29 resultados para information networks
em Digital Commons at Florida International University
This study explored Taiwanese technological higher education administrators' perceptions about the motivation and capability of their institutions to form intercollegiate alliance, their preferred areas of collaboration, and their preferred partner attributes. Possible differences in perceptions of administrators from public and private institutions were also explored. ^ The study targeted six chief administrators in each of 88 technological and vocational higher education institutions in Taiwan. A mix of quantitative and qualitative research designs was used to collect and analyze data. Quantitative data were collected from 328 administrators through a questionnaire and analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. In addition, to obtain a deeper understanding of the process of alliance formation, qualitative data were collected through interviews with 13 administrators and content analyzed using emergent themes analysis. ^ Findings revealed that Taiwanese technological education administrators were not strongly confident in the competitive positions of their institutions. They perceived themselves as non-competitive in faculty research performance, in getting financial support, and having easy-access locations. Administrators believed that forming an alliance would help them obtain more external resources, achieve academic enhancement, provide better services, have a stronger voice, and obtain promotion to a higher institutional level. Cost cutting was not believed to be an attainable goal. ^ Strong interest was expressed for an alliance in the sharing of technology, information networks, and library resources; cross-registration; admissions and recruitment practices; school-industry endeavors; and international academic exchanges. Sharing of administrators and staff, joint bidding and purchasing, and cooperative fundraising were considered of less interest. ^ Administrators favored partners who have excellent academic programs, who have complementary skills, who are willing to share resources, and who are enthusiastic leaders. They also wanted partners to match their institutions in performance and prestige and to be geographically close to them. ^ Multivariate analysis of variance did not reveal significant differences between the perceptions of the administrators from public and private institutions. It was concluded that despite governmental encouragement and the institutions' eagerness for forming an alliance, the administrators had little confidence that a sustainable alliance could be arranged. ^
In spite of increases in the number of women who are both academically pre- pared and interested in pursuing hospitality management careers, women appear to be leaving the industry at a much higher rate than their male counter- parts. Although women are better represented in lower and middle management than ever before, there has been no corresponding increase in the number of women in top level management positions. The author explores women managers' perceptions of the career-related challenges they confront in hospitality environments and suggests that inadequate access to informal information networks, lack of women mentors, and the impact of unique job characteristics are their most significant concerns.
An iterative travel time forecasting scheme, named the Advanced Multilane Prediction based Real-time Fastest Path (AMPRFP) algorithm, is presented in this dissertation. This scheme is derived from the conventional kernel estimator based prediction model by the association of real-time nonlinear impacts that caused by neighboring arcs’ traffic patterns with the historical traffic behaviors. The AMPRFP algorithm is evaluated by prediction of the travel time of congested arcs in the urban area of Jacksonville City. Experiment results illustrate that the proposed scheme is able to significantly reduce both the relative mean error (RME) and the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the predicted travel time. To obtain high quality real-time traffic information, which is essential to the performance of the AMPRFP algorithm, a data clean scheme enhanced empirical learning (DCSEEL) algorithm is also introduced. This novel method investigates the correlation between distance and direction in the geometrical map, which is not considered in existing fingerprint localization methods. Specifically, empirical learning methods are applied to minimize the error that exists in the estimated distance. A direction filter is developed to clean joints that have negative influence to the localization accuracy. Synthetic experiments in urban, suburban and rural environments are designed to evaluate the performance of DCSEEL algorithm in determining the cellular probe’s position. The results show that the cellular probe’s localization accuracy can be notably improved by the DCSEEL algorithm. Additionally, a new fast correlation technique for overcoming the time efficiency problem of the existing correlation algorithm based floating car data (FCD) technique is developed. The matching process is transformed into a 1-dimensional (1-D) curve matching problem and the Fast Normalized Cross-Correlation (FNCC) algorithm is introduced to supersede the Pearson product Moment Correlation Co-efficient (PMCC) algorithm in order to achieve the real-time requirement of the FCD method. The fast correlation technique shows a significant improvement in reducing the computational cost without affecting the accuracy of the matching process.
Pavement performance is one of the most important components of the pavement management system. Prediction of the future performance of a pavement section is important in programming maintenance and rehabilitation needs. Models for predicting pavement performance have been developed on the basis of traffic and age. The purpose of this research is to extend the use of a relatively new approach to performance prediction in pavement performance modeling using adaptive logic networks (ALN). Adaptive logic networks have recently emerged as an effective alternative to artificial neural networks for machine learning tasks. ^ The ALN predictive methodology is applicable to a wide variety of contexts including prediction of roughness based indices, composite rating indices and/or individual pavement distresses. The ALN program requires key information about a pavement section, including the current distress indexes, pavement age, climate region, traffic and other variables to predict yearly performance values into the future. ^ This research investigates the effect of different learning rates of the ALN in pavement performance modeling. It can be used at both the network and project level for predicting the long term performance of a road network. Results indicate that the ALN approach is well suited for pavement performance prediction modeling and shows a significant improvement over the results obtained from other artificial intelligence approaches. ^
Annual average daily traffic (AADT) is important information for many transportation planning, design, operation, and maintenance activities, as well as for the allocation of highway funds. Many studies have attempted AADT estimation using factor approach, regression analysis, time series, and artificial neural networks. However, these methods are unable to account for spatially variable influence of independent variables on the dependent variable even though it is well known that to many transportation problems, including AADT estimation, spatial context is important. ^ In this study, applications of geographically weighted regression (GWR) methods to estimating AADT were investigated. The GWR based methods considered the influence of correlations among the variables over space and the spatially non-stationarity of the variables. A GWR model allows different relationships between the dependent and independent variables to exist at different points in space. In other words, model parameters vary from location to location and the locally linear regression parameters at a point are affected more by observations near that point than observations further away. ^ The study area was Broward County, Florida. Broward County lies on the Atlantic coast between Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties. In this study, a total of 67 variables were considered as potential AADT predictors, and six variables (lanes, speed, regional accessibility, direct access, density of roadway length, and density of seasonal household) were selected to develop the models. ^ To investigate the predictive powers of various AADT predictors over the space, the statistics including local r-square, local parameter estimates, and local errors were examined and mapped. The local variations in relationships among parameters were investigated, measured, and mapped to assess the usefulness of GWR methods. ^ The results indicated that the GWR models were able to better explain the variation in the data and to predict AADT with smaller errors than the ordinary linear regression models for the same dataset. Additionally, GWR was able to model the spatial non-stationarity in the data, i.e., the spatially varying relationship between AADT and predictors, which cannot be modeled in ordinary linear regression. ^
Today's wireless networks rely mostly on infrastructural support for their operation. With the concept of ubiquitous computing growing more popular, research on infrastructureless networks have been rapidly growing. However, such types of networks face serious security challenges when deployed. This dissertation focuses on designing a secure routing solution and trust modeling for these infrastructureless networks. ^ The dissertation presents a trusted routing protocol that is capable of finding a secure end-to-end route in the presence of malicious nodes acting either independently or in collusion, The solution protects the network from active internal attacks, known to be the most severe types of attacks in an ad hoc application. Route discovery is based on trust levels of the nodes, which need to be dynamically computed to reflect the malicious behavior in the network. As such, we have developed a trust computational model in conjunction with the secure routing protocol that analyzes the different malicious behavior and quantifies them in the model itself. Our work is the first step towards protecting an ad hoc network from colluding internal attack. To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, extensive simulation has been carried out to evaluate the protocol efficiency and scalability with both network size and mobility. ^ This research has laid the foundation for developing a variety of techniques that will permit people to justifiably trust the use of ad hoc networks to perform critical functions, as well as to process sensitive information without depending on any infrastructural support and hence will enhance the use of ad hoc applications in both military and civilian domains. ^
Security remains a top priority for organizations as their information systems continue to be plagued by security breaches. This dissertation developed a unique approach to assess the security risks associated with information systems based on dynamic neural network architecture. The risks that are considered encompass the production computing environment and the client machine environment. The risks are established as metrics that define how susceptible each of the computing environments is to security breaches. ^ The merit of the approach developed in this dissertation is based on the design and implementation of Artificial Neural Networks to assess the risks in the computing and client machine environments. The datasets that were utilized in the implementation and validation of the model were obtained from business organizations using a web survey tool hosted by Microsoft. This site was designed as a host site for anonymous surveys that were devised specifically as part of this dissertation. Microsoft customers can login to the website and submit their responses to the questionnaire. ^ This work asserted that security in information systems is not dependent exclusively on technology but rather on the triumvirate people, process and technology. The questionnaire and consequently the developed neural network architecture accounted for all three key factors that impact information systems security. ^ As part of the study, a methodology on how to develop, train and validate such a predictive model was devised and successfully deployed. This methodology prescribed how to determine the optimal topology, activation function, and associated parameters for this security based scenario. The assessment of the effects of security breaches to the information systems has traditionally been post-mortem whereas this dissertation provided a predictive solution where organizations can determine how susceptible their environments are to security breaches in a proactive way. ^
Moving objects database systems are the most challenging sub-category among Spatio-Temporal database systems. A database system that updates in real-time the location information of GPS-equipped moving vehicles has to meet even stricter requirements. Currently existing data storage models and indexing mechanisms work well only when the number of moving objects in the system is relatively small. This dissertation research aimed at the real-time tracking and history retrieval of massive numbers of vehicles moving on road networks. A total solution has been provided for the real-time update of the vehicles' location and motion information, range queries on current and history data, and prediction of vehicles' movement in the near future. ^ To achieve these goals, a new approach called Segmented Time Associated to Partitioned Space (STAPS) was first proposed in this dissertation for building and manipulating the indexing structures for moving objects databases. ^ Applying the STAPS approach, an indexing structure of associating a time interval tree to each road segment was developed for real-time database systems of vehicles moving on road networks. The indexing structure uses affordable storage to support real-time data updates and efficient query processing. The data update and query processing performance it provides is consistent without restrictions such as a time window or assuming linear moving trajectories. ^ An application system design based on distributed system architecture with centralized organization was developed to maximally support the proposed data and indexing structures. The suggested system architecture is highly scalable and flexible. Finally, based on a real-world application model of vehicles moving in region-wide, main issues on the implementation of such a system were addressed. ^
The purpose of this study was to design a preventive scheme using directional antennas to improve the performance of mobile ad hoc networks. In this dissertation, a novel Directionality based Preventive Link Maintenance (DPLM) Scheme is proposed to characterize the performance gain [JaY06a, JaY06b, JCY06] by extending the life of link. In order to maintain the link and take preventive action, signal strength of data packets is measured. Moreover, location information or angle of arrival information is collected during communication and saved in the table. When measured signal strength is below orientation threshold , an orientation warning is generated towards the previous hop node. Once orientation warning is received by previous hop (adjacent) node, it verifies the correctness of orientation warning with few hello pings and initiates high quality directional link (a link above the threshold) and immediately switches to it, avoiding a link break altogether. The location information is utilized to create a directional link by orienting neighboring nodes antennas towards each other. We call this operation an orientation handoff, which is similar to soft-handoff in cellular networks. ^ Signal strength is the indicating factor, which represents the health of the link and helps to predict the link failure. In other words, link breakage happens due to node movement and subsequently reducing signal strength of receiving packets. DPLM scheme helps ad hoc networks to avoid or postpone costly operation of route rediscovery in on-demand routing protocols by taking above-mentioned preventive action. ^ This dissertation advocates close but simple collaboration between the routing, medium access control and physical layers. In order to extend the link, the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and IEEE 802.11 MAC protocols were modified to use the ability of directional antennas to transmit over longer distance. A directional antenna module is implemented in OPNET simulator with two separate modes of operations: omnidirectional and directional. The antenna module has been incorporated in wireless node model and simulations are performed to characterize the performance improvement of mobile ad hoc networks. Extensive simulations have shown that without affecting the behavior of the routing protocol noticeably, aggregate throughput, packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay (latency), routing overhead, number of data packets dropped, and number of path breaks are improved considerably. We have done the analysis of the results in different scenarios to evaluate that the use of directional antennas with proposed DPLM scheme has been found promising to improve the performance of mobile ad hoc networks. ^
In recent years, urban vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are gaining importance for inter-vehicle communication, because they allow for the local communication between vehicles without any infrastructure, configuration effort, and without expensive cellular networks. But such architecture may increase the complexity of routing since there is no central control system in urban VANETs. Therefore, a challenging research task is to improve urban VANETs' routing efficiency. ^ Hence, in this dissertation we propose two location-based routing protocols and a location management protocol to facilitate location-based routing in urban VANETs. The Multi-hop Routing Protocol (MURU) is proposed to make use of predicted mobility and geometry map in urban VANETs to estimate a path's life time and set up robust end-to-end routing paths. The Light-weight Routing Protocol (LIRU) is proposed to take advantage of the node diversity under dynamic channel condition to exploit opportunistic forwarding to achieve efficient data delivery. A scalable location management protocol (MALM) is also proposed to support location-based routing protocols in urban VANETs. MALM uses high mobility in VANETs to help disseminate vehicles' historical location information, and a vehicle is able to implement Kalman-filter based predicted to predict another vehicle's current location based on its historical location information. ^
This dissertation proposed a self-organizing medium access control protocol (MAC) for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The proposed MAC protocol, space division multiple access (SDMA), relies on sensor node position information and provides sensor nodes access to the wireless channel based on their spatial locations. SDMA divides a geographical area into space divisions, where there is one-to-one map between the space divisions and the time slots. Therefore, the MAC protocol requirement is the sensor node information of its position and a prior knowledge of the one-to-one mapping function. The scheme is scalable, self-maintaining, and self-starting. It provides collision-free access to the wireless channel for the sensor nodes thereby, guarantees delay-bounded communication in real time for delay sensitive applications. This work was divided into two parts: the first part involved the design of the mapping function to map the space divisions to the time slots. The mapping function is based on a uniform Latin square. A Uniform Latin square of order k = m 2 is an k x k square matrix that consists of k symbols from 0 to k-1 such that no symbol appears more than once in any row, in any column, or in any m x in area of main subsquares. The uniqueness of each symbol in the main subsquares presents very attractive characteristic in applying a uniform Latin square to time slot allocation problem in WSNs. The second part of this research involved designing a GPS free positioning system for position information. The system is called time and power based localization scheme (TPLS). TPLS is based on time difference of arrival (TDoA) and received signal strength (RSS) using radio frequency and ultrasonic signals to measure and detect the range differences from a sensor node to three anchor nodes. TPLS requires low computation overhead and no time synchronization, as the location estimation algorithm involved only a simple algebraic operation.
The Internet has become an integral part of our nation’s critical socio-economic infrastructure. With its heightened use and growing complexity however, organizations are at greater risk of cyber crimes. To aid in the investigation of crimes committed on or via the Internet, a network forensics analysis tool pulls together needed digital evidence. It provides a platform for performing deep network analysis by capturing, recording and analyzing network events to find out the source of a security attack or other information security incidents. Existing network forensics work has been mostly focused on the Internet and fixed networks. But the exponential growth and use of wireless technologies, coupled with their unprecedented characteristics, necessitates the development of new network forensic analysis tools. This dissertation fostered the emergence of a new research field in cellular and ad-hoc network forensics. It was one of the first works to identify this problem and offer fundamental techniques and tools that laid the groundwork for future research. In particular, it introduced novel methods to record network incidents and report logged incidents. For recording incidents, location is considered essential to documenting network incidents. However, in network topology spaces, location cannot be measured due to absence of a ‘distance metric’. Therefore, a novel solution was proposed to label locations of nodes within network topology spaces, and then to authenticate the identity of nodes in ad hoc environments. For reporting logged incidents, a novel technique based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) was adopted. Although the direct use of DHTs for reporting logged incidents would result in an uncontrollably recursive traffic, a new mechanism was introduced that overcome this recursive process. These logging and reporting techniques aided forensics over cellular and ad-hoc networks, which in turn increased their ability to track and trace attacks to their source. These techniques were a starting point for further research and development that would result in equipping future ad hoc networks with forensic components to complement existing security mechanisms.
Providing transportation system operators and travelers with accurate travel time information allows them to make more informed decisions, yielding benefits for individual travelers and for the entire transportation system. Most existing advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) and advanced traffic management systems (ATMS) use instantaneous travel time values estimated based on the current measurements, assuming that traffic conditions remain constant in the near future. For more effective applications, it has been proposed that ATIS and ATMS should use travel times predicted for short-term future conditions rather than instantaneous travel times measured or estimated for current conditions. ^ This dissertation research investigates short-term freeway travel time prediction using Dynamic Neural Networks (DNN) based on traffic detector data collected by radar traffic detectors installed along a freeway corridor. DNN comprises a class of neural networks that are particularly suitable for predicting variables like travel time, but has not been adequately investigated for this purpose. Before this investigation, it was necessary to identifying methods for data imputation to account for missing data usually encountered when collecting data using traffic detectors. It was also necessary to identify a method to estimate the travel time on the freeway corridor based on data collected using point traffic detectors. A new travel time estimation method referred to as the Piecewise Constant Acceleration Based (PCAB) method was developed and compared with other methods reported in the literatures. The results show that one of the simple travel time estimation methods (the average speed method) can work as well as the PCAB method, and both of them out-perform other methods. This study also compared the travel time prediction performance of three different DNN topologies with different memory setups. The results show that one DNN topology (the time-delay neural networks) out-performs the other two DNN topologies for the investigated prediction problem. This topology also performs slightly better than the simple multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network topology that has been used in a number of previous studies for travel time prediction.^
With the advent of peer to peer networks, and more importantly sensor networks, the desire to extract useful information from continuous and unbounded streams of data has become more prominent. For example, in tele-health applications, sensor based data streaming systems are used to continuously and accurately monitor Alzheimer's patients and their surrounding environment. Typically, the requirements of such applications necessitate the cleaning and filtering of continuous, corrupted and incomplete data streams gathered wirelessly in dynamically varying conditions. Yet, existing data stream cleaning and filtering schemes are incapable of capturing the dynamics of the environment while simultaneously suppressing the losses and corruption introduced by uncertain environmental, hardware, and network conditions. Consequently, existing data cleaning and filtering paradigms are being challenged. This dissertation develops novel schemes for cleaning data streams received from a wireless sensor network operating under non-linear and dynamically varying conditions. The study establishes a paradigm for validating spatio-temporal associations among data sources to enhance data cleaning. To simplify the complexity of the validation process, the developed solution maps the requirements of the application on a geometrical space and identifies the potential sensor nodes of interest. Additionally, this dissertation models a wireless sensor network data reduction system by ascertaining that segregating data adaptation and prediction processes will augment the data reduction rates. The schemes presented in this study are evaluated using simulation and information theory concepts. The results demonstrate that dynamic conditions of the environment are better managed when validation is used for data cleaning. They also show that when a fast convergent adaptation process is deployed, data reduction rates are significantly improved. Targeted applications of the developed methodology include machine health monitoring, tele-health, environment and habitat monitoring, intermodal transportation and homeland security.
In recent years, wireless communication infrastructures have been widely deployed for both personal and business applications. IEEE 802.11 series Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standards attract lots of attention due to their low cost and high data rate. Wireless ad hoc networks which use IEEE 802.11 standards are one of hot spots of recent network research. Designing appropriate Media Access Control (MAC) layer protocols is one of the key issues for wireless ad hoc networks. ^ Existing wireless applications typically use omni-directional antennas. When using an omni-directional antenna, the gain of the antenna in all directions is the same. Due to the nature of the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) mechanism of IEEE 802.11 standards, only one of the one-hop neighbors can send data at one time. Nodes other than the sender and the receiver must be either in idle or listening state, otherwise collisions could occur. The downside of the omni-directionality of antennas is that the spatial reuse ratio is low and the capacity of the network is considerably limited. ^ It is therefore obvious that the directional antenna has been introduced to improve spatial reutilization. As we know, a directional antenna has the following benefits. It can improve transport capacity by decreasing interference of a directional main lobe. It can increase coverage range due to a higher SINR (Signal Interference to Noise Ratio), i.e., with the same power consumption, better connectivity can be achieved. And the usage of power can be reduced, i.e., for the same coverage, a transmitter can reduce its power consumption. ^ To utilizing the advantages of directional antennas, we propose a relay-enabled MAC protocol. Two relay nodes are chosen to forward data when the channel condition of direct link from the sender to the receiver is poor. The two relay nodes can transfer data at the same time and a pipelined data transmission can be achieved by using directional antennas. The throughput can be improved significant when introducing the relay-enabled MAC protocol. ^ Besides the strong points, directional antennas also have some explicit drawbacks, such as the hidden terminal and deafness problems and the requirements of retaining location information for each node. Therefore, an omni-directional antenna should be used in some situations. The combination use of omni-directional and directional antennas leads to the problem of configuring heterogeneous antennas, i e., given a network topology and a traffic pattern, we need to find a tradeoff between using omni-directional and using directional antennas to obtain a better network performance over this configuration. ^ Directly and mathematically establishing the relationship between the network performance and the antenna configurations is extremely difficult, if not intractable. Therefore, in this research, we proposed several clustering-based methods to obtain approximate solutions for heterogeneous antennas configuration problem, which can improve network performance significantly. ^ Our proposed methods consist of two steps. The first step (i.e., clustering links) is to cluster the links into different groups based on the matrix-based system model. After being clustered, the links in the same group have similar neighborhood nodes and will use the same type of antenna. The second step (i.e., labeling links) is to decide the type of antenna for each group. For heterogeneous antennas, some groups of links will use directional antenna and others will adopt omni-directional antenna. Experiments are conducted to compare the proposed methods with existing methods. Experimental results demonstrate that our clustering-based methods can improve the network performance significantly. ^