compared to native species in a coastal habitat, we measured predawn xylem water potentials (Ψ), oxygen stable isotope signatures (δ18O), and sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) contents of sap water from plants within: (1) a transition zone (between a mangrove forest and upland pineland) and (2) an upland pineland in Southwest Florida. Under dynamic salinity and hydrologic conditions, Ψ of Schinus appeared less subject to fluctuations caused by seasonality when compared with native species. Although stem water δ18O values could not be used to distinguish the depth of Schinus and native species' water uptake in the transition zone, Ψ and sap Na+/K+ patterns showed that Schinus was less of a salt excluder relative to the native upland species during the dry season. This exotic also exhibited Na+/K+ ratios similar to the mangrove species, indicating some salinity tolerance. In the upland pineland, Schinus water uptake patterns were not significantly different from those of native species. Differences between Schinus and native upland species, however, may provide this exotic an advantage over native species within mangrove transition zones.
Extensive portions of the southern Everglades are characterized by series of elongated, raised peat ridges and tree islands oriented parallel to the predominant flow direction, separated by intervening sloughs. Tall herbs or woody species are associated with higher elevations and shorter emergent or floating species are associated with lower elevations. The organic soils in this “Ridge-and-Slough” landscape have been stable over millennia in many locations, but degrade over decades under altered hydrologic conditions. We examined soil, pore water, and leaf phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) distributions in six Ridge and Slough communities in Shark Slough, Everglades National Park. We found P enrichment to increase and N to decrease monotonically along a gradient from the most persistently flooded sloughs to rarely flooded ridge environments, with the most dramatic change associated with the transition from marsh to forest. Leaf N:P ratios indicated that the marsh communities were strongly P-limited, while data from several forest types suggested either N-limitation or co-limitation by N and P. Ground water stage in forests exhibited a daytime decrease and partial nighttime recovery during periods of surface exposure. The recovery phase suggested re-supply from adjacent flooded marshes or the underlying aquifer, and a strong hydrologic connection between ridge and slough. We therefore developed a simple steady-state model to explore a mechanism by which a phosphorus conveyor belt driven by both evapotranspiration and the regional flow gradient can contribute to the characteristic Ridge and Slough pattern. The model demonstrated that evapotranspiration sinks at higher elevations can draw in low concentration marsh waters, raising local soil and water P concentrations. Focusing of flow and nutrients at the evapotranspiration zone is not strong enough to overcome the regional gradient entirely, allowing the nutrient to spread downstream and creating an elongated concentration plume in the direction of flow. Our analyses suggest that autogenic processes involving the effects of initially small differences in topography, via their interactions with hydrology and nutrient availability, can produce persistent physiographic patterns in the organic sediments of the Everglades.