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The development, application, and implications of a strategy for reflective learning from experience
The problem on which this study focused was individuals' reduced capacity to respond to change and to engage in innovative learning when their reflective learning skills are limited. In this study, the preceding problem was addressed by two primary questions: To what degree can mastery of a strategy for reflective learning be facilitated as a part of an academic curriculum for professional practitioners? What impact will mastery of this strategy have on the learning style and adaptive flexibility of adult learners? The focus of the study was a direct application of human resource development technology in the professional preparation of teachers. The background of the problem in light of changing global paradigms and educational action orientations was outlined and a review of the literature was provided. Roots of thought for two key concepts (i.e., learning to learn from experience and meaningful reflection in learning) were traced. Reflective perspectives from the work of eight researchers were compared. A meta-model of learning from experience drawn from the literature served as a conceptual framework for the study. A strategy for reflective learning developed from this meta-model was taught to 109 teachers-in-training at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. Kolb's Adaptive Style Inventory and Learning Style Inventory were administered to the treatment group and to two control groups taught by the same professor. Three research questions and fourteen hypotheses guided data analysis. Qualitative review of 1565 personal documents generated by the treatment group indicated that 77 students demonstrated "double-loop" learning, going beyond previously established limits to perception, understanding, or action. The mean score for depth of reflection indicated "single-loop" learning with "reflection-in-action" present. The change in the mean score for depth of reflection from the beginning to end of the study was statistically significant (p $<$.05). On quantitative measures of adaptive flexibility and learning style, with two exceptions, there were no significant differences noted between treatment and control groups on pre-test to post-test differences and on post-test mean scores adjusted for pre-test responses and demographic variables. Conclusions were drawn regarding treatment, instrumentation, and application of the strategy and the meta-model. Implications of the strategy and the meta-model for research, for education, for human resource development, for professional practice, and for personal growth were suggested. Qualitative training materials and Kolb's instruments were provided in the appendices.
Tropical rainforests account for more than a third of global net primary production and contain more than half of the global forest carbon. Though these forests are a disproportionately important component of the global carbon cycle, the relationship between rainforest productivity and climate remains poorly understood. Understanding the link between current climate and rainforest tree stem diameter increment, a major constituent of forest productivity, will be crucial to efforts at modeling future climate and rainforest response to climate change. This work reports the physiological and stem growth responses to micrometeorological and phenological states of ten species of canopy trees in a Costa Rican wet tropical forest at sub-annual time intervals. I measured tree growth using band dendrometers and estimated leaf and reproductive phenological states monthly. Electronic data loggers recorded xylem sap flow (an indicator of photosynthetic rate) and weather at half-hour intervals. An analysis of xylem sap flow showed that physiological responses were independent of species, which allowed me to construct a general model of weather driven sap flow rates. This model predicted more than eighty percent of climate driven sap flow variation. Leaf phenology influenced growth in three of the ten species, with two of these species showing a link between leaf phenology and weather. A combination of rainfall, air temperature, and irradiance likely provided the cues that triggered leaf drop in Dipteryx panamensis and Lecythis ampla. Combining the results of the sap flow model, growth, and the climate measures showed tree growth was correlated to climate, though the majority of growth variation remained unexplained. Low variance in the environmental variables and growth rates likely contributed to the large amount of unexplained variation. A simple model that included previous growth increment and three meteorological variables explained from four to nearly fifty percent of the growth variation. Significant growth carryover existed in six of the ten species, and rainfall was positively correlated to growth in eight of the ten species. Minimum nighttime temperature was also correlated to higher growth rates in five of the species and irradiance in two species. These results indicate that tropical rainforest tree trunks could act as carbon sinks if future climate becomes wetter and slightly warmer. ^
One of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain is extracellular β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques containing 39-42 amino acid Aβ peptides. The deposition of Aβ around blood vessels, known as Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), is also a common feature in AD brain. Vascular density and cerebral blood flow are reduced in AD brains, and vascular risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes are also risk factors for AD. We have shown previously that Aβ peptides can potently inhibit angiogenesis both in-vitro and in-vivo, but the mechanism of action for this effect is not known. Therefore, my first hypothesis was that particular amino acid sequence(s) within the Aβ peptide are required for inhibition of angiogenesis. From this aim, I found a peptide sequence which was critical for anti-angiogenic activity (HHQKLVFF). This sequence contains a heparan sulfate proteoglycan growth factor binding domain implying that Aβ can interfere with growth factor signaling. Leading on from this, my second hypothesis was that Aβ can inhibit angiogenesis by binding to growth factor receptors. I found that Aβ can bind to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), and showed that this is one mechanism by which Aβ can inhibit angiogenesis. Since the vasculature is disrupted in AD brains, I investigated whether a strategy to increase brain vascularization would be beneficial against AD pathology. Therefore, my third hypothesis was that voluntary exercise (which is known to increase brain vascularization in rodents) can ameliorate Aβ pathology, increase brain vascularization, and improve behavioral deficits in a transgenic mouse model of AD. I found that exercise has no effect on Aβ pathology, brain vascularization or behavioral deficits. Therefore, in the transgenic mouse model that I used, exercise is an ineffective therapeutic strategy against AD pathology and symptoms.
Somatic growth in fishes is regulated by a variety of hormones. A central step in this hormonal network is the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) axis. Studies conducted evaluated the relationship of hepatic IGF-I (hIGF-1) mRNA with growth as affected by feeding regimes (satiation or restricted level; daily or alternate-day feeding), temperatures (high, ambient, low) and by social stress. To develop a cellular means for the quantification of hIGF-I mRNA levels in O. niloticus, hIGF-I cDNA was isolated and cloned. The partial sequence of IGF-I cDNA encodes for signal peptide, mature protein and a portion of the E-domain. A sensitive TaqMan quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay was developed based on the mature IGF-I. Using the developed qRT-PCR assay a significant positive correlation was observed between hIGF-I mRNA levels and growth rate of fish reared under different feeding regimes (r = 0.64) and temperature conditions (r = 0.64). On the dynamics of hIGF-I gene expression in response to elevated temperature, hIGF-I mRNA levels were significantly elevated after at least 2 days of exposure to warm temperature. This validates the concept that hIGF-I gene expressions are sufficiently sensitive to be used as a rapid growth rate indicator for O. niloticus. The hIGF-I levels have a significant positive correlation with specific growth rate (length; r = 0.92), and with condition factor (r = 0.55). On the effect of social stress, differential alterations in growth rates between the dominant and subordinates were observed which was attributed more to behavioral changes as transduced by physiological regulators. The fish's relative position in the social hierarchy was consistently reflected in the levels of hIGF-I mRNA and the eye color pattern. Subordination depressed hIGF-I levels while dominance stimulated it. These findings have shown that hGF-I level remained positively correlated to growth rate as affected by feeding regime, temperature and social stress. This suggests that hIGF-I plays a key role in controlling growth in O. niloticus and indicates that IGF-I mRNA quantification could prove useful for the rapid assessment of growth rate in this species of fish.
Tree islands in the Shark River Slough of the Everglades National Park (ENP), in the southern state of Florida in the United States, are part of a wetland system of densely vegetated ridges interspersed within relatively open sloughs. Human alteration of this system has had dramatic negative effects on the landscape of the region and restoration efforts will require adjusting the hydrology of the region to assure the preservation of these important ecologic features. The primary objectives of this study were to document the hydrology in the vicinity of tree islands in ENP by measuring velocities in time and space and by characterizing suspended sediments. The results of such measurements were interpreted with respect to factors that may limit tree island growth. The measurements were conducted in the vicinity of three tree islands known as Black Hammock (BH), Gumbo Limbo (GL), and an unnamed island that was named for this study as Satin Leaf (SL). Acoustical Doppler Velocity (ADV) meters were used for measuring the low velocities of the Everglades water flow. Properties of suspended sediments were characterized through measurements of particle size distribution, turbidity, concentration and particle density. Mean velocities observed at each of the tree islands varied from 0.9 to 1.4 cm/s. Slightly higher mean velocities were observed during the wet season (1.2–1.6 cm/s) versus the dry season (0.8–1.3 cm/s). Maximum velocities of more than 4 cm/s were measured in areas of Cladium jamaicense die-off and at the hardwood hammock (head) of the islands. At the island’s head, water is channelized around obstructions such as tree trunks in relatively rapid flow, which may limit the lateral extent of tree island growth. Channelization is facilitated by shade from the tree canopy, which limits the growth of underwater vegetation thereby minimizing the resistance to flow and limiting sediment deposition. Suspended sediment concentrations were low (0.5–1.5 mg/L) at all study sites and were primarily of organic origin. The mean particle size of the suspended sediments was 3 μm with a distribution that was exponential. Critical velocities needed to cause re-suspension of these particles were estimated to be above the actual velocities observed. Sediment transport within the water column appears to be at a near steady state during the conditions evaluated with low rates of sediment loss balanced by presumably the release of equivalent quantities of particles of organic origin. Existing hydrologic conditions do not appear to transport sufficient suspended sediments to result in the formation of tree islands. Of interest would be to collect hydrologic and sediment transport data during extreme hydrologic events to determine if enough sediment is transported under these conditions to promote sufficient sediment accumulations.
In the article - Past, Present, and Future: The Food Service Industry and Its Changes - by Brother Herman E. Zaccarelli, International Director, Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Institute at Purdue University, Brother Zaccarelli initially states: “Educators play an important role in the evolution of the food service industry. The author discusses that evolution and suggests how educators can be change agents along with management in that evolutionary progression.” The author goes on to wax philosophically, as well as speak generically about the food service industry; to why it offers fascinating and rewarding careers. Additionally, he writes about the influence educators have on students in this regard. “Educators can speak about how the food service industry has benefited them both personally and professionally,” says Brother Zaccarelli. “We get excited about alerting students to the many opportunities and, in fact, serve as “salespersons” for the industry to whoever (school administrators, legislators, and peers in the educational institution) will listen.” Brother Zaccarelli also speaks to growth and changes in food service, and even more importantly about the people and faces behind everything that food service, and hospitality in general comprise. The author will have you know, that people are what drive an educator. “What makes the food service industry so great? At the heart of this question's answer is people: the people whom it serves in institutional and commercial operations of all types; the people who work within it; the people who provide the goods, services, and equipment to it; the people who study it,” says Brother Zaccarelli. “All of these groups have, of course, a vested personal and/or professional interest in seeing our industry improve.” Another concept the author would like you to absorb, and it’s even more so true today than yesterday, is the prevalence of convergence and divergence within food service. For food service and beyond, it is the common denominators and differences that make the hospitality-food service industry so dynamic and vibrant. These are the winds of change presented to an educator who wants to have a positive impact on students. The author warns that the many elements involved in the food service industry conspire to erode quality of service in an industry that is also persistently expanding, and whose cornerstone principles are underpinned by service itself. “The three concerns addressed - quality, employees, and marketing - are intimately related,” Brother Zaccarelli says in stripping-down the industry to bare essentials. He defines and addresses the issues related to each with an eye toward how education can reconcile said issues.
Integer programming, simulation, and rules of thumb have been integrated to develop a simulation-based heuristic for short-term assignment of fleet in the car rental industry. It generates a plan for car movements, and a set of booking limits to produce high revenue for a given planning horizon. Three different scenarios were used to validate the heuristic. The heuristic's mean revenue was significant higher than the historical ones, in all three scenarios. Time to run the heuristic for each experiment was within the time limits of three hours set for the decision making process even though it is not fully automated. These findings demonstrated that the heuristic provides better plans (plans that yield higher profit) for the dynamic allocation of fleet than the historical decision processes. Another contribution of this effort is the integration of IP and rules of thumb to search for better performance under stochastic conditions.