7 resultados para Meson photoproduction
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The parity violating weak decay of hyperons offers a valuable means of measuring their polarization, providing insight into the production of strange quarks and the matter they compose. Jefferson Lab's CLAS collaboration has utilized this property of hyperons, publishing the most precise polarization measurements for the Λ and Σ in both photoproduction and electroproduction to date. In contrast, cascades, which contain two strange quarks, can only be produced through indirect processes and as a result, exhibit low cross sections thus remaining experimentally elusive.^ At present, there are two aspects in cascade physics where progress has been minimal: characterizing their production mechanism, which lacks theoretical and experimental developments, and observation of the numerous excited cascade resonances that are required to exist by flavor SU(3) F symmetry. However, CLAS data were collected in 2008 with a luminosity of 68 pb−1 using a circularly polarized photon beam with energies up to 5.45 GeV, incident on a liquid hydrogen target. This dataset is, at present, the world's largest for meson photoproduction in its energy range and provides a unique opportunity to study cascade physics with polarization measurements.^ The current analysis explores hyperon production through the γ p → K+K +Ξ− reaction by providing the first ever determination of spin observables P, Cx and Cz for the cascade. Three of our primary goals are to test the only cascade photoproduction model in existence, examine the underlying processes that give rise to hyperon polarization, and to stimulate future theoretical developments while providing constraints for their parameters. Our research is part of a broader program to understand the production of strange quarks and hadrons with strangeness. The remainder of this document discusses the motivation behind such research, the method of data collection, details of their analysis, and the significance of our results.^
A Partial Waves Analysis (PWA) of γp → Δ ++X → pπ+ π - (η) data taken with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab is presented in this work. This reaction is of interest because the Δ++ restricts the isospin of the possible X states, leaving the PWA with a smaller combination of partial waves, making it ideal to look for exotic mesons. It was proposed by Isgur and Paton that photoproduction is a plausible source for the Jpc=1–+ state through flux tube excitation. The π1(1400) is such a state that has been produced with the use of hadron production but it has yet to be seen in photoproduction. A mass independent amplitude analysis of this channel was performed, followed by a mass dependent fit to extract the resonance parameters. The procedure used an event-based maximum likelihood method to maintain all correlations in the kinematics. The intensity and phase motion is mapped out for the contributing signals without requiring assumptions about the underlying processes. The strength of the PWA is in the analysis of the phase motion, which for resonance behavior is well defined. In the data presented, the ηπ– invariant mass spectrum shows contributions from the a0(980) and a2(1320) partial waves. No π1 was observed under a clear a2 signal after the angular distributions of the decay products were analyzed using an amplitude analysis. In addition, this dissertation discusses trends in the data, along with the implemented techniques.
Most experiments in particle physics are scattering experiments, the analysis of which leads to masses, scattering phases, decay widths and other properties of one or multi-particle systems. Until the advent of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) it was difficult to compare experimental results on low energy hadron-hadron scattering processes to the predictions of QCD, the current theory of strong interactions. The reason being, at low energies the QCD coupling constant becomes large and the perturbation expansion for scattering; amplitudes does not converge. To overcome this, one puts the theory onto a lattice, imposes a momentum cutoff, and computes the integral numerically. For particle masses, predictions of LQCD agree with experiment, but the area of decay widths is largely unexplored. ^ LQCD provides ab initio access to unusual hadrons like exotic mesons that are predicted to contain real gluonic structure. To study decays of these type resonances the energy spectra of a two-particle decay state in a finite volume of dimension L can be related to the associated scattering phase shift δ(k) at momentum k through exact formulae derived by Lüscher. Because the spectra can be computed using numerical Monte Carlo techniques, the scattering phases can thus be determined using Lüscher's formulae, and the corresponding decay widths can be found by fitting Breit-Wigner functions. ^ Results of such a decay width calculation for an exotic hybrid( h) meson (JPC = 1-+) are presented for the decay channel h → πa 1. This calculation employed Lüscher's formulae and an approximation of LQCD called the quenched approximation. Energy spectra for the h and πa1 systems were extracted using eigenvalues of a correlation matrix, and the corresponding scattering phase shifts were determined for a discrete set of πa1 momenta. Although the number of phase shift data points was sparse, fits to a Breit-Wigner model were made, resulting in a decay width of about 60 MeV. ^
QCD predicts Color Transparency (CT), which refers to nuclear medium becoming transparent to a small color neutral object produced in high momentum transfer reactions, due to reduced strong interaction. Despite several studies at BNL, SLAC, FNAL, DESY and Jefferson Lab, a definitive signal for CT still remains elusive. In this dissertation, we present the results of a new study at Jefferson Lab motivated by theoretical calculations that suggest fully exclusive measurement of coherent rho meson electroproduction off the deuteron is a favorable channel for studying CT. Vector meson production has a large cross section at high energies, and the deuteron is the best understood and simplest nuclear system. Exclusivity allows the production and propagation to be controlled separately by controlling Q 2, lf (formation length), lc (coherence length) and t. This control is important as the rapid expansion of small objects increases their interaction probability and masks CT. The CT signal is investigated in a ratio of cross sections at high t (where re-scattering is significant) to low t (where single nucleon reactions dominate). The results are presented over a Q2 range of 1 to 3 GeV2 based on the data taken with beam energy of 6 GeV.
The Photoproduction of neutral kaons off a deuteron target has been investigated at the Tohoku University Laboratory of Nuclear Science. The PID methods investigated incorporated a combination of momentum, velocity (β=v/c), and energy deposition per unit length (dE/dx) measurements. The analysis demonstrates that energy deposition and time of flight are exceedingly useful. A higher signal to background ratio was achieved for hard cuts in combination. A probabilistic likelihood estimation approach (LE) as a method for PID was also explored. The probability of a particle being correctly identified by this LE method and the preliminary results denote the need for highly precise limitations on the distributions from which the parameters would be extracted. It was confirmed that these PID are applicable approaches to properly identify pions for the analysis of this experiment. However, the background evident in the mass spectra points to the need for a higher level of proton identification.
The single spin asymmetry, ALT ′, and the polarized structure function, σ LT′, for the p( e&ar; , e′K +)Λ reaction in the resonance region have been measured and extracted using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. Data were taken at an electron beam energy of 2.567 GeV. The large acceptance of CLAS allows for full azimuthal angle coverage over a large range of center-of-mass scattering angles. Results were obtained that span a range in Q 2 from 0.5 to 1.3 GeV2 and W from threshold up to 2.1 GeV and were compared to existing theoretical calculations. The polarized structure function is sensitive to the interferences between various resonant amplitudes, as well as to resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This measurement is essential for understanding the structure of nucleons and searching for previously undetected nucleon excited states (resonances) predicted by quark models. The W dependence of the σ LT′ in the kinematic regions dominated by s and u channel exchange (cos qcmk = −0.50, −0.167, 0.167) indicated possible resonance structures not predicted by theoretical calculations. The σLT ′ behavior around W = 1.875 GeV could be the signature of a resonance predicted by the quark models and possibly seen in photoproduction. In the very forward angles where the reaction is dominated by the t-channel, the average σLT ′ was zero. There was no indication of the interference between resonances or resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This might be indicating the dominance of a single t-channel exchange. Study of the sensitivity of the fifth structure function data to the resonance around 1900 MeV showed that these data were highly sensitive to the various assumptions of the models for the quantum number of this resonance. This project was part of a larger CLAS program to measure cross sections and polarization observables for kaon electroproduction in the nucleon resonance region. ^
The E01-011 experiment at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) studied light-to-medium mass Λ hypernuclei via the AZ + e → [special characters omitted] + e' + K+ electroproduction reaction. Precise measurement of hypernuclear ground state masses and excitation energies provides information about the nature of hyperon-nucleon interactions. Until recently, hypernuclei were studied at accelerator facilities with intense π+ and K- meson beams. The poor quality of these beams limited the resolution of the hypernuclear excitation energy spectra to about 1.5 MeV (FWHM). This resolution is not sufficient for resolving the rich structure observed in the excitation spectra. By using a high quality electron beam and employing a new high resolution spectrometer system, this study aims to improve the resolution to a few hundred keV with an absolute precision of about 100 keV for excitation energies. In this work the high-resolution excitation spectra of [special characters omitted], and [special characters omitted] hypernuclei are presented. In an attempt to emphasize the presence of the core-excited states we introduced a novel likelihood approach to particle identification (PID) to serve as an alternative to the commonly used standard hard-cut PID. The new method resulted in almost identical missing mass spectra as obtained by the standard approach. An energy resolution of approximately 400–500 keV (FWHM) has been achieved, an unprecedented value in hypernuclear reaction spectroscopy. For [special characters omitted] the core-excited configuration has been clearly observed with significant statistics. The embedded Λ hyperon increases the excitation energies of the 11B nuclear core by 0.5–1 MeV. The [special characters omitted] spectrum has been observed with significant statistics for the first time. The ground state is bound deeper by roughly 400 keV than currently predicted by theory. Indication for the core-excited doublet, which is unbound in the core itself, is observed. The measurement of [special characters omitted] provides the first study of a d-shell hypernucleus with sub-MeV resolution. Discrepancies of up to 2 MeV between measured and theoretically predicted binding energies are found. Similar disagreement exists when comparing to the [special characters omitted] mirror hypernucleus. Also the core-excited structure observed between the major s-, p- and d-shell Λ orbits is not consistent with the available theoretical calculations. In conclusion, the discrepancies found in this study will provide valuable input for the further development of theoretical models.