9 resultados para direct search optimization algorithm
em Digital Commons at Florida International University
The effectiveness of an optimization algorithm can be reduced to its ability to navigate an objective function’s topology. Hybrid optimization algorithms combine various optimization algorithms using a single meta-heuristic so that the hybrid algorithm is more robust, computationally efficient, and/or accurate than the individual algorithms it is made of. This thesis proposes a novel meta-heuristic that uses search vectors to select the constituent algorithm that is appropriate for a given objective function. The hybrid is shown to perform competitively against several existing hybrid and non-hybrid optimization algorithms over a set of three hundred test cases. This thesis also proposes a general framework for evaluating the effectiveness of hybrid optimization algorithms. Finally, this thesis presents an improved Method of Characteristics Code with novel boundary conditions, which better characterizes pipelines than previous codes. This code is coupled with the hybrid optimization algorithm in order to optimize the operation of real-world piston pumps.
As traffic congestion continues to worsen in large urban areas, solutions are urgently sought. However, transportation planning models, which estimate traffic volumes on transportation network links, are often unable to realistically consider travel time delays at intersections. Introducing signal controls in models often result in significant and unstable changes in network attributes, which, in turn, leads to instability of models. Ignoring the effect of delays at intersections makes the model output inaccurate and unable to predict travel time. To represent traffic conditions in a network more accurately, planning models should be capable of arriving at a network solution based on travel costs that are consistent with the intersection delays due to signal controls. This research attempts to achieve this goal by optimizing signal controls and estimating intersection delays accordingly, which are then used in traffic assignment. Simultaneous optimization of traffic routing and signal controls has not been accomplished in real-world applications of traffic assignment. To this end, a delay model dealing with five major types of intersections has been developed using artificial neural networks (ANNs). An ANN architecture consists of interconnecting artificial neurons. The architecture may either be used to gain an understanding of biological neural networks, or for solving artificial intelligence problems without necessarily creating a model of a real biological system. The ANN delay model has been trained using extensive simulations based on TRANSYT-7F signal optimizations. The delay estimates by the ANN delay model have percentage root-mean-squared errors (%RMSE) that are less than 25.6%, which is satisfactory for planning purposes. Larger prediction errors are typically associated with severely oversaturated conditions. A combined system has also been developed that includes the artificial neural network (ANN) delay estimating model and a user-equilibrium (UE) traffic assignment model. The combined system employs the Frank-Wolfe method to achieve a convergent solution. Because the ANN delay model provides no derivatives of the delay function, a Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) method is applied to assist in and expedite the iterative process of the Frank-Wolfe method. The performance of the combined system confirms that the convergence of the solution is achieved, although the global optimum may not be guaranteed.
As traffic congestion continues to worsen in large urban areas, solutions are urgently sought. However, transportation planning models, which estimate traffic volumes on transportation network links, are often unable to realistically consider travel time delays at intersections. Introducing signal controls in models often result in significant and unstable changes in network attributes, which, in turn, leads to instability of models. Ignoring the effect of delays at intersections makes the model output inaccurate and unable to predict travel time. To represent traffic conditions in a network more accurately, planning models should be capable of arriving at a network solution based on travel costs that are consistent with the intersection delays due to signal controls. This research attempts to achieve this goal by optimizing signal controls and estimating intersection delays accordingly, which are then used in traffic assignment. Simultaneous optimization of traffic routing and signal controls has not been accomplished in real-world applications of traffic assignment. To this end, a delay model dealing with five major types of intersections has been developed using artificial neural networks (ANNs). An ANN architecture consists of interconnecting artificial neurons. The architecture may either be used to gain an understanding of biological neural networks, or for solving artificial intelligence problems without necessarily creating a model of a real biological system. The ANN delay model has been trained using extensive simulations based on TRANSYT-7F signal optimizations. The delay estimates by the ANN delay model have percentage root-mean-squared errors (%RMSE) that are less than 25.6%, which is satisfactory for planning purposes. Larger prediction errors are typically associated with severely oversaturated conditions. A combined system has also been developed that includes the artificial neural network (ANN) delay estimating model and a user-equilibrium (UE) traffic assignment model. The combined system employs the Frank-Wolfe method to achieve a convergent solution. Because the ANN delay model provides no derivatives of the delay function, a Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) method is applied to assist in and expedite the iterative process of the Frank-Wolfe method. The performance of the combined system confirms that the convergence of the solution is achieved, although the global optimum may not be guaranteed.
The aim of this work is to present a methodology to develop cost-effective thermal management solutions for microelectronic devices, capable of removing maximum amount of heat and delivering maximally uniform temperature distributions. The topological and geometrical characteristics of multiple-story three-dimensional branching networks of microchannels were developed using multi-objective optimization. A conjugate heat transfer analysis software package and an automatic 3D microchannel network generator were developed and coupled with a modified version of a particle-swarm optimization algorithm with a goal of creating a design tool for 3D networks of optimized coolant flow passages. Numerical algorithms in the conjugate heat transfer solution package include a quasi-ID thermo-fluid solver and a steady heat diffusion solver, which were validated against results from high-fidelity Navier-Stokes equations solver and analytical solutions for basic fluid dynamics test cases. Pareto-optimal solutions demonstrate that thermal loads of up to 500 W/cm2 can be managed with 3D microchannel networks, with pumping power requirements up to 50% lower with respect to currently used high-performance cooling technologies.
The major barrier to practical optimization of pavement preservation programming has always been that for formulations where the identity of individual projects is preserved, the solution space grows exponentially with the problem size to an extent where it can become unmanageable by the traditional analytical optimization techniques within reasonable limit. This has been attributed to the problem of combinatorial explosion that is, exponential growth of the number of combinations. The relatively large number of constraints often presents in a real-life pavement preservation programming problems and the trade-off considerations required between preventive maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction, present yet another factor that contributes to the solution complexity. In this research study, a new integrated multi-year optimization procedure was developed to solve network level pavement preservation programming problems, through cost-effectiveness based evolutionary programming analysis, using the Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE) algorithm.^ A case study problem was analyzed to illustrate the robustness and consistency of the SCE technique in solving network level pavement preservation problems. The output from this program is a list of maintenance and rehabilitation treatment (M&R) strategies for each identified segment of the network in each programming year, and the impact on the overall performance of the network, in terms of the performance levels of the recommended optimal M&R strategy. ^ The results show that the SCE is very efficient and consistent in the simultaneous consideration of the trade-off between various pavement preservation strategies, while preserving the identity of the individual network segments. The flexibility of the technique is also demonstrated, in the sense that, by suitably coding the problem parameters, it can be used to solve several forms of pavement management programming problems. It is recommended that for large networks, some sort of decomposition technique should be applied to aggregate sections, which exhibit similar performance characteristics into links, such that whatever M&R alternative is recommended for a link can be applied to all the sections connected to it. In this way the problem size, and hence the solution time, can be greatly reduced to a more manageable solution space. ^ The study concludes that the robust search characteristics of SCE are well suited for solving the combinatorial problems in long-term network level pavement M&R programming and provides a rich area for future research. ^
Access to healthcare is a major problem in which patients are deprived of receiving timely admission to healthcare. Poor access has resulted in significant but avoidable healthcare cost, poor quality of healthcare, and deterioration in the general public health. Advanced Access is a simple and direct approach to appointment scheduling in which the majority of a clinic's appointments slots are kept open in order to provide access for immediate or same day healthcare needs and therefore, alleviate the problem of poor access the healthcare. This research formulates a non-linear discrete stochastic mathematical model of the Advanced Access appointment scheduling policy. The model objective is to maximize the expected profit of the clinic subject to constraints on minimum access to healthcare provided. Patient behavior is characterized with probabilities for no-show, balking, and related patient choices. Structural properties of the model are analyzed to determine whether Advanced Access patient scheduling is feasible. To solve the complex combinatorial optimization problem, a heuristic that combines greedy construction algorithm and neighborhood improvement search was developed. The model and the heuristic were used to evaluate the Advanced Access patient appointment policy compared to existing policies. Trade-off between profit and access to healthcare are established, and parameter analysis of input parameters was performed. The trade-off curve is a characteristic curve and was observed to be concave. This implies that there exists an access level at which at which the clinic can be operated at optimal profit that can be realized. The results also show that, in many scenarios by switching from existing scheduling policy to Advanced Access policy clinics can improve access without any decrease in profit. Further, the success of Advanced Access policy in providing improved access and/or profit depends on the expected value of demand, variation in demand, and the ratio of demand for same day and advanced appointments. The contributions of the dissertation are a model of Advanced Access patient scheduling, a heuristic to solve the model, and the use of the model to understand the scheduling policy trade-offs which healthcare clinic managers must make. ^
Many classical as well as modern optimization techniques exist. One such modern method belonging to the field of swarm intelligence is termed ant colony optimization. This relatively new concept in optimization involves the use of artificial ants and is based on real ant behavior inspired by the way ants search for food. In this thesis, a novel ant colony optimization technique for continuous domains was developed. The goal was to provide improvements in computing time and robustness when compared to other optimization algorithms. Optimization function spaces can have extreme topologies and are therefore difficult to optimize. The proposed method effectively searched the domain and solved difficult single-objective optimization problems. The developed algorithm was run for numerous classic test cases for both single and multi-objective problems. The results demonstrate that the method is robust, stable, and that the number of objective function evaluations is comparable to other optimization algorithms.
Freeway systems are becoming more congested each day. One contribution to freeway traffic congestion comprises platoons of on-ramp traffic merging into freeway mainlines. As a relatively low-cost countermeasure to the problem, ramp meters are being deployed in both directions of an 11-mile section of I-95 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The local Fuzzy Logic (FL) ramp metering algorithm implemented in Seattle, Washington, has been selected for deployment. The FL ramp metering algorithm is powered by the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The FLC depends on a series of parameters that can significantly alter the behavior of the controller, thus affecting the performance of ramp meters. However, the most suitable values for these parameters are often difficult to determine, as they vary with current traffic conditions. Thus, for optimum performance, the parameter values must be fine-tuned. This research presents a new method of fine tuning the FLC parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). PSO attempts to optimize several important parameters of the FLC. The objective function of the optimization model incorporates the METANET macroscopic traffic flow model to minimize delay time, subject to the constraints of reasonable ranges of ramp metering rates and FLC parameters. To further improve the performance, a short-term traffic forecasting module using a discrete Kalman filter was incorporated to predict the downstream freeway mainline occupancy. This helps to detect the presence of downstream bottlenecks. The CORSIM microscopic simulation model was selected as the platform to evaluate the performance of the proposed PSO tuning strategy. The ramp-metering algorithm incorporating the tuning strategy was implemented using CORSIM's run-time extension (RTE) and was tested on the aforementioned I-95 corridor. The performance of the FLC with PSO tuning was compared with the performance of the existing FLC without PSO tuning. The results show that the FLC with PSO tuning outperforms the existing FL metering, fixed-time metering, and existing conditions without metering in terms of total travel time savings, average speed, and system-wide throughput.
The Three-Layer distributed mediation architecture, designed by Secure System Architecture laboratory, employed a layered framework of presence, integration, and homogenization mediators. The architecture does not have any central component that may affect the system reliability. A distributed search technique was adapted in the system to increase its reliability. An Enhanced Chord-like algorithm (E-Chord) was designed and deployed in the integration layer. The E-Chord is a skip-list algorithm based on Distributed Hash Table (DHT) which is a distributed but structured architecture. DHT is distributed in the sense that no central unit is required to maintain indexes, and it is structured in the sense that indexes are distributed over the nodes in a systematic manner. Each node maintains three kind of routing information: a frequency list, a successor/predecessor list, and a finger table. None of the nodes in the system maintains all indexes, and each node knows about some other nodes in the system. These nodes, also called composer mediators, were connected in a P2P fashion. ^ A special composer mediator called a global mediator initiates the keyword-based matching decomposition of the request using the E-Chord. It generates an Integrated Data Structure Graph (IDSG) on the fly, creates association and dependency relations between nodes in the IDSG, and then generates a Global IDSG (GIDSG). The GIDSG graph is a plan which guides the global mediator how to integrate data. It is also used to stream data from the mediators in the homogenization layer which connected to the data sources. The connectors start sending the data to the global mediator just after the global mediator creates the GIDSG and just before the global mediator sends the answer to the presence mediator. Using the E-Chord and GIDSG made the mediation system more scalable than using a central global schema repository since all the composers in the integration layer are capable of handling and routing requests. Also, when a composer fails, it would only minimally affect the entire mediation system. ^