3 resultados para Soil Solution

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Prediction of arsenic transport and transformation in soil environment requires understanding the transport mechanisms and proper estimation of arsenic partitioning tong all three phases in soil/aquifer systems: mobile colloids, mobile soil solution, and immobile soil solids. The primary purpose of this research is to study natural dissolved organic matter (DOM)/colloid-facilitated transport of arsenic and understand the role of soil derived carriers in the transport and transformation of both inorganic and organoarsenicals in soils. ^ DOM/colloid facilitated arsenic transport and transformation in porous soil media were investigated using a set of experimental approaches including batch experiment, equilibrium membrane dialysis experiment and column experiment. Soil batch experiment was applied to investigate arsenic adsorption on a variety of soils with different characteristics; Equilibrium membrane dialysis was employed to determine the 'free' and 'colloid-bound/complexed' arsenic in water extracts of chosen soils; Column experiments were also set up in the laboratory to simulate arsenic transport and transformation through golf course soils in the presence and absence of soil-derived dissolved substances. ^ The experimental results revealed that organic matter amendments effectively reduced soil arsenic adsorption. The majority of arsenic present in the soil extracts was associated with small substances of molecular weight (MW) between 500 and 3,500 Da, Only a small fraction of arsenic was associated with higher MW substances (MW > 3,500 Da), which was operationally defined as colloidal part in this study. The association of arsenic and DOM in the soil extracts strongly affected arsenic bioavailability, arsenic transport and transformation in soils. The results of column experiments revealed arsenic complicated behavior with various processes occurring in soils studied, including: soil arsenic' adsorption, facilitated arsenic transportation by dissolved substances presented in soil extracts and microorganisms involved arsenic species transformation. ^ Soil organic matter amendments effectively reduce soil arsenic adsorption capability either by scavenging 'soil arsenic adsorption sites or by interactions between arsenic species and dissolved organic chemicals in soil solution. Close attention must be paid for facilitated arsenic transport by dissolved substances presented in soil solution and microorganisms involved arsenic species transformation in arsenic-contaminated soils.^


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The purpose of this work is to increase ecological understanding of Avicennia germinans L. and Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn. F. growing in hypersaline habitats with a seasonal climate. The area has a dry season (DS) with low temperature and vapour pressure deficit (vpd), and a wet season (WS) with high temperature and slightly higher vpd. Seasonal patterns in interstitial soil water salinity suggested a lack of tidal flushing in this area to remove salt along the soil profile. The soil solution sodium/potassium (Na+/K+) ratio differed slightly along the soil profile during the DS, but during the WS it was significantly higher at the soil surface. Diurnal changes in xylem osmolality between predawn (higher) and midday (lower) were observed in both species. However, A. germinans had higher xylem osmolality compared to L. racemosa. Xylem Na+/K+ suggested higher selectivity of K+ over Na+ in both species and seasons. The water relations parameters derived from pressure–volume P–V curves were relatively stable between seasons for each species. The range of water potentials (Ψ), measured in the field, was within estimated values for turgor maintenance from P–V curves. Thus the leaves of both species were osmotically adapted to maintain continued water uptake in this hypersaline mangrove environment.


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Chromium (Cr) is a metal of particular environmental concern, owing to its toxicity and widespread occurrence in groundwater, soil, and soil solution. A combination of hydrological, geochemical, and microbiological processes governs the subsurface migration of Cr. Little effort has been devoted to examining how these biogeochemical reactions combine with hydrologic processes influence Cr migration. This study has focused on the complex problem of predicting the Cr transport in laboratory column experiments. A 1-D reactive transport model was developed and evaluated against data obtained from laboratory column experiments. ^ A series of dynamic laboratory column experiments were conducted under abiotic and biotic conditions. Cr(III) was injected into columns packed with β-MnO 2-coated sand at different initial concentrations, variable flow rates, and at two different pore water pH (3.0 and 4.0). In biotic anaerobic column experiments Cr(VI) along with lactate was injected into columns packed with quartz sand or β-MnO2-coated sand and bacteria, Shewanella alga Simidu (BrY-MT). A mathematical model was developed which included advection-dispersion equations for the movement of Cr(III), Cr(VI), dissolved oxygen, lactate, and biomass. The model included first-order rate laws governing the adsorption of each Cr species and lactate. The equations for transport and adsorption were coupled with nonlinear equations for rate-limited oxidation-reduction reactions along with dual-monod kinetic equations. Kinetic batch experiments were conducted to determine the reduction of Cr(VI) by BrY-MT in three different substrates. Results of the column experiments with Cr(III)-containing influent solutions demonstrate that β-MnO2 effectively catalyzes the oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI). For a given influent concentration and pore water velocity, oxidation rates are higher, and hence effluent concentrations of Cr(VI) are greater, at pH 4 relative to pH 3. Reduction of Cr(VI) by BrY-MT was rapid (within one hour) in columns packed with quartz sand, whereas Cr(VI) reduction by BrY-MT was delayed (57 hours) in presence of β-MnO 2-coated sand. BrY-MT grown in BHIB (brain heart infusion broth) reduced maximum amount of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) followed by TSB (tryptic soy broth) and M9 (minimum media). The comparisons of data and model results from the column experiments show that the depths associated with Cr(III) oxidation and transport within sediments of shallow aquatic systems can strongly influence trends in surface water quality. The results of this study suggests that carefully performed, laboratory column experiments is a useful tool in determining the biotransformation of redox-sensitive metals even in the presence of strong oxidant, like β-MnO2. ^