em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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The objectives of this research are to analyze and develop a modified Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and to develop a two-dimensional PCA with applications in image processing. PCA is a classical multivariate technique where its mathematical treatment is purely based on the eigensystem of positive-definite symmetric matrices. Its main function is to statistically transform a set of correlated variables to a new set of uncorrelated variables over $\IR\sp{n}$ by retaining most of the variations present in the original variables.^ The variances of the Principal Components (PCs) obtained from the modified PCA form a correlation matrix of the original variables. The decomposition of this correlation matrix into a diagonal matrix produces a set of orthonormal basis that can be used to linearly transform the given PCs. It is this linear transformation that reproduces the original variables. The two-dimensional PCA can be devised as a two successive of one-dimensional PCA. It can be shown that, for an $m\times n$ matrix, the PCs obtained from the two-dimensional PCA are the singular values of that matrix.^ In this research, several applications for image analysis based on PCA are developed, i.e., edge detection, feature extraction, and multi-resolution PCA decomposition and reconstruction. ^


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This dissertation is about the research carried on developing an MPS (Multipurpose Portable System) which consists of an instrument and many accessories. The instrument is portable, hand-held, and rechargeable battery operated, and it measures temperature, absorbance, and concentration of samples by using optical principles. The system also performs auxiliary functions like incubation and mixing. This system can be used in environmental, industrial, and medical applications. ^ Research emphasis is on system modularity, easy configuration, accuracy of measurements, power management schemes, reliability, low cost, computer interface, and networking. The instrument can send the data to a computer for data analysis and presentation, or to a printer. ^ This dissertation includes the presentation of a full working system. This involved integration of hardware and firmware for the micro-controller in assembly language, software in C and other application modules. ^ The instrument contains the Optics, Transimpedance Amplifiers, Voltage-to-Frequency Converters, LCD display, Lamp Driver, Battery Charger, Battery Manager, Timer, Interface Port, and Micro-controller. ^ The accessories are a Printer, Data Acquisition Adapter (to transfer the measurements to a computer via the Printer Port and expand the Analog/Digital conversion capability), Car Plug Adapter, and AC Transformer. This system has been fully evaluated for fault tolerance and the schemes will also be presented. ^


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Zinc oxide and graphene nanostructures are important technological materials because of their unique properties and potential applications in future generation of electronic and sensing devices. This dissertation investigates a brief account of the strategies to grow zinc oxide nanostructures (thin film and nanowire) and graphene, and their applications as enhanced field effect transistors, chemical sensors and transparent flexible electrodes. Nanostructured zinc oxide (ZnO) and low-gallium doped zinc oxide (GZO) thin films were synthesized by a magnetron sputtering process. Zinc oxide nanowires (ZNWs) were grown by a chemical vapor deposition method. Field effect transistors (FETs) of ZnO and GZO thin films and ZNWs were fabricated by standard photo and electron beam lithography processes. Electrical characteristics of these devices were investigated by nondestructive surface cleaning, ultraviolet irradiation treatment at high temperature and under vacuum. GZO thin film transistors showed a mobility of ∼5.7 cm2/V·s at low operation voltage of <5 V and a low turn-on voltage of ∼0.5 V with a sub threshold swing of ∼85 mV/decade. Bottom gated FET fabricated from ZNWs exhibit a very high on-to-off ratio (∼106) and mobility (∼28 cm2/V·s). A bottom gated FET showed large hysteresis of ∼5.0 to 8.0 V which was significantly reduced to ∼1.0 V by the surface treatment process. The results demonstrate charge transport in ZnO nanostructures strongly depends on its surface environmental conditions and can be explained by formation of depletion layer at the surface by various surface states. A nitric oxide (NO) gas sensor using single ZNW, functionalized with Cr nanoparticles was developed. The sensor exhibited average sensitivity of ∼46% and a minimum detection limit of ∼1.5 ppm for NO gas. The sensor also is selective towards NO gas as demonstrated by a cross sensitivity test with N2, CO and CO2 gases. Graphene film on copper foil was synthesized by chemical vapor deposition method. A hot press lamination process was developed for transferring graphene film to flexible polymer substrate. The graphene/polymer film exhibited a high quality, flexible transparent conductive structure with unique electrical-mechanical properties; ∼88.80% light transmittance and ∼1.1742Ω/sq k sheet resistance. The application of a graphene/polymer film as a flexible and transparent electrode for field emission displays was demonstrated.


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Although group 14 organometallic compounds (Si, Sn) have been well developed as transmetallation reagents in cross-coupling reactions, the application of organogermanium compounds as cross-coupling reagents is still a relatively new area with few papers published. This study aimed to develop methods for the synthesis of new classes of vinyl germane and vinyl silane compounds, mainly Z and E tris(trimethylsilyl)germanes and silanes, which were then applied to Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings with aryl and alkenyl halides. The stereoselective radical-mediated desulfonylation of vinyl sulfones with tris(trimethyl)germanium or silane hydrides provided access to the synthesis of trans vinyl germanes or silanes. Alternatively hydrogermylation or hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes gave cis vinyl germanes or silanes. The application of these new classes of organometallic compounds in cross-coupling reactions with various aryl and alkenyl halides under aqueous [NaOH/H2O2/Pd(PPh 3)4] and anhydrous [KH/t-BuOOH/Pd(PPh 3)4] oxidative conditions were investigated. ^ It was found that the vinyl tris(trimethylsilyl)germanes successfully underwent Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings with aryl and alkenyl halides and aryl triflates under aqueous and anhydrous oxidative conditions. These procedures provided examples of "ligand-free" Pd-catalyzed coupling of organogermanes with aryl and alkenyl halides. Interestingly, couplings with fluorinated vinyl germanes appeared to occur more easily than with the corresponding (α-fluoro)vinyl stannanes and silanes since neither addition of an extra ligand nor activation with fluoride was necessary. The vinyl tris(trimethyl)silanes were found to be alternative substrates for the Hiyama reaction. The coupling of TTMS-silanes with various aryl, heteroaryl as well as alkenyl halides proceeded smoothly upon treatment with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of sodium hydroxide and fluoride ion. ^


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a modern analytical technique, which is electrokinetic separation generated by high voltage and taken place inside the small capillaries. In this dissertation, several advanced capillary electrophoresis methods are presented using different approaches of CE and UV and mass spectrometry are utilized as the detection methods. ^ Capillary electrochromatography (CEC), as one of the CE modes, is a recent developed technique which is a hybrid of capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Capillary electrochromatography exhibits advantages of both techniques. In Chapter 2, monolithic capillary column are fabricated using in situ photoinitiation polymerization method. The column was then applied for the separation of six antidepressant compounds. ^ Meanwhile, a simple chiral separation method is developed and presented in Chapter 3. Beta cycodextrin was utilized to achieve the goal of chiral separation. Not only twelve cathinone analytes were separated, but also isomers of several analytes were enantiomerically separated. To better understand the molecular information on the analytes, the TOF-MS system was coupled with the CE. A sheath liquid and a partial filling technique (PFT) were employed to reduce the contamination of MS ionization source. Accurate molecular information was obtained. ^ It is necessary to propose, develop, and optimize new techniques that are suitable for trace-level analysis of samples in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was selected for this task, as it requires lower amounts of samples, it simplifies sample preparation, and it has the flexibility to perform separations of neutral and charged molecules as well as enantiomers. ^ Overall, the study demonstrates the versatility of capillary electrophoresis methods in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications.^


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a modern analytical technique, which is electrokinetic separation generated by high voltage and taken place inside the small capillaries. In this dissertation, several advanced capillary electrophoresis methods are presented using different approaches of CE and UV and mass spectrometry are utilized as the detection methods. Capillary electrochromatography (CEC), as one of the CE modes, is a recent developed technique which is a hybrid of capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Capillary electrochromatography exhibits advantages of both techniques. In Chapter 2, monolithic capillary column are fabricated using in situ photoinitiation polymerization method. The column was then applied for the separation of six antidepressant compounds. Meanwhile, a simple chiral separation method is developed and presented in Chapter 3. Beta cycodextrin was utilized to achieve the goal of chiral separation. Not only twelve cathinone analytes were separated, but also isomers of several analytes were enantiomerically separated. To better understand the molecular information on the analytes, the TOF-MS system was coupled with the CE. A sheath liquid and a partial filling technique (PFT) were employed to reduce the contamination of MS ionization source. Accurate molecular information was obtained. It is necessary to propose, develop, and optimize new techniques that are suitable for trace-level analysis of samples in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was selected for this task, as it requires lower amounts of samples, it simplifies sample preparation, and it has the flexibility to perform separations of neutral and charged molecules as well as enantiomers. Overall, the study demonstrates the versatility of capillary electrophoresis methods in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications.


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Nanoparticles are often considered as efficient drug delivery vehicles for precisely dispensing the therapeutic payloads specifically to the diseased sites in the patient’s body, thereby minimizing the toxic side effects of the payloads on the healthy tissue. However, the fundamental physics that underlies the nanoparticles’ intrinsic interaction with the surrounding cells is inadequately elucidated. The ability of the nanoparticles to precisely control the release of its payloads externally (on-demand) without depending on the physiological conditions of the target sites has the potential to enable patient- and disease-specific nanomedicine, also known as Personalized NanoMedicine (PNM). In this dissertation, magneto-electric nanoparticles (MENs) were utilized for the first time to enable important functions, such as (i) field-controlled high-efficacy dissipation-free targeted drug delivery system and on-demand release at the sub-cellular level, (ii) non-invasive energy-efficient stimulation of deep brain tissue at body temperature, and (iii) a high-sensitivity contrasting agent to map the neuronal activity in the brain non-invasively. First, this dissertation specifically focuses on using MENs as energy-efficient and dissipation-free field-controlled nano-vehicle for targeted delivery and on-demand release of a anti-cancer Paclitaxel (Taxol) drug and a anti-HIV AZT 5’-triphosphate (AZTTP) drug from 30-nm MENs (CoFe2O4-BaTiO3) by applying low-energy DC and low-frequency (below 1000 Hz) AC fields to separate the functions of delivery and release, respectively. Second, this dissertation focuses on the use of MENs to non-invasively stimulate the deep brain neuronal activity via application of a low energy and low frequency external magnetic field to activate intrinsic electric dipoles at the cellular level through numerical simulations. Third, this dissertation describes the use of MENs to track the neuronal activities in the brain (non-invasively) using a magnetic resonance and a magnetic nanoparticle imaging by monitoring the changes in the magnetization of the MENs surrounding the neuronal tissue under different states. The potential therapeutic and diagnostic impact of this innovative and novel study is highly significant not only in HIV-AIDS, Cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease but also in many CNS and other diseases, where the ability to remotely control targeted drug delivery/release, and diagnostics is the key.