3 resultados para TI-ZR-NI

em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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Transition metals (Ti, Zr, Hf, Mo, W, V, Nb, Ta, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, and Au) are essential building units of many materials and have important industrial applications. Therefore, it is important to understand their thermal and physical behavior when they are subjected to extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. This dissertation presents: • An improved experimental technique to use lasers for the measurement of thermal conductivity of materials under conditions of very high pressure (P, up to 50 GPa) and temperature (T up to 2500 K). • An experimental study of the phase relationship and physical properties of selected transition metals, which revealed new and unexpected physical effects of thermal conductivity in Zr, and Hf under high P-T. • New phase diagrams created for Hf, Ti and Zr from experimental data. • P-T dependence of the lattice parameters in α-hafnium. Contrary to prior reports, the α-ω phase transition in hafnium has a negative dT/dP slope. • New data on thermodynamic and physical properties of several transition metals and their respective high P-T phase diagrams. • First complete thermodynamic database for solid phases of 13 common transition metals was created. This database has: All the thermochemical data on these elements in their standard state (mostly available and compiled); All the equations of state (EoS) formulated from pressure-volume-temperature data (measured as a part of this study and from literature); Complete thermodynamic data for selected elements from standard to extreme conditions. The thermodynamic database provided by this study can be used with available thermodynamic software to calculate all thermophysical properties and phase diagrams at high P-T conditions. For readers who do not have access to this software, tabulated values of all thermodynamic and volume data for the 13 metals at high P-T are included in the APPENDIX. In the APPENDIX, a description of several other high-pressure studies of selected oxide systems is also included. Thermophysical properties (Cp, H, S, G) of the high P-T ω-phase of Ti, Zr and Hf were determined during the optimization of the EoS parameters and are presented in this study for the first time. These results should have important implications in understanding hexagonal-close-packed to simple-hexagonal phase transitions in transition metals and other materials.


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Variations in trace element abundances with depth in soils and sediments may be due to natural processes or reflect anthropogenic influences. The depth related variations of five major elements (Fe, Si, Al, Ca and Mg), seventeen trace elements (Mn, Cr, Ti, P, Ni, Ba, Sc, Sr, Sb, Zn, Pb, Cd, Co, V, Be, Cu and Y) and volatile loss patterns were examined for sediment cores from five sites in South Florida (Lake Okeechobee, SFWMD Water Conservation area 3B, F.I.U., the Everglades and Chekika State Recreation Area). Principal component analysis of the chemical data combined with microscopic examination of the soils reveal that depth-related variations can be explained by varying proportions of three natural soil constituents and one anthropogenic component. The results can be used as a geochemical baseline for human influence on South Florida soils.


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Materials known as Mn+1AXn phases, where n is 1, 2, or 3, and M represents an early transition metal, A an A-group element, and X is either Carbon and/or Nitrogen [1], are fast becoming technologically important materials due to the interesting combination of unique properties. However, a lot of important information about the high temperature and high pressure behavior of many of these compounds is still missing, which needs to be determined systematically. ^ In this dissertation the synthesis of M2AC (M = Ti, V, Cr, Nb, Zr) and A = (Al, Sn, S) compounds by arc melting, vacuum sintering and piston cylinder synthesis is presented along with the synthesis of Zr 2SC, which has been synthesized for first time in bulk form, by piston cylinder technique. The microstructural analysis by electron microscopy and phase analysis by x-ray diffraction is presented next. Finally, a critical analysis of the behavior of these compounds under the application of extreme pressure (as high as 50 GPa) and temperature (≈ 1000°C) is presented. ^ The high pressure studies, up to 50 GPa, showed that these compounds were structurally intact and their bulk moduli ranged from 140 to 190 GPa. The high temperature studies in the inert atmosphere showed that the M 2SnC compounds were unstable above 650°C and the expansion along the a-axis was higher than that along the c-axis, unlike the other phases. M2SC compounds on the other hand showed negligible difference in the thermal expansion along the two axes. The oxidation study revealed that Ti2AC (Al, S) compounds had highest resistance to oxidation while the M2SnC compounds had the least. Furthermore, from the oxidation study of these compounds, which were short time oxidation experiments, it was found that all of these compounds oxidized to their respective binary oxides. ^