12 resultados para Magma batches
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The Deccan Trap basalts are the remnants of a massive series of lava flows that erupted at the K/T boundary and covered 1-2 million km2 of west-central India. This eruptive event is of global interest because of its possible link to the major mass extinction event, and there is much debate about the duration of this massive volcanic event. In contrast to isotopic or paleomagnetic dating methods, I explore an alternative approach to determine the lifecycle of the magma chambers that supplied the lavas, and extend the concept to obtain a tighter constraint on Deccan’s duration. My method relies on extracting time information from elemental and isotopic diffusion across zone boundaries in individual crystals. I determined elemental and Sr-isotopic variations across abnormally large (2-5 cm) plagioclase crystals from the Thalghat and Kashele “Giant Plagioclase Basalts” from the lowermost Jawhar and Igatpuri Formations respectively in the thickest Western Ghats section near Mumbai. I also obtained bulk rock major, trace and rare earth element chemistry of each lava flow from the two formations. Thalghat flows contain only 12% zoned crystals, with 87 Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7096 in the core and 0.7106 in the rim, separated by a sharp boundary. In contrast, all Kashele crystals have a wider range of 87Sr/86Sr values, with multiple zones. Geochemical modeling of the data suggests that the two types of crystals grew in distinct magmatic environments. Modeling intracrystalline diffusive equilibration between the core and rim of Thalghat crystals led me to obtain a crystal growth rate of 2.03x10-10 cm/s and a residence time of 780 years for the crystals in the magma chamber(s). Employing some assumptions based on field and geochronologic evidence, I extrapolated this residence time to the entire Western Ghats and obtained an estimate of 25,000–35,000 years for the duration of Western Ghats volcanism. This gave an eruptive rate of 30–40 km3/yr, which is much higher than any presently erupting volcano. This result will remain speculative until a similarly detailed analytical-modeling study is performed for the rest of the Western Ghats formations.
The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) is a vast and complex continental arc that has been studied extensively to provide an understanding of arc-magma genesis, the origin and chemical evolution of the continental crust, and geochemical compositions of volcanic products. The present study focuses on distinguishing the magma/sub-arc crustal interaction of eruptive products from the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa (APP 35°15'S) volcanic center and other major centers in the Central SVZ (CSVZ 37°S–42°S), Transitional SVZ (TSVZ 34.3–37.0°S), and Northern SVZ (NSVZ 33°S–34°30'S). New Hf and Nd isotopic and trace element data for SVZ centers are consistent with former studies that these magmas experienced variable depths of crystal fractionation, and that crustal assimilation is restricted to the lower crustal depths with an apparent role of garnet. Thermobarometric calculations applied to magma compositions constrain the depth of magma separation from mantle sources in all segments of the SVZ to(70-90 km). Magmatic separation at the APP complex occurs at an average depth of ~50 km which is confined to the mantle lithosphere and the base of the crust suggesting localized thermal abrasion both reservoirs. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that CSVZ primary magmas arise from a similar average depth of (~54 km) which confines magma separation to the asthenospheric mantle. The northwards along-arc Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data and LREE enrichment accompanied with HREE depletion of SVZ mafic magmas correlates well with northward increasing crustal thickness and decreasing primary melt separation from mantle source regions indicating an increased involvement of lower crustal components in SVZ magma petrogenesis. ^ The study concludes that the development of mature subduction zones over millions of years of continuous magmatism requires that mafic arc derived melts stagnate at lower crustal levels due to density similarities and emplace at lower crustal depths. Basaltic underplating creates localized hot zone environments below major magmatic centers. These regions of high temperature/partial melting, and equilibration with underplated mafic rocks provides the mechanism that controls trace element and isotopic variability of primary magmas of the TSVZ and NSVZ from their baseline CSVZ-like precursors.^
The Deccan Trap basalts are the remnants of a massive series of lava flows that erupted at the K/T boundary and covered 1-2 million km2 of west-central India. This eruptive event is of global interest because of its possible link to the major mass extinction event, and there is much debate about the duration of this massive volcanic event. In contrast to isotopic or paleomagnetic dating methods, I explore an alternative approach to determine the lifecycle of the magma chambers that supplied the lavas, and extend the concept to obtain a tighter constraint on Deccan’s duration. My method relies on extracting time information from elemental and isotopic diffusion across zone boundary in an individual crystal. I determined elemental and Sr-isotopic variations across abnormally large (2-5 cm) plagioclase crystals from the Thalghat and Kashele “Giant Plagioclase Basalts” from the lowermost Jawhar and Igatpuri Formations respectively in the thickest Western Ghats section near Mumbai. I also obtained bulk rock major, trace and rare earth element chemistry of each lava flow from the two formations. Thalghat flows contain only 12% zoned crystals, with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7096 in the core and 0.7106 in the rim, separated by a sharp boundary. In contrast, all Kashele crystals have a wider range of 87Sr/86Sr values, with multiple zones. Geochemical modeling of the data suggests that the two types of crystals grew in distinct magmatic environments. Modeling intracrystalline diffusive equilibration between the core and rim of Thalghat crystals led me to obtain a crystal growth rate of 2.03x10-10 cm/s and a residence time of 780 years for the crystals in the magma chamber(s). Employing some assumptions based on field and geochronologic evidence, I extrapolated this residence time to the entire Western Ghats and obtained an estimate of 25,000 – 35,000 years for the duration of Western Ghats volcanism. This gave an eruptive rate of 30 – 40 km3/yr, which is much higher than any presently erupting volcano. This result will remain speculative until a similarly detailed analytical-modeling study is performed for the rest of the Western Ghats formations.
A heuristic for batching orders in a manual order-picking warehouse has been developed. It prioritizes orders based on due time to prevent mixing of orders of different priority levels. The order density of aisles criterion is used to form batches. It also determines the number of pickers required and assigns batches to pickers such that there is a uniform workload per unit of time. The effectiveness of the heuristic was studied by observing computational time and aisle congestion for various numbers of total orders and number of orders that form a batch. An initial heuristic performed well for small number of orders, but for larger number of orders, a partitioning technique is computationally more efficient, needing only minutes to solve for thousands of orders, while preserving 90% of the batch quality obtained with the original heuristic. Comparative studies between the heuristic and other published heuristics are needed. ^
This research is motivated by a practical application observed at a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing facility. After assembly, the PCBs (or jobs) are tested in environmental stress screening (ESS) chambers (or batch processing machines) to detect early failures. Several PCBs can be simultaneously tested as long as the total size of all the PCBs in the batch does not violate the chamber capacity. PCBs from different production lines arrive dynamically to a queue in front of a set of identical ESS chambers, where they are grouped into batches for testing. Each line delivers PCBs that vary in size and require different testing (or processing) times. Once a batch is formed, its processing time is the longest processing time among the PCBs in the batch, and its ready time is given by the PCB arriving last to the batch. ESS chambers are expensive and a bottleneck. Consequently, its makespan has to be minimized. ^ A mixed-integer formulation is proposed for the problem under study and compared to a formulation recently published. The proposed formulation is better in terms of the number of decision variables, linear constraints and run time. A procedure to compute the lower bound is proposed. For sparse problems (i.e. when job ready times are dispersed widely), the lower bounds are close to optimum. ^ The problem under study is NP-hard. Consequently, five heuristics, two metaheuristics (i.e. simulated annealing (SA) and greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP)), and a decomposition approach (i.e. column generation) are proposed—especially to solve problem instances which require prohibitively long run times when a commercial solver is used. Extensive experimental study was conducted to evaluate the different solution approaches based on the solution quality and run time. ^ The decomposition approach improved the lower bounds (or linear relaxation solution) of the mixed-integer formulation. At least one of the proposed heuristic outperforms the Modified Delay heuristic from the literature. For sparse problems, almost all the heuristics report a solution close to optimum. GRASP outperforms SA at a higher computational cost. The proposed approaches are viable to implement as the run time is very short. ^
A job shop with one batch processing and several discrete machines is analyzed. Given a set of jobs, their process routes, processing requirements, and size, the objective is to schedule the jobs such that the makespan is minimized. The batch processing machine can process a batch of jobs as long as the machine capacity is not violated. The batch processing time is equal to the longest processing job in the batch. The problem under study can be represented as Jm:batch:Cmax. If no batches were formed, the scheduling problem under study reduces to the classical job shop scheduling problem (i.e. Jm:: Cmax), which is known to be NP-hard. This research extends the scheduling literature by combining Jm::Cmax with batch processing. The primary contributions are the mathematical formulation, a new network representation and several solution approaches. The problem under study is observed widely in metal working and other industries, but received limited or no attention due to its complexity. A novel network representation of the problem using disjunctive and conjunctive arcs, and a mathematical formulation are proposed to minimize the makespan. Besides that, several algorithms, like batch forming heuristics, dispatching rules, Modified Shifting Bottleneck, Tabu Search (TS) and Simulated Annealing (SA), were developed and implemented. An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the proposed heuristics, and the results were compared to those from a commercial solver (i.e., CPLEX). TS and SA, with the combination of MWKR-FF as the initial solution, gave the best solutions among all the heuristics proposed. Their results were close to CPLEX; and for some larger instances, with total operations greater than 225, they were competitive in terms of solution quality and runtime. For some larger problem instances, CPLEX was unable to report a feasible solution even after running for several hours. Between SA and the experimental study indicated that SA produced a better average Cmax for all instances. The solution approaches proposed will benefit practitioners to schedule a job shop (with both discrete and batch processing machines) more efficiently. The proposed solution approaches are easier to implement and requires short run times to solve large problem instances.
Elemental analysis can become an important piece of evidence to assist the solution of a case. The work presented in this dissertation aims to evaluate the evidential value of the elemental composition of three particular matrices: ink, paper and glass. In the first part of this study, the analytical performance of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS methods was evaluated for paper, writing inks and printing inks. A total of 350 ink specimens were examined including black and blue gel inks, ballpoint inks, inkjets and toners originating from several manufacturing sources and/or batches. The paper collection set consisted of over 200 paper specimens originating from 20 different paper sources produced by 10 different plants. Micro-homogeneity studies show smaller variation of elemental compositions within a single source (i.e., sheet, pen or cartridge) than the observed variation between different sources (i.e., brands, types, batches). Significant and detectable differences in the elemental profile of the inks and paper were observed between samples originating from different sources (discrimination of 87–100% of samples, depending on the sample set under investigation and the method applied). These results support the use of elemental analysis, using LA-ICP-MS and LIBS, for the examination of documents and provide additional discrimination to the currently used techniques in document examination. In the second part of this study, a direct comparison between four analytical methods (µ-XRF, solution-ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS and LIBS) was conducted for glass analyses using interlaboratory studies. The data provided by 21 participants were used to assess the performance of the analytical methods in associating glass samples from the same source and differentiating different sources, as well as the use of different match criteria (confidence interval (±6s, ±5s, ±4s, ±3s, ±2s), modified confidence interval, t-test (sequential univariate, p=0.05 and p=0.01), t-test with Bonferroni correction (for multivariate comparisons), range overlap, and Hotelling's T2 tests. Error rates (Type 1 and Type 2) are reported for the use of each of these match criteria and depend on the heterogeneity of the glass sources, the repeatability between analytical measurements, and the number of elements that were measured. The study provided recommendations for analytical performance-based parameters for µ-XRF and LA-ICP-MS as well as the best performing match criteria for both analytical techniques, which can be applied now by forensic glass examiners.
Two suites of intermediate-felsic plutonic rocks were recovered by dredges RD63 and RD64 (R/V KK81-06-26) from the northern wall of the Mariana trench near Guam, which is located in the southern part of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) island arc system. The locations of the dredges are significant as the area contains volcanic rocks (forearc basalts and boninites) that have been pivotal in explaining processes that occur when one lithospheric plate initially begins to subduct beneath another. The plutonic rocks have been classified based on petrologic and geochemical analyses, which provides insight to their origin and evolution in context of the surrounding Mariana trench. Based on whole rock geochemistry, these rocks (SiO2: 49-78 wt%) have island arc trace element signatures (Ba, Sr, Rb enrichment, Nb-Ta negative anomalies, U/Th enrichment), consistent with the adjacent IBM volcanics. Depletion of rare earth elements (REEs) relative to primitive mantle and excess Zr and Hf compared to the middle REEs indicate that the source of the plutonic rocks is similar to boninites and transitional boninites. Early IBM volcanic rocks define isotopic fields (Sr, Pb, Nd and Hf-isotopes) that represent different aspects of the subduction process (e.g., sediment influence, mantle provenance). The southern Mariana plutonic rocks overlap these fields, but show a clear distinction between RD63 and RD64. Modeling of the REEs, Zr and Hf shows that the plutonic suites formed via melting of boninite crust or by crystallization from a boninite-like magma rather than other sources that are found in the IBM system. The data presented support the hypothesis that the plutonic rocks from RD63 and RD64 are products of subduction initiation and are likely pieces of middle crust in the forearc exposed at the surface by faulting and serpentine mudvolcanoes. Their existence shows that intermediate-felsic crust may form very early in the history of an intra-oceanic island arc system. Plutonic rocks with similar formation histories may exist in obducted suprasubduction zone ophiolites and would be evidence that felsic-intermediate forearc plutonics are eventually accreted to the continents.
Petrologic and geochemical study of crustal xenoliths from Calbuco Volcano, Chile (latitude 41°20ʹS)
Twenty Four samples of xenoliths and country rocks from the 1961 lava flow of Calbuco volcano have been studied. Fourteen samples have been analyzed for major elements and P, Ni, Ba, Cr, V, Zr, Sc, Y, and Sr. Five of these samples were further analyzed for Sm, Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios. Seventeen samples were studied under the microscope and three samples were analyzed by microprobe for their pyroxene compositions. Based on petrographic studies xenoliths were divided into three groups. Fine grained xenoliths (groups I and II) probably formed from metamorphosed MORB-like basalts, whereas coarse grained xenoliths (group III) were apparently derived from cumulate minerals that crystallized from the Calbuco magma. The fine grained xenoliths were probably entrained in magma at intermediate levels of the crust, near the stability limit of amphibole to form pyroxene and plagioclase. In the coarse grained xenoliths amphibole that formed at depth dehydrated as the xenoliths were brought to the surface. The country rocks are apparently unrelated to the xenoliths.
Melt inclusions are minute magma bodies trapped within growing crystals. Their chemical compositions are useful in deciphering pre-eruptive conditions and magma evolution. The present study examined melt inclusions trapped in phenocrysts from the 3rd and 4th magmatic cycles (1869-1988) at Volcan de Colima, Mexico. Melt inclusions have highly evolved chemical compositions: 65-77% SiO2, >12% A12O3, 3-6% Na2O and K20 and less than 5.5% Fe and Mg. Major element compositions suggest that they are strongly differentiated magmas controlled by fractionation of plagioclase, opx, cpx and hornblende. Water concentrations were measured to be 2.7-3.5 wt. % in cpx hosted inclusions and 0.3-0.7 wt % in opx and plagioclase. Trace element compositions are anomalously low and inversely correlate with water. From this we deduce that Colima lavas and scorias simultaneously differentiate and degas. Moreover, hornblende rim growth rates constrain the ascent of the Colima magmas to -100 days for passive eruptions and >4 days for plinian eruptions.
Elemental analysis can become an important piece of evidence to assist the solution of a case. The work presented in this dissertation aims to evaluate the evidential value of the elemental composition of three particular matrices: ink, paper and glass. In the first part of this study, the analytical performance of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS methods was evaluated for paper, writing inks and printing inks. A total of 350 ink specimens were examined including black and blue gel inks, ballpoint inks, inkjets and toners originating from several manufacturing sources and/or batches. The paper collection set consisted of over 200 paper specimens originating from 20 different paper sources produced by 10 different plants. Micro-homogeneity studies show smaller variation of elemental compositions within a single source (i.e., sheet, pen or cartridge) than the observed variation between different sources (i.e., brands, types, batches). Significant and detectable differences in the elemental profile of the inks and paper were observed between samples originating from different sources (discrimination of 87 – 100% of samples, depending on the sample set under investigation and the method applied). These results support the use of elemental analysis, using LA-ICP-MS and LIBS, for the examination of documents and provide additional discrimination to the currently used techniques in document examination. In the second part of this study, a direct comparison between four analytical methods (µ-XRF, solution-ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS and LIBS) was conducted for glass analyses using interlaboratory studies. The data provided by 21 participants were used to assess the performance of the analytical methods in associating glass samples from the same source and differentiating different sources, as well as the use of different match criteria (confidence interval (±6s, ±5s, ±4s, ±3s, ±2s), modified confidence interval, t-test (sequential univariate, p=0.05 and p=0.01), t-test with Bonferroni correction (for multivariate comparisons), range overlap, and Hotelling’s T2 tests. Error rates (Type 1 and Type 2) are reported for the use of each of these match criteria and depend on the heterogeneity of the glass sources, the repeatability between analytical measurements, and the number of elements that were measured. The study provided recommendations for analytical performance-based parameters for µ-XRF and LA-ICP-MS as well as the best performing match criteria for both analytical techniques, which can be applied now by forensic glass examiners.
Calbuco Volcano, in Southern Chile, has eruptive products of predominantly andesitic hornblende-bearing lava. A purpose of this work is to understand magmatic processes and how Calbuco magma chemistry is related to the explosive volcanic character. Calbuco lava has a mineral assemblage of plagioclase, hornblende, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, and magnetite and entrained gabbroic xenoliths with the same mineral assemblage. The presence of hornblende is evidence for dissolved water in the magma. Detailed petrographic/textural analysis has been done using petrographic microscopy and back-scattered electron imaging (BSE); geochemical analysis by electron microprobe (EPMA). Major findings include 1) that hornblende and hornblende-bearing gabbroic cumulates crystallize from Calbuco magma, 2) that plagioclase grains are compositionally zoned, recording evidence of temperature, chemical, and water content fluctuations in the magma, and 3) that hornblende is unstable under upper magma chamber conditions at Calbuco, and is breaking down into plagioclase, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and magnetite in the magma.