7 resultados para High-level languages

em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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Petri Nets are a formal, graphical and executable modeling technique for the specification and analysis of concurrent and distributed systems and have been widely applied in computer science and many other engineering disciplines. Low level Petri nets are simple and useful for modeling control flows but not powerful enough to define data and system functionality. High level Petri nets (HLPNs) have been developed to support data and functionality definitions, such as using complex structured data as tokens and algebraic expressions as transition formulas. Compared to low level Petri nets, HLPNs result in compact system models that are easier to be understood. Therefore, HLPNs are more useful in modeling complex systems. ^ There are two issues in using HLPNs—modeling and analysis. Modeling concerns the abstracting and representing the systems under consideration using HLPNs, and analysis deals with effective ways study the behaviors and properties of the resulting HLPN models. In this dissertation, several modeling and analysis techniques for HLPNs are studied, which are integrated into a framework that is supported by a tool. ^ For modeling, this framework integrates two formal languages: a type of HLPNs called Predicate Transition Net (PrT Net) is used to model a system's behavior and a first-order linear time temporal logic (FOLTL) to specify the system's properties. The main contribution of this dissertation with regard to modeling is to develop a software tool to support the formal modeling capabilities in this framework. ^ For analysis, this framework combines three complementary techniques, simulation, explicit state model checking and bounded model checking (BMC). Simulation is a straightforward and speedy method, but only covers some execution paths in a HLPN model. Explicit state model checking covers all the execution paths but suffers from the state explosion problem. BMC is a tradeoff as it provides a certain level of coverage while more efficient than explicit state model checking. The main contribution of this dissertation with regard to analysis is adapting BMC to analyze HLPN models and integrating the three complementary analysis techniques in a software tool to support the formal analysis capabilities in this framework. ^ The SAMTools developed for this framework in this dissertation integrates three tools: PIPE+ for HLPNs behavioral modeling and simulation, SAMAT for hierarchical structural modeling and property specification, and PIPE+Verifier for behavioral verification.^


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Petri Nets are a formal, graphical and executable modeling technique for the specification and analysis of concurrent and distributed systems and have been widely applied in computer science and many other engineering disciplines. Low level Petri nets are simple and useful for modeling control flows but not powerful enough to define data and system functionality. High level Petri nets (HLPNs) have been developed to support data and functionality definitions, such as using complex structured data as tokens and algebraic expressions as transition formulas. Compared to low level Petri nets, HLPNs result in compact system models that are easier to be understood. Therefore, HLPNs are more useful in modeling complex systems. There are two issues in using HLPNs - modeling and analysis. Modeling concerns the abstracting and representing the systems under consideration using HLPNs, and analysis deals with effective ways study the behaviors and properties of the resulting HLPN models. In this dissertation, several modeling and analysis techniques for HLPNs are studied, which are integrated into a framework that is supported by a tool. For modeling, this framework integrates two formal languages: a type of HLPNs called Predicate Transition Net (PrT Net) is used to model a system's behavior and a first-order linear time temporal logic (FOLTL) to specify the system's properties. The main contribution of this dissertation with regard to modeling is to develop a software tool to support the formal modeling capabilities in this framework. For analysis, this framework combines three complementary techniques, simulation, explicit state model checking and bounded model checking (BMC). Simulation is a straightforward and speedy method, but only covers some execution paths in a HLPN model. Explicit state model checking covers all the execution paths but suffers from the state explosion problem. BMC is a tradeoff as it provides a certain level of coverage while more efficient than explicit state model checking. The main contribution of this dissertation with regard to analysis is adapting BMC to analyze HLPN models and integrating the three complementary analysis techniques in a software tool to support the formal analysis capabilities in this framework. The SAMTools developed for this framework in this dissertation integrates three tools: PIPE+ for HLPNs behavioral modeling and simulation, SAMAT for hierarchical structural modeling and property specification, and PIPE+Verifier for behavioral verification.


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A multipurpose open architecture motion control system was developed with three platforms for control and monitoring. The Visual Basic user interface communicated with the operator and gave instructions to the electronic components. The first platform had a BASIC Stamp based controller and three stepping motors. The second platform had a controller, amplifiers and two DC servomotors. The third platform had a DSP module. In this study, each platform was used on machine tools either to move the table or to evaluate the incoming signal. The study indicated that by using advanced microcontrollers, which use high-level languages, motor controllers, DSPs (Digital Signal Processor) and microcomputers, the motion control of different systems could be realized in a short time. Although, the proposed systems had some limitations, their jobs were performed effectively. ^


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Modern software systems are often large and complicated. To better understand, develop, and manage large software systems, researchers have studied software architectures that provide the top level overall structural design of software systems for the last decade. One major research focus on software architectures is formal architecture description languages, but most existing research focuses primarily on the descriptive capability and puts less emphasis on software architecture design methods and formal analysis techniques, which are necessary to develop correct software architecture design. ^ Refinement is a general approach of adding details to a software design. A formal refinement method can further ensure certain design properties. This dissertation proposes refinement methods, including a set of formal refinement patterns and complementary verification techniques, for software architecture design using Software Architecture Model (SAM), which was developed at Florida International University. First, a general guideline for software architecture design in SAM is proposed. Second, specification construction through property-preserving refinement patterns is discussed. The refinement patterns are categorized into connector refinement, component refinement and high-level Petri nets refinement. These three levels of refinement patterns are applicable to overall system interaction, architectural components, and underlying formal language, respectively. Third, verification after modeling as a complementary technique to specification refinement is discussed. Two formal verification tools, the Stanford Temporal Prover (STeP) and the Simple Promela Interpreter (SPIN), are adopted into SAM to develop the initial models. Fourth, formalization and refinement of security issues are studied. A method for security enforcement in SAM is proposed. The Role-Based Access Control model is formalized using predicate transition nets and Z notation. The patterns of enforcing access control and auditing are proposed. Finally, modeling and refining a life insurance system is used to demonstrate how to apply the refinement patterns for software architecture design using SAM and how to integrate the access control model. ^ The results of this dissertation demonstrate that a refinement method is an effective way to develop a high assurance system. The method developed in this dissertation extends existing work on modeling software architectures using SAM and makes SAM a more usable and valuable formal tool for software architecture design. ^


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Software development is an extremely complex process, during which human errors are introduced and result in faulty software systems. It is highly desirable and important that these errors can be prevented and detected as early as possible. Software architecture design is a high-level system description, which embodies many system features and properties that are eventually implemented in the final operational system. Therefore, methods for modeling and analyzing software architecture descriptions can help prevent and reveal human errors and thus improve software quality. Furthermore, if an analyzed software architecture description can be used to derive a partial software implementation, especially when the derivation can be automated, significant benefits can be gained with regard to both the system quality and productivity. This dissertation proposes a framework for an integrated analysis on both of the design and implementation. To ensure the desirable properties of the architecture model, we apply formal verification by using the model checking technique. To ensure the desirable properties of the implementation, we develop a methodology and the associated tool to translate an architecture specification into an implementation written in the combination of Arch-Java/Java/AspectJ programming languages. The translation is semi-automatic so that many manual programming errors can be prevented. Furthermore, the translation inserting monitoring code into the implementation such that runtime verification can be performed, this provides additional assurance for the quality of the implementation. Moreover, validations for the translations from architecture model to program are provided. Finally, several case studies are experimented and presented.


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Distributed applications are exposed as reusable components that are dynamically discovered and integrated to create new applications. These new applications, in the form of aggregate services, are vulnerable to failure due to the autonomous and distributed nature of their integrated components. This vulnerability creates the need for adaptability in aggregate services. The need for adaptation is accentuated for complex long-running applications as is found in scientific Grid computing, where distributed computing nodes may participate to solve computation and data-intensive problems. Such applications integrate services for coordinated problem solving in areas such as Bioinformatics. For such applications, when a constituent service fails, the application fails, even though there are other nodes that can substitute for the failed service. This concern is not addressed in the specification of high-level composition languages such as that of the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). We propose an approach to transparently autonomizing existing BPEL processes in order to make them modifiable at runtime and more resilient to the failures in their execution environment. By transparent introduction of adaptive behavior, adaptation preserves the original business logic of the aggregate service and does not tangle the code for adaptive behavior with that of the aggregate service. The major contributions of this dissertation are: first, we assessed the effectiveness of BPEL language support in developing adaptive mechanisms. As a result, we identified the strengths and limitations of BPEL and came up with strategies to address those limitations. Second, we developed a technique to enhance existing BPEL processes transparently in order to support dynamic adaptation. We proposed a framework which uses transparent shaping and generative programming to make BPEL processes adaptive. Third, we developed a technique to dynamically discover and bind to substitute services. Our technique was evaluated and the result showed that dynamic utilization of components improves the flexibility of adaptive BPEL processes. Fourth, we developed an extensible policy-based technique to specify how to handle exceptional behavior. We developed a generic component that introduces adaptive behavior for multiple BPEL processes. Fifth, we identify ways to apply our work to facilitate adaptability in composite Grid services.


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Background: Ecosystems worldwide are suffering the consequences of anthropogenic impact. The diverse ecosystem of coral reefs, for example, are globally threatened by increases in sea surface temperatures due to global warming. Studies to date have focused on determining genetic diversity, the sequence variability of genes in a species, as a proxy to estimate and predict the potential adaptive response of coral populations to environmental changes linked to climate changes. However, the examination of natural gene expression variation has received less attention. This variation has been implicated as an important factor in evolutionary processes, upon which natural selection can act. Results: We acclimatized coral nubbins from six colonies of the reef-building coral Acropora millepora to a common garden in Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef, GBR) for a period of four weeks to remove any site-specific environmental effects on the physiology of the coral nubbins. By using a cDNA microarray platform, we detected a high level of gene expression variation, with 17% (488) of the unigenes differentially expressed across coral nubbins of the six colonies (jsFDR-corrected, p < 0.01). Among the main categories of biological processes found differentially expressed were transport, translation, response to stimulus, oxidation-reduction processes, and apoptosis. We found that the transcriptional profiles did not correspond to the genotype of the colony characterized using either an intron of the carbonic anhydrase gene or microsatellite loci markers. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence of the high inter-colony variation in A. millepora at the transcriptomic level grown under a common garden and without a correspondence with genotypic identity. This finding brings to our attention the importance of taking into account natural variation between reef corals when assessing experimental gene expression differences. The high transcriptional variation detected in this study is interpreted and discussed within the context of adaptive potential and phenotypic plasticity of reef corals. Whether this variation will allow coral reefs to survive to current challenges remains unknown.