11 resultados para Symptom Dimensions
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Anxiety sensitivity is a multifaceted cognitive risk factor currently being examined in relation to anxiety and depression. The paucity of research on the relative contribution of the facets of anxiety sensitivity to anxiety and depression, coupled with variations in existing findings, indicate that the relations remain inadequately understood. In the present study, the relations between the facets of anxiety sensitivity, anxiety, and depression were examined in 730 Hispanic-Latino and European-American youth referred to an anxiety specialty clinic. Youth completed the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index, the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, and the Children’s Depression Inventory. The factor structure of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index was examined using ordered-categorical confirmatory factor analytic techniques. Goodness-of-fit criteria indicated that a two-factor model fit the data best. The identified facets of anxiety sensitivity included Physical/Mental Concerns and Social Concerns. Support was also found for cross-ethnic equivalence of the two-factor model across Hispanic-Latino and European-American youth. Structural equation modeling was used to examine models involving anxiety sensitivity, anxiety, and depression. Results indicated that an overall measure of anxiety sensitivity was positively associated with both anxiety and depression, while the facets of anxiety sensitivity showed differential relations to anxiety and depression symptoms. Both facets of anxiety sensitivity were related to overall anxiety and its symptom dimensions, with the exception being that Social Concerns was not related to physiological anxiety symptoms. Physical/Mental Concerns were strongly associated with overall depression and with all depression symptom dimensions. Social Concerns was not significantly associated with depression or its symptom dimensions. These findings highlight that anxiety sensitivity’s relations to youth psychiatric symptoms are complex. Results suggest that focusing on anxiety sensitivity’s facets is important to fully understand its role in psychopathology. Clinicians may want to target all facets of anxiety sensitivity when treating anxious youth. However, in the context of depression, it might be sufficient for clinicians to target Physical/Mental Incapacitation Concerns.
This dissertation introduced substance abuse to the Dynamic Vulnerability Formulation (DVF) and the social competence model to determine if the relationship between schizophrenic symptomatology and coping ability in the DVF applied also to the dually diagnosed schizophrenic or if these variables needed to be modified. It compared the coping abilities of dually and singly diagnosed clients in day treatment and identified, examined, and assessed the relative influence of relevant mediating variables on two dimensions of coping ability of the dually diagnosed: coping skills and coping effort. These variables were: presence of negative and nonnegative symptoms, duration of mental illness, type of substance used, and age of first substance use.^ A priori effect sizes based on previous empirical research were used to interpret the results related to the comparison of demographic, socioeconomic, and treatment characteristics between the singly and dually diagnosed study samples. The data suggested that the singly diagnosed group had higher coping skills than the dually diagnosed group, particularly in the areas of housing stability, work affect, and total social adjustment. The dually diagnosed group had lower scores on one aspect of coping effort--agency or self-efficacy. The data supported the presence of an inverse relationship between symptom severity and coping skills, particularly for the dually diagnosed group. The data did not support the presence of an inverse relationship between symptom severity and coping effort, but did suggest a positive relationship between symptom severity and one measure of coping effort, agency, for the dually diagnosed group. Regression equations using each summary measure of coping skill--social adjustment and role functioning--yielded statistically significant F-ratios. Thirty-six percent of the variance in social adjustment and thirty-one percent of the variance in role functioning were explained by the relative influence of the relevant variables. Both negative and non-negative symptoms were the only significant predictors of social adjustment. The non-negative symptoms variable was the sole significant predictor of role functioning. The results of this study provided partial support for the use of the Dynamic Vulnerability Formulation (DVF) with the dually diagnosed. ^
Current reform initiatives recommend that geometry instruction include the study of three-dimensional geometric objects and provide students with opportunities to use spatial skills in problem-solving tasks. Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP) is a dynamic and interactive computer program that enables the user to investigate and explore geometric concepts and manipulate geometric structures. Research using GSP as an instructional tool has focused primarily on teaching and learning two-dimensional geometry. This study explored the effect of a GSP based instructional environment on students' geometric thinking and three-dimensional spatial ability as they used GSP to learn three-dimensional geometry. For 10 weeks, 18 tenth-grade students from an urban school district used GSP to construct and analyze dynamic, two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects in a classroom environment that encouraged exploration, discussion, conjecture, and verification. The data were collected primarily from participant observations and clinical interviews and analyzed using qualitative methods of analysis. In addition, pretest and posttest measures of three-dimensional spatial ability and van Hiele level of geometric thinking were obtained. Spatial ability measures were analyzed using standard t-test analysis. ^ The data from this study indicate that GSP is a viable tool to teach students about three-dimensional geometric objects. A comparison of students' pretest and posttest van Hiele levels showed an improvement in geometric thinking, especially for students on lower levels of the van Hiele theory. Evidence at the p < .05 level indicated that students' spatial ability improved significantly. Specifically, the GSP dynamic, visual environment supported students' visualization and reasoning processes as students attempted to solve challenging tasks about three-dimensional geometric objects. The GSP instructional activities also provided students with an experiential base and an intuitive understanding about three-dimensional objects from which more formal work in geometry could be pursued. This study demonstrates that by designing appropriate GSP based instructional environments, it is possible to help students improve their spatial skills, develop more coherent and accurate intuitions about three-dimensional geometric objects, and progress through the levels of geometric thinking proposed by van Hiele. ^
Why do Argentines continue to support democracy despite distrusting political institutions and politicians? Support for democracy is high even though performance of the regime is poor. One would suspect that poor economic and political performance would open the door for military intervention given the history of Argentina. What changed? What explains variance across the multiple dimensions of political trust, such as trust in the regime, trust in political institutions, and trust in politicians? This dissertation is a case study of political culture through public opinion exploring the multiple dimensions of political trust in Argentina during the 1990s. ^ Variance across the different dimensions of political trust may be an indicator of the rise of a new type of citizens called "critical citizens." Critical citizens are citizens who criticize the regime to obtain democratic reforms but support the ideals of democracy. In established democracies, the rise of critical citizens is explained by a shift in individuals' value priorities towards postmaterialism. Postmaterialism is a cultural change in the direction of values that emphasize self-realization and individual well-being. Postmaterialism influences various social and political attitudes. ^ Because Argentina is experiencing a cultural change and a rise of critical citizens similar to more advanced societies, the theory of postmaterialism generated the main hypothesis to explain the multiple dimensions of political trust. This dissertation also tested an alternative explanation: the multiple dimensions of political trust responded instead to citizens' evaluations of performance. Ultimately, postmaterialism explained trust in the political regime and trust in the political institutions. Contrary to expectations, postmaterialism did not explain trust in the political elites or politicians. Trust in politicians was better explained by the alternative hypothesis, performance. ^ The main method of research was the statistical method supplemented with the comparative method when data were available. Two main databases were used: the World Values Surveys and the Latinobarometer. ^
Because past research has shown faculty as the driving force affecting student academic library use, librarians have tried for decades to engage classroom faculty in library activities. Nevertheless, a low rate of library use by faculty on behalf of their students persists. This study investigated the organizational culture dimensions affecting library faculty demand at a community college. The study employed a sequential quantitative-qualitative research design. A random sample of full-time faculty at a large urban community college responded to a 46-item survey. The survey data showed strong espoused support (84%) for the use of library-based materials but a much lower incidence of putting this construct into practice (46%). Interviews were conducted with 11 full-time faculty from two academic groups, English-Humanities and Engineering-Math-Science. These groups were selected because the survey data resulted in statistically significant differences between the groups pertaining to several key variables. These variables concerned the professors' perceptions of the importance of library research in their discipline, the amount of time spent on the course textbook during a term, the frequency of conversations about the library in the academic department, and the professors' ratings of the librarians' skill in instruction related to the academic discipline. All interviewees described the student culture as the predominant organizational culture at Major College. Although most interview subjects held to high information literacy standards in their courses, others were less convinced these could be realistically practiced, based on a perception of students' poor academic skills, lack of time for students to complete assignments due to their commuter and family responsibilities, and the need to focus on textbook content. Recommended future research would involve investigation of methods to bridge the gap between high espoused value toward information literacy and implementation of information-literate coursework.
The trend of green consumerism and increased standardization of environmental regulations has driven multinational corporations (MNCs) to seek standardization of environmental practices or at least seek to be associated with such behavior. In fact, many firms are seeking to free ride on this global green movement, without having the actual ecological footprint to substantiate their environmental claims. While scholars have articulated the benefits from such optimization of uniform global green operations, the challenges for MNCs to control and implement such operations are understudied. For firms to translate environmental commitment to actual performance, the obstacles are substantial, particularly for the MNC. This is attributed to headquarters' (HQ) control challenges (1) in managing core elements of the corporate environmental management (CEM) process and specifically matching verbal commitment and policy with ecological performance and by (2) the fact that the MNC operates in multiple markets and the HQ is required to implement policy across complex subsidiary networks consisting of diverse and distant units. Drawing from the literature on HQ challenges of MNC management and control, this study examines (1) how core components of the CEM process impact optimization of global environmental performance (GEP) and then uses network theory to examine how (2) a subsidiary network's dimensions can present challenges to the implementation of green management policies. It presents a framework for CEM which includes (1) MNCs' Verbal environmental commitment, (2) green policy Management which guides standards for operations, (3) actual environmental Performance reflected in a firm's ecological footprint and (4) corporate environmental Reputation (VMPR). Then it explains how an MNC's key subsidiary network dimensions (density, diversity, and dispersion) create challenges that hinder the relationship between green policy management and actual environmental performance. It combines content analysis, multiple regression, and post-hoc hierarchal cluster analysis to study US manufacturing MNCs. The findings support a positive significant effect of verbal environmental commitment and green policy management on actual global environmental performance and environmental reputation, as well as a direct impact of verbal environmental commitment on green policy management. Unexpectedly, network dimensions were not found to moderate the relationship between green management policy and GEP.
The mature market, defined as age 55 and up and consisting of approximately 64 million Americans, is expected to increase. Studies show that this group travels more frequently, travels greater distances, and stays longer. The authors seek to determine if underlying dimensions exist for the mature individual with regard to the selection criteria for lodging when traveling for pleasure, and to determine if differences exist between various demographic subsegments of this market with regard to these underlying dimensions.
Introduction Increasing evidence indicates that gender equity has a significant influence on women’s health; yet few culturally specific indicators of gender relations exist which are applicable to health. This study explores dimensions of gender relations perceived by female undergraduate students in southern Vietnamese culture, and qualitatively examines how this perceived gender inequity may influence females’ sexual or reproductive health. Methods Sixty-two female undergraduate students from two universities participated in eight focus group discussions to talk about their perspectives regarding national and local gender equity issues. Results Although overall gender gaps in the Mekong Delta were perceived to have decreased in comparison to previous times, several specific dimensions of gender relations were emergent in students’ discussions. Perceived dimensions of gender relations were comparable to theoretical structures of the Theory of Gender and Power, and to findings from several reports describing the actual inferiority of women. Allocation of housework and social paid work represented salient dimensions of labor. The most salient dimension of power related to women in positions of authority. Salient dimensions of cathexis related to son preference, women’s vulnerability to blame or criticism, and double standards or expectations. Findings also suggested that gender inequity potentially influenced women’s sexual and reproductive health as regards to health information seeking, gynecological care access, contraceptive use responsibility, and child bearing. Conclusion Further investigations of the associations between gender relations and different women’s sexual and reproductive health outcomes in this region are needed. It may be important to address gender relations as a distal determinant in health interventions in order to promote gender-based equity in sexual and reproductive health.
This flyer promotes the event "A Dispersed People: Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Cuban Diaspora, Book Presentation with Volume Editor Jorge Duany, comments by Lillian Manzor" sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University. This event was held at Books and Books in Coral Gables.
This study examines the triple bottom line of sustainability, in the context of both profit-oriented and non-profit oriented organizations. Sustainability is a compound result of interaction between economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Sustainability cannot be achieved without balance between all three dimensions, which has implications for measuring sustainability and prioritizing goals. This study demonstrates a method for measuring organizational sustainability achievement in these three dimensions of sustainability. Content analysis of the annual reports of corporations from the United States, Continental Europe (and Scandinavia), and Asia reveals that the economic dimension remains the preeminent aspect, and corporations still have a long way to go to reach comprehensive sustainability by maintaining a balance between the three dimensions of sustainability. The analysis also shows a high level of isomorphism in the sustainability practices of corporations, suggesting that even the most sustainable corporations are taking a somewhat passive role in prioritizing sustainability goals. A list of 25 terms for each dimension of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) has been developed which can be used by corporations to develop and communicate their sustainability practices most effectively to the maximum number of their stakeholders. In contrast, botanical gardens demonstrate more balance among the three dimensions of sustainability.
The purpose of this research was to determine what challenges small-scale organic farmers face in choosing their particular production, marketing, and organizational strategies in Miami-Dade County. Rapid soil assessments were used on six organic farms to determine the effects of soil nutrient management in terms of pH, soil organic matter (SOM), and phosphorus (P). Potential costs of inputs were documented for each farm to determine the largest challenges facing the profitability of organic farms. A production, marketing, and organizational analysis determined how farmers shape their inter-farm competitive and cooperative relations. Preliminary findings from soil, input, labor, marketing, and organizational factors indicate that soil health varies dramatically from farm to farm, inputs and labor constitute significant costs, and marketing, production, and organizational strategies show no signs of immediate growth.