9 resultados para microbial quotient
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Heterotrophic bacteria are important decomposers and transformers of primary production and provide an important link between detritus and the aquatic food web. In seagrass ecosystems, much of seagrass primary production is unavailable through direct grazing and must undergo microbial reworking before seagrass production can enter the aquatic food web. The goal of my dissertation research is to understand better the role heterotrophic bacteria play in carbon cycling in seagrass estuaries. My dissertation research focuses on Florida Bay, a seagrass estuary that has experienced recent changes in carbon source availability, which may have altered ecosystem function. My dissertation research investigates the importance of seagrass, algal and/or cyanobacterial, and allochthonous-derived organic matter to heterotrophic bacteria in Florida Bay and helps establish the carbon base of the estuarine food web. ^ A three tiered approach to the study of heterotrophic bacterial carbon cycling and trophic influences in Florida Bay was used: (1) Spatiotemporal observations of environmental parameters (hydrology, nutrients, extracellular enzymes, and microbial abundance, biomass, and production); (2) Microbial grazing experiments under different levels of top-down and bottom-up influence; and (3) Bulk and compound-specific (bacteria-biomarker fatty acid analysis) stable carbon isotope analysis. ^ In Florida Bay, spatiotemporal patterns in microbial extracellular enzyme (also called ectoenzyme) activities indicate that microorganisms hydrolyzed selectively fractions of the estuarine organic matter pool. The microbial community hydrolyzed organic acids, peptides, and phosphate esters and did not use storage and structural carbohydrates. Organic matter use by heterotrophic bacterioplankton in Florida Bay was co-regulated by bottom-up (resource availability) and top-down (grazer mediated) processes. A bacterial carbon budget based on bacterial, epiphytic, and seagrass production indicates that heterotrophic bacterial carbon cycles are supported primarily through epiphytic production with mixing from seagrass production. Stable carbon isotope analysis of bacteria biomarkers and carbon sources in Florida Bay corroborate the results of the bacterial carbon budget. These results support previous studies of aquatic consumers in Florida Bay, indicating that epiphytic/benthic algal and/or cyanobacterial production with mixing from seagrass-derived organic matter is the carbon base of the seagrass estuarine food web. ^
There is increasing evidence that certain microbially-derived compounds may account for part of the aquatic dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) pool. Enantiomeric ratios of amino acids were used to assess the microbial input to the DON pool in the Florida Everglades, USA. Elevated levels of d-alanine, d-aspartic acid, d-glutamic acid and d-serine indicated the presence of peptidoglycan in the samples. The estimated peptidoglycan contribution to amino acid nitrogen ranged from 2.8 ± 0.1% to 6.4 ± 0.9%, increasing with salinity from freshwater to coastal waters. The distribution of individual d-amino acids in the samples suggests additional inputs to DON, possibly from archaea or from abiotic racemization of l-amino acids.
Synthesizing data from multiple studies generates hypotheses about factors that affect the distribution and abundance of species among ecosystems. Snails are dominant herbivores in many freshwater ecosystems, but there is no comprehensive review of snail density, standing stock, or body size among freshwater ecosystems. We compile data on snail density and standing stock, estimate body size with their quotient, and discuss the major pattern that emerges. We report data from 215 freshwater ecosystems taken from 88 studies that we placed into nine categories. Sixty-five studies reported density, seven reported standing stock, and 16 reported both. Despite the breadth of studies, spatial and temporal sampling scales were limited. Researchers used 25 different sampling devices ranging in area from 0.0015 to 2.5 m2. Most ecosystem categories had similar snail densities, standing stocks, and body sizes suggesting snails shared a similar function among ecosystems. Caribbean karst wetlands were a striking exception with much lower density and standing stock, but large body size. Disparity in body size results from the presence of ampullariids in Caribbean karst wetlands suggesting that biogeography affects the distribution of taxa, and in this case size, among aquatic ecosystems. We propose that resource quality explains the disparity in density and standing stock between Caribbean karst wetlands and other categories. Periphyton in Caribbean karst wetlands has high carbon-to-phosphorous ratios and defensive characteristics that inhibit grazers. Unlike many freshwater ecosystems where snails are key grazers, we hypothesize that a microbial loop captures much of the primary production in Caribbean karst wetlands.
With the continued and unprecedented decline of coral reefs worldwide, evaluating the factors that contribute to coral demise is of critical importance. As coral cover declines, macroalgae are becoming more common on tropical reefs. Interactions between these macroalgae and corals may alter the coral microbiome, which is thought to play an important role in colony health and survival. Together, such changes in benthic macroalgae and in the coral microbiome may result in a feedback mechanism that contributes to additional coral cover loss. To determine if macroalgae alter the coral microbiome, we conducted a field-based experiment in which the coral Porites astreoides was placed in competition with five species of macroalgae. Macroalgal contact increased variance in the coral-associated microbial community, and two algal species significantly altered microbial community composition. All macroalgae caused the disappearance of a γ-proteobacterium previously hypothesized to be an important mutualist of P. astreoides. Macroalgal contact also triggered: 1) increases or 2) decreases in microbial taxa already present in corals, 3) establishment of new taxa to the coral microbiome, and 4) vectoring and growth of microbial taxa from the macroalgae to the coral. Furthermore, macroalgal competition decreased coral growth rates by an average of 36.8%. Overall, this study found that competition between corals and certain species of macroalgae leads to an altered coral microbiome, providing a potential mechanism by which macroalgae-coral interactions reduce coral health and lead to coral loss on impacted reefs.
Water flow and flooding duration in wetlands influence the structure and productivity of microbial communities partly through their influence on nutrient loading. The effect of flow-regulated nutrient loads is especially relevant for microbial communities in nutrient-poor settings, where delivery controls nutrient uptake rates and the intensity of microbial interactions. We examined the effect of hydrologic history and proximity to water sources on nutrient enrichment of benthic microbial assemblages (periphyton) and on their diatom species composition, along the artificial boundaries of Taylor Slough, a historically phosphorus-depleted drainage of the Florida Everglades. Concentrations of phosphorus in periphyton declined from the wetland boundary near inflow structures to 100-m interior, with spatial and temporal variability in rates dependent on proximity to and magnitude of water flow. Phosphorus availability influenced the beta diversity of diatom assemblages, with higher values near inflow structures where resources were greatest, while interior sites and reference transects contained assemblages with constant composition of taxa considered endemic to the Everglades. This research shows how hydrologic restoration may have unintended consequences when incoming water quality is not regulated, including a replacement of distinctive microbial assemblages by ubiquitous, cosmopolitan ones.
[1] Photochemical and microbial transformations of DOM were evaluated in headwater streams draining forested and human-modified lands (pasture, cropland, and urban development) by laboratory incubations. Changes in DOC concentrations, DOC isotopic signatures, and DOM fluorescence properties were measured to assess the amounts, sources, ages, and properties of reactive and refractory DOM under the influence of photochemistry and/or bacteria. DOC in streams draining forest-dominated watersheds was more photoreactive than in streams draining mostly human-modified watersheds, possibly due to greater contributions of terrestrial plant-derived DOC and lower amounts of prior light exposure in forested streams. Overall, the percentage of photoreactive DOC in stream waters was best predicted by the relative content of terrestrial fluorophores. The bioreactivity of DOC was similar in forested and human-modified streams, but variations were correlated with temperature and may be further controlled by the diagenetic status of organic matter. Alterations to DOC isotopes and DOM fluorescence properties during photochemical and microbial incubations were similar between forested and human-modified streams and included (1) negligible effects of microbial alteration on DOC isotopes and DOM fluorescence properties, (2) selective removal of 13C-depleted and 14C-enriched DOC under the combined influence of photochemical and microbial processes, and (3) photochemical alteration of DOM resulting in a preferential loss of terrestrial humic fluorescence components relative to microbial fluorescence components. This study provides a unique comparison of DOC reactivity in a regional group of streams draining forested and human-modified watersheds and indicates the importance of land use on the photoreactivity of DOC exported from upstream watersheds.
Physical and biological properties of the water column of Florida Bay were examined at seven study sites over an eighteen month period. The results indicated seasonality in some parameters, but was not evident in others. The data displayed statistically significant (P < 0.05) differences between study sites indicating spatial variation. The presence of seagrass affected the overlying water column, especially with respect to the biological parameters: those areas overlying seagrass beds displayed statistically significantly higher values than those over sparsely covered or barren areas. During the period of the study, Florida Bay experienced a seagrass die-off event: microbial activity and numbers were statistically significantly higher over areas of dying seagrass than over healthy or dead areas. The results of this study pointed to phosphorus being the controlling, or limiting factor, for microbial activity in the water column of Florida Bay.
Biochar has been heralded a mechanism for carbon sequestration and an ideal amendment for improving soil quality. Melaleuca quinquenervia is an aggressive and wide-spread invasive species in Florida. The purpose of this research was to convert M. quinquenervia biomass into biochar and measure how application at two rates (2% or 5% wt/wt) impacts soil quality, plant growth, and microbial gas flux in a greenhouse experiment using Phaseolus vulgaris L. and local soil. Plant growth was measured using height, biomass weight, specific leaf area, and root-shoot ratio. Soil quality was evaluated according to nutrient content and water holding capacity. Microbial respiration, as carbon dioxide (CO2), was measured using gas chromatography. Biochar addition at 5% significantly reduced available soil nutrients, while 2% biochar application increased almost all nutrients. Plant biomass was highest in the control group, p2 flux decreased significantly in both biochar groups, but reductions were not long term.
The black band disease (BBD) microbial consortium often causes mortality of reef-building corals. Microbial chemical interactions (i.e., quorum sensing (QS) and antimicrobial production) may be involved in the BBD disease process. Culture filtrates (CFs) from over 150 bacterial isolates from BBD and the surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML) of healthy and diseased corals were screened for acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) and Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) QS signals using bacterial reporter strains. AHLs were detected in all BBD mat samples and nine CFs. More than half of the CFs (~55%) tested positive for AI-2. Approximately 27% of growth challenges conducted among 19 isolates showed significant growth inhibition. These findings demonstrate that QS is actively occurring within the BBD microbial mat and that culturable bacteria from BBD and the coral SML are able to produce QS signals and antimicrobial compounds. This is the first study to identify AHL production in association with active coral disease.