7 resultados para Fashion and Sun Saftey
em Digital Commons at Florida International University
Higher education always plays an important role in the development of a nation. Taiwan is no exception. Graduates of the National Taiwan University have occupied most of the important positions in this country and today many devote themselves to the development of Taiwan since the central government of the Republic of China (ROC) withdrew from Mainland China and re-located to Taiwan in the winter of 1949. The higher education system in Taiwan, including university and junior colleges, received special attention from the government except from 1945 to 1949 during the transitional period; the time of the early restoration year and the central government's retreating period from Mainland China.^ The five presidents of National Taiwan University who served from 1949 to 1993, Fu Szu-nien, Chien Seu-liang, Yen Chen-Hsing, Yu Chao-chung, and Sun Chen, are the subject of this research. All of the presidents were appointed by the government which established a direct connection between the government and the university leadership. The purpose of this study is to understand how each president balanced politically assigned roles and expectations with personal visionary academic responsiveness to the principles which define the university.^ Each president and his tenure were analyzed using historical research, a developed leadership model, an integration of role theory, Locke's leadership model, Wiles and Bondi curriculum leader tasks, and Burn's leadership style. Results of analyses of documents showed that all presidents of the National Taiwan University were highly respected due to their academic background, personal characteristics, and contribution to the university as a leader. Meanwhile, implementation and achievement of the presidents led to the conclusion that appointed university presidents had significant relationships with government policy. Their leadership style was affected strongly by their personal traits and knowledge and the social and political climate of the time. ^
Examining factors that affect vitamin D status in the fast-growing elderly population of Miami-Dade, Florida, is needed. Vitamin D deficiency in older adults has been linked to correlates of disability, including falls and fractures, and cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of vitamin D insufficient individuals and their relationship with vitamin D insufficiency in older adults (n=97) living in Miami-Dade. We evaluated the association between vitamin D status and 1) dual task physical performance to understand the link between vitamin D and cognition in the context of mobility; and 2) cardiometabolic risk, measured by galvanic skin response, pulse oximetry, and blood pressure to create a composite score based on autonomic nervous system and endothelial function. Participants completed baseline assessments that included serum levels of vitamin D, anthropometrics, body composition, dual task physical performance and cardiometabolic risk. Surveys to evaluate vitamin D intake, sun exposure, physical activity, and depressive symptoms were completed. Spearman’s correlations, independent t-tests, paired t-tests, repeated measures ANOVAs, and multiple logistic and linear regressions were used to examine the relationship of vitamin D insufficiency (25(OH)D /ml) and sufficiency (25(OH)D ≥30 ng/ml) with determinants of vitamin D status, dual task physical performance variables and cardiometabolic risk scores. Although the proportion of vitamin D insufficient individuals was lower when compared to the prevalance of the general United States elderly population, it was still common in healthy community-dwelling older adults living in Miami-Dade County, especially among Hispanics. Factors that affected skin synthesis (ethnicity, and sun exposure), and bioavailability/metabolism (obesity) were significant predictors of vitamin D status. Vitamin D insufficiency was not significantly correlated with worse dual task physical performance; however, cognitive performance was worse in the vitamin D insufficient group. Our results suggest a relationship of vitamin D insufficiency with executive dysfunction, and support an association with cardiometabolic risk using an innovative electro-sensor complex, possibly by modulating autonomic nervous system activity and vascular function, thus affecting cardiac performance.
In recent years, a surprising new phenomenon has emerged in which globally-distributed online communities collaborate to create useful and sophisticated computer software. These open source software groups are comprised of generally unaffiliated individuals and organizations who work in a seemingly chaotic fashion and who participate on a voluntary basis without direct financial incentive. ^ The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the social network structure of these intriguing groups and their level of output and activity, where social network structure is defined as (1) closure or connectedness within the group, (2) bridging ties which extend outside of the group, and (3) leader centrality within the group. Based on well-tested theories of social capital and centrality in teams, propositions were formulated which suggest that social network structures associated with successful open source software project communities will exhibit high levels of bridging and moderate levels of closure and leader centrality. ^ The research setting was the SourceForge hosting organization and a study population of 143 project communities was identified. Independent variables included measures of closure and leader centrality defined over conversational ties, along with measures of bridging defined over membership ties. Dependent variables included source code commits and software releases for community output, and software downloads and project site page views for community activity. A cross-sectional study design was used and archival data were extracted and aggregated for the two-year period following the first release of project software. The resulting compiled variables were analyzed using multiple linear and quadratic regressions, controlling for group size and conversational volume. ^ Contrary to theory-based expectations, the surprising results showed that successful project groups exhibited low levels of closure and that the levels of bridging and leader centrality were not important factors of success. These findings suggest that the creation and use of open source software may represent a fundamentally new socio-technical development process which disrupts the team paradigm and which triggers the need for building new theories of collaborative development. These new theories could point towards the broader application of open source methods for the creation of knowledge-based products other than software. ^
Karim Rashid is one of the most prolific designers of his generation. Over 3000 designs in production, over 300 awards and working in over 35 countries attest to Karim’s legend of design. Karim’s diversity affords him the ability to cross-pollinate ideas, materials, behaviors, aesthetics from one typology to the next, crossing boundaries and broadening consumer horizons. His award winning designs include democratic objects such as the ubiquitous Garbo waste can and Oh Chair for Umbra, interiors such as the Morimoto restaurant, Philadelphia and Semiramis hotel, Athens and exhibitions for LG Hausys and Audi. Karim has collaborated with clients to create democratic design for Method and Dirt Devil, furniture for Artemide and Magis, brand identity for Citibank and Hyundai, high tech products for LaCie and Samsung, and luxury goods for Veuve Clicquot and Swarovski, to name a few. Karim has recently been selected to design several real estate developments in New York City for HAP Investments, a New York City based International investment group. Karim’s work is featured in 20 permanent collections and he exhibits art in galleries world wide. Karim is a perennial winner of the Red Dot award, Chicago Athenaeum Good Design award, I.D. Magazine Annual Design Review, IDSA Industrial Design Excellence award. He holds honorary doctorates from the Ontario college of Art & Design and Corcoran College of Art & Design. 2011 highlighted Karim’s largest retrospective to date at the Triennale, in Milan, Italy. Karim is a frequent guest lecturer at universities and conferences globally disseminating the importance of design in everyday life. Karim has been featured in magazines including Time, Financial Times, NY Times, Esquire, GQ and countless more. His books include From the Beginning, Forma Edizioni (2014), Sketch, Frame (2012), a monograph of 300 drawings and computer renderings of selected works, KarimSpace, Rizzoli (2009), Design Your Self, Harper Collins (2006), Evolution, Rizzoli (2004) and I Want to Change the World, Universe (2001). In his spare time Karim’s pluralism flirts with art, fashion, and music and is determined to creatively touch every aspect of our physical and virtual landscape.
In recent years, a surprising new phenomenon has emerged in which globally-distributed online communities collaborate to create useful and sophisticated computer software. These open source software groups are comprised of generally unaffiliated individuals and organizations who work in a seemingly chaotic fashion and who participate on a voluntary basis without direct financial incentive. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the social network structure of these intriguing groups and their level of output and activity, where social network structure is defined as 1) closure or connectedness within the group, 2) bridging ties which extend outside of the group, and 3) leader centrality within the group. Based on well-tested theories of social capital and centrality in teams, propositions were formulated which suggest that social network structures associated with successful open source software project communities will exhibit high levels of bridging and moderate levels of closure and leader centrality. The research setting was the SourceForge hosting organization and a study population of 143 project communities was identified. Independent variables included measures of closure and leader centrality defined over conversational ties, along with measures of bridging defined over membership ties. Dependent variables included source code commits and software releases for community output, and software downloads and project site page views for community activity. A cross-sectional study design was used and archival data were extracted and aggregated for the two-year period following the first release of project software. The resulting compiled variables were analyzed using multiple linear and quadratic regressions, controlling for group size and conversational volume. Contrary to theory-based expectations, the surprising results showed that successful project groups exhibited low levels of closure and that the levels of bridging and leader centrality were not important factors of success. These findings suggest that the creation and use of open source software may represent a fundamentally new socio-technical development process which disrupts the team paradigm and which triggers the need for building new theories of collaborative development. These new theories could point towards the broader application of open source methods for the creation of knowledge-based products other than software.
Thirteens hade-adaptedr ain forest species were comparedw ith twelve sun-adaptedt ropical forest species for correlates to leaf optical properties (described previously in Amer. J. Bot. 73: 1100-1108). The two samples were similar in absorptance of quanta for photosynthesis, but the shade-adaptedt axa: 1) had significantlyl ower specificl eaf weights,i ndicatinga more metabolically efficient production of surface for quantum capture; 2) synthesized less chlorophyll per unit area; and 3) used less chlorophyll for capturing the same quanta for photosynthesis. The anatomical features that best correlate with this increased efficiency are palisade cell shape and chloroplast distribution. Palisade cells with more equal dimensions have more chloroplasts on their abaxial surfaces. This dense layer of chloroplasts maximizes the light capture efficiency limited by sieve effects. The more columnar palisade cells of sun-adapted taxa allow light to pass through the central vacuoles and spaces between cells, making chloroplasts less efficient in energy capture, but allowing light to reach chloroplasts in the spongy mesophyll. Pioneer species may be an exception to these two groups of species. Three pioneer taxa included in this study have columnar palisade cells that are extremely narrow and packed closely together. This layer allows little penetration of light, but exposure of the leaf undersurface may provide illumination of spongy mesophyll chloroplasts in these plants.
The opticalp ropertieso f the leaves of twelve tropicals un speciesa nd thirteent ropicale xtreme shade species were examinedw ith an integratings pherea ttachedt o a spectroradiometerM. easurements of diffuse reflectance and transmittance allowed calculations of absorptance, 350- 1,100 nm. Althoughs ome shade species absorbedh igherp ercentageso f quantumf lux densities for photosynthesis (400-700 nm, PPFD) than the mean for the sun species, the sun and shade species as groups were not significantly different from each other: 90.2, S.D. 3.6% for shade species and 88.6, S.D. 2.4% for the sun species. The groups of species did not differ in total absorptance of energy 350-1,100 nm. Furthermore, the sun and shade species were identical in theirs hifto f absorptancea t wavelengthsb etween6 50 and 750 nm. The anthocyanicc oloration of the leaf undersurfaceso f two species polymorphicf or this characteristic( Trionela hirsuta and Ischnosciphonp ruinosus)i s correlatedw ith increaseda bsorptancea t the uppere nd of the action spectrum of photosynthesis. Although sun and shade species have similar optical properties, the energy investment (as documented by dry wt per unit area of leaf surface) is much less for the shade species.