6 resultados para transformation-induced plasticity steel

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Pteris vittata, the first reported arsenic hyperaccumulating plant, is potentially used in phytoremediation of arsenic, as it can accumulate up to 2.3% of arsenic in its fronds. In this study, the mechanisms of arsenic tolerance, uptake and transformation were studied in the plant. Arsenic species were analyzed by HPLC-AFS. Results showed that arsenic was mainly accumulated in leaflets, and inorganic arsenate and arsenite were only species in P. vittata. Arsenite was the predominant species in leaflets, whereas arsenate was the predominant species in roots. Arsenic induced the synthesis of thiol containing compounds in P. vittata. As-induced thiol was purified by a novel method: covalent chromatography following preparative HPLC. The purified thiol was characterized as a phytochelatin with two units (PC2). ^ In P. vittata, enhanced tolerance likely results from unusual intracellular detoxification mechanisms. Although PC-dependent sequestration of arsenic into vacuoles is essential for nonhyperaccumulators, this sequestration is not the major arsenic tolerance mechanisms in this arsenic hyperaccumulator. PC-independent sequestration of arsenic is likely the major arsenic tolerance mechanism. PC-dependent arsenic detoxification is probably a supplement to this major mechanism. ^ Interactions between arsenic and phosphate were studied. Under hydroponic condition, arsenic supply decreased the concentrations of phosphate in roots. In soil, arsenic increased the concentrations of phosphate in roots. Arsenic concentrations in rachises and leaflets were not affected by arsenic supply in either hydroponic or soil system. Phosphate decreased arsenic accumulation in roots, rachises and leaflets in the hydroponic system. ^ The uptake kinetics of arsenate, arsenite, monomethyl arsinic acid (MMA), dimethyl arsonic acid, and phosphate were studied in P. vittata. Phosphate uptake systems in Pteris vittata cannot distinguish phosphate and As(V), resulting in As hyperaccumulation. Arsenic hyperaccumulation in this plant is an inevitable consequence during phosphate acquisition. Arsenate, arsenite and MMA are transported via the phosphate uptake systems. The co-transport of arsenite/phosphate and MMA/phosphate is reported for the first time in plants. These unique phenomena are useful for understanding arsenic hyperaccumulation and the evolution of this capacity in P. vittata. ^


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The Earth's upper mantle, mainly composed of olivine, is seismically anisotropic. Seismic anisotropy attenuation has been observed at 220km depth. Karato et al. (1992) attributed this attenuation to a transition between two deformation mechanisms, from dislocation creep above 220km to diffusion creep below 220km, induced by a change in water content. Couvy (2005) and Mainprice et al. (2005) predicted a change in Lattice Preferred Orientation induced by pressure, which comes from a change of slip system, from [100] slip to [001] slip, and is responsible for the seismic anisotropy attenuation. Raterron et al. (2007) ran single crystal deformation experiments under anhydrous conditions and observed that the slip system transition occurs around 8GPa, which corresponds to a depth of 260Km. Experiments were done to quantify the effects of water on olivine single crystals deformed using D-DIA press and synchrotron beam. Deformations were carried out in uniaxial compression along [110]c, [011]c, and [101]c, crystallographic directions, at pressure ranging from 4 to 8GPa and temperature between 1373 and 1473K. Talc sleeves about the annulus of the single crystals were used as source of water in the assembly. Stress and specimen strain rates were calculated by in-situ X-ray diffraction and time resolved imaging, respectively. By direct comparison of single crystals strain rates, we observed that [110]c deforms faster than [011]c below 5GPa. However above 6GPa [011]c deforms faster than [110]c. This revealed that [100](010) is the dominant slip system below 5GPa, and above 6GPa [001](010) becomes dominant. According to our results, the slip system transition, which is induced by pressure, occurs at 6GPa. Water influences the pressure where the switch over occurs, by lowering the transition pressure. The pressure effect on the slip systems activity has been quantified and the hydrolytic weakening has also been estimated for both orientations. Data also shows that temperature affects the slip system activity. The regional variation of the depth for the seismic anisotropy attenuation, which would depend on local hydroxyl content and temperature variations and explains the seismic anisotropy attenuation occurring at about 220Km depth in the mantle, where the pressure is about 6GPa. Deformation of MgO single crystal oriented [100], [110] and [111] were also performed. The results predict a change in the slip system activity at 23GPa, again induced by pressure. This explains the seismic anisotropy observed in the lower mantle.


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Breast cancer is a disease associated with excess exposures to estrogens. While the mode of cancer causation is unknown, others have shown that oxidative stress induced by prolonged exposure to estrogens mediates renal, liver, endometrial and mammary tumorigenesis though the mechanism(s) underling this process is unknown. In this study, we show that 4-hydroxyl 17β-estradiol (4-OHE2), a catechol metabolite of estrogen, induces mammary tumorigenesis in a redox dependent manner. We found that the mechanism of tumorigenesis involves redox activations of nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF1); a transcriptions factor associated with regulation of mitochondria biogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), as well as mediation of cell survival and growth of cells during periods of oxidative stress. Key findings from our study are as follows: (i) Prolonged treatments of normal mammary epithelial cells with 4-OHE2, increased the formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). (ii) Estrogen-induced ROS activates redox sensitive transcription factors NRF1. (iii) 4-OHE2 through activation of serine-threonine kinase and histone acetyl transferase, phosphorylates and acetylate NRF1 respectively. (iv) Redox mediated epigenetic modifications of NRF1 facilitates mammary tumorigenesis and invasive phenotypes of breast cancer cells via modulations of genes involved in proliferation, growth and metastasis of exposed cells. (v) Animal engraftment of transformed clones formed invasive tumors. (vi) Treatment of cells or tumors with biological or chemical antioxidants, as well as silencing of NRF1 expressions, prevented 4-OHE2 induced mammary tumorigenesis and invasive phenotypes of MCF-10A cells. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that 4-OHE2 induced ROS epigenetically activate NRF1 through its phosphorylation and acylation. This, in turn, through NRF1-mediated transcriptional activation of the cell cycle genes, controls 4-OHE2 induced cell transformation and tumorigenesis.^


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Androgen receptor (AR) is commonly expressed in both the epithelium of normal mammary glands and in breast cancers. AR expression in breast cancers is independent of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) status and is frequently associated with overexpression of the ERBB2 oncogene. AR signaling effects on breast cancer progression may depend on ERα and ERBB2 status. Up to 30% of human breast cancers are driven by overactive ERBB2 signaling and it is not clear whether AR expression affects any steps of tumor progression in this cohort of patients. To test this, we generated mammary specific Ar depleted mice (MARKO) by combining the floxed allele of Ar with the MMTV-cre transgene on an MMTV-NeuNT background and compared them to littermate MMTV-NeuNT, Arfl/+ control females. Heterozygous MARKO females displayed reduced levels of AR in mammary glands with mosaic AR expression in ductal epithelium. The loss of AR dramatically accelerated the onset of MMTV-NeuNT tumors in female MARKO mice. In this report we show that accelerated MMTV-NeuNT-dependent tumorigenesis is due specifically to the loss of AR, as hormonal levels, estrogen and progesterone receptors expression, and MMTV-NeuNT expression were similar between MARKO and control groups. MMTV-NeuNT induced tumors in both cohorts displayed distinct loss of AR in addition to ERα, PR, and the pioneer factor FOXA1. Erbb3 mRNA levels were significantly elevated in tumors in comparison to normal mammary glands. Thus the loss of AR in mouse mammary epithelium accelerates malignant transformation rather than the rate of tumorigenesis.


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Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. It originates from the transformation of melanocytes present in the epidermal/dermal junction of the human skin. It is commonly accepted that melanomagenesis is influenced by the interaction of environmental factors, genetic factors, as well as tumor-host interactions. DNA photoproducts induced by UV radiation are, in normal cells, repaired by the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway. The prominent role of NER in cancer resistance is well exemplified by patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP). This disease results from mutations in the components of the NER pathway, such as XPA and XPC proteins. In humans, NER pathway disruption leads to the development of skin cancers, including melanoma. Similar to humans afflicted with XP, Xpa and Xpc deficient mice show high sensibility to UV light, leading to skin cancer development, except melanoma. The Endothelin 3 (Edn3) signaling pathway is essential for proliferation, survival and migration of melanocyte precursor cells. Excessive production of Edn3 leads to the accumulation of large numbers of melanocytes in the mouse skin, where they are not normally found. In humans, Edn3 signaling pathway has also been implicated in melanoma progression and its metastatic potential. The goal of this study was the development of the first UV-induced melanoma mouse model dependent on the over-expression of Edn3 in the skin. The UV-induced melanoma mouse model reported here is distinguishable from all previous published models by two features: melanocytes are not transformed a priori and melanomagenesis arises only upon neonatal UV exposure. In this model, melanomagenesis depends on the presence of Edn3 in the skin. Disruption of the NER pathway due to the lack of Xpa or Xpc proteins was not essential for melanomagenesis; however, it enhanced melanoma penetrance and decreased melanoma latency after one single neonatal erythemal UV dose. Exposure to a second dose of UV at six weeks of age did not change time of appearance or penetrance of melanomas in this mouse model. Thus, a combination of neonatal UV exposure with excessive Edn3 in the tumor microenvironment is sufficient for melanomagenesis in mice; furthermore, NER deficiency exacerbates this process.^


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Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. It originates from the transformation of melanocytes present in the epidermal/dermal junction of the human skin. It is commonly accepted that melanomagenesis is influenced by the interaction of environmental factors, genetic factors, as well as tumor-host interactions. DNA photoproducts induced by UV radiation are, in normal cells, repaired by the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway. The prominent role of NER in cancer resistance is well exemplified by patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP). This disease results from mutations in the components of the NER pathway, such as XPA and XPC proteins. In humans, NER pathway disruption leads to the development of skin cancers, including melanoma. Similar to humans afflicted with XP, Xpa and Xpc deficient mice show high sensibility to UV light, leading to skin cancer development, except melanoma. The Endothelin 3 (Edn3) signaling pathway is essential for proliferation, survival and migration of melanocyte precursor cells. Excessive production of Edn3 leads to the accumulation of large numbers of melanocytes in the mouse skin, where they are not normally found. In humans, Edn3 signaling pathway has also been implicated in melanoma progression and its metastatic potential. The goal of this study was the development of the first UV-induced melanoma mouse model dependent on the over-expression of Edn3 in the skin. The UV-induced melanoma mouse model reported here is distinguishable from all previous published models by two features: melanocytes are not transformed a priori and melanomagenesis arises only upon neonatal UV exposure. In this model, melanomagenesis depends on the presence of Edn3 in the skin. Disruption of the NER pathway due to the lack of Xpa or Xpc proteins was not essential for melanomagenesis; however, it enhanced melanoma penetrance and decreased melanoma latency after one single neonatal erythemal UV dose. Exposure to a second dose of UV at six weeks of age did not change time of appearance or penetrance of melanomas in this mouse model. Thus, a combination of neonatal UV exposure with excessive Edn3 in the tumor microenvironment is sufficient for melanomagenesis in mice; furthermore, NER deficiency exacerbates this process.