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This work is directed towards optimizing the radiation pattern of smart antennas using genetic algorithms. The structure of the smart antennas based on Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) is proposed. It is composed of adaptive antennas, each of which has adjustable weight elements for amplitudes and phases of signals. The corresponding radiation pattern formula available for the utilization of numerical optimization techniques is deduced. Genetic algorithms are applied to search the best phase-amplitude weights or phase-only weights with which the optimal radiation pattern can be achieved. ^ One highlight of this work is the proposed optimal radiation pattern concept and its implementation by genetic algorithms. The results show that genetic algorithms are effective for the true Signal-Interference-Ratio (SIR) design of smart antennas. This means that not only nulls can be put in the directions of the interfering signals but also simultaneously main lobes can be formed in the directions of the desired signals. The optimal radiation pattern of a smart antenna possessing SDMA ability has been achieved. ^ The second highlight is on the weight search by genetic algorithms for the optimal radiation pattern design of antennas having more than one interfering signal. The regular criterion for determining which chromosome should be kept for the next step iteration is modified so as to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm iteration. The results show that the modified criterion can speed up and guarantee the iteration to be convergent. ^ In addition, the comparison between phase-amplitude perturbations and phase-only perturbations for the radiation pattern design of smart antennas are carried out. The effects of parameters used by the genetic algorithm on the optimal radiation pattern design are investigated. Valuable results are obtained. ^


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The goal of this project was to explore activism, attitudes, and imagery connecting Black churchgoers in Miami, Florida and the natural environment. The research approach was qualitative, began as exploratory research, and used the techniques of snowball sampling, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews. Three case studies representing various socio-economic levels, denominations, participant education levels, and environmental facets were chosen for in-depth ethnographic research. There are three major findings in the research. First, there is a link between the preservation of Black history and the preservation of the environment among Black churchgoers, who feel strong connections to a sense of place, rural life, and the past. However their work is strongly directed to bring about benefits for people and the environment in the present and the future. Second, public access to public lands is a basic and important right espoused by these Black churchgoing activists. Third, the vocabulary used by Black churchgoing activists regarding the natural environment differs from today's “mainstream” environmentalists. The concept of “beauty” is pivotal to Black appreciation of and activism toward the environment and is reminiscent of the early environmental protection movement in the United States and conservationists such as John Muir. These findings concerning how Black spirituality relates to the environment adds to the sparse literature on the subject, and provides for potential linkages between Blacks and “mainstream” environmental groups to benefit both parties. An understanding of the connections between Black spirituality and perceptions of the environment should facilitate the development of better programs to improve and protect the environment. Environmental projects may also address the social and economic needs of Black communities, churches, and congregations, as well as the ecosystem. ^


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In certain European countries and the United States of America, canines have been successfully used in human scent identification. There is however, limited scientific knowledge on the composition of human scent and the detection mechanism that produces an alert from canines. This lack of information has resulted in successful legal challenges to human scent evidence in the courts of law. ^ The main objective of this research was to utilize science to validate the current practices of using human scent evidence in criminal cases. The goals of this study were to utilize Headspace Solid Phase Micro Extraction Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS) to determine the optimum collection and storage conditions for human scent samples, to investigate whether the amount of DNA deposited upon contact with an object affects the alerts produced by human scent identification canines, and to create a prototype pseudo human scent which could be used for training purposes. ^ Hand odor samples which were collected on different sorbent materials and exposed to various environmental conditions showed that human scent samples should be stored without prolonged exposure to UVA/UVB light to allow minimal changes to the overall scent profile. Various methods of collecting human scent from objects were also investigated and it was determined that passive collection methods yields ten times more VOCs by mass than active collection methods. ^ Through the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) no correlation was found between the amount of DNA that was deposited upon contact with an object and the alerts that were produced by human scent identification canines. Preliminary studies conducted to create a prototype pseudo human scent showed that it is possible to produce fractions of a human scent sample which can be presented to the canines to determine whether specific fractions or the entire sample is needed to produce alerts by the human scent identification canines. ^


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Nitric Oxide (NO) has been known for long to regulate vessel tone. However, the close proximity of the site of NO production to "sinks" of NO such as hemoglobin (Hb) in blood suggest that blood will scavenge most of the NO produced. Therefore, it is unclear how NO is able to play its physiological roles. The current study deals with means by which this could be understood. Towards studying the role of nitrosothiols and nitrite in preserving NO availability, a study of the kinetics of glutathione (GSH) nitrosation by NO donors in aerated buffered solutions was undertaken first. Results suggest an increase in the rate of the corresponding nitrosothiol (GSNO) formation with an increase in GSH with a half-maximum constant EC50 that depends on NO concentration, thus indicating a significant contribution of NO2 mediated nitrosation in the production of GSNO. Next, the ability of nitrite to be reduced to NO in the smooth muscle cells was evaluated. The NO formed was inhibited by sGC inhibitors and accelerated by activators and was independent of O2 concentration. Nitrite transport mechanisms and effects of exogenous nitrate on transport and reduction of nitrite were examined. The results showed that sGC can mediate nitrite reduction to NO and nitrite is transported across the smooth muscle cell membrane via anion channels, both of which can be attenuated by nitrate. Finally, a 2-D axisymmetric diffusion model was constructed to test the accumulation of NO in the smooth muscle layer from reduction of nitrite. It was observed that at the end of the simulation period with physiological concentrations of nitrite in the smooth muscle cells (SMC), a low sustained NO generated from nitrite reduction could maintain significant sGC activity and might affect vessel tone. The major nitrosating mechanism in the circulation at reduced O2 levels was found to be anaerobic and a Cu+ dependent GSNO reduction activity was found to deliver minor amounts of NO from physiological GSNO levels in the tissue.


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We estimated trophic position and carbon source for three consumers (Florida gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus; eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki; and riverine grass shrimp, Palaemonetes paludosus) from 20 sites representing gradients of productivity and hydrological disturbance in the southern Florida Everglades, U.S.A. We characterized gross primary productivity at each site using light/dark bottle incubation and stem density of emergent vascular plants. We also documented nutrient availability as total phosphorus (TP) in floc and periphyton, and the density of small fishes. Hydrological disturbance was characterized as the time since a site was last dried and the average number of days per year the sites were inundated for the previous 10 years. Food-web attributes were estimated in both the wet and dry seasons by analysis of δ15N (trophic position) and δ13C (food-web carbon source) from 702 samples of aquatic consumers. An index of carbon source was derived from a two-member mixing model with Seminole ramshorn snails (Planorbella duryi) as a basal grazing consumer and scuds (amphipods Hyallela azteca) as a basal detritivore. Snails yielded carbon isotopic values similar to green algae and diatoms, while carbon values of scuds were similar to bulk periphyton and floc; carbon isotopic values of cyanobacteria were enriched in C13compared to all consumers examined. A carbon source similar to scuds dominated at all but one study site, and though the relative contribution of scud-like and snail-like carbon sources was variable, there was no evidence that these contributions were a function of abiotic factors or season. Gar consistently displayed the highest estimated trophic position of the consumers studied, with mosquitofish feeding at a slightly lower level, and grass shrimp feeding at the lowest level. Trophic position was not correlated with any nutrient or productivity parameter, but did increase for grass shrimp and mosquitofish as the time following droughts increased. Trophic position of Florida gar was positively correlated with emergent plant stem density.


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This descriptive study examined whether discharge planning ensures that food and nutrition services are provided to older adults following hospital discharge. The questionnaire was distributed to discharge planning professionals in 11 South Florida hospitals. Of the 84 respondents (88% response rate), most were female nurse case managers. Almost all reported job barriers including excessive patient loads, too many responsibilities, and limited community services. While physicians, registered nurses, social workers, physical therapists, were deemed "very important" in discharge planning,registered dietitians were not, and almost half consulted them infrequently, if at all. Over 84% said nutrition-related medical conditions/factors, "strongly influenced" discharge planning. Many did not have adequate information about nutrition-related community resources, eg, home delivered meals, food stamps, outpatient registered dietitians. Therewere no universal approaches in meeting the nutrition needs in 6 case scenarios. More communication among community services and hospitals is needed.


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Television (TV) reaches more people than any other medium which makes it an important source of health information. Since TV ads often offer information obliquely, this study investigated implied health messages found in food and nutrition TV ads. The goals were to determine the proportion of food and nutrition ads among all TV advertising and to use content analysis to identify their implied messages and health claims. A randomly selected sample of TV ads were collected over a 28-day period beginning May 8, 1987. The sample contained 3547 ads; 725 (20%) were food-related. All were analyzed. About 10% of food-related TV ads contained a health claim. Twenty-five representative ads of the 725 food ads were also reviewed by 10 dietitians to test the reliability of the instrument. Although the dietitians agreed upon whether a health claim existed in a televised food ad, their agreement was poor when evaluating the accuracy of the claim. The number of food-related ads dropped significantly on Saturday, but the number of alcohol ads rose sharply on Saturday and Sunday. Snack ads were shown more often on Thursday, but snack commercials were also numerous on Saturday morning and afternoon, as were cereal ads. Ads for snack foods accounted for the greatest proportion of ads (20%) while fast food accounted for only 7%. Alcohol constituted about 9% of all food and nutrition ads.


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In certain European countries and the United States of America, canines have been successfully used in human scent identification. There is however, limited scientific knowledge on the composition of human scent and the detection mechanism that produces an alert from canines. This lack of information has resulted in successful legal challenges to human scent evidence in the courts of law. The main objective of this research was to utilize science to validate the current practices of using human scent evidence in criminal cases. The goals of this study were to utilize Headspace Solid Phase Micro Extraction Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS) to determine the optimum collection and storage conditions for human scent samples, to investigate whether the amount of DNA deposited upon contact with an object affects the alerts produced by human scent identification canines, and to create a prototype pseudo human scent which could be used for training purposes. Hand odor samples which were collected on different sorbent materials and exposed to various environmental conditions showed that human scent samples should be stored without prolonged exposure to UVA/UVB light to allow minimal changes to the overall scent profile. Various methods of collecting human scent from objects were also investigated and it was determined that passive collection methods yields ten times more VOCs by mass than active collection methods. Through the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) no correlation was found between the amount of DNA that was deposited upon contact with an object and the alerts that were produced by human scent identification canines. Preliminary studies conducted to create a prototype pseudo human scent showed that it is possible to produce fractions of a human scent sample which can be presented to the canines to determine whether specific fractions or the entire sample is needed to produce alerts by the human scent identification canines.


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Nitric Oxide (NO) has been known for long to regulate vessel tone. However, the close proximity of the site of NO production to “sinks” of NO such as hemoglobin (Hb) in blood suggest that blood will scavenge most of the NO produced. Therefore, it is unclear how NO is able to play its physiological roles. The current study deals with means by which this could be understood. Towards studying the role of nitrosothiols and nitrite in preserving NO availability, a study of the kinetics of glutathione (GSH) nitrosation by NO donors in aerated buffered solutions was undertaken first. Results suggest an increase in the rate of the corresponding nitrosothiol (GSNO) formation with an increase in GSH with a half-maximum constant EC50 that depends on NO concentration, thus indicating a significant contribution of ∙NO2 mediated nitrosation in the production of GSNO. Next, the ability of nitrite to be reduced to NO in the smooth muscle cells was evaluated. The NO formed was inhibited by sGC inhibitors and accelerated by activators and was independent of O2 concentration. Nitrite transport mechanisms and effects of exogenous nitrate on transport and reduction of nitrite were examined. The results showed that sGC can mediate nitrite reduction to NO and nitrite is transported across the smooth muscle cell membrane via anion channels, both of which can be attenuated by nitrate. Finally, a 2 – D axisymmetric diffusion model was constructed to test the accumulation of NO in the smooth muscle layer from reduction of nitrite. It was observed that at the end of the simulation period with physiological concentrations of nitrite in the smooth muscle cells (SMC), a low sustained NO generated from nitrite reduction could maintain significant sGC activity and might affect vessel tone. The major nitrosating mechanism in the circulation at reduced O2 levels was found to be anaerobic and a Cu+ dependent GSNO reduction activity was found to deliver minor amounts of NO from physiological GSNO levels in the tissue.