em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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The purpose of this study was to determine the emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS) of patients admitted to inpatient telemetry and critical care units and to identify the factors that contribute to a prolonged ED LOS. It also examined whether there was a difference in ED LOS between clients evaluated by an ED physician, an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) or a Physician's Assistant (PA).^ A data collection tool was devised and used to record data obtained by retrospectively reviewing 110 charts of patients from this sample. The mean ED LOS was 286.75 minutes. Multiple factors were recorded as affecting the ED LOS of this sample, including: age, diagnosis, consultations, multiple radiographs, pending admission orders, nurse unable to call report/busy, relatives at bedside, observation or stabilization necessary, bed not ready and infusion in progress. No significant difference in ED LOS was noted between subjects initially evaluated by a physician, an ARNP or a PA. ^


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The purpose of this study was to develop, explicate, and validate a comprehensive model in order to more effectively assess community injury prevention needs, plan and target efforts, identify potential interventions, and provide a framework for an outcome-based evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions. A systems model approach was developed to conceptualize the major components of inputs, efforts, outcomes and feedback within a community setting. Profiling of multiple data sources demonstrated a community feedback mechanism that increased awareness of priority issues and elicited support from traditional as well as non-traditional injury prevention partners. Injury countermeasures including education, enforcement, engineering, and economic incentives were presented for their potential synergistic effect impacting on knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors of a targeted population. Levels of outcome data were classified into ultimate, intermediate and immediate indicators to assist with determining the effectiveness of intervention efforts. A collaboration between business and health care was successful in achieving data access and use of an emergency department level of injury data for monitoring of the impact of community interventions. Evaluation of injury events and preventive efforts within the context of a dynamic community systems environment was applied to a study community with examples detailing actual profiling and trending of injuries. The resulting model of community injury prevention was validated using a community focus group, community injury prevention coordinators, and injury prevention national experts. ^


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The United States has over 4 million births annually. Currently healthy women with non-complicated deliveries receive little to no routine postpartum support when discharged from the hospital. This is especially problematic if mothers are first time mothers, poor, have language barriers and little to no social support after giving birth. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to compare maternal and infant health outcomes, and health care charges between 2 groups of mothers and newborns. A control ( n = 69) group received routine posthospital discharge care. An intervention group (n = 70) received routine posthospital discharge care plus follow up telephone calls by advanced practice nurses (APNs) on days 3,7,14,21,28 and week 8. Both groups were followed for the first 8 weeks posthospital discharge following delivery to examine maternal health outcomes (perceived maternal stress, social support and perceived maternal physical health), infant health outcomes (routine medical follow up visits immunizations, weight gain), morbidity (urgent care visits, emergency room visits, rehospitalizations), health care charges (urgent care visits, emergency room visits, rehospitalizations) in both groups and charges for APN follow up in the intervention group only. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-sample t-tests. Study findings indicated that intervention group had significantly lower perceived maternal stress, significantly higher rating of perceived maternal health and higher levels of social support and by the end of the 2nd month posthospital discharge compared to control group mothers. Infants in the intervention group had: increased number of immunizations; fewer emergency room visits; and 1 infant rehospitalization compared to 3 infant rehospitalizations in the control group. The intervention groups' health care charges were significantly lower compared to the control group $14,333/$497 vs. $70,834/$1,068. These study results indicate that an intervention of APN follow up telephone calls in this sample of first time low-income culturally diverse mothers was an effective, safe, low cost, easy to apply intervention which improved mothers' and infants' health outcomes and reduced healthcare charges.


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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is recognized as a serious, growing problem on college campuses. IPV rates among college students exceed estimates reported for the general population. Few studies have examined the impact of IPV among the Hispanic college student (HCS) population or explored how HCSs perceive and experience IPV. Focusing on young adults (ages 18 to 25 years), this mixed methods study was designed to explore the perceptions and experiences of IPV focusing on levels of victimization and perpetration in relation to gender role attitudes and beliefs, exposure to parental IPV, acculturation, and religiosity. A sample of 120 HCSs was recruited from two south Florida universities. A subsample of 20 participants was randomly selected to provide qualitative responses. All participants completed a series of questionnaires including a demographic survey, the FPB, CTS2-CA, SASH, ERS and CTS2. Bivariate correlational techniques and multiple regressions were used to analyze data. Marked discrepancy between participants' perceived experience of IPV (N = 120) and their CTS2 responses (n = 116, 96.7%). Only 5% of the participants saw themselves as victims or perpetrators of IPV, yet 66% were victims or 67% were perpetrators of verbal aggression; and 31% were victims or 32.5% were perpetrators of sexual coercion based on their CTS2 scores. Qualitative responses elicited from the subsample of 20 students provided some insight regarding this disparity. There was rejection of traditional stratified gender roles. Few participants indicated that they were religious (20.8%, n = 25). Evidence for the theory of intergenerational transmission of violence was noted. Recall of parental IPV was a significant predictor of level of IPV victimization (β = 0.177, SE = 0.85, p = 0.041). Nursing and social service providers must be cognizant that contributing factors to either victimization and/or perpetration of IPV among college students must be addressed first (i.e., perceptions of IPV), both in acute (i.e., emergency department) and community (i.e., college and university) settings for optimum intervention outcome.