6 resultados para HERBICIDES PARAQUAT
em Digital Commons at Florida International University
Passive samplers are not only a versatile tool to integrate environmental concentrations of pollutants, but also to avoid the use of live sentinel organisms for environmental monitoring. This study introduced the use of magnetic silicone polymer composites (Fe-PDMS) as passive sampling media to pre-concentrate a wide range of analytes from environmental settings. The composite samplers were assessed for their accumulation properties by performing lab experiments with two model herbicides (Atrazine and Irgarol 1051) and evaluated for their uptake properties from environmental settings (waters and sediments). The Fe-PDMS composites showed good accumulation of herbicides and pesticides from both freshwater and saltwater settings and the accumulation mechanism was positively correlated with the log Kow value of individual analytes. Results from the studies show that these composites could be easily used for a wide number of applications such as monitoring, cleanup, and/or bioaccumulation modeling, and as a non-intrusive and nondestructive monitoring tool for environmental forensic purposes.
A comprehensive forensic investigation of sensitive ecosystems in the Everglades Area is presented. Assessing the background levels of contamination in these ecosystems represents a vital resource to build up forensic evidence required to enforce future environmental crimes within the studied areas. This investigation presents the development and validation of a fractionation and isolation method for two families of herbicides commonly applied in the vicinity of the study area, including phenoxy acids like 2,4-D, MCPA, and silvex; as well as the most common triazine-based herbicides like atrazine, prometyne, simazine and related metabolites like DIA and DEA. Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and solid phase extraction (SPE) were used to isolate the analytes from abiotic matrices containing large amounts of organic material. Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API) with electrospray ionization in negative mode (ESP-), and Chemical Ionization in the positive mode (APCI+) were used to perform the characterization of the herbicides of interest.
It is well established that secondary metabolites play an important role in plant chemical defense. In an effort to find natural herbicides research on plant growth regulatory activity of secondary metabolites has received more and more attention recently. The genus Piper has been an important source for useful secondary metabolites.^ Crude extracts from Piper species inhibited gram-positive bacteria and higher plant growth under laboratory conditions. Bioassay-guided isolation and purification lead to the identification of safrole, a phenylpropene, as the responsible agent for the inhibitory activity. Safrole was found to leach from naturally fallen leaves with water. Mechanisms of plant growth inhibition by safrole were investigated. Disassociation of cell membrane from cell walls was determined to be a major cause.^ Phenylpropenes structurally similar to safrole had similar phytogrowth inhibitory activity. It is postulated that phenylpropanoids are an important group of naturally occurring secondary metabolites in plant-plant interactions. ^
A comprehensive investigation of sensitive ecosystems in South Florida with the main goal of determining the identity, spatial distribution, and sources of both organic biocides and trace elements in different environmental compartments is reported. This study presents the development and validation of a fractionation and isolation method of twelve polar acidic herbicides commonly applied in the vicinity of the study areas, including e.g. 2,4-D, MCPA, dichlorprop, mecroprop, picloram in surface water. Solid phase extraction (SPE) was used to isolate the analytes from abiotic matrices containing large amounts of dissolved organic material. Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API) with electrospray ionization in negative mode (ESP-) in a Quadrupole Ion Trap mass spectrometer was used to perform the characterization of the herbicides of interest. ^ The application of Laser Ablation-ICP-MS methodology in the analysis of soils and sediments is reported in this study. The analytical performance of the method was evaluated on certified standards and real soil and sediment samples. Residential soils were analyzed to evaluate feasibility of using the powerful technique as a routine and rapid method to monitor potential contaminated sites. Forty eight sediments were also collected from semi pristine areas in South Florida to conduct screening of baseline levels of bioavailable elements in support of risk evaluation. The LA-ICP-MS data were used to perform a statistical evaluation of the elemental composition as a tool for environmental forensics. ^ A LA-ICP-MS protocol was also developed and optimized for the elemental analysis of a wide range of elements in polymeric filters containing atmospheric dust. A quantitative strategy based on internal and external standards allowed for a rapid determination of airborne trace elements in filters containing both contemporary African dust and local dust emissions. These distributions were used to qualitative and quantitative assess differences of composition and to establish provenance and fluxes to protected regional ecosystems such as coral reefs and national parks. ^
Arsenic is a human carcinogen that has been found in various waters and wines throughout the world. Therefore, close examination of these liquids is necessary to prevent the intoxication of animals and humans. Wines and waters often contain significant amounts of toxic arsenic species. The source of arsenic in wines and waters is generally believed to be the result of arsenic-based pesticides and herbicides. Recent studies have also shown that toxic arsenic may be used in the cultivation and acceleration of the ripening process of fruit, ultimately contaminating fruit-based beverages. The determination of total arsenic can be found by using several methods, including AFS or ICP/MS. No pretreatment of water is necessary, except for filtering by means of a Fisherbrand PTFE 0.45 connected to a Becton-Dickinson 10 mL syringe to filter particles from water. The pretreatment of the wine includes ethanol evaporation and an addition of 0.1% nitric acid. A number of commercial drinking waters and regional lake water were analyzed. Since we have confirmed the presence of arsenic in a variety of waters and wines from different countries, we decided to test a number of commercially available beverages for the presence of arsenic. The focus ofthis project is to establish the presence of arsenic in various commercially available beverages. ICP-MS was used to determine total arsenic using certified standards. Internal standards Indium and Yttrium were also used to verify the concentration readings, which varied from 0- 20 ppb.
A comprehensive investigation of sensitive ecosystems in South Florida with the main goal of determining the identity, spatial distribution, and sources of both organic biocides and trace elements in different environmental compartments is reported. This study presents the development and validation of a fractionation and isolation method of twelve polar acidic herbicides commonly applied in the vicinity of the study areas, including e.g. 2,4-D, MCPA, dichlorprop, mecroprop, picloram in surface water. Solid phase extraction (SPE) was used to isolate the analytes from abiotic matrices containing large amounts of dissolved organic material. Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API) with electrospray ionization in negative mode (ESP-) in a Quadrupole Ion Trap mass spectrometer was used to perform the characterization of the herbicides of interest. The application of Laser Ablation-ICP-MS methodology in the analysis of soils and sediments is reported in this study. The analytical performance of the method was evaluated on certified standards and real soil and sediment samples. Residential soils were analyzed to evaluate feasibility of using the powerful technique as a routine and rapid method to monitor potential contaminated sites. Forty eight sediments were also collected from semi pristine areas in South Florida to conduct screening of baseline levels of bioavailable elements in support of risk evaluation. The LA-ICP-MS data were used to perform a statistical evaluation of the elemental composition as a tool for environmental forensics. A LA-ICP-MS protocol was also developed and optimized for the elemental analysis of a wide range of elements in polymeric filters containing atmospheric dust. A quantitative strategy based on internal and external standards allowed for a rapid determination of airborne trace elements in filters containing both contemporary African dust and local dust emissions. These distributions were used to qualitative and quantitative assess differences of composition and to establish provenance and fluxes to protected regional ecosystems such as coral reefs and national parks.