4 resultados para Phenological stages
em Digital Commons at Florida International University
Gonadal development is an ideal model to study organogenesis because a variety of developmental processes can be studied during the differentiation of the bipotential primordium into testis or ovary. To better understand this process, Representational Difference Analysis of cDNA was used to identify genes that are differentially expressed in mouse gonads at 13.5 days post-coitus. The analysis led to the identification of three testis specific genes and a sequence that was only expressed in the ovary. The male genes identified: renin, Col9a3, and a novel gene termed tescalcin had patterns of expression that suggested a role in testis determination. ^ Studies of the tescalcin gene revealed that it is organized into eight exons and seven introns. The gene was located at 64 cM in mouse chromosome 5, where it spans approximately 35 Kb. Three mRNA variants resulting from alternative splicing of intron 5 were identified in mouse tissues. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrated that Sp1 and Sp3 from Y-1, msc-1, and MIN-6 cells nuclear extracts bind the GC-boxes within the tescalcin proximal promoter. Bisulfite sequencing analysis of tescalcin CpG island revealed that it is differentially methylated in male and female mouse embryonic gonads, and that hypermethylation of this region represses expression of tescalcin in the β-TC3 cell line. ^ The major tescalcin mRNA encodes a protein with 214 amino acids that contains a consensus EF-hand Ca2+-binding domain and an N-myristoylation motif. The amino acid sequence of tescalcin is highly conserved among various species, and it showed the highest homology with calcineurin B homologous proteins 1 and 2, and calcineurin B. Western blot analysis using antibodies generated against the tescalcin protein confirmed its presence in specific mouse tissues and cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis of mouse embryos confirmed the pattern of expression of tescalcin mRNA in fetal testis. Using pull-down assays, glyceraidehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was identified as an interacting and potential functional partner of tescalcin. ^ The identification and characterization of tescalcin as a novel embryonic testicular marker will contribute to the elucidation of the genetic pathways involved in testis development and likely to the understanding of pathological conditions such as sex reversal and infertility. ^
The current study examined the role of three important components in the use of structured employment interviewing in performance prediction: construct bandwidth, observed communication skill, and the stability/dynamicity of performance criteria over time. A matched sample of 242 hospitality managers was derived from a field data set provided by a large hospitality management organization. Interview data and two years of performance appraisal data were provided. Bandwidth analysis demonstrated only minimal differences in prediction between matched predictor-criterion pairs compared with predictor to overall aggregate ratings (unmatched). The communication skill analysis revealed that this interviewer rated observation significantly predicted a number of the individual performance dimensions as well as overall performance over time. Of the five interview items, the strongest overall predictor of performance was interviewer rated communication skill. The stability/dynamicity analyses demonstrated the performance criteria to be generally stable over the two year period examined, which provides support for the long held notion that performance criteria is stabile over time. However, there were two exceptions. The interview dimension customer service orientation had shifting relationships over time with four of the criteria over the two year period. The performance criteria employee development also demonstrated some instability in its relationships with predictors. Thus, some evidence of dynamicity in performance criteria was revealed. Interestingly, both of the most noteworthy findings in the study involved items that were rated differently than the others in the study. The rated interview item communication skill and the rated performance criteria client satisfaction were ratings that involved a more direct level of observation. Additional analyses also revealed evidence of a general factor of performance. These two themes are more fully covered in the discussion.
"Perceptions of Organizational Effectiveness over Organizational Life Cycles" written by Kim S. Cameron and David S. Whetten, posits a theory regarding organizational effectiveness criteria change as firms develop along the life cycle continuum. Induced from observations obtained from a simulation game, the Cameron and Whetten theory is applied in this article to two real organizations, Wendy's and McDonald's, with the intention of demonstrating that this theory is applicable in "real life" situations.
This survey was designed to identify the incidence and scope of depression, satisfaction with life, self-efficacy and perceived access to medical care for those who are infected with the HIV virus. It also determined whether or not factors such as sexual orientation, ethnicity and socioeconomic status are intervening variables with respect to mental health issues. Subjects were recruited through a purposive sample from South Florida. A total of 871 surveys were used in the analysis. The overall response rate was nearly 90%. The incidence of depression was found to be higher than 75% across all stages of HIV infection. Furthermore, the incidence of depression increased as HIV disease progressed. Satisfaction with life and for the most part, self efficacy were found to decrease slightly as HIV disease progressed. Significant variance in depression, life satisfaction and self efficacy were found across stages of HIV infection. No significant differences between groups that were HIV infected were found for depression, life satisfaction and self efficacy. The severity of depression was found to vary significantly with self efficacy, life satisfaction and access to medical care but not with socioeconomic status. Life satisfaction was found to vary significantly with socioeconomic status, depression and self efficacy but not with access to medical care. Self-efficacy was found to vary significantly with socioeconomic status, depression and life satisfaction but not with access to medical care. Gender and ethnicity were not found to be significant precedent variables in depression for HIV infected individuals. Sexual orientation was found to be a significant precedent variable for depression, life satisfaction and self efficacy.