5 resultados para Sulfides

em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase effects hydrolytic cleavage of AdoHcy to produce both adenosine and L-homocysteine and is a feedback inhibitor of S-adenosyl- L-methionine (SAM). Nucleoside analogues bearing an alkenyl or fluoroalkenyl chain between sulfur and C5' utilizing Negishi coupling reactions were synthesized. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling between the 5'-deoxy-5'-(iodomethylene) nucleosides and alkylzinc bromides gives analogues with the alkenyl unit. Palladium-catalyzed selective monoalkylation of 5'-(bromofluoromethylene)-5'-deoxy-adenosine with alkylzinc bromide afford adenosylhomocysteine analogues with a 6'-(fluoro)vinyl motif. The vinylic adenine nucleosides produced time-dependent inactivation of the S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolases. Stannydesulfonylation reaction is a critical step in the synthesis of E-fluorovinyl cytidine (Tezacitabine) a ribonucleoside reductase inhibitor with a potent anticancer activity. The synthesis involves the removal of the sulfonyl group by a radical-mediated stannyldesulfonylation reaction using tributyltin hydride. In order to eliminate the toxicity of tin, I developed a radical-mediated germyldesulonylation utilizing less toxic germane hydrides. Treatment of the protected (E)-5'-deoxy-5'-[(p-toluenesulfonyl)-methylene]uridine and adenosine derivatives with tributyl- or triphenylgermane hydride effected radical-mediated germyldesulfonylations to give 5'-(tributyl- or triphenylgermyl)methylene-5'-deoxynucleoside derivatives as single (E)-isomers. Analogous treatment of 2'-deoxy-2'-[(phenylsulfonyl)methylene]uridine with Ph3GeH afforded the corresponding vinyl triphenylgermane product. Stereoselective halodegermylation of the (E)-5'-(tributylgermyl)-methylene-5'-deoxy nucleosides with NIS or NBS provided the Wittig-type (E)-5'-deoxy-5'-(halomethylene) nucleosides quantitatively. Radical-mediated thiodesulfonylation of the readily available vinyl and (α-fluoro) vinyl sulfones with aryl thiols in organic or aqueous medium to provide a bench and environmentally friendly protocol to access (α-fluoro)vinyl sulfides were developed. Methylation of the vinyl or (α-fluoro)vinyl phenyl sulfide gave access to the corresponding vinyl or (α-fluoro)vinyl sulfonium salts. These sulfonium ions were tested as possible methyl group donors during reactions with thiols, phenols or amino groups which are commonly present in natural amino acids.


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Intraplate volcanism that has created the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain is generally thought to be formed by a deep-seated mantle plume. While the idea of a Hawaiian plume has not met with substantial opposition, whether or not the Hawaiian plume shows any geochemical signal of receiving materials from the Earth’s Outer Core and how the plume may or may not be reacting with the overriding lithosphere remain debatable issues. In an effort to understand how the Hawaiian plume works I report on the first in-situ sulfides and bulk rock Platinum Group Element (PGE) concentrations, together with Os isotope ratios on well-characterized garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from the island of Oahu in Hawaii. The sulfides are Fe-Ni Monosulfide Solid Solution and show fractionated PGE patterns. Based on the major elements, Platinum Group Elements and experimental data I interpret the Hawaiian sulfides as an immiscible melt that separated from a melt similar to the Honolulu Volcanics (HV) alkali lavas at a pressure-temperature condition of 1530 ± 100OC and 3.1±0.6 GPa., i.e. near the base or slightly below the Pacific lithosphere. The 187Os/188Os ratios of the bulk rock vary from subchondritic to suprachondritic (0.123-0.164); and the 187Os/188Os ratio strongly correlates with major element, High Field Strength Element (HFSE), Rare Earth Element (REE) and PGE abundances. These correlations strongly suggest that PGE concentrations and Os isotope ratios reflect primary mantle processes. I interpret these correlations as the result of melt-mantle reaction at the base of the lithosphere: I suggest that the parental melt that crystallized the pyroxenites selectively picked up radiogenic Os from the grain boundary sulfides, while percolating through the Pacific lithosphere. Thus the sampled pyroxenites essentially represent crystallized melts from different stages of this melt-mantle reaction process at the base of the lithosphere. I further show that the relatively low Pt/Re ratios of the Hawaiian sulfides and the bulk rock pyroxenites suggest that, upon ageing, such pyroxenites plus their sulfides cannot generate the coupled 186Os- 187Os isotope enrichments observed in Hawaiian lavas. Therefore, recycling of mantle sulfides of pyroxenitic parentage is unlikely to explain the enriched Pt-Re-Os isotope systematics of plume-derived lavas.


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The goal of mangrove restoration projects should be to improve community structure and ecosystem function of degraded coastal landscapes. This requires the ability to forecast how mangrove structure and function will respond to prescribed changes in site conditions including hydrology, topography, and geophysical energies. There are global, regional, and local factors that can explain gradients of regulators (e.g., salinity, sulfides), resources (nutrients, light, water), and hydroperiod (frequency, duration of flooding) that collectively account for stressors that result in diverse patterns of mangrove properties across a variety of environmental settings. Simulation models of hydrology, nutrient biogeochemistry, and vegetation dynamics have been developed to forecast patterns in mangroves in the Florida Coastal Everglades. These models provide insight to mangrove response to specific restoration alternatives, testing causal mechanisms of system degradation. We propose that these models can also assist in selecting performance measures for monitoring programs that evaluate project effectiveness. This selection process in turn improves model development and calibration for forecasting mangrove response to restoration alternatives. Hydrologic performance measures include soil regulators, particularly soil salinity, surface topography of mangrove landscape, and hydroperiod, including both the frequency and duration of flooding. Estuarine performance measures should include salinity of the bay, tidal amplitude, and conditions of fresh water discharge (included in the salinity value). The most important performance measures from the mangrove biogeochemistry model should include soil resources (bulk density, total nitrogen, and phosphorus) and soil accretion. Mangrove ecology performance measures should include forest dimension analysis (transects and/or plots), sapling recruitment, leaf area index, and faunal relationships. Estuarine ecology performance measures should include the habitat function of mangroves, which can be evaluated with growth rate of key species, habitat suitability analysis, isotope abundance of indicator species, and bird census. The list of performance measures can be modified according to the model output that is used to define the scientific goals during the restoration planning process that reflect specific goals of the project.


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We completed a synoptic survey of iron, phosphorus, and sulfur concentrations in shallow marine carbonate sediments from south Florida. Total extracted iron concentrations typically were 50 μmol g-1 dry weight (DW) and tended to decrease away from the Florida mainland, whereas total extracted phosphorus concentrations mostly were 10 μmol g-1 DW and tended to decrease from west to east across Florida Bay. Concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds, up to 40 μmol g-1 DW, tended to covary with sediment iron concentrations, suggesting that sulfide mineral formation was iron-limited. An index of iron availability derived from sediment data was negatively correlated with chlorophyll a concentrations in surface waters, demonstrating the close coupling of sediment-water column processes. Eight months after applying a surface layer of iron oxide granules to experimental plots, sediment iron, phosphorus, and sulfur were elevated to a depth of 10 cm relative to control plots. Biomass of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum was not different between control and iron addition plots, but individual shoot growth rates were significantly higher in experimental plots after 8 months. Although the iron content of leaf tissues was significantly higher from iron addition plots, no difference in phosphorus content of T. testudinum leaves was observed. Iron addition altered plant exposure to free sulfide, documented by a significantly higher δ34S of leaf tissue from experimental plots relative to controls. Iron as a buffer to toxic sulfides may promote individual shoot growth, but phosphorus availability to plants still appears to limit production in carbonate sediments.


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The microbial metabolism of organic matter (OM) in seagrass beds can create sulfidic conditions detrimental to seagrass growth; iron (Fe) potentially has ameliorating effects through titration of the sulfides and the precipitation of iron-sulfide minerals into the sediment. In this study, the biogeochemical effects of Fe availability and its interplay with sulfur and OM on sulfide toxicity, phosphorous (P) availability, seagrass growth and community structure were tested. The availability of Fe and OM was manipulated in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment arranged in a Latin square, with four replicates per treatment. The treatments included the addition of Fe, the addition of OM, the addition of both Fe and OM as well as no addition. The experiment was conducted in an oligotrophic, iron-deficient seagrass bed. Fe had an 84.5% retention efficiency in the sediments with the concentration of Fe increasing in the seagrass leaves over the course of the experiment. Porewater chemistry was significantly altered with a dramatic decrease in sulfide levels in Fe addition plots while sulfide levels increased in the OM addition treatments. Phosphorus increased in seagrass leaves collected in the Fe addition plots. Decreased sulfide stress was evidenced by heavier δ34S in leaves and rhizomes from plots to which Fe was added. The OM addition negatively affected seagrass growth but increased P availability; the reduced sulfide stress in Fe added plots resulted in elevated productivity. Fe availability may be an important determinant of the impact that OM has on seagrass vitality in carbonate sediments vegetated with seagrasses.