7 resultados para Hybrid effect
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As an alternative to transverse spiral or hoop steel reinforcement, fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) were introduced to the construction industry in the 1980’s. The concept of concrete-filled FRP tube (CFFT) has raised great interest amongst researchers in the last decade. FRP tube can act as a pour form, protective jacket, and shear and flexural reinforcement for concrete. However, seismic performance of CFFT bridge substructure has not yet been fully investigated. Experimental work in this study included four two-column bent tests, several component tests and coupon tests. Four 1/6-scale bridge pier frames, consisting of a control reinforced concrete frame (RCF), glass FRP-concrete frame (GFF), carbon FRP-concrete frame (CFF), and hybrid glass/carbon FRP-concrete frame (HFF) were tested under reverse cyclic lateral loading with constant axial loads. Specimen GFF did not show any sign of cracking at a drift ratio as high as 15% with considerable loading capacity, whereas Specimen CFF showed that lowest ductility with similar load capacity as in Specimen GFF. FRP-concrete columns and pier cap beams were then cut from the pier frame specimens, and were tested again in three point flexure under monotonic loading with no axial load. The tests indicated that bonding between FRP and concrete and yielding of steel both affect the flexural strength and ductility of the components. The coupon tests were carried out to establish the tensile strength and elastic modulus of each FRP tube and the FRP mold for the pier cap beam in the two principle directions of loading. A nonlinear analytical model was developed to predict the load-deflection responses of the pier frames. The model was validated against test results. Subsequently, a parametric study was conducted with variables such as frame height to span ratio, steel reinforcement ratio, FRP tube thickness, axial force, and compressive strength of concrete. A typical bridge was also simulated under three different ground acceleration records and damping ratios. Based on the analytical damage index, the RCF bridge was most severely damaged, whereas the GFF bridge only suffered minor repairable damages. Damping ratio was shown to have a pronounced effect on FRP-concrete bridges, just the same as in conventional bridges. This research was part of a multi-university project, which is founded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) - Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research (NEESR) program.
As part of a multi-university research program funded by NSF, a comprehensive experimental and analytical study of seismic behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)-concrete column is presented in this dissertation. Experimental investigation includes cyclic tests of six large-scale concrete-filled FRP tube (CFFT) and RC columns followed by monotonic flexural tests, a nondestructive evaluation of damage using ultrasonic pulse velocity in between the two test sets and tension tests of sixty-five FRP coupons. Two analytical models using ANSYS and OpenSees were developed and favorably verified against both cyclic and monotonic flexural tests. The results of the two methods were compared. A parametric study was also carried out to investigate the effect of three main parameters on primary seismic response measures. The responses of typical CFFT columns to three representative earthquake records were also investigated. The study shows that only specimens with carbon FRP cracked, whereas specimens with glass or hybrid FRP did not show any visible cracks throughout cyclic tests. Further monotonic flexural tests showed that carbon specimens both experienced flexural cracks in tension and crumpling in compression. Glass or hybrid specimens, on the other hand, all showed local buckling of FRP tubes. Compared with conventional RC columns, CFFT column possesses higher flexural strength and energy dissipation with an extended plastic hinge region. Among all CFFT columns, the hybrid lay-up demonstrated the highest flexural strength and initial stiffness, mainly because of its high reinforcement index and FRP/concrete stiffness ratio, respectively. Moreover, at the same drift ratio, the hybrid lay-up was also considered as the best in term of energy dissipation. Specimens with glassfiber tubes, on the other hand, exhibited the highest ductility due to better flexibility of glass FRP composites. Furthermore, ductility of CFFTs showed a strong correlation with the rupture strain of FRP. Parametric study further showed that different FRP architecture and rebar types may lead to different failure modes for CFFT columns. Transient analysis of strong ground motions showed that the column with off-axis nonlinear filament-wound glass FRP tube exhibited a superior seismic performance to all other CFFTs. Moreover, higher FRP reinforcement ratios may lead to a brittle system failure, while a well-engineered FRP reinforcement configuration may significantly enhance the seismic performance of CFFT columns.
The application of advanced materials in infrastructure has grown rapidly in recent years mainly because of their potential to ease the construction, extend the service life, and improve the performance of structures. Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is one such material considered as a novel alternative to conventional concrete. The material microstructure in UHPC is optimized to significantly improve its material properties including compressive and tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, durability, and damage tolerance. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite is another novel construction material with excellent properties such as high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios and good corrosion resistance. Considering the exceptional properties of UHPC and FRP, many advantages can result from the combined application of these two advanced materials, which is the subject of this research. The confinement behavior of UHPC was studied for the first time in this research. The stress-strain behavior of a series of UHPC-filled fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tubes with different fiber types and thicknesses were tested under uniaxial compression. The FRP confinement was shown to significantly enhance both the ultimate strength and strain of UHPC. It was also shown that existing confinement models are incapable of predicting the behavior of FRP-confined UHPC. Therefore, new stress-strain models for FRP-confined UHPC were developed through an analytical study. In the other part of this research, a novel steel-free UHPC-filled FRP tube (UHPCFFT) column system was developed and its cyclic behavior was studied. The proposed steel-free UHPCFFT column showed much higher strength and stiffness, with a reasonable ductility, as compared to its conventional reinforced concrete (RC) counterpart. Using the results of the first phase of column tests, a second series of UHPCFFT columns were made and studied under pseudo-static loading to study the effect of column parameters on the cyclic behavior of UHPCFFT columns. Strong correlations were noted between the initial stiffness and the stiffness index, and between the moment capacity and the reinforcement index. Finally, a thorough analytical study was carried out to investigate the seismic response of the proposed steel-free UHPCFFT columns, which showed their superior earthquake resistance, as compared to their RC counterparts.
Efficient and reliable techniques for power delivery and utilization are needed to account for the increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electric power systems. Such methods are also required for current and future demands of plug-in electric vehicles and high-power electronic loads. Distributed control and optimal power network architectures will lead to viable solutions to the energy management issue with high level of reliability and security. This dissertation is aimed at developing and verifying new techniques for distributed control by deploying DC microgrids, involving distributed renewable generation and energy storage, through the operating AC power system. To achieve the findings of this dissertation, an energy system architecture was developed involving AC and DC networks, both with distributed generations and demands. The various components of the DC microgrid were designed and built including DC-DC converters, voltage source inverters (VSI) and AC-DC rectifiers featuring novel designs developed by the candidate. New control techniques were developed and implemented to maximize the operating range of the power conditioning units used for integrating renewable energy into the DC bus. The control and operation of the DC microgrids in the hybrid AC/DC system involve intelligent energy management. Real-time energy management algorithms were developed and experimentally verified. These algorithms are based on intelligent decision-making elements along with an optimization process. This was aimed at enhancing the overall performance of the power system and mitigating the effect of heavy non-linear loads with variable intensity and duration. The developed algorithms were also used for managing the charging/discharging process of plug-in electric vehicle emulators. The protection of the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system was studied. Fault analysis and protection scheme and coordination, in addition to ideas on how to retrofit currently available protection concepts and devices for AC systems in a DC network, were presented. A study was also conducted on the effect of changing the distribution architecture and distributing the storage assets on the various zones of the network on the system's dynamic security and stability. A practical shipboard power system was studied as an example of a hybrid AC/DC power system involving pulsed loads. Generally, the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system, besides most of the ideas, controls and algorithms presented in this dissertation, were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed, Energy Systems Research Laboratory. All the developments in this dissertation were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed.
As part of a multi-university research program funded by NSF, a comprehensive experimental and analytical study of seismic behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)-concrete column is presented in this dissertation. Experimental investigation includes cyclic tests of six large-scale concrete-filled FRP tube (CFFT) and RC columns followed by monotonic flexural tests, a nondestructive evaluation of damage using ultrasonic pulse velocity in between the two test sets and tension tests of sixty-five FRP coupons. Two analytical models using ANSYS and OpenSees were developed and favorably verified against both cyclic and monotonic flexural tests. The results of the two methods were compared. A parametric study was also carried out to investigate the effect of three main parameters on primary seismic response measures. The responses of typical CFFT columns to three representative earthquake records were also investigated. The study shows that only specimens with carbon FRP cracked, whereas specimens with glass or hybrid FRP did not show any visible cracks throughout cyclic tests. Further monotonic flexural tests showed that carbon specimens both experienced flexural cracks in tension and crumpling in compression. Glass or hybrid specimens, on the other hand, all showed local buckling of FRP tubes. Compared with conventional RC columns, CFFT column possesses higher flexural strength and energy dissipation with an extended plastic hinge region. Among all CFFT columns, the hybrid lay-up demonstrated the highest flexural strength and initial stiffness, mainly because of its high reinforcement index and FRP/concrete stiffness ratio, respectively. Moreover, at the same drift ratio, the hybrid lay-up was also considered as the best in term of energy dissipation. Specimens with glassfiber tubes, on the other hand, exhibited the highest ductility due to better flexibility of glass FRP composites. Furthermore, ductility of CFFTs showed a strong correlation with the rupture strain of FRP. Parametric study further showed that different FRP architecture and rebar types may lead to different failure modes for CFFT columns. Transient analysis of strong ground motions showed that the column with off-axis nonlinear filament-wound glass FRP tube exhibited a superior seismic performance to all other CFFTs. Moreover, higher FRP reinforcement ratios may lead to a brittle system failure, while a well-engineered FRP reinforcement configuration may significantly enhance the seismic performance of CFFT columns.
As an alternative to transverse spiral or hoop steel reinforcement, fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) were introduced to the construction industry in the 1980's. The concept of concrete-filled FRP tube (CFFT) has raised great interest amongst researchers in the last decade. FRP tube can act as a pour form, protective jacket, and shear and flexural reinforcement for concrete. However, seismic performance of CFFT bridge substructure has not yet been fully investigated. Experimental work in this study included four two-column bent tests, several component tests and coupon tests. Four 1/6-scale bridge pier frames, consisting of a control reinforced concrete frame (RCF), glass FRP-concrete frame (GFF), carbon FRP-concrete frame (CFF), and hybrid glass/carbon FRP-concrete frame (HFF) were tested under reverse cyclic lateral loading with constant axial loads. Specimen GFF did not show any sign of cracking at a drift ratio as high as 15% with considerable loading capacity, whereas Specimen CFF showed that lowest ductility with similar load capacity as in Specimen GFF. FRP-concrete columns and pier cap beams were then cut from the pier frame specimens, and were tested again in three point flexure under monotonic loading with no axial load. The tests indicated that bonding between FRP and concrete and yielding of steel both affect the flexural strength and ductility of the components. The coupon tests were carried out to establish the tensile strength and elastic modulus of each FRP tube and the FRP mold for the pier cap beam in the two principle directions of loading. A nonlinear analytical model was developed to predict the load-deflection responses of the pier frames. The model was validated against test results. Subsequently, a parametric study was conducted with variables such as frame height to span ratio, steel reinforcement ratio, FRP tube thickness, axial force, and compressive strength of concrete. A typical bridge was also simulated under three different ground acceleration records and damping ratios. Based on the analytical damage index, the RCF bridge was most severely damaged, whereas the GFF bridge only suffered minor repairable damages. Damping ratio was shown to have a pronounced effect on FRP-concrete bridges, just the same as in conventional bridges. This research was part of a multi-university project, which is founded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research (NEESR) program.
Efficient and reliable techniques for power delivery and utilization are needed to account for the increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electric power systems. Such methods are also required for current and future demands of plug-in electric vehicles and high-power electronic loads. Distributed control and optimal power network architectures will lead to viable solutions to the energy management issue with high level of reliability and security. This dissertation is aimed at developing and verifying new techniques for distributed control by deploying DC microgrids, involving distributed renewable generation and energy storage, through the operating AC power system. To achieve the findings of this dissertation, an energy system architecture was developed involving AC and DC networks, both with distributed generations and demands. The various components of the DC microgrid were designed and built including DC-DC converters, voltage source inverters (VSI) and AC-DC rectifiers featuring novel designs developed by the candidate. New control techniques were developed and implemented to maximize the operating range of the power conditioning units used for integrating renewable energy into the DC bus. The control and operation of the DC microgrids in the hybrid AC/DC system involve intelligent energy management. Real-time energy management algorithms were developed and experimentally verified. These algorithms are based on intelligent decision-making elements along with an optimization process. This was aimed at enhancing the overall performance of the power system and mitigating the effect of heavy non-linear loads with variable intensity and duration. The developed algorithms were also used for managing the charging/discharging process of plug-in electric vehicle emulators. The protection of the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system was studied. Fault analysis and protection scheme and coordination, in addition to ideas on how to retrofit currently available protection concepts and devices for AC systems in a DC network, were presented. A study was also conducted on the effect of changing the distribution architecture and distributing the storage assets on the various zones of the network on the system’s dynamic security and stability. A practical shipboard power system was studied as an example of a hybrid AC/DC power system involving pulsed loads. Generally, the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system, besides most of the ideas, controls and algorithms presented in this dissertation, were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed, Energy Systems Research Laboratory. All the developments in this dissertation were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed.