10 resultados para Thermal performance design

em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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Over the past few decades, we have been enjoying tremendous benefits thanks to the revolutionary advancement of computing systems, driven mainly by the remarkable semiconductor technology scaling and the increasingly complicated processor architecture. However, the exponentially increased transistor density has directly led to exponentially increased power consumption and dramatically elevated system temperature, which not only adversely impacts the system's cost, performance and reliability, but also increases the leakage and thus the overall power consumption. Today, the power and thermal issues have posed enormous challenges and threaten to slow down the continuous evolvement of computer technology. Effective power/thermal-aware design techniques are urgently demanded, at all design abstraction levels, from the circuit-level, the logic-level, to the architectural-level and the system-level. ^ In this dissertation, we present our research efforts to employ real-time scheduling techniques to solve the resource-constrained power/thermal-aware, design-optimization problems. In our research, we developed a set of simple yet accurate system-level models to capture the processor's thermal dynamic as well as the interdependency of leakage power consumption, temperature, and supply voltage. Based on these models, we investigated the fundamental principles in power/thermal-aware scheduling, and developed real-time scheduling techniques targeting at a variety of design objectives, including peak temperature minimization, overall energy reduction, and performance maximization. ^ The novelty of this work is that we integrate the cutting-edge research on power and thermal at the circuit and architectural-level into a set of accurate yet simplified system-level models, and are able to conduct system-level analysis and design based on these models. The theoretical study in this work serves as a solid foundation for the guidance of the power/thermal-aware scheduling algorithms development in practical computing systems.^


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Compact thermal-fluid systems are found in many industries from aerospace to microelectronics where a combination of small size, light weight, and high surface area to volume ratio fluid networks are necessary. These devices are typically designed with fluid networks consisting of many small parallel channels that effectively pack a large amount of heat transfer surface area in a very small volume but do so at the cost of increased pumping power requirements. ^ To offset this cost the use of a branching fluid network for the distribution of coolant within a heat sink is investigated. The goal of the branch design technique is to minimize the entropy generation associated with the combination of viscous dissipation and convection heat transfer experienced by the coolant in the heat sink while maintaining compact high heat transfer surface area to volume ratios. ^ The derivation of Murray's Law, originally developed to predict the geometry of physiological transport systems, is extended to heat sink designs which minimze entropy generation. Two heat sink designs at different scales are built, and tested experimentally and analytically. The first uses this new derivation of Murray's Law. The second uses a combination of Murray's Law and Constructal Theory. The results of the experiments were used to verify the analytical and numerical models. These models were then used to compare the performance of the heat sink with other compact high performance heat sink designs. The results showed that the techniques used to design branching fluid networks significantly improves the performance of active heat sinks. The design experience gained was then used to develop a set of geometric relations which optimize the heat transfer to pumping power ratio of a single cooling channel element. Each element can be connected together using a set of derived geometric guidelines which govern branch diameters and angles. The methodology can be used to design branching fluid networks which can fit any geometry. ^


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Current artificial heart valves are classified as mechanical and bioprosthetic. An appealing pathway that promises to overcome the shortcomings of commercially available heart valves is offered by the interdisciplinary approach of cardiovascular tissue engineering. However, the mechanical properties of the Tissue Engineering Heart Valves (TEHV) are limited and generally fail in the long-term use. To meet this performance challenge novel biodegradable triblock copolymer poly(ethylene oxide)-polypropylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO or F108) crosslinked to Silk Fibroin (F108-SilkC) to be used as tri-leaflet heart valve material was investigated. ^ Synthesis of ten polymers with varying concentration and thickness (55 µm, 75 µm and 100 µm) was achieved via a covalent crosslinking scheme using bifunctional polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (PEGDE). Static and fatigue testing were used to assess mechanical properties of films, and hydrodynamic testing was performed to determine performance under a simulated left ventricular flow regime. The crosslinked copolymer (F108-Silk C) showed greater flexibility and resilience, but inferior ultimate tensile strength, by increasing concentration of PEGDE. Concentration molar ratio of 80:1 (F108: Silk) and thickness of 75 µm showed longer fatigue life for both tension-tension and bending fatigue tests. Four valves out of twelve designed satisfactorily complied with minimum performance requirement ISO 5840, 2005. ^ In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the applicability of a degradable polymer in conjugation with silk fibroin for tissue engineering cardiovascular use, specifically for aortic valve leaflet design, met the performance demands. Thinner thicknesses (t<75 µm) in conjunction with stiffness lower than 320 MPa (80:1, F108: Silk) are essential for the correct functionality of proposed heart valve biomaterial F108-SilkC. Fatigue tests were demonstrated to be a useful tool to characterize biomaterials that undergo cyclic loading. ^


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Fueled by increasing human appetite for high computing performance, semiconductor technology has now marched into the deep sub-micron era. As transistor size keeps shrinking, more and more transistors are integrated into a single chip. This has increased tremendously the power consumption and heat generation of IC chips. The rapidly growing heat dissipation greatly increases the packaging/cooling costs, and adversely affects the performance and reliability of a computing system. In addition, it also reduces the processor's life span and may even crash the entire computing system. Therefore, dynamic thermal management (DTM) is becoming a critical problem in modern computer system design. Extensive theoretical research has been conducted to study the DTM problem. However, most of them are based on theoretically idealized assumptions or simplified models. While these models and assumptions help to greatly simplify a complex problem and make it theoretically manageable, practical computer systems and applications must deal with many practical factors and details beyond these models or assumptions. The goal of our research was to develop a test platform that can be used to validate theoretical results on DTM under well-controlled conditions, to identify the limitations of existing theoretical results, and also to develop new and practical DTM techniques. This dissertation details the background and our research efforts in this endeavor. Specifically, in our research, we first developed a customized test platform based on an Intel desktop. We then tested a number of related theoretical works and examined their limitations under the practical hardware environment. With these limitations in mind, we developed a new reactive thermal management algorithm for single-core computing systems to optimize the throughput under a peak temperature constraint. We further extended our research to a multicore platform and developed an effective proactive DTM technique for throughput maximization on multicore processor based on task migration and dynamic voltage frequency scaling technique. The significance of our research lies in the fact that our research complements the current extensive theoretical research in dealing with increasingly critical thermal problems and enabling the continuous evolution of high performance computing systems.


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Modern electric machine drives, particularly three phase permanent magnet machine drive systems represent an indispensable part of high power density products. Such products include; hybrid electric vehicles, large propulsion systems, and automation products. Reliability and cost of these products are directly related to the reliability and cost of these systems. The compatibility of the electric machine and its drive system for optimal cost and operation has been a large challenge in industrial applications. The main objective of this dissertation is to find a design and control scheme for the best compromise between the reliability and optimality of the electric machine-drive system. The effort presented here is motivated by the need to find new techniques to connect the design and control of electric machines and drive systems. ^ A highly accurate and computationally efficient modeling process was developed to monitor the magnetic, thermal, and electrical aspects of the electric machine in its operational environments. The modeling process was also utilized in the design process in form finite element based optimization process. It was also used in hardware in the loop finite element based optimization process. The modeling process was later employed in the design of a very accurate and highly efficient physics-based customized observers that are required for the fault diagnosis as well the sensorless rotor position estimation. Two test setups with different ratings and topologies were numerically and experimentally tested to verify the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. ^ The modeling process was also employed in the real-time demagnetization control of the machine. Various real-time scenarios were successfully verified. It was shown that this process gives the potential to optimally redefine the assumptions in sizing the permanent magnets of the machine and DC bus voltage of the drive for the worst operating conditions. ^ The mathematical development and stability criteria of the physics-based modeling of the machine, design optimization, and the physics-based fault diagnosis and the physics-based sensorless technique are described in detail. ^ To investigate the performance of the developed design test-bed, software and hardware setups were constructed first. Several topologies of the permanent magnet machine were optimized inside the optimization test-bed. To investigate the performance of the developed sensorless control, a test-bed including a 0.25 (kW) surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine example was created. The verification of the proposed technique in a range from medium to very low speed, effectively show the intelligent design capability of the proposed system. Additionally, to investigate the performance of the developed fault diagnosis system, a test-bed including a 0.8 (kW) surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine example with trapezoidal back electromotive force was created. The results verify the use of the proposed technique under dynamic eccentricity, DC bus voltage variations, and harmonic loading condition make the system an ideal case for propulsion systems.^


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Catering to society's demand for high performance computing, billions of transistors are now integrated on IC chips to deliver unprecedented performances. With increasing transistor density, the power consumption/density is growing exponentially. The increasing power consumption directly translates to the high chip temperature, which not only raises the packaging/cooling costs, but also degrades the performance/reliability and life span of the computing systems. Moreover, high chip temperature also greatly increases the leakage power consumption, which is becoming more and more significant with the continuous scaling of the transistor size. As the semiconductor industry continues to evolve, power and thermal challenges have become the most critical challenges in the design of new generations of computing systems. ^ In this dissertation, we addressed the power/thermal issues from the system-level perspective. Specifically, we sought to employ real-time scheduling methods to optimize the power/thermal efficiency of the real-time computing systems, with leakage/ temperature dependency taken into consideration. In our research, we first explored the fundamental principles on how to employ dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) techniques to reduce the peak operating temperature when running a real-time application on a single core platform. We further proposed a novel real-time scheduling method, “M-Oscillations” to reduce the peak temperature when scheduling a hard real-time periodic task set. We also developed three checking methods to guarantee the feasibility of a periodic real-time schedule under peak temperature constraint. We further extended our research from single core platform to multi-core platform. We investigated the energy estimation problem on the multi-core platforms and developed a light weight and accurate method to calculate the energy consumption for a given voltage schedule on a multi-core platform. Finally, we concluded the dissertation with elaborated discussions of future extensions of our research. ^


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The aim of this work is to present a methodology to develop cost-effective thermal management solutions for microelectronic devices, capable of removing maximum amount of heat and delivering maximally uniform temperature distributions. The topological and geometrical characteristics of multiple-story three-dimensional branching networks of microchannels were developed using multi-objective optimization. A conjugate heat transfer analysis software package and an automatic 3D microchannel network generator were developed and coupled with a modified version of a particle-swarm optimization algorithm with a goal of creating a design tool for 3D networks of optimized coolant flow passages. Numerical algorithms in the conjugate heat transfer solution package include a quasi-ID thermo-fluid solver and a steady heat diffusion solver, which were validated against results from high-fidelity Navier-Stokes equations solver and analytical solutions for basic fluid dynamics test cases. Pareto-optimal solutions demonstrate that thermal loads of up to 500 W/cm2 can be managed with 3D microchannel networks, with pumping power requirements up to 50% lower with respect to currently used high-performance cooling technologies.


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The design of interfaces to facilitate user search has become critical for search engines, ecommercesites, and intranets. This study investigated the use of targeted instructional hints to improve search by measuring the quantitative effects of users' performance and satisfaction. The effects of syntactic, semantic and exemplar search hints on user behavior were evaluated in an empirical investigation using naturalistic scenarios. Combining the three search hint components, each with two levels of intensity, in a factorial design generated eight search engine interfaces. Eighty participants participated in the study and each completed six realistic search tasks. Results revealed that the inclusion of search hints improved user effectiveness, efficiency and confidence when using the search interfaces, but with complex interactions that require specific guidelines for search interface designers. These design guidelines will allow search designers to create more effective interfaces for a variety of searchapplications.


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Modern electric machine drives, particularly three phase permanent magnet machine drive systems represent an indispensable part of high power density products. Such products include; hybrid electric vehicles, large propulsion systems, and automation products. Reliability and cost of these products are directly related to the reliability and cost of these systems. The compatibility of the electric machine and its drive system for optimal cost and operation has been a large challenge in industrial applications. The main objective of this dissertation is to find a design and control scheme for the best compromise between the reliability and optimality of the electric machine-drive system. The effort presented here is motivated by the need to find new techniques to connect the design and control of electric machines and drive systems. A highly accurate and computationally efficient modeling process was developed to monitor the magnetic, thermal, and electrical aspects of the electric machine in its operational environments. The modeling process was also utilized in the design process in form finite element based optimization process. It was also used in hardware in the loop finite element based optimization process. The modeling process was later employed in the design of a very accurate and highly efficient physics-based customized observers that are required for the fault diagnosis as well the sensorless rotor position estimation. Two test setups with different ratings and topologies were numerically and experimentally tested to verify the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. The modeling process was also employed in the real-time demagnetization control of the machine. Various real-time scenarios were successfully verified. It was shown that this process gives the potential to optimally redefine the assumptions in sizing the permanent magnets of the machine and DC bus voltage of the drive for the worst operating conditions. The mathematical development and stability criteria of the physics-based modeling of the machine, design optimization, and the physics-based fault diagnosis and the physics-based sensorless technique are described in detail. To investigate the performance of the developed design test-bed, software and hardware setups were constructed first. Several topologies of the permanent magnet machine were optimized inside the optimization test-bed. To investigate the performance of the developed sensorless control, a test-bed including a 0.25 (kW) surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine example was created. The verification of the proposed technique in a range from medium to very low speed, effectively show the intelligent design capability of the proposed system. Additionally, to investigate the performance of the developed fault diagnosis system, a test-bed including a 0.8 (kW) surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine example with trapezoidal back electromotive force was created. The results verify the use of the proposed technique under dynamic eccentricity, DC bus voltage variations, and harmonic loading condition make the system an ideal case for propulsion systems.


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Catering to society’s demand for high performance computing, billions of transistors are now integrated on IC chips to deliver unprecedented performances. With increasing transistor density, the power consumption/density is growing exponentially. The increasing power consumption directly translates to the high chip temperature, which not only raises the packaging/cooling costs, but also degrades the performance/reliability and life span of the computing systems. Moreover, high chip temperature also greatly increases the leakage power consumption, which is becoming more and more significant with the continuous scaling of the transistor size. As the semiconductor industry continues to evolve, power and thermal challenges have become the most critical challenges in the design of new generations of computing systems. In this dissertation, we addressed the power/thermal issues from the system-level perspective. Specifically, we sought to employ real-time scheduling methods to optimize the power/thermal efficiency of the real-time computing systems, with leakage/ temperature dependency taken into consideration. In our research, we first explored the fundamental principles on how to employ dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) techniques to reduce the peak operating temperature when running a real-time application on a single core platform. We further proposed a novel real-time scheduling method, “M-Oscillations” to reduce the peak temperature when scheduling a hard real-time periodic task set. We also developed three checking methods to guarantee the feasibility of a periodic real-time schedule under peak temperature constraint. We further extended our research from single core platform to multi-core platform. We investigated the energy estimation problem on the multi-core platforms and developed a light weight and accurate method to calculate the energy consumption for a given voltage schedule on a multi-core platform. Finally, we concluded the dissertation with elaborated discussions of future extensions of our research.